Changes to Data Views in InfoAccess to take Effect on April 30, 2020

Changes to clarify and improve the reporting of student race/ethnicity could impact you in the coming months.  

On April 30, 2020, the following fields will be removed from nine InfoAccess data views: 

Stdnt Ethnic Detail Primary Ind
Ethnic Group Code
Ethnic Group Descr Short
Ethnic Group Descr
Stdnt MultitermDiversity
Diversity Descr
Ethnic Group
Ethnic Group Descr
Targeted Minority
Retention StudentEthnic Group
Targeted Minority
Retention Awards MainDiversity
Targeted Minority
Stdnt Ugrd ApplicantEthnic Group
Ethnic Group Descr Short
Targeted Minority
Ugrd ProspectEthnic Group Code
Targeted Minority Ind
Stdnt Grad ApplicantsEthnic
Ethnic Description
Ethnic Detail
Ethnic Detail Descr
Admissions PharmacyEthnic Group
Ethnic Group Descr
Targeted Minority
Admissions Special GuestEthnic Group
Ethnic Group Descr
Targeted Minority

The decision to remove the fields was made: 

  1. to improve accuracy and consistency, 
  2. to conform to federal guidelines for the reporting of race/ethnicity, and, 
  3. to align with data governance management practices.  

The eliminated fields no longer provide accurate information because they relied on data fields in SIS that are no longer consistently populated. These fields are also inconsistent with current Department of Education reporting guidelines for student race/ethnicity information.  

Going forward, please use the following views to meet your needs: 

Stdnt Ethnic ReportingOne row per student/applicant showing the federal race/ethnic reporting category value. Also contains indicators flagging each race/ethnic group the person identified with.
Stdnt Ethnic DetailPotentially multiple rows per student/applicant depending on how they identified. This data view also contains any race/ethnic subcategories the student identified.
NOTE: use only Ethnic Code, Ethnic Descr Short, and Ethnic Descr.
Frozen Enrollment DemoFor a frozen snapshot of enrolled students showing the federal race/ethnic reporting category.
NOTE: The race/ethnicity fields Diversity, Diversity Subgroup, Ethnic Group, and Ethnic Group Descr will remain on this view but no longer be populated; use only the Ethnic Reporting Category field.

For additional information, please see read APIR’s information about the collection and reporting of student race/ethnicity.

If you have any questions or require any assistance, please feel free to contact the student domain data steward Phil Hull (Office of the Registrar), or email the InfoAccess Team.

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