- Displays Faculty relationship information. It shows the type of relationship the appointment has with the faculty. This view only contains Faculty relationship information effective at the time of weekly extraction. This view contains no history. This data view uses UDDS code to limit the records returned based on your authorization.
- The data in this view is refreshed every weekend.
- Human Resources Office
Contac: Catharine Derubeis - AUTHORIZATION
- You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to InfoAccess Home Page
CONSIDERATIONS - The APPT_EFF_DATE and APPT_END_DATE must be used together to select the correct appointment information depending on what you are looking for. Fac_rel_apptdept is the appt department associated with the Fac relation. This field as also broken down by unit division dept and subdept for ease of query criteria use. Appt_major_dept is not broken down as it was in the previous fac_relation view.
- Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357) - LAST UPDATED
- 9/26/95 – Changed base table of this view – rzs
10/97 – Div_Affiliation field not longer used – spaced out
3/99 – View changed to include faculty relation data from new faculty relation and tenure tables
05/07 – Added ‘Post_Tenure_Review_Date’ C4j .
10/07 – Data Custodian change.
11/11 – Data Custodian Change c4j . - DATA FORMATS
- The codes following the field names in this document define the field. The different types are:
- Alphanumeric Data
- A – Alphanumeric field. This indicates the field may contain Letters and/or numbers. The number following is the field length.
Example: a field defined as A5 could contain ‘E10LN’. - Numeric Data
- N – Numeric data. This indicates the field may contain only numbers. The number following is the field length. If two digits with a decimal point in between are present the first indicates the number of positions before the decimal point and the second the number of digits after the decimal point.
Example: a field defined as N4.2 would be in the format 9999.99 whereas N6 would be in the format 999999. - Date
- D – Date field — this means the field is stored a date. The format is described in the text description. The way this type of field will display in the result section of a query will be dependent upon what default the query tool you are using is set to. Some query tools default to a date/time mode which would show the data 1998-9-03 8:00 or some have a format DD-MMM-(YY)YY. Most query tools allow you to change this to a format you want but you must be aware of what the default is.
Column Name | Format | Description |
PERSON_NAME | Char 30 | The name currently used by the person. |
PERSON_ID | Char 8 | A unique number assigned to a person. It is always the same. |
APPOINTMENT_ID | Char 8 | The assignment of an appointment ID number means a person has been selected but the appointment is not valid until the effective date is reached. An appointment must exist for each person who is to be paid salary or stipend, and each person without pay who has a university affiliation. The APPOINTMENT_ID is automatically generated by a subroutine that obtains the next available number and an appointment record is created. |
APPOINTMENT_TYPE | Char 2 | This identifies the major personnel category for this appointment. Each type is governed by specific statutes and/or personnel regulations, policies, or procedures. Appointment type can change from classified permanent to academic staff and vice versa. This is called a conversion.
Valid values: |
APPT_MAJOR_DEPT | Char 11 | This department is the one that coordinates the appointment. It is used for unclassified and classified appointments to identify this department as the one that will assume responsibility for coordinating the personnel decisions, including merit salary increases, probationary periods, tenure or indefinite status, layoff or non-renewal. This is the “home” department for academic staff voting rights and administrative contacts. When more than one department is associated with an appointment, the one initiating the appointment is generally the major department. The major department should be determined at the time of the initial appointment. Positive action is required to change this designation; it is not affected by temporary funding agreements |
FAC_REL_APPTDEPT | Char 7 | The basic unit of personnel administration. Each employee belongs to one of more appointment departments. |
FAC_REL_UNIT | Char 1 | This is the first character of the FAC_REL_APPTDEPT FIELD. |
FAC_REL_DIV | Char 2 | These are the second and third characters of FAC_REL_APPTDEPT field. |
FAC_REL_DEP | Char 2 | These are the fourth and fifth characters of the FAC_REL_APPTDEPT field |
FAC_REL_SUBDEPT | Char 2 | These are the sixth and seventh characters of the FAC_REL_APPTDEPT field. |
DEPT_FTE_PERCENT | Num 3.4 | The percentage of full-time for an appointment within an appointment department. This represents the proportion of full-time appointment for which this department is responsible on an on-going basis. It provides the payroll/accounting edit for ensuring that all funding amounts have been entered. Supports budget calculations, and may be used to determine eligibility for fringe benefits. This percentage remains constant through temporary changes in funding sources or temporary leaves without pay. Departments that provide short-term funding but assume no personnel responsibility (e.g., graduate school research committee) need not be linked to an appointment as an appointment department with a percent appointment department. If hours authorized entered, percent appointment department is computed: percent = hours authorized / 80.0 (biweekly) or percent = hours authorized / 176.0 (monthly) |
DEPT_EFF_DATE | Char 8 | Begin date of employment or personnel association in this department. Format: YYYYMMDD |
DEPT_END_DATE | Char 8 | End date of employment or personnel association in this department. Format: YYYYMMDD. |
TOTAL_APPT_PERCENT | Num 3.4 | The percentage of full-time for an appointment |
TOTAL_TNR_PERCENT | Num 3.4 | The total percentage of support that has been guaranteed a Madison faculty Appointment – Madison only |
APPT_EFF_DATE | Char 8 | This is the start date of the appointment. Format is YYYYMMDD. |
APPT_END_DATE | Char 8 | This is the date that the appointment ends. This is the last date the appointment is in active pay status. Format: YYYYMMDD and it must be the same or later than the begin date for this appointment. |
SOC_SEC_NUMBER | Char 9 | The social security number is a nine-digit identifier number assigned by the social security administration. It is required for all paid individuals with the exception of foreign employees working overseas |
TITLE_CODE | Char 5 | Used to identify the Official University System title, or Wisconsin Civil Service title for the appointment. |
TITLE_NAME | Char 21 | Descriptive name assigned to a title code |
APPT_BASE_RATE | Num 8.3 | For each appointment, the salary base rate is the amount of money the University agrees to pay the employee for the work done in the appointment expressed in a standardized form. The standardization assumes that the employee (1) Works full-time (100% or 1.00 FTE), and (2) Works for a full year as defined by the salary basis under which he or she is being paid. For example; for classified staff, full-time is defined as 40 hours per week, and a full year is 52 weeks or 2088 hours (including paid vacation time). For unclassified, except hourly salary basis employees, the expectation for what constitutes full-time employment is worked out by the employee, his or her department and the Dean is expressed as a fractional FTE.
It should be carefully noted that the amount in this field is by no means necessarily the amount actually paid to the employee by the University. If the period worked is less than a year, if the employee works less (or more) than full-time for part or all of the period, or for a variety of other reasons, the actual renumeration may be higher or lower than the salary base rate. The display format of the salary base rate depends on salary basis. If salary basis is “H”, then the rate is displayed with three decimal positions. For any other salary basis, the rate is displayed as a whole dollar amount, without a decimal point. |
SALARY_BASIS | Char 1 | Contains the pay basis for this appointment. It is determined by the following:
“C” (academic year) – Directly tied to the academic year calendar. May include employees not necessarily engaged in classroom instruction, but the timing of whose services is dictated by the instructional calendar (including registration periods, final exam periods, etc.). “A” (annual year) – Responsibilities continue regardless of whether classroom instruction is taking place. Although the annual basis describes the fiscal year from July 1 thru June 30, annual basis appointments can be for a period of shorter duration than the fiscal year. “H” (hourly) – All classified employees are normally paid using this basis. Unclassified appointments for 25% time or less or if workloads fluctuate sufficiently to justify hourly rather than an annual or academic one. “L” (lump) – If the nature of the work is “piece work” and performance the piece of work of work is paid as one amount. Used infrequently. The display format of the salary base rate depends on salary basis. If salary basis is “H”, then the rate is displayed with three decimal positions. For any other salary basis, the rate is displayed as a whole dollar amount, without a decimal point. |
FAC_SENATE_DISTRICT_NUM | Char 3 | The current faculty senate district number (if any) for the appointment. Madison Only |
FAC_SEN_DIST_SEAT_NUM | Char 2 | The current faculty senate district seat number (if any) for the appointment. Madison Only |
FAC_SEN_DIST_SEAT_TYPE | Char 1 | The current faculty senate district seat type (if any) for the appointment. Madison Only |
FAC_RELATION | Char 1 | Describes the type of relationship this appointment has with the faculty as a governing body of the University.
Valid values are: |
FAC_RELATION_NAME | Char 15 | Descriptive name of Fac Relation indicator |
FAC_REL_EFF_DATE | Char 8 | The date that the current faculty relationship became effective. Format: YYYYMMDD. |
FAC_REL_END_DATE | Char 8 | The date that the current faculty relationship ended. Format: YYYYMMDD. |
POST_TENURE_REVIEW_DATE | Char 8 | Optional. Date of the last post-tenure review. A history of post-tenure review dates is not retained. The entered value must be a valid date format. Also, the appointment type must be ‘FA’ (faculty) on the entered date. The date is entered/changed via IADS transaction APCHGT and viewed on APPI (pg 2) |
TENURE_PERCENT | Char 8 | The percentage of support that a department has guaranteed a Madison faculty Appointment – Madison only. |
TENURE_PCT_EFF_DATE | Char 8 | The date that the guarantee department began the tenure percent for the appointment. Format: YYYYMMDD. Madison Only |
TENURE_PCT_END_DATE | Char 8 | The date that the tenure percentage amount stops for the appointment guarantee department. Format: YYYYMMDD. Madison Only |
CONTRACT_BEGIN_DATE | Char 8 | The date the contract begins. For UW-Madison contracts are given to probationary faculty, probationary, probationary leading to indefinite academic staff or coach. Contracts are not used for UW-Madison fixed term academic staff, indefinite academic staff, tenured faculty, classified or limited etc. UW-Milwaukee – contracts are given to all on-going, unclassified staff. |
CONTRACT_END_DATE | Char 8 | The date the contract ends |
FUNDING_RESPONSIBILITY | Char 1 | Describes the level of funding responsibility of the University system that may be related to salary or stipend payments made to the appointment. It does not indicate whether the University is reimbursed for the payments made.
Valid values: The funding authorization for this appointment covers a portion of the responsibility. 0 – University holds no funding responsibility (zero dollar). No funding authorization or FTE is allowed for this appointment If the University picks up responsibility later, a new appointment must be established; the code cannot be changed from 0 (zero dollar) to another value. |
CONTINUITY_STATUS | Char 2 | Describes the continuity of the appointment.
Valid values: |
GUARANTEED_LENGTH | Num 1.1 | The specific period of time stated for the length of, fixed term, if more than one year; Backup; or rolling horizon appointment.
Valid values: |
FEDERAL_APPT_TYPE | Char 1 | Describes the type of Federal or State Appointment related to this appointment.
Valid Values: |
PROB_PCT_VERIF_IND | Char 1 | Indicates if Academic Personnel Office has verified Madison faculty appointment’s tenure percent and probation information is correct. ——- Madison Only
Valid Values: |
EXTRACT_DATE | Char 8 | This is the date of last refreshing of the data. Format: YYYYMMDD |