This view contains a snapshot of appointment data related to people with active appointments during October. This view includes the same individuals as the October Payroll view, but also includes individuals not paid in October who have active appointments, such as $0 appointments or individuals on leave. It now contains data from Oct 1987 through Oct 2010.
This view will be refreshed once a year after October payroll has been run.
UW-Madison Human Resources
Contact: Catharine Derubeis
You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to InfoAccess Home Page
Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357)
10/00 New view created.
11/06 Added rate effective date c4j
10/07 Data Custodian change.
10/07 Updated Service Status definition c4j.
11/11 Data Custodian Change c4j
The codes following the field names in this document define the field. The different types are:
Char – character alphanumeric (i.e.A B C etc)
Number – numeric data (i.e. 1,2, etc)
Date – date format (i.e. 10-jun-98, 19981009 etc depending on How your date defaults are set up on your query tool)
Column Name Format Description
REPORTING_YEAR A4 The year the October payroll was created. For example, if the October payroll tape was created November 3, 1994 the year would be 1994.
PERSON_ID A8 A unique number assigned to each person. The number is always the same for the same person.
SOC_SEC_NUMBER A9 The social security number is a nine- digit identifier assigned by the Social Security Administration.
The social security number is required for all paid individuals with the exception of foreign employees working overseas, and is the key associated with each record of reportable earnings, etc. to the Federal Internal Revenue Service, Federal Social Security Office and the state Department of Revenue.The Internal Revenue Service has the authority to assess a penalty for each occurrence of failure to include an identifying number required in a filed document.
PERSON_NAME A30 Name (LAST, FIRST, MI) the name used for entered for the individual.
GENDER A1 Male (M) OR Female (F)

Valid Values
M = Male
F = Female
Blank = unknown

HERITAGE_CODE A1 Racial/Ethnic heritage of employee. This is a sensitive element. Changes should be controlled.

Valid values
1 = Black
2 = Asian
3 = Native American
4 = Hispanic
5 = Other
Blank = Unknown

BIRTHDATE A8 The day, month, and year of the person’s birth.
Format is YYYYMMDD.
SEN_DATE A8 Seniority date is the adjusted date of civil service employment with the state of Wisconsin.

This date may be adjusted because of breaks in service such as terminations, reinstatements, layoffs, etc.. The adjusted continuous service date is used, for example, to generate length of service payments, to allocate annual vacation for leave accounting, and to rank employees for layoff provisions, including reinstatements, etc.

Currently required when the person has a classified permanent appointment.
Format is YYYYMMDD.

APPOINTMENT_ID A8 A unique number assigned to each and every appointment. The assignment of an appointment ID number means a person has been selected but the appointment is not valid until the effective date is reached. An appointment record is the result of the association of a position with the individual who fills that position. A position is defined as a set of duties and responsibilities expected to be performed by the person who will be appointed. An appointment must exist for each person who is to be paid salary or stipend, and each person without pay who has a university affiliation.
APPOINTMENT_TYPE A2 Identifies the major personnel category for this appointment. Each type is governed by specific statutes and/or personnel regulations, policies, or procedures.

Valid Values:

FA = Faculty
Appointments with instructional, research, and service responsibilities with the title of Professor, associate Professor, assistant Professor, or Instructor (at a required FTE level). Tenure status for faculty appointments must be granted by divisional committee, Dean, and regents. System approval is needed to openly recruit for a tenured position.

LI = Limited Appointee
Special Appointments to designated administrative positions. A concurrent faculty, academic staff, or classified staff appointment may (must at UW-Mil) be held by appointee. Any limited appointees except coaches without an ongoing concurrent appointment should be provided with a back-up academic staff appointment.

AS = Academic Staff
Professional and administrative appointments with duties primarily associated with higher education institutions or their administration.

ET = Employees-in-training
Appointments that provide additional training or experience in a field of specialization.

SA = Student Assistants
Appointments filled by enrolled students (usually graduate students).

CP = Classified Permanent
Employment of a career nature that requires the services of an employee for 600 hours or more on an annual basis and includes school year employment under S.230.08(3)(E). Stats.

CL = Classified LTE
Employment in which the nature and conditions do not lead to a career and does not exceed 1043 hours in 26 consecutive biweekly pay periods.

CJ = Classified Project
An appointment for which the duties are not a regular or on-going function of the employing agency and has a required maximum length of four (4) years. Does not provide for attainment of permanent status.

SH = Student Help
Appointments that provide part-time or temporary support and which are held by enrolled students. These appointments are incidental to the purpose of attending the University.

OT = Other
Teaching supervisors, honorary fellows, etc.

For academic staff, student assistant, and student help, the enrollment status must be checked. Research assistants must be fully enrolled at all times. Other student assistants and student help must be enrolled during the academic year (not necessary during the summer if student is enrolled during the prior semester or the following semester).

APPT_EFF_DATE A8 The start date of the appointment.
Format is YYYYMMDD.
APPT_END_DATE A8 The last date the appointment is effective.
MAJOR_DEPT A7 This is the department that coordinates the appointment. This dept. assumes responsibility for coordinating personnel decisions.
APPT_MAJOR_UNIT A1 This is a breakdown of the appointment major department field. It is the first character of the UDDS code.
APPT_MAJOR_DIV A2 This is a breakdown of the appointment major department. It is the second two characters of the UDDS code.
APPT_MAJOR_DEP A2 This is a breakdown of the appointment major department. It is the fourth and fifth characters of the UDDS code.
APPT_MAJOR_SUBDEPT A2 This is the last two characters of the UDDS code for the appointment major department.
APPT_DEPT A7 The basic unit of personnel administration. Each employee belongs to one or more appointment departments.
DEPT_PERCENT NS1.6 The percentage of full-time for an appointment within an appointment department. This represents the proportion of full-time appointment for which this department is responsible on an on-going basis. It provides the payroll/accounting edit for ensuring that all funding amounts have been entered. Supports budget calculations, and may be used to determine eligibility for fringe benefits. This percentage remains constant through temporary changes in funding sources or temporary leaves without pay. Departments that provide short-term funding but assume no personnel responsibility (e.g., graduate school research committee) need not be linked to an appointment as an appointment department with a percent appointment department.

If hours authorized entered, percent appointment department is computed: percent = hours authorized / 80.0 (biweekly) or percent = hours authorized / 176.0 (monthly)

LEAVE_TYPE A2 Type of personnel action that results in leave without pay and reduces the expected/actual percent for the appointment for period of time. Time spent on an approved leave of absence can extend the probationary period. A leave that does NOT extend the probationary period is a “temporary assignment”. Only a leave of absence which is longer than one pay period is noted here.
Valid Values01 = Military Leave – Leave for long term military service. Maximum length is 4 years. Restricted to leaves of 30 days or greater for classified, or greater than one month for unclassified.02 = Educational – Leave for educational purposes, i.e., going to school. Restricted to leaves of 15 days or greater for classified; or greater than 1 month for faculty, academic staff, and limited appointees.

03 = Professional Development Leave – Leave for professional development purposes. For example, awards such as Danforth, Ace Fellow, Bunting, Fulbright, Guggenheim, etc., would be considered professional development, as well as workshops and seminars. Also the portion of an unclassified sabbatical that is unpaid. Restricted to leaves of 15 days or greater for classified; or greater than 1 month for faculty, academic staff, and limited appointees.

04 = Medical – Leave for medical reasons. Required for income continuation insurance payment. This data element would not be used for maternity, paternity or adoption. Restricted to leaves of 15 days or greater for classified; or greater than 1 month for faculty, academic staff, and limited appointees.

05 = Maternity – Leave for a mother to care for a newborn child/children. Maximum length for classified is 6 months with a possible six-month extension. Restricted to leaves of 15 days or greater for classified; or greater than 1 month for faculty, academic staff, and limited appointees.

06 = Paternity – Leave for a father to care for a newborn child/children. Maximum length for classified is 6 months. Restricted to leaves of 15 days or greater for classified; or greater than 1 month for faculty, academic staff, and limited appointees.

07 = Adoption – Leave to care for an adopted child/children. Maximum length for classified is 6 months. Restricted to leaves of 15 days or greater for classified; or greater than 1 month for faculty, academic staff, and limited appointees.

08 = Unclassified Appt. Leave – Leave from a classified appointment to take an unclassified appointment which includes WI Stat 230.33. Fringe benefits of the current appointment are affected.

09 = Other Work – Leave to take another position. Fringe benefits of the current appointment are affected. If the current position is classified and the other position is unclassified with the UW-System, the “unclassified appt leave” leave type would be used. Restricted to leaves of greater than 1 month for faculty, academic staff, and limited appointees.

10 = Short Term Union Activities. A type of leave to participate in union activities. Employees on authorized union leave continue to earn vacation, sick leave, and length of service credits for the first 176 hours of leave per year.

11 = Long Term Union Activities – Leave of absence when employee is elected or appointed as official of union. Leave period not more than one year.

12 = Personal Reasons – A type of leave for a personal reason, e.g. travel, etc. Restricted to leaves of 15 days or greater for classified; or greater than 1 month for faculty, academic staff, and limited appointees.

13 = Seasonal Leave – Leave taken during period of limited workload.

14 = Suspension – Leave due to suspension for disciplinary purposes.

15 = Labor Dispute (strike)

16 = Sabbatical Approved by the Regents. The second semester of a year-long faculty sabbatical is leave without pay. For faculty appointments only. (This is not to be used for the paid sabbatical period for either faculty or classified appointments.)

17 = Elder/Dependent Care – Leave due to significant responsibilities with respect to elder or dependent care obligations.

LEAVE_PERCENT N1.6 The authorized reduction in percent appointment department due to a leave of absence. The payment for this appointment during the period of time reflected above is expected o be based on the difference between the percent appointment department and the percent leave. If hours on leave are entered, percent leave is computed:

Percent leave = hours on leave / 80.0 (biweekly) or Percent leave = hours on leave / 176.0 (monthly)

FACULTY_RELATION A1 Describes the type of relationship this appointment has with the faculty as a governing body of the University.

Valid Values

1 – Tenure. Tenure has been granted by the board of regents. Used by tenure-home departments when the total institution faculty appointment is 1/2 time or more.

2 – Tenure-Track. Used by tenure-home departments when total UW-Madison probationary faculty appointment is 1/2 time or more.

3 – Joint Executive. Limited to tenured faculty. Has been granted voting membership in this department and its executive committee but has no continuing commitment or tenure relationship. Requires positive action of the departmental executive committee and Dean. Maximum term of 3 years.

4 – Joint Departmental. Limited to tenured, Tenure-track or collateral faculty. Has been granted voting membership in the department, not in the executive committee; has no continuing commitment or tenure relationship. Requires positive action of the departmental executive committee and Dean. Maximum term of 3 years.

5 – Affiliate. Affiliation with an academic department (tenure granting) or a department-like body (as defined in FPP 5.40). Limited to tenured and tenure-track faculty. Must be granted by the Executive Committee. Indicates a relationship with a continuing departmental commitment and only for fixed terms. Funding may or may not be involved.

6 – Faculty Status. (Terminates when the appointment ends) Granted by the Chancellor, on recommendation of the University committee to members of the academic staff whose responsibilities are directly related to the instructional or research mission of the University and whose qualifications with respect to their assigned duties are comparable to those of faculty members.

7 – Funding/Other – Limited to tenured and probationary faculty. Indicates a funding or collaborative association with either an academic department, a department-like body or a non-tenure granting unit (e.g., Graduate School, Summer Session, or any other research or training center, institute, administrative unit, etc.).

FAC_REL_EFF_DATE A8 The date that the faculty relationship became effective.
TOTAL_TENURE_PERCENT N3.4 The total percent of support that has been guaranteed for a faculty appointment – Madison only.
TENURE_PERCENT N3.4 This is the percentage of support the department guarantees for the Appointment. The tenure percent “for each appt department” must be a value between 0% and 100% (inclusive). The tenure percent “for the appointment” (i.e., the total of the appointment’s Appt department tenure percent values) should be between 50% an 100% inclusive). Otherwise, the total tenure percent must be 0%. However, due to the timing Of individual tenure percent updates, the total appointment tenure percent may Temporarily be any value from 0% and up (including 100%+).
TENURE_VERIF_IND A1 This indicates whether APO staff have verified that the appointment is officially tenured.

N = APO staff have not verified that the appointment is officially tenured. This is the default value when a new UW.TENURE_VERIF record is created.

Y = APO staff have verified the faculty_relation value of “1”. Note: During this verification process, APO staff review the appointment’s data in whole (i.e., the department data, the guarantee percent data, the probation data, etc.). Therefore, if the appointment’s pct_prob_verif_ind (in UW.TNR_PCT_PROB_VERIF) happens to be “N”, the act of changing the tenure_verif_ind to “Y” automatically changes the pct_prob_verif_ind to “Y” also.

TOTAL_APPT_PERCENT N3.4 Total percent of appointment.
TOT_LEAVE_PERCENT N3.4 Total leave percent for entire appointment.
FUNDING_RSPNSBLTY A1 Describes the level of funding responsibility of the University system that may be related to salary or stipend payments made to the appointment. It does not indicate whether the University is reimbursed for the payments made.

Valid Values

1 – University holds sole funding responsibility
2 – University shares funding responsibility.

The funding authorization for this appointment covers a portion of the responsibility.

0 – University holds no funding responsibility
(zero dollar). No funding authorization or FTE is allowed for this appointment. If the University picks up responsibility later, a new appointment must be established; the code cannot be changed from 0 (zero dollar) to another value.

CONTINUITY_STATUS A2 Describes the continuity of the appointment.
Valid Values01 = On-Going. This is an appointment to permanent classified staff, the faculty, or academic staff (indefinite appointment). There may be a probationary period associated with this appointment.02 = Fixed, Terminal. This appointment is for a finite length of time, and there is no expected renewal (e.g., fixed-term terminal academic staff, classified project, 5th year TA, work study).

03 = Fixed, Renewable. This appointment is for a specified length of time, but renewal is expected or reoccurrence is possible (e.g., fixed term academic staff, recurring LTE, regular TAs).

04 = Limited. This appointment serves at the pleasure of the appointing authority.

05 = Acting/Provisional. This temporary appointment is made to fulfill the duties of a position while a search for a permanent employee is conducted (e.g., acting limited appointments, provisional LTEs).

06 = Rolling Horizon. This appointment is for a guaranteed length of time, based on annual reappointment. For all rolling horizon appointments, the length must be specified and kept in guaranteed length in apptappt.

07 = Interim. For UW-Milwaukee, this temporary appointment replaces someone on leave of absence. For UW-Madison, this is used for limited term TAs.

GUARANTEED_LENGTH N1.1 This field is used only if the appointment has an “AS” appointment type. The specific period of time stated for the length of fixed term if more than one year; Backup; or rolling horizon appointment.

Valid Values
0 = No guaranteed length
0.5 year
1 year
2 years
3 years
4 years
5 years

CONTRACT_BEGIN_DATE A8 The date the contract begins. For UW-Madison, contracts are given to probationary faculty, probationary leading to indefinite academic staff or coach. Contracts are not used for UW-Madison fixed term academic staff, indefinite academic staff, tenured faculty, classified or limited etc.

UW-Milwaukee – contracts are given to all on-going, unclassified staff.

CONTRACT_END_DATE A8 The date the contract ends.
LIMITED_APPT_PTR A8 Points to the limited appointment with which this backup/concurrent appointment is associated. (i.e., if this field contains an appointment ID, then this row is the backup appointment)

Valid Values
Valid appointment ID number. Must point to a limited appointment.

PROBATION_TYPE A2 The type of probation training or evaluation period served by the employee holding this appointment. During this period, the employee may have different eligibility for certain rate increases, benefits etc. During the probation evaluation or classified trainee period, the employee may be dismissed without appeal rights. A review of progress is required for classified employees before allowing period to end.

Valid Values

CO = Classified Original

A required probation period for employees in an “original appointment” as defined in Wisconsin administrative code. The probation period starts when the appointment does, or after a training probation period. The probation period is six months for non-supervisory appointments (can be extended up to three more months), twelve months for supervisory appointments (all or a portion of the last six months can be waived). A rate increase is granted after six months; the rate increase is either to psicm or a step, whichever is greater, not to exceed the maximum of the range.

Due to transfer or reinstatement, the required period may be served in more than one appointment.

CP = Classified Promotional

A required probation period for classified employees promoted to a new appointment as defined in Wisconsin administrative code.

The probation period starts when the appointment does, or after a training probation period. The probation period is six months for non-supervisory appointments (can be extended up to three more months), twelve months for supervisory appointments (all or a portion of the last six months can be waived). A rate increase is granted after six months; the rate increase is either to psicm or a step, whichever is greater, not to exceed the maximum of the range.

Due to transfer or reinstatement, the required period may be served in more than appointment.

CS = Classified Permissive

An optional probation period for classified employees transferring, demoting, or reinstating to a new appointment.

The probation period can be any length of time, up to a maximum of six months. If the action occurs within the same employing unit, no permissive probation is allowed.

TR = Trainee or Apprentice

For classified employees, a required probationary period of up to three years spent in a trainee role or apprenticeship.

TT = Tenure-Track

A probationary period for a faculty member preceding a decision on a tenure appointment. May not exceed 7 consecutive academic years (excluding leaves of absence) in a full-time position in an institution. Rules concerning required review and notice of non-retention or dismissal may be found in UWS 3.09. PI = Probationary leading to indefinite academic staff. May not exceed 7 consecutive academic years (excluding leaves of absence) for a full-time position.

HS = CHS (clinical health sciences collateral faculty)
EV = Unclassified Evaluation Period

Optional for academic staff; a period of three months or less.

SALARY_BASIS A1 Contains the pay basis for this appointment. It is determined by the following:
“C” (academic year) – Directly tied to the academic year calendar. May include employees not necessarily engaged in classroom instruction, but the timing of whose services is dictated by the instructional calendar (including registration periods, final exam periods, etc.).”A” (annual year) – Responsibilities continue regardless of whether classroom instruction is taking place. Although the annual basis describes the fiscal year from July 1 thru June 30, annual basis appointments can be for a period of shorter duration than the fiscal year.”H” (hourly) – All classified employees are normally paid using this basis. Unclassified appointments for 25% time or less or if workloads fluctuate sufficiently to justify hourly rather than an annual or academic one.

“L” (lump) – If the nature of the work is “piece work” and paid as one amount. Used infrequently. The display format of the salary base rate depends on salary basis.

If salary basis is “H”, then the rate is displayed with three decimal positions. For any other salary basis, the rate is displayed as a whole dollar amount, without a decimal point.

Valid Values

Only one salary basis in the same appointment at any one time. Edited against the PVL or CERT REQ, if required, when a new appointment. Determines format of pay rate, i.e., pay basis conversions are determined by:

A to C = rate x (9/11)
H to A = rate x 2088
C to A = rate x (11/9)
H to C = rate x 2088 x (9/11)
** (see routine IA0046)

APPT_BASE_RATE N8.3 For each appointment, the salary base rate is the amount of money the University agrees to pay the employee for the work done in the appointment expressed in a standardized form. The standardization assumes that the employee (1) Works full-time (100% or 1.00 FTE), and (2) Works for a full year as defined by the salary basis under which he or she is being paid. For example; for classified staff, full-time is defined as 40 hours per week, and a full year is 52 weeks or 2088 hours (including paid vacation time). For unclassified, except hourly salary basis employees, the expectation for what constitutes full-time employment is worked out by the employee, his or her department and the Dean. It should be carefully noted that the amount in this field is by no means necessarily the amount actually paid to the employee by the University. If the period worked is less than a year, if the employee works less (or more) than full-time for part or all of the period, or for a variety of other reasons, the actual remuneration may be higher or lower than the salary base rate. The display format of the salary base rate depends on salary basis. If salary basis is “H”, then the rate is displayed with three decimal positions. For any other salary basis, the rate is displayed as a whole dollar amount, without a decimal point.

The relationship between this element and other important elements which are associated with it can be expressed mathematically as follows:

BADD = salary base rate in dollars

XXXX = number of units of working time in a full year, with the unit being defined by the salary basis (BADH) (hours for hourly, months for 9-, 10-, and 12-month salary bases)

BAFF = funding expiration date (Apptfund entity)

BAFE = funding effective date (Apptfund entity) (Their difference being in effect the ‘funding period’, and expressed in units of working time, such as hours, pay periods or whatever)

BAGN = encumbrance amount (Apptfund entity) in dollars

BABG = Authorized FTE (converted, if need be, to a number between 0.0 and 1.00)

RATE_EFF_DATE A8 The date the rate change of the appointment became effective.

1 – Emeritus. Indicates that emeritus (honorary) status was granted upon retirement from a faculty, academic staff or permanent classified appointment. The status carries into any subsequent appointment with the same set of duties.

2 – Distinguished Service.(No longer available) Indicates that distinguished service status was granted upon retirement from a non-instructional academic staff appointment. The status carries into any subsequent appointment with the same set of duties after a qualifying number of years of service.

3 – Certificate of appreciation.(No longer available) Indicates that this status was granted upon retirement from a classified appointment after a qualifying number of years of service.

4 – Rehired Annuitant. Indicates that an employee is hired into a new appointment after s/he retired from a previous appointment.

DIV_AFFILIATION A1 This code represents the divisional committee that is affiliated with a Madison faculty appointment. The division committee reviews professional credentials and recommends for or against granting tenure. This data is maintained by staff in the Office of the Secretary of the Faculty.
Valid ValuesUsed for Madison faculty appointments only, but is not required.Valid values are stored in control table UW.DIV_AFFIL. The possible values are:

B = Biological sciences
H = Humanities
N = Nondivisional
P = Physical sciences
R = Professions (Milwaukee only)
S = Social studies
Blank = if faculty appt… div_affiliation is missing if not faculty appt… div_affiliation is not applicable

FEDERAL_APPT_TYPE A1 Describes the type of federal appointment related to this UW appointment. Valid values are:

2 Cooperative extension
3 Military service
4 Veterans hospital
9 Other

EXT_AFFILIATION A2 Identifies the type of affiliation that is associated with this appointment. The affiliation source may be related to funding responsibility for the appointment.

Valid Values

01 = Campus related agency
02 = External agency (Government or non-profit)
03 = Clinical/Hospital Affiliation
04 = Inter-institutional contractual agreement
05 = Inter-governmental personnel temporary
06 = UW Medical Foundation
09 = Other

VISA_TYPE A2 Identifies the type of VISA held by employees who are not U.S. citizens.

Note: This is a sensitive element. In addition, it needs to be checked for accuracy with the office of foreign students and faculty, and payroll. Each VISA carries with it certain restrictions and/or privileges with respect to whether the person holding it is allowed to be employed, the nature of the job and tax liability.

TITLE_CODE A5 Used to identify the official University system title, or Wisconsin Civil Service title for the appointment.
TITLE_EFF_DATE A8 The date the title became effective.
TITLE_NAME A21 Descriptive name for the title, shortened as necessary to fit within a limit of 21 characters.
TITLE_TYPE A1 Titles may be classified into subtypes as follows:

Valid Values
C =Classfied Title
U =Unclassfied Title

Student Hourly title (technically this is also an “unclassified title.”) currently there is only one Student Hourly title in use) Note that “Student Hourly” and ” Student Assistant” titles are completely different; they are sometimes confused due to similar names.

TITLE_GROUP A2 Groupings of titles of similar duties. Applies to unclassified only.

Valid Values
Alpha numeric
A1 = professional
A2 = program manager
A3 = administrative director
A4 = business offices
B1 = instruction
B2 = research
C1 = academic administrator
C2 = academic program director
C3 = other academic
D1 = faculty
D2 = employee in training
D3 = student staff
D4 = other faculty

FED_EEO_CTGRY A1 A federal Equal Employment Opportunity job category designates the kind of work performed. These codes are used in Affirmative Action and EE0-6 reporting.

Valid Values

1 = Administrative/Executive/Managerial
2 = Faculty
3 = Professional/Non-faculty
4 = Secretarial/Clerical
5 = Technical/Paraprofessional
6 = Skilled Crafts
7 = Service/Maintenance

FED_EEO_SUBCTGRY A1 The sub-category code is a finer breakdown of the federal EEO Category.

Valid Values for Federal EEO category ‘1’, the sub-categories are:

1 = Unclassified Staff
2 = Classified Staff

For Federal EEO category ‘2’, the sub-categories are:

1 = Legal Faculty
2 = Instructional Academic Staff

For Federal EEO category ‘3’, except for titles Y21NN, Y22NN, Y23NN, Y26NN, Z80NN, Z94NN and Z95NN, the sub-categories are:

1 = Doctoral Staff
2 = Employees-in-Training
3 = Other Academic Staff
4 = Student Staff
5 = Classified Professional

For Federal categories ‘4’, ‘5’, ‘6’, and ‘7’, there are no sub-categories.

FUNCTIONAL_AREA A1 Another scheme for grouping unclassified titles. Used only at the Madison campus. Five titles have more than 1 functional area. However, it was determined that one appropriate functional area could be chosen for each title, thus eliminating the need for multiple function areas per title. There is no need for a historical record of functional area changes.
SALARY_GRADE A2 Applies only to Unclassified Category A appointments. The salary grade (if any) which Characterizes the title code. A salary grade identifies the minimum and maximum salary for any title in that salary grade. The higher the grade, the higher the min and max.
SALARY_SCHEDULE A2 A salary schedule used for classified appointments.
SALARY_RANGE A2 A salary range used for classified appointments.
U_MINIMUM N8.3 Minimum salary for the title at the institution (unclassified positions).
U_MIDPOINT N8.3 Midpoint salary for the title at the institution (unclassified positions).
U_MAXIMUM N8.3 Maximum salary for the title at the institution (unclassified positions).
C_MINIMUM N8.3 The minimum hourly salary for the schedule/range combination (classified positions).
C_MAXIMUM N8.3 The maximum hourly salary for the schedule/range combination (classified positions).
C_STEP N8.3 The “within range pay step.” A standard amount calculated for each pay range to determine pay increases for certain personnel transactions (e.g., pay upon promotion), (classified positions).
C_PSICM N8.3 “Permanent Status in Class Minimum.” The minimum rate to be paid an employee who is not serving the 1st six months of either a probationary period or career executive trial period (classified positions).
EXTRACT_DATE_TIME DATE The date and time these data were extracted.