ACAD_CLAS_TITLE displays classified and unclassified title information. If the title is defined on the budget side only, the information will be displayed from the budget side. Otherwise, all data is displayed from the payroll side. This table can be used to look up title information such as title name title group, salary grade, etc.
Data in this view will be refreshed weekly.
Data Custodian: Human Resources Office
Contact: Catharine Derubeis
You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to the InfoAccess Home Page
There are no special considerations.
Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357)
12/14/95 – Changed base table for view – rzs
10/07 Data Custodian change.
11/11 Data Custodian Change c4j .
The codes following the field names in this document define the field. The different types are:
A – Alphanumeric field. This indicates the field may contain letters and/or numbers. The number following is the field length.
Example: a field defined as A5 could contain ‘E10LN’.
PS – Packed-Signed field. This indicates the field may contain only numbers. The number following is the field length. If two digits with a decimal point in between are present the first indicates the number of positions before the decimal point and the second the number of digits after the decimal point.
Example: a field that is defined as PS4.2 would be in the format 9999.99 whereas PS6 would be in the format 999999.
Column Name Format Description
TITLE_TYPE A1 This element is used to indicate whether the title is classified, unclassified, old academic, or function/modifier.
C = Classified
U = Unclassified
A = Old academic
M = Function/modifierSource:
This element is updated by TTLB or TTLP when a title record is added to the file.
TITLE_CODE A5 A title code for either a Civil Service or an Academic title.
The Civil Service title code must be a five digit decimal number. The Academic title code is a dollar sign ($) followed by a four digit alphanumeric code. Since a Civil Service code will never begin with a $, there is no confusion between Civil Service and Academic titles.Source:
The Civil Service title code is user maintained by Madison campus payroll office (TTLP) or system budget office (TTLB). The TP (TTLB & TTLP) and batch (AB1402) programs automatically fill in the dollar sign for an Academic title.
TITLE_NAME A21 The alphabetic title
A 21_letter title left justified, blank filled.
SALARY_SCHEDULE A1 The salary schedule. Combined with range, it defines a range category for a given title code. This pertains to both monthly and hourly personnel. The salary schedule/range is used by the load program to access either the monthly or hourly range table. These tables contain the data to fill the min, max, PSICM and step data elements. Salary-schedule/range codes are rejected if the code is not found among the codes on the range tables.
SALARY_RANGE A2 The range. Combined with salary schedule, it defines a range category for a given title code. This pertains to both monthly and hourly personnel.

The salary schedule/range is used by the load program to access either the monthly or hourly range table. These tables contain the data to fill the min, max, PSICM and step data elements. Salary-schedule/range codes are rejected if the code is not found among the codes on the range tables.

BARGAINING_UNIT A2 A numeric code that indicates the bargaining group that a title is included in.
Must be numeric
CERTIFICATION_CODE A1 The certified byte indicates if the title code is represented by a union for purposes of contract negotiations.
C = certified bargaining group exists
N = no certified bargaining groupSource:
User maintained on the table ABRANGEP.
EEO_JOB_CATEGORY A1 Equal employment opportunity. This code is used for reports to group certain titles together.
Classified – 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7
EEO_JOB_SUBCATEGRY A1 Equal employment opportunity sub-category. This code is used for reports to group certain titles together.
Classified – if EEO category = 1, EEO sub = 2
if EEO category = 3, EEO sub = 3
if EEO category = 4, 5, 6, or 7; EEO sub = blankSource:
Classified – maintained by the update program (TTLP).
FLSA_STATUS A1 Defaulted status for fair labor standards coverage
JOB_CODE A2 Two-character code assigned to each title code that is paid thru the AW Peterson payroll office. The job code, when used with EEO category and sub-category, is used to group together title codes of similar pay ranges, responsibilities and career paths for EEO work force analysis purposes.

1 – off & mgrs 1 – unclass 05 – deans and directors
1 – off & mgrs 1 – unclass 04 – asst deans & asst directors
1 – off & mgrs 2 – classified 01 – personnel manager 5 & 6 per admin officer 1 – 4

Must be numeric.

Assigned by the office of budget, planning, and analysis of Madison campus.

SALARY_GRADE A2 Defines a salary range category for a given title code.

Used by the load program to access an unclassified range table to fill in the salary min and max. The salary grade is rejected if not found on the table.

TITLE_GROUP A2 Groupings of titles of similar duties.
Alpha numeric
A1 = professional
A2 = program manager
A3 = administrative director
A4 = business offices
B1 = instruction
B2 = research
C1 = academic administrator
C2 = academic program director
C3 = other academic
D1 = faculty
D2 = employee in training
D3 = student staff
D4 = other faculty
FUNCTIONAL_AREA A2 Groupings of functions by broad areas. Used by Madison.
00 = functional area not assigned
01 = executive
02 = student services
03 = research
04 = clinical/health sciences
05 = library
06 = sports/recreation
07 = computer/information processing
08 = communications
09 = facilities
10 = instruction
11 = administration
12 = other
13 = multiple functions
TAXABLE_INDICATOR A1 A code that indicates whether the academic title’s salary is federal and state taxed or the salary is only reportable at the year end.
Y = yes
N = no
R = reportable
SOC_SEC_INDICATOR A1 A code that indicates whether the academic title pays FICA taxes.
Y = yes
N = no
RETIRE_INDICATOR A1 Indicates type of retirement system –
yes indicates – teachers or employees
retirement system
no indicates – no retirement system.Edit:
Y = yes
N = no
C = additional sight checking will be
PAY_CLASS_CODE A2 A code to separate types and/or classifications of payment.
Must be numeric.
LOADDATE A8 The date of the last extract of the data.