- APT_RATEHIST displays historical rate information. It shows all of the rate changes for a given appointment. There are multiple records per appointment so care must be taken to ask for the correct time periods when using this view. This data view uses UDDS code to limit the records returned based on your authorization.
NOTE: The TITLE related fields on this view only reflect the most recent Title information. - LOAD FREQUENCY
- The data in this view is refreshed every weekend.
- Human Resources Office
Contact: Catharine Derubeis - AUTHORIZATION
- You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to InfoAccess Home Page
CONSIDERATIONS - The APPT_EFF_DATE and APPT_END_DATE must be used together to select the correct appointments depending on what you are looking for. When using appointment end date in the criteria you must consider spaces as part of the criteria. Example: If you want to have all appointments > 19960102 and Appt End Date > current date you would set the criteria as follows:
Appt_Eff_Date =19960102
Appt_End_Date=> 19980102
Appt_End_Date2 = ‘ ‘
criteria should look like:
(Appt_Eff_Date and (Appt_End_Date or Appt_End_Date2))If you want to see the rate history of a specific appointment, just use appointment_id in the selection criteria. If you want to see all rate changes for a specific time period use BT or GE and a rate_eff_date in the selection criteria. The fields UNIT, DIVISION, DEPARTMENT and SUBDEPT contain the same information as APPT_MAJOR_DEPT except they just contain the values for the specific sub field. For example someone with APPT_MAJOR_DEPT = A060520: UNIT = A, DIVISION = 06, DEPARTMENT = 05 and SUBDEPT = 20. - QUESTIONS
- Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357) - LAST UPDATED
- 04/01/94 Project to standardize the data view documentation.
12/01 Removed 2 fields: Fin_aid_status & Student_pay_ctgry. C4j.
10/07 Data Custodian change.
11/11 Data Custodian Change c4j . - DATA FORMATS
- The codes following the field names in this document define the field. The different types are:
A – Alphanumeric field. This indicates the field may contain letters and/or numbers. The number following is the field length. For example: a field defined as A5 could contain ‘E10LN’.
PS – Packed-Signed field. This indicates the field may contain only numbers. The number following is the field length. If two digits with a decimal point in between are present the first indicates the number of positions before the decimal point and the second the number of digits after the decimal point. For example: a field defined as PS4.2 would be in the format 9999.99 whereas PS6 would be in the format 999999.
Column Name | Format | Description |
PERSON_NAME | A30 | The name currently used by a person. The format will be last name, followed by a comma and a space, then first name of initial, middle initial or name, followed by a space plus SR, JR or III if appropriate. |
PERSON_ID | A8 | A unique number assigned to each person. The number, which is the next available number, is always the same for one person. |
APPT_ID | A8 | The assignment of an APPOINTMENT_ID number means a person has been selected but the appointment is not valid until the effective date has been reached. An appointment must exist for each person who is to be paid salary or stipend, and each person without pay who has a university affiliation. The APPOINTMENT_ID is automatically generated by a subroutine that obtains the next available number and an appointment record is created. |
APPOINTMENT_TYPE | A2 | This identifies the major personnel category for this appointment. Each type is governed by specific statutes and/or personnel regulations, policies, or procedures. Appointment type can change from classified permanent to academic staff and vice versa. This is called a conversion. Valid values are: ‘FA’ = faculty ‘LI’ = limited appointee ‘AS’ = academic staff ‘ET’ = employees-in-training ‘SA’ = student assistants ‘CP’ = classified permanent ‘CL’ = classified LTE ‘CJ’ = classified project ‘SH’ = student help ‘OT’ = other |
APPT_DEPT | A11 | The basic unit of personnel administration. Each employee belongs to one or more appointment departments. |
APPT_MAJOR_DEPT | A11 | This department is the one that coordinates the appointment. It is the department that assumes responsibility for coordinating the personnel decisions. |
APPT_MAJOR_UNIT | A1 | This is the first character of the APPT_MAJOR_DEPT field. |
APPT_MAJOR_DIV | A2 | This is the second and third characters of the APPT_MAJOR_DEPT field. |
APPT_MAJOR_DEP | A2 | This is the fourth and fifth characters of the APPT_MAJOR_DEPT field. |
APPT_MAJOR_SUBDEPT | A2 | This is the sixth and seventh characters of the APPT_MAJOR_DEPT field. |
DEPT_PERCENT | PS1.6 | This Field was incorporated from DB2-Catalog on 91-01-02
The percentage of full-time for an appointment within an appointment department. This represents the proportion of full- time appointment for which this department is responsible on an on-going basis. It provides the payroll/accounting edit for ensuring that all funding amounts have been entered. Supports budget calculations, and may be used to determine eligibility for fringe benefits. This percentage remains constant through temporary changes in funding sources or temporary leaves without pay. Departments that provide short-term funding but assume no personnel responsibility (e.g., graduate school research committee) need not be linked to an appointment as an appointment department with a percent appointment department. If hours authorized entered, percent appointment department is computed: percent = hours authorized / 80.0 (biweekly) |
INIT_APPT_PERCENT | PS1.6 | The percentage of full-time for an appointment at the time of the appointment add. Do not use this element for reporting appointment FTE. Use summary or appointment department percent at a point in time. |
APPT_HOURS | PS3.2 | This is the number of hours authorized per pay period at the time of the appointment add. It is used only when the appointment salary basis is “hourly”. For classified employees, it can’t exceed 80 hours, and for unclassified employees, it can’t exceed 176 hours. Do not use this element for reporting appointment FTE. Use summary of appointment department hours at a point in time. |
BEGIN_APPT_ACTION | A2 | This is the official action that took place to begin this appointment. Valid values are: ’01’ = new appointment ’02’ = original appointment ’03’ = promotion ’04’ = transfer ’05’ = reinstatement ’06’ = restoration ’07’ = demotion ’08’ = rehire |
BEGIN_APPT_REASON | A2 | The reason why the appointment began. For classified permanent, use only reasons 1 – 10. For limited term teaching assistants, use only reasons 11 – 15, for other appointment types, no reason code is needed. Valid values are: ’01’ = return from layoff or other involuntary break in service ’02’ = in lieu of layoff – beginning appt was chosen by employer ’03’ = in lieu of layoff – beginning appt was chosen by employee ’04’ = voluntary – use with demotion only ’05’ = involuntary – use with demotion or transfer only ’06’ = displacement/bumping – use with demotion or transfer only ’07’ = permissive – use with transfer only ’08’ = contractual – use with transfer only ’09’ = disciplinary – use with transfer or demotion only ’10’ = due to appeal – use with restoration or reinstatement only ’11’ = due to enrollment and/or staff fluctuations ’12’ = due to unexpected resignation ’13’ = due to changes or reduction in course offerings ’14’ = to replace TAs on leave of absence ’15’ = to fill a position left vacant by reassignment of TAs ’16’ = non-completion of probationary period (restoration only) |
APPT_EFF_DATE | A8 | This is the start date of the appointment. Format: YYYYMMDD |
END_APPT_CODE | A2 | The official action that took place upon the ending of this appointment. Valid values are: ’01’ = resignation ’02’ = retirement ’03’ = non-renewal ’04’ = layoff ’05’ = death ’06’ = fixed term termination, limited term project appointment ended ’07’ = dismissal ’99’ = cancelled |
END_APPT_REASON | A2 | The reason why the appointment ended. Note that some reasons are specific to certain official actions. Valid values are: ’01’ = voluntary – use with classified layoff only ’02’ = involuntary – use with classified layoff only ’03’ = probationary or evaluation period failure ’04’ = program redirection/reorganization (for unclassified only) ’05’ = funding reduction (for unclassified only) ’06’ = in lieu of dismissal for cause ’07’ = abandonment ’08’ = no reason supplied by employee ’09’ = health Blank – does not apply |
APPT_END_DATE | A8 | This is the date that the appointment ends. This is the last date the appointment is in active pay status. The format is YYYYMMDD and it must be the same or later than the begin date for this appointment. |
SOC_SEC_NUMBER | A9 | The social security number is a nine-digit identifier number assigned by the social security administration. Required for all paid individuals with the exception of foreign employees working overseas. |
EXECUTIVE_PLAN | A1 | This identifies which, if any executive plan rules apply to the appointment. Valid values are: ‘C’ = career executive plan ‘W’ = UW system executive plan ‘Y’ = State of Wisconsin Legislative executive plan. |
TITLE_EFF_DATE | A8 | The date the approved title is effective. Format: YYYYMMDD |
TITLE_CODE | A5 | Used to identify the official University System title, or Wisconsin Civil Service title for the appointment. |
TITLE_NAME | A21 | This is the name of the title for an appointment. |
APPT_BASE_RATE | PS8.3 | For each appointment, the salary base rate is the amount of money the University agrees to pay the employee for the work done in the appointment expressed in a standardized form. |
RATE_EFF_DATE | A8 | The date the salary base rate is effective. Format:: YYYYMMDD |
SALARY_BASIS | A1 | This contains the pay basis for this appointment. It is determined by the following: ‘C’ – academic year: directly tied to the academic year calendar. ‘A’ – annual year: continues whether or not there are classes. ‘B’ – ten month: a ten-month appointment used only with intercollegiate athletics. ‘H’ – hourly: all classified employees are normally paid using this basis. ‘L’ – lump: for “piece work”, paid as one amount. |
RATE_OVER_MAX | A1 | This indicates if the appointment rate is approved to be above the pay range or span maximum defined (if one is defined), or the appointment is red circled upon eligible personnel actions Valid values are: ‘Y’ = rate is approved to be above the maximum. ‘R’ = red circled (currently for classified only) ‘S’ = rate above UW’s maximum but within supplemental range. |
RATE_UNDER_MIN | A1 | This indicates that the appointment rate is approved to be below the pay range or span minimum defined (if one is defined). The rate can be below the minimum for special employee circumstances or training periods in classified service. |
RATE_CHG_REASON | A8 | The reason for a change in the base rate. Not all types will be used during any one fiscal year. For a description of all the possible reasons, see the IADS dictionary. |
RATE_CHG_REASON_DESCR | A15 | The reason description corresponding to the RATE_CHG_REASON field. |
RATE_CHANGE_AMOUNT | PS8.3 | The amount added to or subtracted from the salary base rate. It is possible to make mass changes when necessary (e.g. classified contract). |
NO_RATE_ADJ_REASON | A3 | This field contains a code indicating the reason a base rate increase was not granted. Valid values are: ‘001’ = new appointment after October of current fiscal year ‘002’ = part-time appointment (25% time or less) ‘003’ = under contract that specifies salary for new budget year ‘004’ = appointment converted from visiting to regular appointment for new budget year ‘005’ = continuing visiting or emeritus staff ‘006’ = zero dollar appointment ‘007’ = appointment covered by the executive pay plan ‘008’ = special exception authorized by legal council ‘009’ = red circled ‘010’ = on probation ‘011’ = at salary range maximum ‘012’ = on military leave of absence ‘013’ = on leave to the unclassified service ‘014’ = trainee ‘015’ = denied ‘016’ = already at PSICM |
CNTRCT_RAISE_DATE | A8 | The effective date of the merit and pay plan increase, when it is an exception to the normal annual or academic year increase. This does not apply to classified employees. Format: MMDD |
CPP_PERCENT | PS1.6 | This field expresses the clinical practice plan (CPP) supplement rate as a percentage of full time rate. By Medical School policy, the amount of the supplement paid is to be a direct function of full time rate. |
CPP_EFF_DATE | A8 | This field contains the date at which the current CPP (Clinical Practice Plan) supplement percent came into being. |
FLSA_STATUS | A1 | The status with respect to exemption from the wages and hour provisions of the fair labor standards act for overtime pay of time and one half or compensatory time. For classified permanent and project, based on title code with possible override. For classified LTE, all will be non-exempt with possible override. For student help, always non-exempt (as assigned to title code). For unclassified appointments with employer-employee relationship, all will be exempt with possible override. For appointments without an employer-employee relationship, unspecified. Valid values are: E = Exempt N = Non Exempt Z = Not covered; appointment does not represent employment |
LOADDATE | A8 | The date of the most recent data load. Format: YYYYMMDD |