- APTS_SEN displays general and sensitive information for all appointments past, present and future that Fall within your authorization. Care must be taken to ask for the correct appointment time periods. This view does not show a history of rate and title changes, only the most current data will be displayed. Each department associated with the appointment will be shown. Therefore, it is possible to have more than one record per appointment. This view also contains highly sensitive information that should only be made available to authorized University faculty and staff. The sensitive data includes things such as heritage and gender. This data view uses UDDS code to limit the records returned based on your authorization.
- The data in this view is refreshed every weekend.
- Human Resources Office
Contact: Catharine Derubeis - AUTHORIZATION
- You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to InfoAccess Home Page
- Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357) - LAST UPDATED
- 04/94 Project to standardize the data view documentation.
10/97 Div_Affiliation no longer used – will contain blanks
06/98 Changed the length of the TOTAL_APPT_PERCENT to PS3.4
Added 3 new fields, TOTAL_PERCENT_LIV, NET_PERCENT and
04/01 Added visa information to the end of the view –
11/01 Added ‘Marked for Conversion’ field to end of the view. C4J.
12/01 Removed 3 fields: Work_authorization, Student_pay_ctgry & Rate_chg_reason. C4J.
05/07 – Added ‘Working Title’ and ‘CBC_Completed_Date’ C4J.
10/07 – Data Custodian change.
10/07 – Updated Service Status definition C4j.
2/09 – Added Dept_Eff_Date and Dept_End_Date fields c4j
11/09 – Removed Vietnam_Veteran, Disabled_Veteran and Handicapped fields.
Also, Heritage Codes are now expanded to include 1 through 7 as valid values.c4j
11/11 Data Custodian Change C4j - DATA FORMATS
- The codes following the field names in this document define the field. The different types are:
A – Alphanumeric field. This indicates the field may contain letters and/or numbers. The number following is the field length. For example: a field defined as A5 could contain ‘E10LN’.
PS – Packed-Signed field. This indicates the field may contain only numbers. The number following is the field length. If two digits with a decimal point in between are present the first indicates the number of positions before the decimal point and the second the number of digits after the decimal point. For example: a field defined as PS4.2 would be in the format 9999.99 whereas PS6 would be in the format 999999.
Column Name | Format | Description |
PERSON_NAME | A30 | The name currently used by the person. |
PERSON_ID | A8 | A unique number assigned to a person. It is always the same. |
APPT_ID | A8 | A unique number assigned to each appointment. A person may hold more than one appointment. |
APPT_DEPT | A11 | The basic unit of personnel administration. Each employee belongs to one or more appointment departments. |
DEPT_EFF_DATE | A8 | The begin date of employment or personnel association in this department |
DEPT_END_DATE | A8 | The end date of employment or personnel association in this department. |
APPT_MAJOR_DEPT | A11 | This is the department that coordinates the appointment. This department assumes responsibility for coordinating personnel decisions. |
APPT_MAJOR_UNIT | A1 | This is a breakdown of the APPT_MAJOR_DEPT field. It is the first character of the UDDS code. |
APPT_MAJOR_DIV | A2 | This is a breakdown of the APPT_MAJOR_DEPT field. It is the second two characters of the UDDS code. |
APPT_MAJOR_DEP | A2 | This is a breakdown of the APPT_MAJOR_DEPT field. It is the fourth and fifth characters of the UDDS field. |
APPT_MAJOR_SUBDEPT | A2 | This is a breakdown of the APPT_MAJOR_DEPT field. It is the sixth and seventh characters of the UDDS field. |
DEPT_PERCENT | PS1.6 | This Field was incorporated from DB2-Catalog on 91-01-02
Description: The percentage of full-time for an appointment within an appointment department. This represents the proportion of full-time appointment for which this department is responsible on an on-going basis. It provides the payroll/accounting edit for ensuring that all funding amounts have been entered. Supports budget calculations, and may be used to determine eligibility for fringe benefits. This percentage remains constant through temporary changes in funding sources or temporary leaves without pay. Departments that provide short-term funding but assume no personnel responsibility (e.g., graduate school research committee) need not be linked to an appointment as an appointment department with a percent appointment department. If hours authorized entered, percent appointment department is computed: percent = hours authorized / 80.0 (biweekly) or percent = hours authorized / 176.0 (monthly) Edit: 0 to 1.0 |
TOTAL_APPT_PERCENT | PS1.6 | This is the total percentage of an appointment. The value of this field will be repeated on each appointment/department record listed. |
INIT_APPT_PERCENT | PS1.6 | The percentage of full-time for an appointment at the time of the appointment add. Do not use this element for reporting appointment FTE. Use summary or appointment department percent at a point in time. |
BEGIN_APPT_ACTION | A2 | The official action that took place to begin this appointment.
Valid values are: |
BEGIN_APPT_REASON | A2 | The reason the appointment began.
Valid values are: |
APPT_EFF_DATE | A8 | The start date of the appointment. In the format ccyymmdd. |
END_APPT_CODE | A2 | The official action that took place upon the ending of this appointment.
Valid codes are: |
END_APPT_REASON | A2 | The reason the appointment ended. Some reasons are specific to certain actions.
Valid codes are: |
APPT_END_DATE | A8 | The date the appointment ends. This is the last day the appointment is in active status. This field may be blank. This field should be used to narrow down the data returned for most queries against this view. |
FUNDING_RSPNSBLTY | A1 | This field describes the level of funding responsibility of the university system that may be related to salary or stipend. It does not indicate whether the university is reimbursed for payments made.
Valid values are: |
GUARANTEED_LENGTH | PS1.1 | The specific period of time stated for the length of the appointment. |
EXT_APPT_LOC | A1 | The location of the next appointment that fringe benefits earned in this appointment can be transferred to. |
PRIOR_APPT_LO | A1 | The location of the prior appointment that qualified the employee for fringe benefits that may be transferred to this appointment. |
RECRUITMENT_NMBR | A7 | The number that had been assigned to the vacancy listing or recruitment record that was used when this appointment was established. |
REC_PRSNL_OFFICE | A3 | The personnel office that was responsible for approving or establishing the recruitment for the appointment. |
RECRUITMENT_SYSTEM | A4 | The personnel system that connects the vacancy listing or recruitment information that was used as a record of approvaL or a source of data when this appointment was established. |
PRIOR_APPT_TYPE | A2 | The type of prior appointment that qualifies the employee for fringe benefits which may be transferred to this appointment. |
PRIOR_APPT_BREAK | A1 | Indicates whether there was a break in the state service between the employee’s prior appointment and this appointment. |
BIRTHDATE | A8 | The employee’s date of birth in the format ccyymmdd. |
GENDER | A1 | The gender in the format M or F. |
HERITAGE_CODE | A1 | Racial/Ethnic heritage of employee.
Valid values are: |
SENIORITY_DATE | A8 | The adjusted date of civil service employment within the State of WI. In the format ccyymmdd. |
CBC_COMPLETED_DATE | A8 | Last date a Criminal Background Check (CBC) was completed for this appointment. A history of CBC completed dates is not retained. Various policies dictate when a CBC must be done, however the IADS programs do not enforce any of these rules. The only edit is to verify the entered value is a valid date format. This field is entered/changed via IADS transactions APPT and APCHGA. It is viewed on APPI (pg 2.) |
SOC_SEC_NUMBER | A9 | The number assigned by the social security administration. |
APPOINTMENT_TYPE | A2 | Identifies the major personnel categories for this appointment.
Valid codes are: |
TITLE_EFF_DATE | A8 | The date the approved title became effective. In the format ccyymmdd. |
TITLE_NAME | A21 | The current title name. |
TITLE_CODE | A5 | Used to identify the official University System title or WI Civil Service title for the appointment. |
TITLE_CHG_REASON | A2 | The reason for the title change.
Valid values are: |
WORKING_TITLE | A30 | Optional. This is the title description/name for the appointment. When entered, it is expected this field will provide a better, or more descriptive, name than the official title name associated with the appointment’s 5-byte title code. This field is entered/changed via IADS transactions APPT and APCHGA. It is viewed on APPI (pg 2). |
APPT_BASE_RATE | PS8.3 | For each appointment, this is the amount expressed in a standardized form. The University agrees to pay the employee for the work done in the appointment. It should be noted that the amount in this field is not necessarily the amount actually paid to the employee. |
RATE_EFF_DATE | A8 | The date the salary base rate is effective. In the format ccyymmdd. |
RATE_OVER_MAX | A1 | Indicates if the appointment rate is approved to be above the pay range maximum, or if the appointment is red circled upon eligible personnel actions.
Valid values are: |
RATE_UNDER_MIN | A1 | Indicates the appointment is approved to be below the pay range defined.
Valid values are: |
SALARY_BASIS | A1 | Contains the pay basis for this appointment.
Valid values are |
CONTINUITY_STATUS | A2 | Describes the continuity of the appointment.
Valid codes are: |
CONT_EFF_DATE | A8 | The date the continuity status is effective. In the format ccyymmdd. |
DIV_AFFILIATION | A1 | For the time being this field is no longer used. it will contain spaces. |
EXECUTIVE_PLAN | A1 | Identifies the executive plan rules that apply to the appointment.
Valid values are |
CONTRACT_EFF_DATE | A8 | The date the contract begins. In the format ccyymmdd. |
CONTRACT_END_DATE | A8 | The day the contract ends. In the format ccyymmdd. |
FLSA_STATUS | A1 | Exemption status from the wages and Hours provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act for overtime pay of time and a half or compensatory time.
Valid values are |
LIMITED_APPT_PTR | A8 | Points to the limited appointment that this backup/concurrent appointment is associated with. If this field contains a value, it will be a valid appointment id. It will indicate that this appointment is a backup appointment and the id number in this field will point to a limited appointment. |
SSN_REQUIRED | A1 | Indicates if a social security number is required.
Valid values are Y or N. |
APPT_MONITOR | PS1.1 | This is the projected length used for planning and/or monitoring purposes. This must be used for classified project appointments (which cannot exceed 4 years), and may be helpful for other types of appointments, (e.g. clinical), regular TAs.
Valid values include: |
LOADDATE | A8 | The date the data was extracted from the live files. In the format ccyymmdd. |
EXT_AFFILIATION | A2 | Identifies the type of affiliation that is associated with this appointment. The affiliation source may be related to funding responsibility for the appointment.
Valid Values: |
TOTAL_PERCENT_LV | PS3.4 | This field is the sum of the department leave percents. |
NET_PERCENT | PS3.4 | This field is computed by subtracting leave percent from appointment percent. Net percent is never less than zero, even if a leave percent exists in a period of time without an appointment percent. |
1 – Emeritus. Indicates that emeritus (honorary) status was granted upon retirement from a faculty, academic staff or permanent classified appointment. The status carries into any subsequent appointment with the same set of duties. 2 – Distinguished Service.(No longer available) Indicates that distinguished service status was granted upon retirement from a non-instructional academic staff appointment. The status carries into any subsequent appointment with the same set of duties after a qualifying number of years of service. 3 – Certificate of appreciation.(No longer available) Indicates that this status was granted upon retirement from a classified appointment after a qualifying number of years of service. 4 – Rehired Annuitant. Indicates that an employee is hired into a new appointment after s/he retired from a previous appointment. |
VISA_BEGIN_DATE | A8 | The first day of the visa period. If the alien is to be employed before this date, written permission must be obtained from the appropriate University Personnel Office. Format is YYYYMMDD. |
VISA_EXP_DATE | A8 | The last day of the VISA period. If the alien is to be employed past this date, written permission must be obtained from the appropriate University Personnel Office. Format is YYYYMMDD. |
VISA_PURPOSE | A1 | The primary purpose specified for admittance to this country. Tax treaty rules for the country of citizenship may differentiate between those individuals whose primary purpose is to be a student, teacher, or researcher. Example: If a student is admitted on a J1 VISA and then gets a job as a teaching assistant, the primary purpose is still ‘student’ and not ‘teaching’.
Valid Values: |
VISA_TYPE | A2 | Identifies the type of VISA held by employees who are not U.S. citizens.
Note: This is a sensitive element. In addition, it needs to be checked for accuracy with the office of foreign students and faculty, and payroll. Each VISA carries with it certain restrictions and/or privileges with respect to whether the person holding it is allowed to be employed, the nature of the job and tax and fringe benefit requirements. |
WORK_AUTH_EXP_DATE | A8 | The last day the work authorization is valid. The person must not be employed past this date. Not required for VISA types RF (refugee) or PR (permanent resident) Format is YYYYMMDD. |
MARKED_FOR_CONVERSION | A1 | Indicates whether a particular appointment should be converted from classified to unclassified or from unclassified to classified.
Valid values are: |
EXTRACT_DATE_TIME | Date | The System generated date when the data was last refreshed. Format: mm/dd/ccyy. |