- This view contains the name associated with the category codes used in data views:
- Data no longer updated as of 11/2012
- HRS Service Center
Contact: Catharine Derubeis - AUTHORIZATION
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- Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357) - LAST UPDATED
- 6/97 – New View Created
03/09 – Custodian Change
06/12 – Custodian Change c4j
11/12 – New category Codes c4j
02/15 – Custodian Change - DATA FORMATS
- The codes following the field names in this document define the field. The different types are:
A – Alphanumeric field. This indicates the field may contain letters and/or numbers. The number following is the field length.
Example: a field defined as A5 could contain ‘E10LN’.
NS – Numeric-Signed field. This indicates the field may contain only numbers. The number following is the field length. If two digits with a decimal point in between are present the first indicates the number of positions before the decimal point and the second the number of digits after the decimal point.
Example: a field defined as NS4.2 would be in the format 9999.99 whereas NS6 would be in the format 999999.
Column Name | Format | Description |
CATEGORY_CODE | A2 | This is a digit field that contains a code that is assigned to types of employee categories used by payroll benefit offices. Valid Values are 02 through 49. |
CATEGORY_NAME | A35 | The full name of Employment categories used by the Department of Employee Trust Funds to report Wisconsin Retirement System service. Valid codes and associated category names are: ’02’ = Executive Retirement plan ’11’ = Teacher, Exec Retirement ’30’ = General ’31’ = Court Reporter ’32’ = Exec Ret Plan (Act 10) ’33’ = Protective w/ Social Sec ’34’ = Protective w/o Social Sec ’35’ = Judge, Supreme Court ’36’ = Leg/State Const Officer ’37’ = Judge, Court of Appeals ’38’ = Judge, Circuit Court ’39’ = Local Elected Official ’40’ = Teacher ’41’ = Teacher, Exec (Act 10) ’42’ = Educ Support Personnel ’45’ = Judge Supreme Ct (Act 10) ’46’ = Leg/Const Office (Act 10) ’47’ = Judge Appeals Ct (Act 10) ’48’ = Judge Circuit Ct (Act 10) ’49’ = Local Elected (Act 10) ’99’ = None reported for current year |
LOADDATE | A8 | Last date that the data was refreshed. Format: CCYYMMDD |