This view contains a summary of all contributions made to the Wisconsin Retirement System by an employee and his employer. The view contains the current balance of an employee’s retirement account as of 11/2012. Each employee will have only one record or each type of contribution e.g required contributions, voluntary additional contributions, tax deferred contributions, etc.

This information can be used in conjunction with the following to show you a more complete picture of the employees WRS record:

Data no longer updated as of 11/2012
HRS Service Center
Contact: Catharine Derubeis
You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to InfoAccess Home Page
A person, who at sometime in their Wisconsin Retirement System participation was an elected State Official, will have their final average earnings determined at the time of your retirement based on the greater of your actual earnings or your statutory salary. So in the case of elected state officials, all fields showing highest year earning information will contain either spaces or zeros.

Note: You will notice that some data fields have a Section header at the beginning of a group of fields. This is to identify groups of data element similar to how they appear on the Statement of Benefits printed form.

Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357)
6/97 – New View Created
03/09 – Custodian Change
04/10 – Added Member_ID c4j
06/12 – Custodian Change c4j
11/12 – Removed SSN (replaced by Emplid), removed retirement_msg, changed all references from ‘fixed’ to ‘core’, added or removed other fields to more closely resemble on-line statement of benefits, and Loaddate becomes Extract_Date_Time c4j
02/15 – Custodian Change
The codes following the field names in this document define the field. The different types are:
VARCHAR2( N) (N) = maximum length. Field contains letters and/or numbers. Trailing blanks are eliminated.
Example: VARCHAR2 (5) could contain ‘ABC12’ or ‘ABC’ or ‘A’NUMBER (N) (N) = length. Field contains only numbers.
NUMBER (X,Y) = format for numbers with decimal positions
X = total number of digits Y = the number of digits after the decimal
Examples: NUMBER (6) represents 250012 NUMBER (6,2) represents 2500.12
Column Name Format Description
EMPLID Varchar2(8) The emplid of the employee, assigned by university. This 8-character field should be used when writing query selection criteria.
MEMBER_ID Varchar2(13) In order to better protect your personal information, the Department of Employee Trust Funds (ETF) has assigned member identification (ID) numbers to all WRS members.
CORE_INT_PERCENT Number(5,2) The core interest rate as a percent earned for the reporting year format nn.nn (6.5% or 11.3% etc).
VARI_RATE_PERCENT Number(5,2) The variable gain or loss for the reporting year format nn.nn (6.5% or 11.3% etc).
RETIREMENT_AGE Number(2) The normal retirement age associated with the employment category the person is in.
Example: general employment category = 65 normal retirement age
EMP_BEG_REQ_BALANCE_C Number(10,2) The beginning balance of the Employee Required Core Contributions at the start of the reporting year.
EMP_BEG_REQ_BALANCE_V Number(10,2) The beginning balance of the Employee Required Variable Contributions at the start of the reporting year.
EMP_BEG_REQ_BALANCE_T Number(10,2) This is the Total Contributions in the employee’s WRS account at the beginning of the reporting year and is created by adding beg_req_balance_c to the beg_req_balance_v.
REQ_INTEREST_EARNED_C Number(10,2) Interest earned during the reporting year on the employee required contribution core rate account.
REQ_INTEREST_EARNED_V Number(10,2) Variable Gain/Loss during the reporting year on the employee required variable contributions.
REQ_INTEREST_EARNED_T Number(10,2) The interest and variable gains/losses for the reporting period and is created by adding interest_core to the interest_vari.
EMP_PAID_CONTRIBUTION_C Number(10,2) The amount of the employee required core contributions to the WRS account for the reporting year.
EMP_PAID_CONTRIBUTION_V Number(10,2) The amount of the employee required variable contributions to the WRS account for the reporting year.
EMP_PAID_CONTRIBUTION_T Number(10,2) Total employee required core and variable contributions made to the WRS account in the reporting year.
EMPLR_PAID_EMP_CONTRIBUTION_C Number(10,2) The amount of the employer required core contributions to the WRS account for the reporting year.
EMPLR_PAID_EMP_CONTRIBUTION_V Number(10,2) The amount of the employer required variable contributions to the WRS account for the reporting year.
EMPLR_PAID_RMP_CONTRIBUTION_T Number(10,2) Total employer required core and variable contributions made to the WRS account in the reporting year.
EMP_REQ_ADJUSTMENT_C Number(10,2) The amount of any employee required core account adjustments made to the WRS account during the reporting year, e.g. a payroll adjustment paid in the reporting period for a prior year.
EMP_REQ_ADJUSTMENT_V Number(10,2) The amount of any employee required variable account adjustments made to the WRS account during the reporting year, e.g. a payroll adjustment paid in the reporting period for a prior year.
EMP_REQ_ADJUSTMENT_T Number(10,2) The total employee required core and variable adjustments made to the WRS account in the reporting year and is created by adding the req_adjustment_c to req_adjustment_v.
EMP_END_REQ_BALANCE_C Number(10,2) The 1/1/XX calendar year end balance for the employee required core contributions in the employee’s account.
EMP_END_REQ_BALANCE_V Number(10,2) The 1/1/XX calendar year end balance for the employee required variable contributions in the employee’s account.
EMP_END_REQ_BALANCE_T Number(10,2) The 1/1/XX calendar year ending balance for the employee required core and variable contributions in the employee’s account and is created by adding the end_req_balance_c to end_req_balance_v.
INVESTMENT_IN_CONTRACT Number(10,2) The employee’s contributions to the WRS used for determining the taxability of a benefit.
EMP_ADDL_BEG_BALANCE_C Number(10,2) The employee core voluntary additional contributions balance at the beginning of the reporting year.
EMP_ADDL_BEG_BALANCE_V Number(10,2) The employee variable voluntary additional contributions balance at the beginning of the reporting year.
ADDL_INTEREST_C Number(10,2) The core interest on the beginning balance of the employee core voluntary additional contributions.
ADDL_INTEREST_V Number(10,2) This variable gains/losses on the beginning balance of the employee variable voluntary additional contributions.
EMP_ADDL_CONTRIBUTION_C Number(10,2) The employee core voluntary contributions made in the reporting year.
EMP_ADDL_CONTRIBUTION_V Number(10,2) The employee variable voluntary contributions made in the reporting year.
EMP_ADDL_ADJUSTMENT_C Number(10,2) The employee additional core contribution adjustments made in the reporting year.
EMP_ADDL_ADJUSTMENT_V Number(10,2) The employee additional variable contribution adjustments made in the reporting year.
EMP_ADDL_END_BALANCE_C Number(10,2) The 1/1/XX ending balance of the employee voluntary core additional contributions.
EMP_ADDL_END_BALANCE_V Number(10,2) The 1/1/XX ending balance of the employee voluntary variable additional contributions.
EMP_TAX_DEF_BEG_BALANCE_C Number(10,2) The employee tax deferred additional core contributions balance at the beginning of the reporting year.
EMP_TAX_DEF_BEG_BALANCE_V Number(10,2) The employee tax deferred additional variable contributions balance at the beginning of the reporting year.
TAX_DEF_INTEREST_C Number(10,2) Core interest applied to the beginning balance in the tax deferred employee additional core contributions.
TAX_DEF_INTEREST_V Number(10,2) Variable Gains/Losses applied to the beginning balance in the tax deferred employee additional variable contributions.
EMP_TAX_DEF_CONTRIBUTION_C Number(10,2) Tax deferred employee additional core contributions made during the reporting year.
EMP_TAX_DEF_CONTRIBUTION_V Number(10,2) Tax deferred employee additional variable contributions made during the reporting year.
EMP_TAX_DEF_ADJUSTMENT_C Number(10,2) Adjustments to tax deferred employee additional core contributions during the reporting year.
EMP_TAX_DEF_ADJUSTMENT_V Number(10,2) Adjustments to tax deferred employee additional variable contributions during the reporting year.
EMP_TAX_DEF_END_BALANCE_C Number(10,2) This is the 1/1/XX ending balance for tax deferred employee additional core contributions.
EMP_TAX_DEF_END_BALANCE_V Number(10,2) This is the 1/1/XX ending balance for tax deferred employee additional variable contributions.
EMPLR_ADDL_LTDI_BEG_BALANCE_C Number(10,2) The employer core additional/LTDI contributions balance at the beginning of the reporting year.
EMPLR_ADDL_LTDI_BEG_BALANCE_V Number(10,2) The employer variable additional/LTDI contributions balance at the beginning of the reporting year.
EMPLR_ADDL_LTDI_INTEREST_C Number(10,2) The core interest on the beginning balance of the employer core additional/LTDI contributions.
EMPLR_ADDL_LTDI_INTEREST_V Number(10,2) This variable gains/losses on the beginning balance of the employer variable additional/LTDI contributions.
EMPLR_ADDL_LTDI_CONTRIBUTION_C Number(10,2) The employer core additional/LTDI contributions made in the reporting year.
EMPLR_ADDL_LTDI_CONTRIBUTION_V Number(10,2) The employer variable additional/LTDI contributions made in the reporting year.
EMPLR_ADDL_LTDI_ADJUSTMENT_C Number(10,2) The employer core additional/LTDI contribution adjustments made in the reporting year.
EMPLR_ADDL_LTDI_ADJUSTMENT_V Number(10,2) The employer additional/LTDI variable contribution adjustments made in the reporting year.
EMPLR_ADDL_LTDI_END_BALANCE_C Number(10,2) The 1/1/XX ending balance of the employer voluntary core additional/LTDI contributions.
EMPLR_ADDL_LTDI_END_BALANCE_C Number(10,2) The 1/1/XX ending balance of the employer voluntary variable additional/LTDI contributions.
INVESTMENT_IN_CONTRACT_ADDL Number(10,2) The employee’s additional contributions to the WRS used for determining the taxability of a benefit.
SEP_BENEFIT_MSG Varchar2(105) This contains a separation message that states if an employee is eligible for a separation benefit or not based on the employee’s age.
SEP_BENEFIT_AMOUNT Number(10,2) If an employee is eligible for a separation benefit this is the amount that would be payable as of the 1/1/XX.
DEATH_BENEFIT_REQ Number(10,2) Amount of required contributions payable as a death benefit upon the death of the employee.
DEATH_BENEFIT_ADDL Number(10,2) Amount of voluntary additional contributions (this includes voluntary additional and tax deferred which voluntary additional) payable as a death benefit upon the death of an employee.
DEATH_BENEFIT_TOT Number(10,2) Total amount payable as a death benefit upon an employees’ death.
DEATH_BENEFIT_REQ_INACT Number(10,2) Amount of required contributions payable as a death benefit upon the death of the former employee.
DEATH_BENEFIT_ADDL_INACT Number(10,2) Amount of voluntary additional contributions (this includes voluntary additional and tax deferred which voluntary additional) payable as a death benefit upon the death of the former employee.
DEATH_BENEFIT_TOT_INACT Number(10,2) Total amount payable as a death benefit upon a former employees’ death.
HIGHEST_EARN_YEAR1 Varchar2(7) Contains the calendar of fiscal year of the highest earning that would be used in calculating a Formula Retirement Annuity Benefit. There are generally 3 occurrences of this information.
Format for general employees = CCYY (1995)
teachers = CCYY-YY (1995-96)
HIGHEST_EARN_AMOUNT1 Number(10,2) Contains the amount earned for highest earning year of the employee. There are generally 3 occurrences of this information.
HIGHEST_EARN_SERVICE1 Number(4,2) Indicates the amount of creditable service granted during the highest earnings year. Value for full year is 1.00. If service is less than 1.00, this figure is a decimal portion of a year. There are generally 3 occurrences of this information.
HIGHEST_EARN_YEAR2 Varchar2(7) Second occurrence of highest earning year.
HIGHEST_EARN_AMOUNT2 Number(10,2) Second occurrence of highest earning amount.
HIGHEST_EARN_SERVICE2 Number(4,2) Second occurrence of highest earned service.
HIGHEST_EARN_YEAR3 Varchar2(7) Third occurrence of highest earning year.
HIGHEST_EARN_AMOUNT3 Number(10,2) Third occurrence of highest earning amount.
HIGHEST_EARN_SERVICE3 Number(4,2) Third occurrence of highest earned service.
VAR_EXCESS_DEF_EMP Number(10,2) The earnings on the employee variable required contributions in the variable division that exceeded the earnings that would have been earned if in the core division.
VAR_EXCESS_DEF_ER Number(10,2) The earnings on the employer variable required contributions in the variable division that exceeded the earnings that would have been earned if in the core division.
VAR_EXCESS_DEF_TOT Number(10,2) The total earnings on the employee and employer variable required contributions in the variable division that exceeded the earnings that would have been earned if in the core division. This amount is used for calculating a Money Purchase Annuity that can be added to the Formula Annuity amount.
FINAL_AVG_MONTHLY_EARNINGS Number(10,2) The average monthly earnings of the three highest years of earnings.
EXTRACT_DATE_TIME Date The date and time these data were extracted.