This view displays payroll deduction records for tax related FICA, Federal, withholding, State income tax, etc. deductions generated during a payroll period not covered by views below. The views contain classified, unclassified and student personnel.

Related views that deal with deductions:
UA_PAYROLL_DED_MISC – miscellaneous deductions
UA_PAYROLL_DED_INSURANCE – deductions for health,
life, income continuation, catastrophic, etc
UA_PAYROLL_DED_RETIREMENT – deductions for retirement
and TSA’s

The data will be after each payroll calculation. Once a month for Unclassified. Every two weeks for Classified and Students.
Payroll and Benefits
Contact: Catharine Derubeis
You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to the InfoAccess Home Page
This contains deduction information for all campuses you may want to use unit equals as one of the criteria.
Please be aware that if your query involves multiple deductions or employees with multiple pay types, they maybe listed or counted multiple times in your query
Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357)
06/98 New data view.
3/10 Data Custodian Change
5/10 Removed Ded_Special_Amt c4j.
11/11 Data Custodian Change c4j .
The codes following the field names in this document define the field. The different types are:

A – Alphanumeric field. This indicates the field may contain letters and/or numbers. The number following is the field length.
Example: a field defined as A5 could contain ‘E10LN’.

NS – Numeric-Signed field. This indicates the field may contain only numbers. The number following is the field length. If two digits with a decimal point in between are present the first indicates the number of positions before the decimal point and the second the number of digits after the decimal point. For example: a field defined as NS4.2 would be in the format 9999.99 whereas NS6 would be in the format 999999.

D – Date field. This indicates the field may contain only dates. Please note for the documentation what kind of date format it is — whether YYYYMMDD-19980921 or MMDDYY-092198 etc.

Column Name Format Description
DED_CALC_NUMBER CHAR9 The unique identifier for a calculation processed in the payroll system. Consists of calendar year, payroll paid month, and sequence number. The scheduled calculations will be assigned a calculation number in advance and a listing of these numbers can be found at (Form #UW1087). Special calculations will be given a calculation number in between the sequence numbers of scheduled calculations.
For example: 199309100 = August Regular Unclassified 199309200 = August B Classified 199309300 = August B Student 199309400 = August End of Month Unclassified 199309500 = August C Classified 199309600 = September A Student
UNIT CHAR1 This is the Unit the person belongs to.
Examples: A = Madison
G = Parkside
N = Whitewater
B = Milwaukee
H = Platteville
R = Center System
C = Eau Claire
J = River Falls
T = Extension
D = Green Bay
K = Stevens Point
V = Regional Inter-Institutional
E = La Crosse
L = Stout
W = System Admin
F = Oshkosh
M = Superior
Y = System Wide
DED_PERSON_ID_CAL CHAR8 The unique number assigned to each person at the time of payment.
DED_PERSON_ID_CUR CHAR8 The current unique number assigned to each person.
DED_PERSON_SSN CHAR9 The social security number is a nine-digit identifier number assigned by the social security administration.
DED_PERSON_NAME CHAR30 Name of employee being paid. First name, Last name.
DED_CHANGE_NUMBER NUM7.2 A sequential number assigned when a change for a person’s payment and/or deductions is initiated. Zeros if original.
DED_DEDUCTION_CODE CHAR6 A code indicating what type of deduction to be taken, which include:

For a more detailed listing, see htttp:// Payroll Services processing Instruction Manual (Training Manual), Section 6.

Deduction Codes Deduction Description
A01-CHAR79 Federal Taxes
B01-B70 State Taxes
C03 Social Security
F01 Federal FICA
F03 Medicare
397 Medicare Adj
398 Soc Sec ADj
391 Federal FICA Adj
423 California Tax
DED_DEDUCTN_GROUP CHAR9 A code grouping specific deduction codes together. Valid codes are 005 thru 060. For more detailed listing, see, Payroll Services processing Instruction Manual (Training Manual), Section 6.
DED_PERIOD_ID CHAR9 Used for May Faculty calc to identify the extra deductions taken for June, July and August.
DED_DEDUCTION_TYPE CHAR1 The type of deduction that was processed.
Acceptable Values:
R = Regular
A = Adjustment
P = Prepayment
C = Correction
DED_CHANGE_STATUS CHAR1 Indicates if record has been changed through the change procedure.
H = Historical Record
Blank = Current Record
DED_DEDUCTN_AMOUNT NUM7.2 The amount of money that was processed for the deduction. If taken, the amount is subtracted from the gross to compute net pay.
DED_STATE_SHR_AMT NUM7.2 The amount Charged to employers for the employee deduction amount taken from salary. For certain deferred deductions only.
DED_EMP_PAID_AMT NUM7.2 The difference between the state share amount taken and the deduction amount taken.
DED_RETIRE_BASE CHAR1 The retirement plan that covers this appointment.
Acceptable values are:
‘4’ = Classified 1%, Last Two digits of
Class code = 21,22,24,26,27
‘D’ = Classified Protective 2%. Title
Code = 65670, 65661, 65662, 65580,
65590, 65760, 65540, 65740, 65910,
65920, 65930, 65560 and 65663.
‘E’,’5′ or ‘6’ = Faculty 1%. Last two
digits of Class code = 11,17,19.
‘G’ = Faculty Executive 1.5%. Last two
digits of Class code 19.
‘ ‘ = No retirement coverage.
DED_VISA_CODE CHAR2 Indicator for Foreign Employees with a Visa. The field is used to determine tax status and fringe benefit eligibility of Foreign Employees.
Acceptable values are:
1 – Employees from a Foreign Country who
have a type ‘F’ or ‘J” Visa.
2 – All other temporary Visas.
3 – All immigrant permanent visas.
DED_TAKEN_PERIOD CHAR6 The monthly payroll period identifier for the regular deductions processed in the calculation. (Now this is the same as earned period)
Format: CCYYMM
DED_CRED_UNION CHAR13 Employee account number at a credit union used to deposit the amount of the deduction. (only for deduction codes 745 and 775) Source of the credit union account number is provided by the various credit unions and entered into a deduction application. (employee deduction PDED).
DED_REPORT_NAME CHAR30 Name of deduction used in report headings. If it is an assignment deduction, then the last six positions (45-50) should contain the case number which the payroll check writer program will use to print on the ‘pay to order of’ line.
DED_COMPUTATN_AMT NUM9.2 The wage amount used to compute the deduction amount, for example, taxes or retirement.
DED_SPECIAL_CODE CHAR6 This code is used for when insurance deductions are taken for 9-month appointments during May for the summer. This field is blank on this view.