This view displays payroll transaction detail for the entire Oshkosh Campus (Unit F).
After each payroll calculation. Once a month for unclassified. Every two weeks for classified and students.
Payroll and Benefits
Contact: Catharine Derubeis
You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information on which forms to fill out or what connections are necessary, check out the InfoAccess Home Page
Please be aware that if your query involves employees with multiple pay types, they maybe listed or counted multiple times in your query.
Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357)
7/15/98 New data view.
7/09 Added payment types for furlough c4j
3/10 Data Custodian Change c4j
11/11 Data Custodian Change c4j
The codes following the field names in this document define the field. The different types are:
A – Alphanumeric field. This indicates the field may contain letters and/or numbers. The number following is the field length.
Example: a field defined as A5 could contain ‘E10LN’.
PS – Packed-Signed field. This indicates the field may contain only numbers. The number following is the field length. If two digits with a decimal point in between are present the first indicates the number of positions before the decimal point and the second the number of digits after the decimal point.
Example: a field defined as PS4.2 would be in the format 9999.99 whereas PS6 would be in the format 999999.
Column Name Format Description
PAY_EARNED_PERIOD A6 The month in which payment was earned.
Format: CCYYMM
PAY_CALC_NUMBER A9 The unique identifier for a calculation processed in the payroll system. Consists of calendar year, payroll paid month, and sequence number. The scheduled calculations will be assigned a calculation number in advance. Special calculations will be given a calculation number in between the sequence numbers of scheduled calculations.
For Example:
199309100 = August Regular Unclassified
199309200 = August B Classified
199309300 = August B Student
199309400 = August end of month unclassified
199309500 = August C Classified
199309600 = September A student
199309600 = September A student
PAY_PERSON_ID_CALC A8 The unique number assigned to each person at the time of payment.
PAY_PERSON_ID_CURR A8 The current unique number assigned to each person
PAY_PERSON_NAME A30 Name of employee being paid. First name, last name.
PAY_PERSON_SSN A9 The social security number is a nine digit identifier number assigned by the social security administration.
PAY_TITLE_CODE A5 A five character field which identifies the title. The field is used to identify the official university system title, or Wisconsin Civil Service title for the appointment.
Examples of Unclassified Titles (usually the first character of unclassified titles is alphabetic):

C20NN Professor
C30NN Associate Professor
Z99NN Academic Staff
A00NN University President

Examples of Classified Titles (usually the first character of classified titles is numberic):

13401 Computer Operator 1
13402 Computer Operator 2
17200 Typist
13504 Managment Info Spec 4

Example of Student title:

94870 Student Help
PAY_TITLE_NAME A30 The alphabetic title for a civil service title. The alphabetic title for an academic title.
A 30 letter title left justified, blank filled.
PAY_FUNDING_SOURCE A4 The University numeric fund code identifies the source of support for all salaries and wages. (The first three characters are the actual funding source, the last character is for future expansion).
Examples of funding source:

General Program Operations (101-106)
Doctoral Cluster 101
University Cluster 102
Center System 103
University Extension 104
Regional-Interinstitutional Programs 106
Central Administration 105
Systemwide 106
PAY_ACCT_CODE A5 A classification for grouping the funding and expenditures of projects or for grouping of funding and expenditures for other purposes. An account number identifier is required for certain funds and an available option on others.
Examples of accounting codes are:
PAY_UDDS_CODE A10 Identifies the unit, division, department, sub-department which is responsible for payment. The last three characters are spaces. This was for future expansion, in case the IADS Steering Committee decided to further sub divide the department.
Examples of a UDDS Codes are:

A173700 Educ/Academic SVCS
A488200 L&S/Social Work
A061060 DOIT/Business Apps DV
PAY_PYMT_ACTIVITY A2 The actual value is found in column 126.
Examples of payment activity are: 8, 4, 3, 2
PAY_AMOUNT_PAID NS7.2 The total amount paid to the employee.
PAY_HOURS_WORKED NS5.2 Total hours used to generate a payment from a particular funding source and payment type.
PAY_PAY_BASIS A1 The pay basis for this appointment must be one from the following list.
Valid Values:
C (Academic Year) – Directly tied to the academic year calendar. May include employees not necessarily engaged in classroom instruction, but the timing of whose services is dictated by the instructional calendar (including registration periods, final exam periods, etc.). Appointment, normally from August thru May.
A (Annual Year) – Responsibilities continue regardless of whether classroom instruction is taking place. Although the annual basis describes the fiscal year from July 1 thru June 30th, annual basis appointments can be for a period of shorter duration than the fiscal year.
S (Summer) – Employment periods between the end of one academic year and the beginning of the next (“C” Basis Employees become “S” Basis Employes if payrolled in the summer).
L (Lump) – If a one time payment needs to be made and a percentage, pay basis, base salary, is not appropriate. Used infrequently.
H (Hourly) – All classified employees are normally paid using this basis. Unclassified appointments for 25% time or less; workloads fluctuate sufficiently to justify appointment rather than an annual or academic one.
PAY_PAYMENT_RATE NS8.3 The rate of pay used to generate a payment from a particular funding source and payment type.
PAY_CLASS_CODE A4 Identifies the expenditure category to be charged with a payroll expense. It also guides fringe benefit and tuition and fee cost allocation procedures and provies statistical and forecasting information. The last two digits of the class code are closely identified with a type or job classification.
Examples are:
Student: 30
Classified Perm: 21
Classified: 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28
Faculty: 10, 11, 17, 19, 41, 47, 61, 71, 80, 81, 82, 91
10 = Extension Correspondence Course Grader
11 = Faculty Appointment
17 = Research Associate
19 = Academic Staff
20 = Special Pay
21 = Permanent Classified, 50% or more
22 = Limited Term and Emergency
23 = Exceptional Performance Award
24 = Permanent Classified, Less than 50%
26 = Project Position, 50% or more
27 = Project Position, Less than 50%
28 = Length of Service
30 = Student Hourly
41 = Fellows/Trainees/Scholars
47 = Post Doc Fellows/Trainees
61 = Research Assistants
71 = Teaching Assistants
80 = Undergrad Assistants
81 = Project/Program Assistants
82 = Undergrad Intern
91 = Post Grad Trainees/Non-Medical and Pharmacy InternsThe third digit identifies what type of position is being paid.
1 = Faculty
2 = Classified
3 = Student
4 = Fellow
6 = Research Asst.
7 = Teaching Asst.
8 = Project Asst.
9 = Residents, Interns, & Externs.
PAY_PAYMENT_TYPE A2 Code assigned to the authorization of the payment such as overtime, night differential, etc.
Valid Values:
‘ G’ = Regular gross (For Unclassified and Lump Sums)
P = Prior Gross or Hours (unclassified)
‘ H’ = Regular hours (For Students, Classified & UnclassStaff.)
PP = Prior Hours (classified and students)
PR = Prior Rate Adjustment
AA = Stand-By (Non-rep/per hour)
AL = Overseas Allowance
CA = Comp Time FLSA Difference
CP = Compensatory Time Paid
DF = Post Differential
EP = Exceptional Performance
FW = Classified Fifth Week Vacation
PV = Prior Classified Fifth Week Vacation
LR = Lodging (Required)
LN = Lodging (Not Required)
LS = Length of Service
LT = Length of Service – Termination
OT = Overtime @ 1.5
PT = Prior Overtime @ 1.5
OS = Overtime @ Regular Rate
PS = Prior Overtime @ Regular Rate
OK = Overtime @ 1/2 (Holiday)
PK = Prior Overtime @ 1/2 (Holiday)
ON = Overtime @ 1/2 (Weekend)
PO = Prior Overtime @ 1/2 (Weekend)
OJ = Crafts Overtime
PJ = Prior Crafts Overtime
ND = Night Differential
PN = Prior Night Differential
WD = Weekend Differential
PW = Prior Weekend Differential
RA = Charge Nurse Responsibility
PL = Prior Charge Nurse Responsibility
RB = Night Responsibility
PM = Prior Night Responsibility
SD = Stand-by (Various BU’s/per 8 hr shift)
SE = Stand-by (BU 11/per 8 hr shift)
SG = Stand-by (BU 11 on-site/per 8 hr shift)
TC = Classified Termination Pay – Comp Time
TL = Classified Termination Pay – Legal Holiday
TP = Classified Termination Pay – Personal Holiday
TS = Classified Termination Pay – Sabbatical Leave
TV = Classified Termination Pay – Vacation (Hours)
UA = Uniform Allowance
XC = Non-duct LWOP – Craftsworker
XN = Non-deduct LWOP – Temp Layoff
XU = Non-deduct LWOP – Union Activity
XX = Negative Gross
XF = Reduction of Gross due to Furlough
XG = Furlough Hours Taken
XH = Furlough Hours Taken with Pay Reduction
PAY_PAYROLL_GROUP A1 Identification code of payroll section processed.
Examples of Payroll Group Code are:
R = Regular Faculty
S = Student
C = Classified
E = End of Month Faculty
PAY_PERIOD_TYPE A1 Type of Payroll:
M = Monthly
A,B,C = Biweekly
PAY_PAYABLE_DATE A8 The date the check is payable.
PAY_PAYROL_SECTION A2 Controlled groupings of like payroll types, such as, Classified, Regular Faculty, End of Month Faculty, Summer Session, Faculty, Students, or Workstudy Students. These sections are determined by payroll auditor in payroll processing center 1 to be manageable numbers and often consist of persons in the same campus and/or divisions within a campus. A section can consist of one or many subsets called payroll entry groups (PEG).
Section 36 = Classified for Green Bay
Section 23 = Faculty for Madison Hospital
Section YS = Student Workstudy for Milwaukee
Section 87 = Student for Residence Halls Madison
PAY_APPT_ID A8 A unique number assigned to every appointment.
PAY_APPT_TYPE A2 Identifies the major personnel category for the appointment. Each type is governed by specific statutes and/or personnel regulations, polities, or procedures.
Acceptable Values:
FA = Faculty
Appointments with instructional, research and service responsibilities with the Title of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, or Instructor (At a required FTE level). Tenure status for faculty appointments must be granted by Divisional Committee, Dean and Regents System approval is needed to openly recruit for a tenured position.
LI = Limited Appointee
Special appointments to designated administrative positions. A Concurrent Faculty, Academic Staff, or Classified Staff Appointment may (Must at UW-Mil) be held by appointee. Limited Appointees, except Coaches, without an on-going concurrent appointment should be provided with a back-up academic staff appointment.
AS = Academic Staff
Professional and Administrative appointments with duties primarily associated with higher education institutions on their administration.
ET = Employes-In-Training
Appointments that provide additional training or experience in a field of specialization.
SA = Student Assistants
Appointments filled by enrolled students (Usually Graduate Students).
CP = Classified Permanent
Employment of a career nature that requires the services an employee for 600 hours or more on an annual basis and includes school year employment under S.230.08(3)(E) stats.
CL = Classified LTES
Employment in which the nature and conditions do not lead to a career and does not exceed 1043 Hours in 26 consecutive biweekly pay periods.
CJ = Classified Project
An appointment for which the duties are not a regular or on-going function of the employing agency and has a required monitor length maximum of four (4) years. Does not provide for attainment of permanent status.
SH = Student Help
Appointments that provide part-time or temporary support and which are held by enrolled students. These appointments are incidental to the purpose of attending the University.
OT = Other
Teaching Supervisors, Honorary Fellows, etc.
PAY_PAYROLL_ORG A24 A combination of the following fields placed together:
Section (Cols 184-185)
Peg (Cols 186-196)
Cost Center Code (Cols 196-207)
PAY_BARGAINING_UNT A2 A numeric code that indicates the data processing unit code as defined in the compensation pay plan that a title is included in.
Examples are:
00 Student Help
02 Clerical & Related
03 Blue Collar & Non-bldg Trades
04 Building Trades-crafts
05 Security & Public Safety
06 Technical
07 Fiscal & Staff Services
08 Research Statistics & Analysis
09 Legal
10 Patient Treatment
11 Patient Care
12 Social Services
13 Education
14 Engineering
15 Science
16 NonProfessional Supervisory
17 Professional Supervisory
19 Executive & Management
98 Non-Professional Confidential
PAY_PAR_PERIOD A2 The federal reporting period as defined by OMB-A21 for the payment represented by this split. Required on ‘C’ pay basis regular splits during earned month of January. Regular on all.
Acceptable Values:
A1 = Jan 1 – June 30 (Annual Appointment)
A2 = July 1 – Dec 31 (Annual Appointment)
S1 = Fall Semester (Academic Appointment)
R2 = Spring Semester (Academic Appointment)
R3 = Summer (Academic Appointment)
M6 = Earned June Salary (used for July payroll instead of R3 to separate June and July paid days)
M7 = Earned July Salary (used for July payroll instead of R3 to separate June and July paid days)
01 -12 = Earned Month (Classified and Student)
PAY_SENIORITY_DATE A8 The date on which an employee has started employment. Format: CCYYMMDD
PAY_PAYMT_BEG_DATE A8 The beginning date of the pay period this payment is related.
PAY_PAYMT_END_DATE A8 The ending date of the pay period to which this payment is related. CCYYMMDD
PAY_PER_BEG_DATE A8 The date on which the pay period begins.
PAY_PER_END_DATE A8 The date on which the pay periods ends.
PAY_CHANGE_NUMBER NS7 A sequential number assigned when a change for a person’s payments and/or deductions is initiated. Zeros if original.
PAY_CHANGE_STATUS A1 Indicates if record has been changed through the change procedure.
Acceptable values are:
Blank = Current view, view not changed, or next change not yet completed.
C = Changed, no longer the most recent view of the data.
PAY_RATE_OVER_MAX A1 This indicates if the appointment rate is approved to be above the pay range or span maximum defined (if one is defined), or the appointment is red circled upon eligible personnel actions.
Acceptable values are:
Y = Rate is approved to be above the maximum.
R = Red Circled (Currently for Classified only)
Blank = Appointment is not approved for rate over max
PAY_SEASONL_STATUS A1 Describes the seasonal nature of the work performed in the appointment.
Acceptable Values are:
1 = Seasonal
2 = Academic Year
3 = Fall Semester
4 = Spring Semester
5 = Summer
PAY_PROBATION_TYPE A2 The type of probation training or evaluation period served by the employee holding this appointment. During the period, the employe may have different eligibility for certain rate increases, benefits, etc. During the probation evaluation or classified trainee period, the employe may be dismissed without appeal rights. A review of progress is required for classified employes before allowing period to end.
Acceptable values are:
CO = Classified Original
A required probation period for employes in an “original appointment” as defined in Wisconsin Administrative Code. The probation period starts when the appointment does, or after a training probation period. The probation period is six months for non-supervisory appointments (can be extended up to three more months), twelve months for supervisory appointments (all or a portion of the last six months can be waived). A rate increase is granted after six months; the rate increase is either to PSICM or a step, whichever is greater, not to exceed the maximum of the range. Due to transfer or reinstatement, the required period may be served in more than one appointment.
CP = Classified Promotional
A required probation period for classified employees promoted to a new appointment as defined in Wisconsin Administrative Code. The probation period starts when the appointment does, or after a training probation period. The probation period is six months for non-supervisory appointments (can be extended up to three more months), twelve months for supervisory appointments (all or a portion or the last six months can be waived). A rate increase is granted after six months; the rate increase is either to PSICM or a step, whichever is greater, not to exceed the maximum of the range. Due to transfer or reinstatement, the required period may be served in more than one appointment.
CS = Classified Permissive
An optional probation period for classified employes transferring, demoting, or reinstating to a new appointment. The probation period can be any length of time, up to a maximum of six months. If the action occurs within the same employing unit, no permissive probation is allowed.
TR = Trainee or Apprentice
For Classified Employes, a required probationary period of up to three years spent in a trainee role or apprenticeship
TT = Tenure-Track
A probationary period for a faculty member preceding a decision on a tenure appointment. May not exceed 7 consecutive academic years (Excluding leaves-or Absence) In a full-time position in an institution. Rules concerning required review and notice of non-retention or dismissal may be found in UWS 3.09.
PI = Probationary leading to indefinite academic staff.
HS = CHS (Clinical Health Sciences Collateral Faculty).
EV = Unclassified evaluation period optional for academic staff; a period of three months or less.
PAY_RETR_DED_TYPE A6 The retirement deduction assigned by the calculation. It is assigned using information about the appointment, and the payment type.
PAY_BAC_DED_TYPE A6 The deduction for the back portion of retirement. Assigned by the calculation in addition to the ordinary retirement deduction above, using information about the appointment and payment type.
PAY_BIRTH_DATE A8 The day, month and year of one’s birth.
PAY_FED_TAX_DED A6 Deduction type for withholding federal income tax for this payment.
PAY_SS_DED_TYPE A6 The social security deduction assigned by the calculation.
LOADDATE DATE The date the data was last refreshed.