- This data view provides department planning profile information for non-credit-generating departments to support budget-making decisions. For selected departments, it contains summary research award and payroll FTE data by department over time. Selected credit-generating departments are summarized in a separate view: (DEPT_PROFILE_CREDIT_GEN).
Data is organized by UDDS, fiscal year, semester, and level of summary. Level of summary must always be included as a field in the query to obtain appropriate results. For analysis at the individual department level, include only those rows with level_of_summary=1. For analysis at the school or college level, level_of_summary=3 will provide a summary at the school/college level for all departments contained in the view. Level_of_summary=2 provides summary data for all departments within a discipline and school/college (for example, Humanities within the school of Education).
Data is included beginning with fiscal year 1990. (For some fields, data is available since 1993-94. See field descriptions below.)
In most cases, data for obsolete departments is reported with the department where they are currently affiliated. For example, the UDDS for Institute for Research on Poverty (IRP) was changed from A4846 to A484260 in 1999. All research awards and FTE’s for IRP for all years are reported in the current department UDDS(A484260).
Additional information about the fields contained in this view is available on the Academic Planning and Institutional Research website at: http://apir.wisc.edu/deptplanningprof.htm.
- This data is reloaded each time the Department Profile is run for credit-generating departments, toward the end of each semester and summer session. Typically this occurs 5/1, 8/2, and 12/1. The data is replaced.
- Allison La Tarte, Office of Academic Planning and Institutional Research.
- You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to the InfoAccess Home Page
- Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357) - LAST UPDATED
- 12/2001 – New view created.
09/2014 – Revised to include 101 funds separately. - DATA FORMATS
- Primary Key Columns are identified with an asterisk(*)
- Alphanumeric Data
- VARCHAR2( N) (N) = maximum length. Field contains letters and/or numbers. Trailing blanks are eliminated.
Example: VARCHAR2 (5) could contain ‘ABC12’ or ‘ABC’ or ‘A’ - Numeric Data
- NUMBER (N) (N) = length. Field contains only numbers.
NUMBER (X,Y) = format for numbers with decimal positions.
X = total number of digits
Y = the number of digits after the decimal
Examples: NUMBER (6) represents 250012 NUMBER (6,2) represents 2500.12 - Date
- DATE – Date can be in various formats. Date functions available with your query tool can be used to format the date.
Column Name | Format | Description |
*LEVEL_OF_SUMMARY | varchar2(1) | Valid values: 1 = department 2 = discipline 3 = division (school/college) |
*DISCIPLINE | varchar2(1) | Valid values for L&S departments: H = Humanities N = Natural Sciences O = Other S = Social Sciences. Valid values for non-L&S departments: 1 = Social & Behavioral Sciences 2 = Humanities 3 = Engineering & Physical Sciences 4 = Agriculture & Life Sciences 5 = Health Sciences P = Professional schools. |
*FISCAL_YEAR | varchar2(4) | Includes century (e.g., 1999) |
*SEMESTER | varchar2(1) | Valid values: 1 = fall; 2 = spring; 3 = summer |
*UDDS | Varchar2 (7) | A code for the combined codes for Unit, Division, Department, and Subdepartment. |
*DIVISION | Varchar2 (2) | The second and third characters of the UDDS code. They define the college or division within the institution. |
*DEPARTMENT | Varchar2 (2) | The fourth and fifth characters of the UDDS code. They define the department within the division |
*SUBDEPARTMENT | Varchar2 (2) | The sixth and seventh characters of the UDDS code. They define the subdepartment within the department |
INDEFINITE_APPTS_HEAD_CT | Num (12,2) | Head count of all academic staff with indefinite appointments in department |
ROLLING_HORIZON_HEAD_CT | Num (12,2) | Head count of all academic staff with rolling horizon appointments in department |
FACULTY_ALL_FUNDS | Num (12,2) | FTE total of all funded splits within department of tenure/tenure-track faculty titles (EEO Category 2-1) |
FACULTY_101 | Num (12,2) | FTE total of all 101-funded splits within department of tenure/tenure-track faculty titles (EEO Category 2-1). |
FACULTY_101_2 | Num (12,2) | FTE total of all 101-funded, Activity 2 (instructional) splits within department of tenure/tenure-track faculty titles (EEO Category 2-1). |
FACULTY_AFFILIATES_101 | Num (12,2) | FTE total of all 101-funded splits of tenure/tenure-track faculty titles without tenure home in department, including any with payroll FTE in excess of tenure FTE. |
PRCNT_ROSTER_NOT_ON_101 | num(12,2) | Percent of faculty roster not paid on 101 funds. Calculation = ((Total Faculty Roster-(Faculty on 101-Faculty Affiliates on 101)) / Total Faculty Roster) * 100. |
INSTR_ACAD_STAFF_PERM_101_2 | num(12,2) | FTE total of all 101-funded, Activity 2 (instructional) splits within department of instructional academic staff titles (EEO category 2-2) in which the appointment is not of short-term duration (not fixed-term terminal). NOTE: Information available beginning in 1993-94. |
INSTR_ACAD_STAFF_TEMP_101_2 | num(12,2) | FTE total of all 101-funded, Activity 2 (instructional) splits within department of instructional academic staff titles (EEO category 2-2) in which the appointment is of short-term duration (fixed-term terminal). NOTE: Prior to 1993-94, includes all instructional academic staff, regardless of appointment duration. |
INSTR_ACAD_STAFF_101 | num(12,2) | FTE total of all 101-funded splits within department (on all activities) of instructional academic staff titles (EEO category 2-2), regardless of the duration of the appointment. |
FAC_AND_INSTR_AS_EXCL_TA_101 | num(12,2) | FTE total of faculty and instructional academic staff on 101 funds (excludes teaching assistants). Calculation = Faculty 101 + Instr Acad Staff 101. |
TA_101 | num(12,2) | FTE total of all 101-funded splits within department for teaching assistant titles (titles beginning with Y30, Y32 or Y33). |
TA_HEAD_COUNT_101 | num(12,2) | Head count (appointment count) of all 101-funded appointments within department for teaching assistant titles (titles beginning with Y30, Y32 or Y33). |
INSTR_AS_AND_TA_ALL_FUNDS | num(12,2) | FTE total of all funded splits within department of instructional academic staff titles (EEO category 2-2) plus teaching assistants (titles beginning withY30, Y32 or Y33) |
TOTAL_FAC_INSTR_AS_TA_101 | num(12,2) | Total faculty, instructional academic staff, and teaching assistants on 101 funds. Calculation = Fac & Instr AS Excl TA 101 + TA 101. |
UNCLASS_101_ADMIN_DOCT_OTHER | num(12,2) | FTE total of all 101-funded splits within department of unclassified titles defined as “executive, managerial, administrative” (EEO category 1-1), “doctoral” (EEO category 3-1), and “other” (EEO category 3-3). |
UNCLASS_101_EIT_PA_RA | num(12,2) | FTE total of all 101-funded splits within department of unclassified titles defined as “employees in training” (EEO category 3-2) and “student staff” (EEO category 3-4, excluding teaching assistants). |
TOTAL_UNCLASS_SUPPORT_101 | num(12,2) | FTE total of all 101-funded splits within department of unclassified titles defined as “executive, managerial, administrative” (EEO category 1-1), “doctoral” (EEO category 3-1), “other” (EEO category 3-3), “employees in training” (EEO category 3-2) and “student staff” (EEO category 3-4, excluding teaching assistants). |
TOTAL_UNCL_SUPPORT_ALL_FUNDS | num(12,2) | FTE total of all funded splits within department of unclassified titles defined as “executive, managerial, administrative” (EEO category 1-1), “doctoral” (EEO category 3-1), “other” (EEO category 3-3), “employees in training” (EEO category 3-2) and “student staff” (EEO category 3-4, excluding teaching assistants) |
CLASSIFIED_101_ADMIN_PROF | num(12,2) | FTE total of all 101-funded splits within department of classified titles defined as “executive, managerial, administrative” (EEO category 1-2) and “professional” (EEO category 3-5).. |
CLASSIFIED_101_CLERICAL | num(12,2) | FTE total of all 101-funded splits within department of classified titles defined as “secretarial/clerical” (EEO category 4). |
CLASSIFIED_101_TECH_PARAPROF | num(12,2) | FTE total of all 101-funded splits within department of classified titles defined as “technical/paraprofessional” (EEO category 5). |
CLASS_101_CRAFTS_SERV_MAINT | num(12,2) | FTE total of all 101-funded splits within department of classified titles defined as “skilled crafts” (EEO category 6) and “service/maintenance” (EEO category 7). |
TOTAL_CLASSIFIED_101 | num(12,2) | FTE total of all 101-funded splits within department of classified titles defined as “executive, managerial, administrative” (EEO category 1-2), “professional” (EEO category 3-5), “secretarial/clerical” (EEO category 4), “technical/paraprofessional” (EEO category 5), “skilled crafts” (EEO category 6) and “service/maintenance” (EEO category 7). |
TOTAL_CLASSIFIED_ALL_FUNDS | num(12,2) | FTE total of all funded splits within department of classified titles defined as “executive, managerial, administrative” (EEO category 1-2), “professional” (EEO category 3-5), “secretarial/clerical” (EEO category 4), “technical/paraprofessional” (EEO category 5), “skilled crafts” (EEO category 6) and “service/maintenance” (EEO category 7) |
LTE_101 | num(12,2) | FTE total of all 101-funded splits within department for limited term employees (appointment type CL, classified-limited). NOTE: Information available beginning in 1993-94. |
LTE_ALL_FUNDS | num(12,2) | FTE total of all funded splits within department for limited term employees (appointment type CL, classified-limited). Information available beginning in 1993-94. |
TOTAL_INSTR_AND_NON_INSTR_101 | num(12,2) | Total instructional and non-instructional staff FTE on 101 funds. Calculation = Faculty 101 + Instr Acad Staff 101 + TA 101 + Tot Unclass Support 101 + Tot Classified 101 + LTE 101. |
TOTAL_INSTR_AND_NON_INSTR_ALL | num(12,2) | Total instructional and non-instructional staff FTE on all funds. Calculation = Faculty FTE All Funds + Instr AS & TA All Funds + Tot Uncl Support All Funds + Tot Classified All Funds + LTE All Funds. |
FACULTY_GPR | Num (12,2) | FTE total of all GPR-funded splits within department of tenure/tenure-track faculty titles (EEO Category 2-1). NOTE: for L&S, GPR funds = Fund 101 only. |
FACULTY_GPR_2 | Num (12,2) | FTE total of all GPR-funded, Activity 2 (instructional) splits within department of tenure/tenure-track faculty titles (EEO Category 2-1). NOTE: for L&S, GPR funds = Fund 101 only. |
FACULTY_AFFILIATES_GPR | Num (12,2) | FTE total of all GPR-funded splits of tenure/tenure-track faculty titles without tenure home in department, including any with payroll FTE in excess of tenure FTE. NOTE: for L&S, GPR Funds = Fund 101 only. |
PRCNT_ROSTER_NOT_ON_GPR | num(12,2) | Percent of faculty roster not paid on GPR funds. Calculation = ((Total Faculty Roster-(Faculty on GPR-Faculty Affiliates on GPR)) / Total Faculty Roster) * 100. NOTE: for L&S, GPR funds = Fund 101 only. |
INSTR_ACAD_STAFF_PERM_GPR_2 | num(12,2) | FTE total of all GPR-funded, Activity 2 (instructional) splits within department of instructional academic staff titles (EEO category 2-2) in which the appointment is not of short-term duration (not fixed-term terminal). NOTE: for L&S, GPR funds = Fund 101 only. Information available beginning in 1993-94. |
INSTR_ACAD_STAFF_TEMP_GPR_2 | num(12,2) | FTE total of all GPR-funded, Activity 2 (instructional) splits within department of instructional academic staff titles (EEO category 2-2) in which the appointment is of short-term duration (fixed-term terminal). NOTE: for L&S, GPR funds = Fund 101 only. Prior to 1993-94, includes all instructional academic staff, regardless of appointment duration. |
INSTR_ACAD_STAFF_GPR | num(12,2) | FTE total of all GPR-funded splits within department (on all activities) of instructional academic staff titles (EEO category 2-2), regardless of the duration of the appointment. NOTE: for L&S, GPR funds = Fund 101 only. |
FAC_AND_INSTR_AS_EXCL_TA_GPR | num(12,2) | FTE total of faculty and instructional academic staff on GPR funds (excludes teaching assistants). Calculation = Faculty GPR + Instr Acad Staff GPR. NOTE: for L&S, GPR Funds = Fund 101 only. |
TA_GPR | num(12,2) | FTE total of all GPR-funded splits within department for teaching assistant titles (titles beginning with Y30, Y32 or Y33). NOTE: for L&S, GPR funds = Fund 101 only. |
TA_HEAD_COUNT_GPR | num(12,2) | Head count (appointment count) of all GPR-funded appointments within department for teaching assistant titles (titles beginning with Y30, Y32 or Y33). NOTE: for L&S, GPR funds = Fund 101 only. |
TOTAL_FAC_INSTR_AS_TA_GPR | num(12,2) | Total faculty, instructional academic staff, and teaching assistants on GPR funds. Calculation = Fac & Instr AS Excl TA GPR + TA GPR. NOTE: for L&S, GPR funds = Fund 101 only. |
UNCLASS_GPR_ADMIN_DOCT_OTHER | num(12,2) | FTE total of all GPR-funded splits within department of unclassified titles defined as “executive, managerial, administrative” (EEO category 1-1), “doctoral” (EEO category 3-1), and “other” (EEO category 3-3). NOTE: for L&S, GPR funds = Fund 101 only. |
UNCLASS_GPR_EIT_PA_RA | num(12,2) | FTE total of all GPR-funded splits within department of unclassified titles defined as “employees in training” (EEO category 3-2) and “student staff” (EEO category 3-4, excluding teaching assistants). NOTE: for L&S, GPR funds = Fund 101 only. |
TOTAL_UNCLASS_SUPPORT_GPR | num(12,2) | FTE total of all GPR-funded splits within department of unclassified titles defined as “executive, managerial, administrative” (EEO category 1-1), “doctoral” (EEO category 3-1), “other” (EEO category 3-3), “employees in training” (EEO category 3-2) and “student staff” (EEO category 3-4, excluding teaching assistants). NOTE: for L&S, GPR funds = Fund 101 only. |
CLASSIFIED_GPR_ADMIN_PROF | num(12,2) | FTE total of all GPR-funded splits within department of classified titles defined as “executive, managerial, administrative” (EEO category 1-2) and “professional” (EEO category 3-5). NOTE: for L&S, GPR funds = Fund 101 only. |
CLASSIFIED_GPR_CLERICAL | num(12,2) | FTE total of all GPR-funded splits within department of classified titles defined as “secretarial/clerical” (EEO category 4). NOTE: for L&S, GPR funds = Fund 101 only. |
CLASSIFIED_GPR_TECH_PARAPROF | num(12,2) | FTE total of all GPR-funded splits within department of classified titles defined as “technical/paraprofessional” (EEO category 5). NOTE: for L&S, GPR funds = Fund 101 only. |
CLASS_GPR_CRAFTS_SERV_MAINT | num(12,2) | FTE total of all GPR-funded splits within department of classified titles defined as “skilled crafts” (EEO category 6) and “service/maintenance” (EEO category 7). NOTE: for L&S, GPR funds = Fund 101 only. |
TOTAL_CLASSIFIED_GPR | num(12,2) | FTE total of all GPR-funded splits within department of classified titles defined as “executive, managerial, administrative” (EEO category 1-2), “professional” (EEO category 3-5), “secretarial/clerical” (EEO category 4), “technical/paraprofessional” (EEO category 5), “skilled crafts” (EEO category 6) and “service/maintenance” (EEO category 7). NOTE: for L&S, GPR funds = Fund 101 only. |
LTE_GPR | num(12,2) | FTE total of all GPR-funded splits within department for limited term employees (appointment type CL, classified-limited). NOTE: for L&S, GPR funds = Fund 101 only. Information available beginning in 1993-94. |
TOTAL_INSTR_AND_NON_INSTR_GPR | num(12,2) | Total instructional and non-instructional staff FTE on GPR funds. Calculation = Faculty GPR + Instr Acad Staff GPR + TA GPR + Tot Unclass Support GPR + Tot Classified GPR + LTE GPR. NOTE: for L&S, GPR funds = Fund 101 only. |
EXTRAM_ AWARDS_FEDERAL | num(12,2) | Extramural Awards – Federal. Federal awards from August through July of each year on all activities; includes funds 144, 145, 146, 147, 148. |
PRCNT_COLL_EXTRAM_AWRDS_FED | num(12,2) | Federal extramural awards for this department as a percentage of total federal extramural awards for school/college. Calculation = (Extram Awards Federal / sum of all Extram Awards Federal for division) / 100. |
EXTRAM_AWARDS_NON_FEDERAL | num(12,2) | Extramural Awards – Non-Federal. Non-federal awards from August through July of each year on all activities; includes funds 133,134,135,161,162. |
PRCNT_COLL_EXTR_AWRDS_NON_FED | num(12,2) | Non-federal extramural awards for this department as a percentage of total non-federal extramural awards for school/college. Calculation = (Extram Awards Non-Federal / sum of all Extram Awards Non-Federal for division) * 100. |
EXTRACT_DATE_TIME | Date | The date and time the data is extracted from the source system(s). |