UA_RADMAIL includes information predominantly from a system that supports the staff directory. Additional data items come from the Integrated Appointment system and the Tenure system.

Only current data from the Madison campus is selected. In addition, only employees that have at least part of their appointment as unclassified and a title code less than X50NN are selected. This data view uses UDDS code to limit the records returned based on your authorization.

This data is updated on the 15th of every month.
Human Resources Office
Contact: Catharine Derubeis
You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to the InfoAccess Home Page
There are no special considerations.
Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357)
04/01/94 Project to standardize the data view documentation.
01/07 Now using the DB2 table Employee_Degree table for degree info. Removed Fac_Status, Fac_Division and Fac_Udds since they are by appointment and this view is by person
Also, this view is now being updated on a monthly basis instead of only January, June and September c4j
10/07 Data Custodian change.
11/11 Data Custodian change c4j.
The codes following the field names in this document define the field. The different types are:

A – Alphanumeric field. This indicates the field may contain letters and/or numbers. The number following is the field length.
Example: a field defined as A5 could contain ‘E10LN’.

PS – Packed-Signed field. This indicates the field may contain only numbers. The number following is the field length. If two digits with a decimal point in between are present the first indicates the number of positions before the decimal point and the second the number of digits after the decimal point.
Example: a field that is defined as PS4.2 would be in the format 9999.99 whereas PS6 would be in the format 999999.

Column Name Format Description
SOC_SEC_NUM A9 An employee’s social security number.
PERSON_ID A8 Information carried on the IADS system which is linked to the SSN and can be used in the future to get additional information from that system.
NAME A30 The employee’s full name. In the format last, first.
TITLE_CODE1 A5 The title code an employee has for a specific appointment.
TITLE1 A21 The textual name for the title code.
APPT_CATEGORY1 A1 Indicates either a classified or unclassified appointment.
UDDS1 A7 This field represents the Unit, Division, Department, and Subdepartment for an appointment.
UDDS_NAME1 A38 The short name for the UDDS code for the first appointment.
DIV_NAME1 A39 The expanded division name for the first appointment.
DEPT_NAME1 A39 The expanded department name for the first appointment.
SUBDEPT_NAME1 A39 The expanded subdepartment name for the first appointment.
TITLE_CODE2 A5 The title code an employee has for a specific appointment.
TITLE2 A21 The textual name for the title code.
APPT_CATEGORY2 A1 Indicates either a classified or unclassified appointment.
UDDS2 A7 This field represents the Unit, Division, Department, and Subdepartment for an appointment.
UDDS_NAME2 A38 The short name for the UDDS code for the second appointment.
DIV_NAME2 A39 The expanded division name for the second appointment.
DEPT_NAME2 A39 The expanded department name for the second appointment.
SUBDEPT_NAME2 A39 The expanded subdepartment name for the second appointment.
DEGREE1 A3 Three letters indicating the first degree on the file.
Example: BA, BS, MBA.
DEGREE2 A3 Three letters indicating the second degree on the file.
Example: BA, BS, MBA.
DEGREE3 A3 Three letters indicating the third degree on the file.
Example: BA, BS, MBA.
DEGREE4 A3 Three letters indicating the fourth degree on the file.
Example: BA, BS, MBA.
BUILDING_NUMB A4 The number of the building on campus where this employee has an office.
ROOM_NUMB A6 The room number of the office.
BUILDING_NAME A40 The name of the building where the office is located.
BUILDING_ADDR A30 The street address of the building where the office is located.
CITY_STATE A20 The city and state of the building where the office is located.
ZIPCODE A5 The zipcode of the building where the office is located.
PHONE1 A10 The office phone number. In the format 6082621111.
PHONE2 A10 The office phone number. In the format 6082621111.
EMAIL A40 The campus electronic mail address.
LOADDATE A8 The data the data was extracted from the live files
GENDER A1 Indicates the gender of a person
‘F’ = Female
‘M’ = Male
‘ ‘ = Unknown