UA_TITLES_SYSTEM displays title salary information for all current active classified and unclassified titles. This view shows only system rates. There is another view UA_TITLES_MADISON that is identical to this one but contains the title data for Madison only.

There will be two records for each unclassified title (one for 12-month salary basis and one for 9 month salary basis).

The data in this view is refreshed every weekend.
Human Resources Office
Contact: Catharine Derubeis
You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to InfoAccess Home Page
The TITLE_CODE and SALARY_BASIS can be used together to select unclassified titles that are either 12 month (salary_basis A) or 9 month (salary_basis C). If rate values do not exist for certain titles zeros will be used for the salary minimum and midpoint and nines will be used for the salary maximum.
Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357)
01/11/96 – New View (rzs)
10/12/07 – Data Custodian change.
11/2011 – Data Custodian Change c4j.
The codes following the field names in this document define the field. The different types are:

A – Alphanumeric field. This indicates the field may contain letters and/or numbers. The number following is the field length.
Example: a field defined as A5 could contain ‘E10LN’.

PS – Packed-Signed field. This indicates the field may contain only numbers. The number following is the field length. If two digits with a decimal point in between are present the first indicates the number of positions before the decimal point and the second the number of digits after the decimal point.
Example: a field that is defined as PS4.2 would be in the format 9999.99 whereas PS6 would be in the format 999999.

Column Name Format Description
TITLE_CODE A5 The title code assigned to identify a conceptual title. Classified title codes are assigned by the Wisconsin Department of Employment Relations (DER). In DER publications, what we call “title code” is generally referred to as “class code”. DER also holds approval authority over academic staff titles, although the actual title code is assigned by UW-System.

DER expects to re-use the same title code to identify different titles! Because DER has allocated only 5 bytes for title code in its own computer systems, and because there is embedded meaning (e.g., a series progression) within the class codes, DER fully expects to re-use the same title code to mean different things over time! Therefore, a title code is always unique at a given point in time, but a title code will not necessarily be unique over a period of time. To retrieve the correct title (as well as other title-related facts), it is necessary to retrieve as of a known time. Applications without a “good sense of time” (i.e., applications which deal only with “current” title information) can safely retrieve the title code with the latest TITLE_EFF_DATE.

Classified title codes are composed of 5 numeric digits. Classified title codes are typically arranged in a meaningful numeric series that corresponds to the level of the title (e.g., ‘00201’ thru ‘00205’ are the codes for ‘Auditor 1’ thru ‘Auditor 5’). A few classified titles are for LTE’s only. The general rule, however, is that any classified title can be used in a classified appointment, be it permanent (‘CP’), project (‘CJ’), or LTE (‘CL’).

Unclassified title codes are alphanumeric, and also carry an embedded meaning as follows:
Function = portion of the title describing the primary activity or general duties and responsibilities of the position. (3 bytes)
Prefix = indicates successively greater experience, expertise, and responsibility in a particular position. (1 byte)
A = Distinguished
B = Senior
D = Absence of prefix modifier
F = Associate
L = Assistant
N = Not Applicable
Scope = indicates differences in size and complexity of campus. (It is also used to identify grader readers within the project/program assistant title series) (1 byte)
S = Small
M = Medium
L = Large
G = Grader reader
N = Not Applicable

SALARY_BASIS A1 This field is used defines a salary basis for titles A = 12 month salary for unclassified salary basis, C = 9-month salary for unclassified salary basis, and H = Hourly or classified salary basis.
TITLE_TYPE A1 Titles may be classified into subtypes as follows:
Valid Values:
C = Classified Title
U = Unclassified Title
TITLE_NAME A21 Descriptive name for the title, shortened as necessary to fit within a limit of 21 characters.
FLSA_STATUS A1 The Fair Labor Standards Act code indicates the overtime provisions routinely associated with the title. There are several FLSA codes. However the UW currently uses only 2 codes:
E = Exempt (routinely exempt from FLSA
overtime provisions)
N = Non-exempt (subject to FLSA overtime
provisions)The routine FLSA status can be overridden for a specific appointment. A DER FLSA code of ‘M’, mixed, is understood by UW System as ‘N’ and is coded as such.
FED_EEO_CATAGORY A1 A federal Equal Employment Opportunity job category designates the kind of work performed. These codes are used in Affirmative Action and EE0-6 reporting.
Valid Values:
1 = Adminstrative/Executive/Managerial
2 = Faculty
3 = Professional/Non-faculty
4 = Secretarial/Clerical
5 = Technical/Paraprofessional
6 = Skilled Crafts
7 = Service/MaintenanceAssigned by the Office of Affirmative Action and Compliance of the Madison campus.
FED_EEO_SUBCTGRY A1 The sub-category code is a finer breakdown of the federal EEO Category.
Valid Values for Federal EEO category ‘1’, the sub-categories are:
1 = Unclassified Staff
2 = Classified StaffFor Federal EEO category ‘2’, the sub-categories are:1 = Legal Faculty
2 = Instructional Academic StaffFor Federal EEO category ‘3’, except for titles Y21NN, Y22NN, Y23NN, Y26NN, Z80NN, Z94NN and Z95NN, the sub-categories are:
1 = Doctoral Staff
2 = Employees-in-Training
3 = Other Academic Staff
4 = Student Staff
5 = Classified ProfessionalFor Federal categories ‘4’, ‘5’, ‘6’, and ‘7’, there are no sub-categories. They are assigned by the Office of Affirmative Action and Compliance of the Madison campus.
FED_EEO6_JOB_GROUP A2 A two-character code assigned to each title code. The FED_EEO6_JOB_GROUP when used with Federal EEO category and sub-category is used to group together title codes of similar pay ranges, responsibilities and career paths for EEO work force analysis purposes. Assigned by the Office of Affirmative Action and Compliance of the Madison campus. This data element is changed in accordance with the number of persons employed in a particular title on the Madison campus; therefore, FED_EEO6_JOB_GROUP is specific to the Madison campus, and should be used by non-Madison institutions with this fact in mind.
C_BARGAINING_UNIT A2 Code for the “bargaining unit” to which the title has been assigned. Classified titles only)
C_SALARY_SCHEDULE A2 A numeric code used by DER to identify the schedule for a classified title. (Classified titles only)
C_SALARY_SCHED_NME A60 A name assigned by DER to describe the group of titles covered this version of the salary schedule. (Classified titles only).
Example: Wisconsin Science Professionals
C_SALARY_RANGE A2 A code used by DER to identify the range. (Classified titles only).
C_SALARY_MINIMUM PS8.3 The minimum hourly salary for the schedule/range combination. (Classified titles only).
C_SALARY_MAXIMUM PS8.3 The maximum hourly salary for the schedule/range combination. (Classified titles only).
C_STEP PS8.3 The “within range pay step.” A standard amount calculated for each pay range to determine pay increases for certain personnel transactions (e.g., pay upon promotion). (Classified titles only).
C_PSICM PS8.3 “Permanent Status in Class Minimum.” The minimum rate to be paid an employee who is not serving the 1st six months of either a probationary period or career executive trial period. (Classified titles only).
C_GRID_CODE A3 A code that uniquely identifies a grid. The grid code can be modified by the University, but it is expected to remain similar to the salary schedule number with which the grid is related.
Example: If two grids are simultaneously related to the same salary schedule (e.g., 14), then the University may choose to create its own variant GRID CODEs — say, 14A and 14B. (Classified titles only).
C_GRID_NAME A60 A name assigned by DER to describe the group of titles covered this version of the pay grid. (Classified titles only).
Example: Wisconsin Science Professionals
C_GRID_TYPE A1 GRID TYPE clarifies what type of Grid this is. (Classified titles only).
Valid Value:
P = “pay based grid” A pay based grid is a grid with arbitrarily defined grid points. Underlying assumptions of this type of grid are that one’s pay rate roughly correlates to one’s experience in the occupation. Progression is provided to an amount that is considered a “market rate”, but the range itself goes beyond that market rate.
S = “seniority based grid” A seniority based grid is a grid with years of service used as grid points. The driving assumption behind this type of grid is that, other than the pay range associated with one’s position, an individual’s seniority should be the most important measure in determining an individual’s pay.
C_WI_EEO_JOB_GROUP A3 A three-character code assigned to each classified title code for State of Wisconsin Affirmative Action reporting. It is used to group together classifications requiring similar skills and offering similar promotional opportunities and salary schedules. (Classified titles only)
U_FUNCTIONAL_AREA A2 Another scheme for grouping unclassified titles. Used only at the Madison campus.

Five titles have more than 1 functional area. However, it was determined that one appropriate functional area could be chosen for each title, thus eliminating the need for multiple function areas per title.
Valid Values:
1 to 13 (Unclassified Titles only).

U_CLASS_CODE A2 This is a 2-digit accounting “class-code” used to group titles. This particular grouping scheme — it should be noted — is only partially dependent on title. Knowledge of the specific appointment may be required, or even more specifically, the code may refer to a special type of payment (special pay, exceptional performance award.)! While the 2-digit class code is an ambiguous data element, it has two factors in its favor: 1) Inertia — it now has “a life of its own” in a library of existing programs. 2) For unclassified titles, the title itself does fall cleanly into one and only one 2-digit class code. (Unclassified Titles only).
U_TITLE_GROUP A2 A code that groups together similar titles. (Unclassified Titles only).
U_SALARY_GRADE A2 The salary grade (if any) that characterizes the title code. A salary grade identifies the minimum and maximum salary for any title in that salary grade. The higher the grade, the higher the min and max. (Unclassified Titles only).
Note: If the Title Group begins with ‘A’, then the Salary Grade must be non-blank and it must exist on edit table UW.SALGRADE
Else the Salary Grade must be blank
U_SALARY_MINIMUM PS8.3 Salary minimum for the salary grade. (Unclassified Titles only). For Madison Campus – this is the institution rate selected in this order based on existence – extraordinary first, institution second system third. For system all rate are the systemwide minimums.
U_SALARY_MIDPOINT PS8.3 Salary midpoint for the salary grade. (Unclassified Titles only). For Madison Campus – this is the institution rate selected in this order based on existence – extraordinary first, institution second system third. For system all rate are the systemwide midpoints.
U_SALARY_MAXIMUM PS8.3 Salary maximum for the salary grade. (Unclassified Titles only). For Madison Campus – this is the institution rate selected in this order based on existence – extraordinary first, institution second system third. For system all rate are the systemwide maximums.
U_TAX_DEFAULT A1 This column indicates the title’s default status for employee withholding for income tax purposes. Other information about the employee with the title may supercede this default value.
Valid Values
Y = Yes, subject to employee withholding
N = No, not subject to employee
withholding (may be subject to
non-wage withholding depending on
residency and other factors)
(Unclassified Titles only).
U_SOC_SEC_IND A1 This column indicates the title’s default status for social security taxes. Other factors (e.g., coverage by federal retirement) may cause this value to be overridden. (Unclassified Titles only).
Valid Values:
Y = Yes, taxable
N = No
U_WRS_DEFAULT A1 This column indicates whether the title is normally covered under the Wisconsin Retirement System. (Unclassified Titles only).
Valid Values
Y = Yes, covered
N = No
LOADDATE A8 Date that the extract was created.