- The PVL TEXT Information is the 2nd of the two data views that displays all position vacancy listings since the 1982 creation of the on-line system through PVL #3500. The PVL number will key this data view.
The text line is broken down into 4 parts: degree, experience, license and duties. - NOTE
- can be used in conjunction with UW-PVL_DEMO_TABLE.
- The data in this view is STATIC. There is no refresh cycle. It is a frozen history file.
- Human Resources Office
Contact: Catharine Derubeis - AUTHORIZATION
- You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information on authorization forms or what connections are necessary check out the InfoAccess Home Page
- Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357) - LAST UPDATED
- 11/2000 – New view created.
10/2007 – Data Custodian change.
11/2011 – Data Custodian Change c4j . - FIELD DEFINITIONS
- Key fields are identified with an asterisk(*)
Field Formats describe the field type and length.
CHAR (N) – Alphanumeric field. (N) is the length of the field. Field contains letters and/or numbers.
Example: CHAR (5) could contain ‘ABC12’ or ‘12345’ or ‘ABCDEF’
NUM (N) – Numeric field. (N) is the length of the field. Field contains only numbers.
Numbers with decimal points are represented as NUM (X.Y)
X = number of digits before the decimal, Y = the number of decimals after the decimal
Examples: NUM (4.2) could contain 2500.12
NUM (6) could contain 000005 or 550000
DATE (XXXX) – Date field. (XXXX) is the format of the field. Date can be in various formats and date functions available based on your query tool can be used against the field.
Column Name | Format | Description |
*PVL_DEMO_KEY | CHAR (9) | This field is the key field for the Position Vacancy Listing (PVL) system. It is made up of the Personnel Office Code and a Sequential number. |
PVL_PERSONNEL_CODE | CHAR (3) | The code of the personnel office having administrative control for filling the position: example APO = academic personnel office. |
PVL_NUMBER | CHAR (6) | The sequential number assigned to this position vacancy. |
*PVL_TEXT_TYPE | CHAR (1) | Type of descriptive information. Valid Codes: DE – Descriptive Information on the PVL form CM – Comments concerning the PVL |
*PVL_LINE_NUMBER | CHAR (3) | Text line number used for sequential listings. |
PVL_TEXT | CHAR (70) | Text description of the position. |
EXTRACT_DATE | CHAR (8) | The date the data was extracted. (System generated date.) Format: YYYYMMDD |