This view displays all Research Administration notice information from the ESIS system.
The information in this view is no longer being refreshed and is current only to February 2008.
Research and Sponsored Programs
Contact: Mark Sweet
You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to the InfoAccess Home Page
NOTE: Data on notice records that were created between 1971 and 1981 may have values in fields that do not conform to today’s definitions due to different standards and definitions used during that time period.
Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357)
04/01/94 Project to standardize the data view documentation.
09/18/96 Added PROJRCT-DESC250 – full project description
05/04 Added DONOR_DESC200 – full donor description
2/08 c4j View is no longer being updated.
Primary Key Columns are identified with an asterisk(*)
Alphanumeric Data
VARCHAR2( N) (N) = maximum length. Field contains letters and/or numbers. Trailing blanks are eliminated.
Example: VARCHAR2 (5) could contain ‘ABC12’ or ‘ABC’ or ‘A’
Numeric Data
NUMBER (N) (N) = length. Field contains only numbers.
NUMBER (X,Y) = format for numbers with decimal positions.
X = total number of digits
Y = the number of digits after the decimal
Examples: NUMBER (6) represents 250012 NUMBER (6,2) represents 2500.12
DATE – Date can be in various formats. Date functions available with your query tool can be used to format the date.
Column Name Format Description
FUND Char(3) The fund that has been assigned to this award. A fund is an independent fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts and a stated purpose or set of objectives.
ACCT Char(4) The account number assigned to this award. This is used for records that are organized by project rather than by organizational entity. This is normally used for gift and grant funds.
REGENT_DATE Char(6) This is the date that the award is accepted by the regents.
Format: YYMMDD.
AWARD_DATE Char(6) The date an award is obligated by an agency or donor.
Format: YYMMDD.
BEGIN_DATE Char(6) The beginning date of the project.
Format: YYMMDD.
END_DATE Char(6) The ending date of the project.
Format: YYMMDD.
AMOUNT Number(11,2) The amount awarded for a specified period in dollars and cents.
AWARD_NUMBER Char(25) The number assigned to this award by the granting agency. It is their means of identifying the award and must be used in reporting to them.
CATEGORY Char(1) This is used to group awards in a manner necessary to print the report to the regents.
Valid codes are:

Category Code Definition
I Instruction
R Research
S Student aid
G Gifts-in-kind
L Libraries
E Extensions and public service
M Miscellaneous
P Physical plant
U Unrestricted
PI_NAME Char(30) The name of the principal investigator for the project. A principal investigator is the person who administers the grant or submitted the proposal.
PI_UDDS Char(7) The UDDS (unit, division, department, sub-department) of the principal investigator.
CO_PI Char(30) The name of the corresponding principal investigator. A co-operative agent on the project.
CO_UDDS Char(7) The UDDS (unit, division, department, sub-department) of the corresponding principal investigator.
AGENCY Char(13) The abbreviation of an agency providing funding.
AGENCY1 Varchar2(5) The abbreviation of an agency providing funding.
AGENCY2 Varchar2(4) The abbreviation of an agency providing funding.
AGENCY3 Varchar2(4) The abbreviation of an agency providing funding.
NONDIRECT Char(2) Identifies Federal funds awards to the UW through a Non-federal agency acting as prime contractor. If ‘ND’ entered then Federal Agency is the AGENCY CODE field, and prime contractor is in DONOR DESCRIPTION.
PROJECT_DESC Char(50) The description of the project or proposal. This is just the first of 50 characters of the description. The length is actually 250-characters long.
DONOR_DESC Char(50) The description of the donor. This could be the donor’s name or an agency translation. This is just the first 50 characters of the Description field. The complete description is actually 200 characters long.
DONOR_DESC200 Varchar2(200) The full 200 character description of the donor. This could be the donor’s name or an agency translation.
DONOR_TYPE Char(1) A classification of the donor or granting agency.
Valid values are:

Donor Type Definition
Blank Not known
A Corporation-Domestic
B Companies-Domestic-Nonmanufacturing (American Family etc)
C Business Cooperatives, Associations, Commissions, Institutes
D Health related organization
E University of Wisconsin Foundation
F Foundations-Corporate
G Foundations-Philanthropic, Other
H Foreign Corporations, Universities, Hospitals, & Other Business Ventures
I Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF)
J Government-Federal (All 144 145 146 147 148 Accts)
K Multiple donors
L Government – State – WI
M Government – County – WI
N Government – City – WI
O Government – Domestic (Other State, County, City)
P Government – Foreign (United Nations World Bank)
Q University, School, Hospital – Public
R University, School, Hospital – Private
S Public Broadcasting (The Friends of WHA & others)
T Public Broadcasting (CPB, PBS, NPR, public radio and TV stations)
U Individuals, Trusts & Estates (not-alumni/Brittingham)
V Non-business Associations, Clubs, Committees, Societies, Councils, Guilds, Leagues (social and professional)
W Alumni including trusts and estates (Vilas)
X Other UW System Foundations
Z Overhead, Suspense, Revolving
LOADDATE Date The date of the most recent data load.
PROJECT_DESC250 Char(250) This is the full 250-character description of the project description.
DONOR_ADDRESS Char(100) Address of Donor.