This shows all applicants to the University of Wisconsin. This data view was created solely for the McBurney Center. It is used in conjunction with there own data in order to know where in the admissions process potential cusomers are.
The data is refreshed every night.
Office of Admissions
Contact: David Leszczynski
You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to the InfoAccess Home Page
Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357)
03/1999 New data view created..
10/2013 Changed to Varchar2 format c4j
12/2014 Preferred name policy s8w.
12/2024 Updates legal sex values
Key fields are identified with an asterisk(*)

The codes following the field names in this document define the field. The different types are:
Char: Character data
Number: Numeric fields will be null if no data is available.
Date: This data type allows the date to be represented in various formats and date related functions to be used against the field. The formats (i.e. 19980203, 10-jun-98) and functions available vary based on your query tool.

Column Name Format Description
*ID Varchar2(11) ID number assigned by ISIS to be used internally. This is a unique ID for each student.
CAMPUS_ID Varchar2(16) ID number assigned to ISIS to be used by student (formerly Student ID)
LAST_NAME Varchar2(30) Student’s preferred last name.
FIRST_NAME Varchar2(30) Student’s preferred first name
MIDDLE_NAME Varchar2(30) Student’s preferred middle name
GENDER Varchar2(1) Applicant’s legal sex:
M = Male
F = Female
X = Another Legal Sex
U = Unknown
BIRTHDATE DATE Student’s date of birth
RESIDENCY_CODE Varchar2(5) Wisconsin Residency Codes.
Valid values:
N = Non Resident of WI
R = Wisconsin Resident
U = Unknown
Blank = No decision made
TUITION_RESIDENCY_CODE Varchar2(5) Residency Codes for tuition purposes.
Valid values:
N = Non Resident of WI
R = Wisconsin Resident
S = Minnesota Compact
U = Unknown
Blank = No decision made
HOME_ADDRESS_LINE1 Varchar2(35) First line of home address
HOME_ADDRESS_LINE2 Varchar2(35) Second line of home address
HOME_ADDRESS_LINE3 Varchar2(35) Third line of home address
HOME_ADDRESS_LINE4 Varchar2(35) Fourth line of home address
HOME_ADDRESS_CITY Varchar2(30) City of home address
HOME_ADDRESS_STATE Varchar2(6) State of home address
HOME_ADDRESS_POSTAL Varchar2(12) Zip code of home address
HOME_ADDRESS_COUNTRY Varchar2(3) Country of home address
HOME_ADDRESS_COUNTRY_DESCR Varchar2(30) Full name of home country
HOME_PHONE Varchar2(24) Telephone number at student’s home address
MAIL_ADDR_LINE1 Varchar2(35) First line of mailing address
MAIL_ADDR_LINE2 Varchar2(35) Second line of mailing address
MAIL_ADDR_LINE3 Varchar2(35) Third line of mailing address
MAIL_ADDR_LINE4 Varchar2(35) Fourth line of mailing address
MAIL_ADDR_CITY Varchar2(30) City of mailing address
MAIL_ADDR_STATE Varchar2(6) State of mailing address
MAIL_ADDR_POSTAL Varchar2(12) Zip code of mailing address
MAIL_ADDR_COUNTRY Varchar2(3) Country of mailing address
MAIL_ADDR_COUNTRY_DESCR Varchar2(30) Full name of mailing address country
MAIL_PHONE Varchar2(24) Telephone number at student’s mailing address
EMAIL_ADDRESS Varchar2(70) Student’s e-mail address
*APPLICATION_NUMBER Varchar2(8) ISIS system generated number
ADMIT_TERM Varchar2(4) Term student has applied for. The term code is derived as follows: The first number is the century, 0=1900 and 1=2000; the second and third numbers are the year; the last number is the term, 2-Fall, 4-Spring, and 6=summer. For Example, Fall 1998-99 would be 0992 and Summer 1998-99 would be 0996.
ADMIT_TYPE Varchar2(3) A code indicating the type of admission.
CON = Continuing to an application center
NEW = New
RAD = Readmit
ADMIT_TYPE_DESCR Varchar2(30) Full description of admit type
ADMIT_APPL_DATE DATE Date that application was entered
CURR_ACADEMIC_CAREER Varchar2(4) Academic career applicant is applying for. (i.e. GRAD, UGRD)
ACADEMIC_GROUP Varchar2(5) School or College e.g., DCS, L&S, ALS, etc.)
ACADEMIC_LEVEL Varchar2(3) Academic standing. For special and guest students this should always be NDG which means Non-degree.
PROGRAM_STATUS Varchar2(4) Applicant, etc. Valid codes are:
PROGRAM_ACTION Varchar2(4) Decision made from application.
ADMT = Admit
APPL = Application
COND = Conditional Admit
DDEF = Defer Decision
DEFR = Defer Enrollment
DENY = Deny
WADM = Administrative Withdrawal
WAPP = Applicant Withdrawl
PROGRAM_ACTION_DESCR Varchar2(30) Full description of Program Action
ACTION_DATE DATE Date action was taken
PROGRAM_REASON Varchar2(4) Supporting reason for action taken. Valid codes for University Special and Guest Students are:
S05 = Application Received
S11 = Admitted
S13 = Admitted did not Register
S32 = Admit Pending Residency
S33 = Incomplete UW Transcript Hold
S40 = Do not admit
S41 = Continuing Not Process
S50 = Student Withdrew Application
S51 = Referred to Undergrad Admt
S6 = Not Coming
S71 = Need Information
WDRW = WD for administrative reasons
PROGRAM_REASON_DESCR Varchar2(30) Full description of Program Reason
EXTRACT_DATE DATE The System generated date when the data was last refreshed.
Format: mm/dd/ccyy.