This data view contains self reported student information from the SATI exam. Students are not required to complete this information. Students can update/modify their self reporting information each time they take the SATI exam.
For fields High_School_Type, Senior_Class_Size, Pct_Seniors_Going_to_College, Location_High_School, Nbr_Ap_Offered, Honors_Classes_Offered and High_School_Units_to_Graduate, these values are not self reported from the student, instead they are provided by the testing agency.
The data in this view is refreshed daily.
Undergraduate Admissions Office
Contact: David Leszczynski
You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to the InfoAccess Home Page
Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357)
04/2005 – New view created.
Primary Key Columns are identified with an asterisk(*)
Alphanumeric Data
VARCHAR2( N) (N) = maximum length. Field contains letters and/or numbers. Trailing blanks are eliminated.
Example: VARCHAR2 (5) could contain ‘ABC12’ or ‘ABC’ or ‘A’
Numeric Data
NUMBER (N) (N) = length. Field contains only numbers.
NUMBER (X,Y) = format for numbers with decimal positions.
X = total number of digits
Y = the number of digits after the decimal
Examples: NUMBER (6) represents 250012 NUMBER (6,2) represents 2500.12
DATE – Date can be in various formats. Date functions available with your query tool can be used to format the date.
Column Name Format Description
*SAT_SELF_REPORT_DATA_KEY NUMBER(15) A unique identifier that is system generated. A surrogate key. It is based on ID and Test_Date.
PROSPECT_KEY NUMBER(15) Surrogate key of prospect table. Match this key on this table to same key on Ugrd_Prospect view.
TEST_DATE DATE Date of the SATI exam.
SELF_REPORTED_HS_RANK_CODE VARCHAR2(1) Code referring to the self reported high school rank.
SELF_REPORTED_HS_RANK_DESCR VARCHAR2(50) Description of the self reported high school rank.
SELF_REPORTED_GPA_CODE VARCHAR2(1) Code referring to the self reported high school cumulative GPA.
SELF_REPORTED_GPA_DESCR VARCHAR2(50) Description of the self reported high school cumulative GPA.
FIRST_LANGUAGE VARCHAR2(1) Code indicating first language.
Valid values:

A English Only
B English and Another Language
C Another Language
BEST_LANGUAGE VARCHAR2(1) Code indicating best language.
Valid values:

A English Only
B English and Another Language
C Another Language
CC_4YEAR_UNIVERSITY_COLLEGE VARCHAR2(1) Specifies the desire to attend a 4 year college.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
CC_2YEAR_COMMUNITY_JR_COLLEGE VARCHAR2(1) Specifies the desire to attend a 2 year college.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
CC_VOCATIONAL_TECHNICAL_SCHOOL VARCHAR2(1) Specifies the desire to attend a technical college.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
CC_UNDECIDED_2OR4_YEAR_TYPE VARCHAR2(1) Specifies being undecided regarding the type of college/university.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
CC_PUBLIC VARCHAR2(1) Specifies the desire to attend a public institution.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
CC_PRIVATE VARCHAR2(1) Specifies the desire to attend a private institution.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
CC_PRIVATE_RELIGIOUS VARCHAR2(1) Specifies the desire to attend a religious institution.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
CC_UNDECIDED_PUBLIC_PRIV_TYPE VARCHAR2(1) Specifies being undecided regarding the type of college/university.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
CC_LESS_THAN_1000 VARCHAR2(1) Specifies the desire to attend an institution with less than 1,000 students.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
CC_1000_TO_5000 VARCHAR2(1) Specifies the desire to attend an institution with between 1,000 and 5,000 students.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
CC_5000_TO_10000 VARCHAR2(1) Specifies the desire to attend an institution with between 5,000 and 10,000 students.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
CC_10000_TO_20000 VARCHAR2(1) Specifies the desire to attend an institution with between 10,000 and 20,000 students.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
CC_MORE_THAN_20000 VARCHAR2(1) Specifies the desire to attend an institution with more than 20,000 students.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
CC_UNDECIDED_SIZE VARCHAR2(1) Specifies being undecided regarding the institution.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
CC_LARGE_CITY VARCHAR2(1) Specifies the desire to attend an institution located in a large city.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
CC_MEDIUM_CITY VARCHAR2(1) Specifies the desire to attend an institution located in a medium city.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
CC_SMALL_CITY VARCHAR2(1) Specifies the desire to attend an institution located in a small city.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
CC_SUBURBAN_COMMUNITY VARCHAR2(1) Specifies the desire to attend an institution located in a suburban community.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
CC_RURAL VARCHAR2(1) Specifies the desire to attend an institution located in a rural community.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
CC_UNDECIDED_CITY_SIZE VARCHAR2(1) Specifies being undecided regarding the type of city in which an institution is located.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
CC_CLOSE_TO_HOME VARCHAR2(1) Specifies the desire to attend an institution close to their home.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
CC_HOME_STATE VARCHAR2(1) Specifies the desire to attend an institution within their home state.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
CC_BORDERING_STATE VARCHAR2(1) Specifies the desire to attend an institution in a state bordering their home state.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
CC_BEYOND_BORDERING_STATE VARCHAR2(1) Specifies the desire to attend an institution beyond those states bordering their home state.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
CC_OUTSIDE_UNITED_STATES VARCHAR2(1) Specifies the desire to attend an institution outside of the US.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
CC_UNDECIDED_STATE_LOCATION VARCHAR2(1) Specifies being undecided regarding the location of an institution.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
CC_ALL_FEMALE_OR_ALL_MALE VARCHAR2(1) Specifies the desire to attend an all male or all female institution.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
CC_COED VARCHAR2(1) Specifies the desire to attend a coed institution.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
CC_UNDECIDED_GENDER_COMP VARCHAR2(1) Specifies being undecided regarding the gender composition of an institution.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
Valid values:

A Certificate
B Associate
C Bachelor’s
D Master’s
E Doctoral or Related Degree
F Other
G Undecided
INTERESTED_IN_FINANCIAL_AID VARCHAR2(1) Student’s interest in financial aid.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
X Don’t know
Null Not specified
PART_TIME_JOB VARCHAR2(1) Student’s interest in a part time job.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
X Don’t know
Null Not specified
PLANNED_HOUSING VARCHAR2(1) Student’s interest in where they will live.
Valid values:

A At home
B On campus
C Off campus
D Don’t know
RELIGIOUS_AFFILIATION VARCHAR2(2) Student’s religious affiliation.
Valid values:

1 I prefer not to answer
3 African Methodist Episcopal
5 Anglican
7 Assembly of God
8 Baha’i
9 Baptist
11 Southern Baptist Convention
13 Buddhism
15 Christian-Disciples
17 Christian Reformed Church in America
19 Church of the Brethren
21 Church of Christ
23 United Church of Christ
25 Christian Science
27 Church of God
29 Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints
31 Church of the Nazarene
33 Episcopal
35 Hinduism
37 Islam/Muslim/Moselm
39 Judaism
41 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
43 Lutheran Chruch – Missouri Synod
45 Mennonite
47 Methodist
49 United Methodist
51 Eastern Orthodox Churches
53 Pentecostal
55 Presbyterian Church (USA)
56 Reformed Church in America
57 Roman Catholic
59 Seventh-Day Adventist
60 Sikhism
61 Society of Friends (Quaker)
63 Unitarian Universalist Association
65 Wesleyan Church
67 Worldwide Church of God
97 Other
99 None, no preference of affiliation
HIGH_SCHOOL_TYPE VARCHAR2(1) High school type.(Provided by the testing agency.)
Valid values:

A Public
B Independent Nonreligious
C Independent Religious
SENIOR_CLASS_SIZE VARCHAR2(1) Senior class size. (Provided by the testing agency.)
Valid values:

A Fewer than 100
B 100-249
C 250-499
D 500-749
E 750-999
F 1000 or more
PCT_SENIORS_GOING_TO_COLLEGE VARCHAR2(1) Percent of seniors going to college. (Provided by the testing agency.)
Valid values:

A 90% or more
B 80%-89%
C 70%-79%
D 60%-69%
E 50%-59%
F 40%-49%
G 30%-39%
H 20%-29%
I 10%-19%
J Less than 10%
LOCATION_HIGH_SCHOOL VARCHAR2(1) Location of the student’s high school. (Provided by the testing agency.)
Valid values:

A Large City
B Medium-size City
C Small City or Town
D Suburban
E Rural
NBR_AP_OFFERED NUMBER(3,0) Number of advanced placement courses. (Provided by the testing agency.)
HONORS_CLASSES_OFFERED VARCHAR2(1) Honors classes offered. (Provided by the testing agency.)
Valid values:

A Yes
B No
HIGH_SCHOOL_UNITS_TO_GRADUATE NUMBER(4,0) High school units required by attending school to graduate. (Provided by the testing agency.)
EXTRACT_DATE_TIME DATE The date and time these data were extracted.