This view provides fiscal year-to-date summarized tuition assessment and payment data by student, term, fiscal year and type of charge (item type). The view includes multiple fiscal years. The data for a fiscal year is locked to transactions within the summer, fall and spring terms associated with the fiscal year. Changes to the student account after the fiscal year ends are not captured. The data during a fiscal year contains multiple cumulative runs that generally occur each week. These can be compared but should never be combined.
Data is refreshed weekly on every Monday
Bursar’s Office
Contact: Laura Rader, Interim Bursar
You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. This data view uses UDDS code to limit the records returned based on your authorization. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to the InfoAccess Home Page
This data view is appropriate for:

  1. Campus-level staff that administer or monitor student tuition billing and payments;
  2. School, college and division staff who need on-demand access to monitor the tuition for their self-supporting ( program revenue ) programs and to verify student billing. Examples of roles include: the School/College Budget Officer, the program financial manager, or the program accountant. If the only need is summarized financial reports for a term or year, that information can be obtained from other sources.

All staff using this data view should respect the privacy of the students and comply with FERPA. Anyone who wants to combine this data with other student data should consult with Academic Planning and Institutional Research before doing so.

Prior to the data custodian approving access, the user must do the following:

  1. For staff within a department, receive approval from the School/College/Division Financial Officer.
  2. Successfully complete training on this data view and FERPA requirements.
  3. Complete a user agreement understanding the terms of use.

To complete these steps, contact Ann Bourque, Madison Budget Office.

Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357)
04/2015 – New view created
08/2015 – Updated Descriptions.
03/2020 – Added fields Account_Type, Career, Career_Descr
Primary Key Columns are identified with an asterisk(*)
Alphanumeric Data
VARCHAR2( N) (N) = maximum length. Field contains letters and/or numbers. Trailing blanks are eliminated.
Example: VARCHAR2 (5) could contain ‘ABC12’ or ‘ABC’ or ‘A’
Numeric Data
NUMBER (N) (N) = length. Field contains only numbers.
NUMBER (X,Y) = format for numbers with decimal positions.
X = total number of digits
Y = the number of digits after the decimal
Examples: NUMBER (6) represents 250012 NUMBER (6,2) represents 2500.12
DATE – Date can be in various formats. Date functions available with your query tool can be used to format the date.
Column Name Format Description
*FISCAL_YEAR VARCHAR2(4) Four digit year to represent the 12-month financial accounting and budget year for the State of Wisconsin during which the tuition transaction posted. For example, the period between July 1, 2014 & June 30, 2015 will be represented as 2015. The fiscal year consists of three academic terms beginning with the summer term from the prior academic year.
REPORT_RUN_DATE DATE The date the report was run. Provides an approximate date cutoff for transactions if the fiscal year has not ended.
ACCOUNT_TYPE VARCHAR2(3) The student’s financial account type.
ISP = Study Abroad-Int’l Studies PGM
TUT = Tuition and Fees
*TERM VARCHAR2(4) Numeric representation for the academic term (formerly the semester). The term code is derived as follows:
Character 1 = Century (0 = 1900 and 1 = 2000)
Character 2 & 3 = Academic Year
Character 4 = Term ( 2=Fall, 4=Spring and 6=Summer)
*STUDENT_EMPLID VARCHAR2(11) One of three types of unique identifiers for a student.
CAMPUS_ID VARCHAR2(16) One of three types of unique identifiers for a student.
STUDENT_NAME VARCHAR2(50) The student’s preferred last name, first name, middle name.
TUITION_RESIDENCY VARCHAR2(5) Residency used for tuition billing.
R = Resident
N = Non-resident
S = Minnesota Reciprocity
TUITION_RES_DESCR VARCHAR2(30) Tuition Residency Description
CAREER VARCHAR2(4) The type of academic career in which the student is currently enrolled.
Values are:
UGRD = Undergraduate
GRAD = Graduate
VMED = Veterinary Medicine Professional
LAW = Law Professional
MEDS = Medical Professional
PHAR = Pharmacy Professional
USPC = University Special Students
CAREER_DESCR VARCHAR2(30) The description of the student’s career.
ACAD_PLAN_DESCR VARCHAR2(30) Academic Plan Description
ACAD_SUBPLAN_DESCR VARCHAR2(30) Academic subplan description
FULL_TIME_IND VARCHAR2(1) Indicator to identify whether a student is full-time or part-time according to the number of credits for the student’s program and term.
Y = full-time
N = part-time
POOL_IND VARCHAR2(1) Identifies whether the item type revenue provides general support of Madison campus (“the pool”) or to a specific program for purposes of supporting that program.
Y = pool (general support)
N = non-pool (tuition for a self-supporting program )
ITEM_TYPE_REPORT_STATUS VARCHAR2(1) The status assigned by the Madison Budget Office for reporting purposes to identify whether the item type is active or inactive.
A = active
I = inactive
*ITEM_TYPE VARCHAR2(12) A 12-digit number assigned in the ISIS Student Financial System to identify an accounting string (fund, department, program code, account code) for specific transactions (such as the resident tuition for a capstone certificate).
ITEM_TYPE_DESCR VARCHAR2(30) Item Type Description
ACCESSED_AMT NUMBER(14,2) The amount billed to a student.
TOTAL_PAID_AMT NUMBER(16,2) The amount of tuition or fees that have already been paid. This is the sum of all the tuition paid including Third Party, Wisconsin Academic Excellence Scholarship and general payments.
WAIVER_AMT NUMBER(14,2) Fee remissions. The assessed tuition or fee amount that will not be paid by the student for reasons identified in state statute (e.g., fee remissions for veterans, fee remissions for funeral assistants, fee remissions for teaching assistants, etc.)
UNPAID_AMT NUMBER(14,2) The amount of tuition or fees that still needs to be received.
FORMULA: Unpaid = Assessed – Paid – Waivers – Academic Excellence Scholarships – Third Party Paid
THIRD_PARTY_DEFERRAL_AMT NUMBER(14,2) Amount of a student’s tuition paid directly by another entity. This does not include scholarships.
THIRD_PARTY_PAID_AMT NUMBER(14,2) The amount of tuition collected from a third party. This does not include scholarships.
THIRD_PARTY_BALANCE_AMT NUMBER(14,2) The amount of tuition still owed by a third party. This does not include scholarships.
FORMULA: Third Party Deferral Balance = Third Party Deferral Total – Third Party Deferral Paid
ACAD_EXCEL_PAID_AMT NUMBER(14,2) The amount of a student’s tuition paid by a Wisconsin Academic Excellence Scholarship.
GENERAL_PAID_AMT NUMBER(14,2) The amount of assessed tuition or fees that have been received and that are NOT waivers, academic excellence scholarships and third party payments.
CHARTFIELD VARCHAR2(50) General Ledger Code. The funding source and accounting string associated with an item type. Consists of the fund (131), project (if any), fiscal year (single digit), legacy unit (A for Madison), division (two digits), department and sub-department (four digits), program code (R), account code
UDDS VARCHAR2(7) Seven character code identifying the organizational unit.
DIVISION VARCHAR2(2) The second and third digits of the UDDS code representing the Division or College.
DEPTID VARCHAR2(6) The fourth and fifth digits of the UDDS code representing the Department and Sub-department
FUND VARCHAR2(3) The code that represents a fund (i.e. 131). Derived from the GL Code orChartfield column.
PROJECT VARCHAR2(7) The code that represents a project. Derived from the GL Code orChartfield column.
ACCOUNT VARCHAR2(10) The code that represents the account. Derived from the GL Code orChartfield column.
*BILL_LINE_NBR VARCHAR2(15) The line on the student bill that is associated with the charge.
*PROCESS_INSTANCE NUMBER(10) PeopleSoft term for a unique number that identifies each batch process request. This value is automatically incremented and assigned to each requested process when the process is submitted to run.
EXTRACT_DATE_TIME DATE The date and time these data were extracted.