This view contains all completed and in-progress course proposals created in the Lumen Course Proposal System.
The view may be connected to LUMEN_CRSE LEARNING_OUTCOMES using the CIM_KEY and PROPOSAL_NUMBER to retrieve additional data about a course.
The max PROPOSAL_NUMBER represents the most recent proposal for the course.
Data updated nightly.
Academic Planning and Institutional Research Contact: Michelle Young
You must receive approval to access data from the data steward.
Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk Phone: 264-HELP (4357)
05/2020 – New view created.
Primary Key Columns are identified with an asterisk(*)
Alphanumeric Data:

VARCHAR2( N) (N) = maximum length. Field contains letters and/or numbers. Trailing blanks are eliminated. Example: VARCHAR2 (5) could contain ‘ABC12’ or ‘ABC’ or ‘A’

Numeric Data:

NUMBER (N) (N) = length. Field contains only numbers. NUMBER (X,Y) = format for numbers with decimal positions. X = total number of digits Y = the number of digits after the decimal Examples: NUMBER (6) represents 250012 NUMBER (6,2) represents 2500.12


DATE – Date can be in various formats. Date functions available with your query tool can be used to format the date. Examples: DATE (YYYYMMDD), DATE (YYDDD), DATE (DD-MM-YY)

Column Name Format Description
CIM_KEY NUMBER A unique ID assigned by Lumen Courses that identifies a course. Each courseID in SIS will have a CIM_KEY
COURSE_ID VARCHAR2 (6) A unique ID number assigned by SIS that identifies a course.
PROPOSAL_NUMBER NUMBER For each CIM_KEY a proposal number starting with one (1) will be assigned to each successive proposal submitted for a course. The highest proposal number represents the most recent proposal.
FIRST_TERM_AVAILABLE_EFF_DATE VARCHAR2 The term in which the proposed course or course changes will go into effect, the first day of the term is displayed. Format: MM/DD/YYYY
SUBJECT VARCHAR2 (8) The officially approved short description of the subject. The subject short descr is the one most frequently used in publications and for DARS.
COURSE_NUMBER VARCHAR2 (3) The course number associated with the title of the course.
COURSE_TITLE_LONG VARCHAR2 (100) A 100 character title
COURSE_TITLE_SHORT VARCHAR2 (30) A 30 character title for the course
COURSE_DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2 (1000) A brief summary of the course content.
GRAD_ATTRIBUTE VARCHAR2 (3) Indicates whether the course may be used toward the 50% graduate work policy.
Yes = counts toward the 50% graduate course work requirement.
AUDIENCE VARCHAR2 (3) If a course may be used for the 50% graduate work policy, who the intended audience is.
GSO = Graduate or professional students only
GUS = Graduate and undergraduate students
IS_CROSSLISTED VARCHAR2 (3) Is the course crosslisted.
Values: Yes No
CROSSLIST_SUBJECTS VARCHAR2 A concatenated field listing all subject short descrs that are crosslist partners.
ENROLL_INFO VARCHAR2 A field used during the transition to fully enforced course requisites.
REQUISITES VARCHAR2 (254) A description of the academic preparation necessary to be successful in the course.
GRADING_BASIS VARCHAR2 Indicates the set of grade values that will be valid when grading a course.
CNC = Credit/No Credit
GRD = Graded GRV = School of Veterinary Medicine grading option
PRG = First in a two course sequence
SUS = Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory
COURSE_COMPONENTS VARCHAR2 (11) The abbreviation for the type of instruction for a particular section.
CREDITS VARCHAR2 If course is variable credit, formatted as # – # ex. 2 – 3
IS_TOPICS_COURSE VARCHAR2 (3) Is the course eligible to have topic titles?
Values: Yes No
IS_REPEATABLE VARCHAR2 (3) Is the course repeatable for credit?
Values: Yes No
ENROLL_MULTIPLE_SECTIONS VARCHAR2 (3) May a student enroll for multiple sections of the course in the same semester?
Values: Yes No
HONORS VARCHAR2 (3) Type of honors designation.
HIA = Honors Optional
HON = Honors Only
HOP = Accelerated Honors
BREADTH VARCHAR2 (1) Indicates whether the course may be used to fulfill L&S Breadth requirements.
B = Biological Science
H = Humanities
L = Literature
N = Natural Science
P = Physical Science
S = Social Science
W = Social or Natural Science
X = Humanities or Social Science
Y = Biological or Social Science
Z = Humanities or Social Science
LAS_CREDIT VARCHAR2 (3) Indicates whether a course may be used to fulfill the L&S degree requirement that students take a minimum of 112 Liberal Arts and Science credits.
Values: Yes No
L&S_LEVEL VARCHAR2 (1) If the course carries the LAS course attribute what its level is.
E = Elementary
I = Intermediate
A = Advanced
GEN_ED VARCHAR2 (10) Indicates whether the course may be used to fulfill a General Education requirement.
COM A = Communication – A
COM B = Communication – B
COM B SCTN = Section level Communication – B
QR-A = Quantitative Reasoning – A
QR-B = Quantitative Reasoning – B
ETHNIC_STUDIES VARCHAR2 (3) Indicates whether the course may be used to fulfill the General Education Ethnic Studies requirement.
Values: Yes No
FOREIGN_LANG_ATTRIBUTE VARCHAR2 (4) Indicates whether a course is a foreign language learning course at the first through 5th semester level.
FL 1 = first semester language course
FL 2 = second semester language course
FL 3 = third semester language course
FL 4 = fourth semester language course
FL 5 = fifth semester and above language course
WORKPLACE_ATTRIBUTE VARCHAR2 (3) Indicates whether the course carries the workplace attribute.
Values: Yes No
SUSTAINABILITY_ATTRIBUTE VARCHAR2 (4) Indicates whether the course carries the sustainability attribute.
SUSP = Sustainability (permanent)
SUST = Sustainability (temporary)
INTERESTED_SUBJECTS VARCHAR2 A concatenated field with the subjects that are listed by the proposal as likely to be interested in the course proposal.
SYLLABUS VARCHAR2 The name of the file uploaded for the course syllabus.
SUPPORTING_DOCUMENTS VARCHAR2 The name of the file(s) uploaded to support the course proposal.
PROPOSAL_TYPE VARCHAR2 (11) The type of proposal.
Values: Discontinue Change New
PROPOSAL_STATUS VARCHAR2 Where the proposal is in the approval process. Values: Completed Not in Workflow Workflow Role Name
PROPOSAL_CREATED_DATE DATE The date the proposal was first initiated
PROPOSAL_COMPLETED_DATE DATE The date the final step of workflow was completed.
PROPOSAL_SUBMITTER VARCHAR2 The NetID of the person who put the course proposal in workflow.
PROPOSAL_CONTACT_NETID VARCHAR2 Unless manually updated in the course proposal the person who initiated the proposal and the one who would be contacted with any questions about the proposal.
PROPOSAL_CONTACT_EMAIL VARCHAR2 Email address of the proposal contact as provided in HRS.
PROPOSAL_CONTACT_PHONE VARCHAR2 Phone number of the proposal contact as provided in HRS.
PROPOSAL_GOVERNANCE_PATH VARCHAR2 Type of approval the proposal requires.
ADM = Administrative
GOV = Governance Approval Needed
OBC = Obsolete Course Process
WAV = Obsolete Course Waiver
ETL_UPDATE_DATE DATE The date and time these data were extracted.