This view contains student information, for each registered student that has advisor information. It contains data for the two prior terms, the current term and up to two future terms. This view includes 1 row for each advisee who has an advisor in ISIS for each enrolled term. Students without an advisor assignment are not included in the view.
Data will be refreshed nightly (Monday through Friday).
Registrar’s Office
Contact: Phil Hull
You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to InfoAccess Home Page
Includes advisee program and advisee plan information. Mismatches can exist between this data and data in stdnt_program_multiterm and stdnt_plan_multiterm. Inconsistencies should be reported to the administrative office who has assigned the advisor.
Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357)
09/2004 – New view created.
10/05 – Added Advisor_Role_Code, Changed Advisor_Role to Advisor_Role_Descr, Added Advising_Level, Added Advisee_Plan_Transcript_Descr – C4J
8/10 Added Advisor Committees. Advisor_Role_Code populated with data from PS_Committee_Role and Advisor_Role_Descr populated with associated text description.
10/10 Changed how committees were handled. Essentially if there is a committee row associated with the student all the members of the committee are looked up and presented. New fields added: Committee_ID, Committee_Descr, Committee_Type, Committee_Role_Code, and Committee_Role_Descr.
2/2012 Custodian change (c4j)
9/2012 Corrected to show Advisee_Plan_Transcipt_Descr as Varchar2(100)
12/2014 Preferred name policy s8w.
Primary Key Columns are identified with an asterisk(*)
Alphanumeric Data
VARCHAR2( N) (N) = maximum length. Field contains letters and/or numbers. Trailing blanks are eliminated.
Example: VARCHAR2 (5) could contain ‘ABC12’ or ‘ABC’ or ‘A’
Numeric Data
NUMBER (N) (N) = length. Field contains only numbers.
NUMBER (X,Y) = format for numbers with decimal positions.
X = total number of digits
Y = the number of digits after the decimal
Examples: NUMBER (6) represents 250012 NUMBER (6,2) represents 2500.12
DATE – Date can be in various formats. Date functions available with your query tool can be used to format the date.
Column Name Format Description
*TERM VARCHAR(4) The ISIS code for the academic year and semester.
TERM_DESCR VARCHAR(30) Description of the code for the UW Madison academic year and semester.
*ID VARCHAR(11) ISIS personal identifier of the student. It will never be changed throughout the individual’s relationship with the University. This is not the same as Campus_ID. Only 10 characters are in use.
CAMPUS_ID VARCHAR(16) This is simply a unique student identifier (10 digits). It may change occasionally at the student’s request.
NAME VARCHAR(50) Student’s preferred name (last, first and middle, no space between last, first).
*ADVISOR_ID VARCHAR(11) ISIS personal identifier of the advisor. This will be the committee members ID if advising is done by committee. This ID will never be changed throughout the individual’s relationship with the University. Only 10 characters are in use.
ADVISOR_NAME VARCHAR(50) Advisor’s preferred name (last, first and middle, no space between last, first).
*ADVISOR_ROLE_CODE VARCHAR(4) The role of the advisor role.
ADVISOR_ROLE_DESCR VARCHAR(30) The description of the advisor role.
COMMITTEE_ID VARCHAR(10) A code identifying the committee.
COMMITTEE_DESCR VARCHAR(30) The description associated with the committee.
COMMITTEE_TYPE VARCHAR(10) Type of committee.
COMMITTEE_ROLE_CODE VARCHAR(4) The role associated with the committee member.
COMMITTEE_ROLE_DESCR VARCHAR(30) The description of the committee role.
ADVISING_LEVEL VARCHAR(10) This indicates whether or not the advisor is a program advisor or a plan advisor.
Valid values:
*ADVISEE_PROGRAM_CODE VARCHAR(5) The code for the student’s academic program on the advisor record. This is different than the academic_program_code on the stdnt_program_multiterm record, but they should match up. If they don’t there is a data problem which will need to be repaired starting with the administrative office responsible for the advisor assignment.
ADVISEE_PROGRAM_DESCR VARCHAR(30) The name of the student’s academic program matching the advisor record.
ADVISEE_PROGRAM_SHORT_DESCR VARCHAR(10) The name of the student’s academic program matching the advisor record truncated to 10 characters.
*ADVISEE_PLAN_CODE VARCHAR(10) The code for the academic plan matching the advisor record. This is different than the plan_code on the stdnt_plan_multiterm, but they should match up for students whose advisor is assigned at the plan level (some only have a program). Data problems should be reported to the administrative office responsible for the advisor assignment.
ADVISEE_PLAN_DESCR VARCHAR(30) A academic plan long description matching the advisor record.
ADVISEE_PLAN_SHORT_DESCR VARCHAR(10) A academic plan short description matching the advisor record.
ADVISEE_PLAN_TRANSCRIPT_DESCR VARCHAR(100) The official name of the Plan as it would appear on a transcript.
EXTRACT_DATE_TIME DATE The date and time these data were extracted.