- This view contains the student/course roster information for each student registered for prior term terms starting with Spring 2001 (term 1014), the current term and up to two future terms.
LOAD FREQUENCY Data will be refreshed nightly Monday through Friday and Sunday. - LOAD FREQUENCY
- Data is refreshed nightly (Monday through Saturday).
- Registrar’s Office
Contact: Phil Hull - AUTHORIZATION
- You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to InfoAccess Home Page
CONSIDERATIONS - When viewing crosslisted or meetswith courses there are three ways to combine all relevant sections and obtain a complete roster. Failure to query rosters in one of the following ways may result in incomplete lists.
a. Request roster using the PRIMARY-SUBJECT-CODE and PRIMARY-CATALOG- NUMBER fields.
b. Request roster using the COURSE_ID number field. *Note: This is
only effective with crosslisted courses. Meetswith courses have
different COURSE_ID. Multiple COURSE_ID numbers may be
input to query meetswith courses.
c. Request roster using the SUBJECT_CODE and CATALOG_NUMBER fields being sure to request all relevant subject and catalog numbers involved in the crosslist ormeetswith course. - QUESTIONS
- Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357) - LAST UPDATED
- 01/2002 – New view created.
04/2008 – Primary_Academic_Group corrected to show the students primary academic group from term 1074 on.
09/2012 – Data Custodian Contact changed from Karen Hanon to Kim Alling
11/2014 – Preferred name policy s8w
03/2015 – Update Academic_Level_Proj Description s8w . - DATA FORMAT
- Primary Key Columns are identified with an asterisk(*)
- Alphanumeric Data
- VARCHAR2( N) (N) = maximum length. Field contains letters and/or numbers. Trailing blanks are eliminated.
Example: VARCHAR2 (5) could contain ‘ABC12’ or ‘ABC’ or ‘A’ - Numeric Data
- NUMBER (N) (N) = length. Field contains only numbers.
NUMBER (X,Y) = format for numbers with decimal positions.
X = total number of digits
Y = the number of digits after the decimal
Examples: NUMBER (6) represents 250012 NUMBER (6,2) represents 2500.12 - Date
- DATE – Date can be in various formats. Date functions available with your query tool can be used to format the date.
Column Name | Format | Description |
*Term | Varchar2 (4) | The code for the academic year and semester. The term code is 4 digits – CYYT – and is derived as follows: C = the century, 0=1900, 1=2000 YY = the academic year. 99 = academic year 98-99; 00=academic year 99-00; etc. T = the term. 2=Fall, 4=Spring, 6=Summer. Example: Fall 1998-99 is 0992. Summer 1999-00 is 1006. |
Term_Descr | Varchar2 (30) | Description of the academic year and semester. |
*ID | Varchar2 (11) | The ID is generated by the ISIS system. ID is a unique identifier for a student and will never be changed throughout the individual’s relationship with the University. This is not the same as Campus_ID. |
Campus_ID | Varchar2 (16) | ID number assigned to be used by student. Only ten characters are used. |
Name | Varchar2 (50) | Student’s preferred name (last, first and middle, no space between last, first), starting in term 1142. Prior to the fall of 2014 it shows the primary/legal name. |
Primary_Academic_Program | Varchar2 (5) | The code for the student’s primary academic program. Formerly known as the student’s Classification. For students with only one program the value will be the code for that program. For students with dual programs this is usually the program with the earliest start date. |
Academic_Level | Varchar2 (3) | Academic level at the beginning of the given term. 00 = Not Set 05 = Spcl, Guest 10 = Freshman 20 = Sophomore 30 = Junior 40 = Senior CRT = Certification Special GR = Graduate NDG = Non-Degree Student (discontinued Fall 1999) P1 = Professional Year 1 P2 = Professional Year 2 P3 = Professional Year 3 P4 = Professional Year 4 SH = High School Specials (discontinued Fall 1999). |
Academic_Level_EOT | Varchar2 (3) | Academic level at the end of the given term. 00 = Not Set 05 = Spcl, Guest 10 = Freshman 20 = Sophomore 30 = Junior 40 = Senior CRT = Certification Special GR = Graduate NDG = Non-Degree Student (discontinued Fall 1999) P1 = Professional Year 1 P2 = Professional Year 2 P3 = Professional Year 3 P4 = Professional Year 4 SH = High School Specials (discontinued Fall 1999) |
Academic_Level_Proj | Varchar2 (3) | The student’s academic level projected for the beginning of that given term. This includes all completed credits, in-progress credits and transfer credits (includes other and test credits) for all prior terms. Values are: 05 = Spcl, Guest 10 = Freshman 20 = Sophomore 30 = Junior 40 = Senior GR = Graduate P1 = Professional Year 1 P2 = Professional Year 2 P3 = Professional Year 3 P4 = Professional Year 4 |
Primary_Academic_Group | Varchar2 (5) | Designates the college that the student is currently active in. Values are: ALS, AMN, BUS, CAVE, EDU, EGR,HEC,IES, L&S, LAW, MED, MSN, NUR, PHM, VET NOTE: Terms 1014-1072 actually show the Academic Group associated with the course but the extract was corrected to show the Academic Group associated with the student from term 1074 on. |
Course_ID | Varchar2 (6) | A unique identifier that links each course offered in a given semester to an entry in the Course Catalog table. The Course_id represents all members in a cluster of cross-listed courses. |
Subject_Descr | Varchar2 (30) | The department name corresponding to the subject code. |
*Subject_Code | Varchar2 (8) | The three digit code identifying the department offering the course. |
Course_Title | Varchar2 (30) | Name of the course. |
*Catalog_Number | Varchar2 (10) | The number assigned to the course in the course catalog. Also known as the Course number. This is derived when the course is created and is department specific. |
*Course_Offer_Number | Number(2) | Indicates the course is involved in a crosslist offering. |
*Session_Code | Varchar2 (3) | The code that represents the length of an instructional period within a term. |
Credits_Taken | Number (8,2) | The number of credits the student is taking the course for. |
Course_Section_Type_Range1 | Varchar2 (3) | Each course for which a student receives a grade consists of one or more “class sections,” each of which has a “section type”, e.g., Lecture, Lab, etc. This type is recorded in the RANGE_1_TYPE field. Values are: LEC = Lecture DIS = Discussion LAB = Laboratory IND = Independent Study SEM = Seminar FLD = Field Study CON = Continuance THE = Thesis Research SUP = Supervision CLN = Clinical RG1 = Range 1 section (only for courses prior to 0996– typically, RG1 denoted the Lecture section) RG2 = Range 2 section (only for courses prior to 0996– typically, RG2 denoted the Discussion section) RG3 = Range 3 section (only for courses prior to 0996– typically, RG3 denoted the Lab section) |
*Course_Section_Range1 | Varchar2 (4) | The range_1 section number. Value: less than 300, else blank. |
Instructor_Name_Range1 | Varchar2 (50) | INSTRUCTOR preferred name associated with the Range 1 Section (i.e. Lec, Lab, Dis, Ind), starting in term 1142. Prior to the fall of 2014 it shows the primary/legal name. |
Instructor_Id_Range1 | Varchar2 (11) | Instructor ID number for Range 1. |
Course_Section_Type_Range2 | Varchar2 (3) | The type of the range2 section. Certain courses may have one or two additional types of class sections associated with them for which the student does not receive a separate grade (e.g., labs and discussion sections of certain lectures). These section types and numbers are recorded in the Range_2(3) type and section fields. Values are: DIS FLD LAB SEM |
Course_Section_Range2 | Varchar2 (4) | The range_2 section number. Value: 300 thru 599, else blank. |
Instructor_Name_Range2 | Varchar2 (50) | INSTRUCTOR preferred name associated with the Range 2 Section (i.e. Lec, Lab, Dis, Ind), starting in term 1142. Prior to the fall of 2014 it shows the primary/legal name. |
Instructor_Id_Range2 | Varchar2 (11) | Instructor ID number for Range 2. |
Course_Section_Type_Range3 | Varchar2 (3) | The type of the range_3 section. See definition for range1 section |
Course_Section_Range3 | Varchar2 (4) | The range_3 section number. Value: greater than 599, else blank. |
Instructor_Name_Range3 | Varchar2 (50) | INSTRUCTOR preferred name associated with the Range 3 Section (i.e. Lec, Lab, Dis, Ind), starting in term 1142. Prior to the fall of 2014 it shows the primary/legal name. |
Instructor_Id_Range3 | Varchar2 (11) | Instructor ID number for Range 3. |
Credits_For_Honors | Varchar2 (1) | Indicates whether or not the student has chosen to take the course for honors. Values: y, or not populated. |
Credits_For_Audit | Varchar2 (1) | Indicates whether or not the student has chosen to audit the course. Values: y or not populated. |
Session_Start_Date | Date | Date the session starts. |
Session_End_Date | Date | Date the session ends. |
Combination_Type | Varchar2 (2) | The type of combination for a section in a crosslist or meet-with group. Valid values are: XL = crosslist MW = meets-with XM = crosslisted and meets-with SL = meets-with at the section level (not all sections in the course meet together) |
Primary_Subject_Code | Varchar2 (8) | Primary subject number of the course. Use of this column in conjunction with primary catalog number will provide an aggregate class roster of all crosslisted/meetswith courses. |
Primary_Catalog_Number | Varchar2 (10) | Primary department’s course or catalog number in a crosslist or meets-with combination.
Use of this field in conjunction with primary subject number will provide an aggregate class roster of all crosslisted/meetswith courses. |
Extract_Date_Time | Date | System generated date representing when the data was last refreshed. |