This view contains all ‘enrollment hold’ negative service indicators (impacts AENR, CENR and WENR).
Data will be refreshed weekly on Sunday evening.
Registrar’s Office
Contact: Phil Hull
You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to InfoAccess Home Page
This view shows only service indicators with the following service impacts:


Student unable to add class – Allows student to drop class


Student unable to make any change to enrollment in classes


Student unable to add class – Allows students to drop class AND allows RO to process withdrawal without having to remove SI’s. Not currently used but will be implemented in the near future.

Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357)
07/2004 – New view created.
09/2012 – Data Custodian Contact changed from Karen Hanson to Kim Alling
Primary Key Columns are identified with an asterisk(*)
Alphanumeric Data
VARCHAR2( N) (N) = maximum length. Field contains letters and/or numbers. Trailing blanks are eliminated.
Example: VARCHAR2 (5) could contain ‘ABC12’ or ‘ABC’ or ‘A’
Numeric Data
NUMBER (N) (N) = length. Field contains only numbers.
NUMBER (X,Y) = format for numbers with decimal positions.
X = total number of digits
Y = the number of digits after the decimal
Examples: NUMBER (6) represents 250012 NUMBER (6,2) represents 2500.12
DATE – Date can be in various formats. Date functions available with your query tool can be used to format the date.
Column Name Format Description
ID varchar2 (11) ISIS personal Identifier. It will never be changed throughout the individual’s relationship with the University. This is not the same as Campus_ID. Only 10 characters are in use.
Campus Id varchar2 (16) A unique student identifier (10 digits). The ID may change occasionally at the student’s request.
Service Ind Code varchar2(3) Code for the type of service indicator to be placed. Valid codes and the description are:

Service Ind Code Service Ind Descr Service Impact
ADA Academic Hold on Enrollment AENR
ADV* Advisor Hold on Enrollment CENR
AUH Undergraduate Admissions Hold CENR
BDC* Bad Check CENR
DEA* Dean’s Hold on Enrollment AENR
DIS Disciplinary Hold – Enrollment AENR
DIX Disciplinary of Hold-Rec&Reg AENR
DNH* Dean’s Administrative Hold AENR
DOC* Missing Documentation AENR
DTH Deceased CENR
FEB* Fee – Hold Enrollmnt & Records CENR
FEE* Hold on Enrollment CENR
FLO* Legacy Overpayment CENR
FOV* Overpayment CENR
GSD* Graduate School Dean’s Hold CENR
LEX Exit Interview CENR
LMF Delinquent Legacy Loan CENR
LNT Prior Loan Document Incomplete CENR
LST Delinquent Short Term Loan CENR
RES Residency Question CENR
SBE* Tuition Balance Past Due CENR
SBL* Tuition Balance Past Due CENR
TUB Tuition Balance Past Due CENR
TUE Tuition Balance Past Due CENR
VIS Visa Hold-Placed by ISSS CENR
WDN Withdrawn CENR

* Indicates multiple service indicator reasons can be associated with this service indicator code.

Service Ind Descr varchar2(30) Description of service indicator code.
Service Ind Reason Code varchar2(5) Code for the reason the service indicator is being placed. Multiple reason codes can be associated with one service indicator code.
Service Ind Reason Descr varchar2 (30) Description of the service indicator reason code.
Service Ind Active Term varchar2(4) The term the service indicator became active.
Service Ind Active Date date The date the service indicator takes effect.
Service Ind Reference varchar2(30) Optional text field used to provide further detail about the service indicator.
Department ID varchar2(10) Department ID associated with service indicator reason code.
Department Name varchar2(30) Department name associated with service indicator reason code.
Contact Name varchar2(30) Name of person or office to be contacted regarding service indicator.
Service Ind Amount number (18,3) The dollar amount of the fine if applicable.
Service Ind Placed Name varchar2(30) Name of person who placed the service indicator.
Service Ind Placed Person ID varchar2(11) ID number of person who placed the service indicator.
Service Ind Comments varchar2(2000) Optional text field for further explanation of the service indicator.
Extract Date Time date The date and time these data were extracted from the source system.