Provides useful attributes of academic plans. Key examples of plan attributes include the academic department where the plan is housed and administered, and the broader disciplinary categories the plan belongs to. The Provost’s Office, the Registrar’s Office, and the UW System Administration share reponsibility for designating many of the attributes included in this table. This table is limited to majors, certificates, capstone certificates, and specialization certificates. Minors and teaching certificates are not included. All major plans active at any time since Summer 1985 are included. All certificates plans active at any time since Spring 2000 are included.

For users who want to report obsolete plans under current active plan codes, especially when summarizing trends over time, fields beginning with “REPORT” should be used. For example, when the major of Agricultural Engineering was renamed Biological Systems Engineering in 2002-03, Agricultural Engineering continued for a limited period of time as a pipelined major, while a new major code was created for Biological Systems Engineering. By using REPORT_PLAN_CODE, both of these majors can be reported together under the current code for Biological Systems Engineering, thereby simplifying an analysis of enrollment or degree trends for this renamed major. Some fields, such as CIP Code, UDDS, Field of Study, Academic Group, etc. do not have a report field.

This data view may be connected to UW.STUDENT_ACAD_SUBPLAN_ATTRIBUTES via the plan code to retrieve attributes about named options under academic plans.

Updated as new academic plans occur in enrolled student and/or awards dataviews; Also updated when attributes of academic plans change to reflect new classifications or changes in links to academic departments.
Academic Planning & Analysis, Office of the Provost
Contact: Sara Lazenby
No approval signature is required by the Data Custodian to receive authorization to access this data view. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to InfoAccess Home Page
Tables that are not actually loaded but rather updated by the Data Custodian.
Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357)
12/2011 – New view created.
09/2014 – Five new fields were added.
Special_Plan_Type varchar2(3)
06/2015 – updated Distance_Education_Program description.
Primary Key Columns are identified with an asterisk(*)
Alphanumeric Data
VARCHAR2( N) (N) = maximum length. Field contains letters and/or numbers. Trailing blanks are eliminated.
Example: VARCHAR2 (5) could contain ‘ABC12’ or ‘ABC’ or ‘A’
Numeric Data
NUMBER (N) (N) = length. Field contains only numbers.
NUMBER (X,Y) = format for numbers with decimal positions.
X = total number of digits
Y = the number of digits after the decimal
Examples: NUMBER (6) represents 250012 NUMBER (6,2) represents 2500.12
DATE – Date can be in various formats. Date functions available with your query tool can be used to format the date.
Column Name Format Description
PLAN_CODE* Varchar2(10) A code representing the academic plan. For majors, this code contains embedded codes that can be informative:
Chars 1 to 4 : the award goal of the plan
Char 5 to 7: the major code
Char 8 to 10: School/college ( graduate level only)
Examples for major 018 – African Languages and Literature
BA 018
MA 018L&S
BS 018
PHD 018L&S
MAJ 018
The “MAJ” award goal indicates an “Additional Major” awarded by the school or college other than the school or college awarding the student a bachelor’s degree.
It is usually not necessary to unpack these embedded codes. The embedded values are more easily available from other data fields in this table.
PLAN_TYPE Varchar2(3) A code indicating the type of academic plan.
MAJ = Major
CRT = Certificate
CAP = Capstone
SP = Specialization Certificates
PLAN_STATUS Varchar2(1) A code indicating the scope of a plan’s level of activity, as of the last update to the table.
A = active, available plan leading to a degree award
D = Discontinued: Plan is terminated and no longer has any enrolled students.
P = Pipeline: This plan has had a formal UAPC action discontinuing the program. No new students are allowed to enroll in this program while students previously enrolled are allowed to continue to completion. Once there are no more enrolled students in the plan the status will be moved to D (discontinued).
S= Suspended: the plan has had a formal UAPC action suspending admissions to the program. No new students are allowed to enroll in this program, while students previously enrolled are allow to continue to completion. The program will go back to the UAPC at a future date and either be discontinued or moved back to active status.
E = for Enrolled students only, not a degree plan. These are plans assigned to enrolled students who are in a “pre-major” status who are not yet admitted to a plan leading to a specific degree major.
F = a plan that has been created, but students are not permitted to enroll until a future term.
NO_ADMIT_IND Varchar2(1) A code indicating that a plan is in No-admit status. Active plans with a “Y” on this indicator are plans that are not admitting new students, but are open for students to complete an award in the given plan.

Valid Values:
Y = non-admitting plan.

PLAN_GROUP Varchar2(3) The code assigned by UW-Madison for this major. The major may be offered across multiple degree levels and/or by multiple schools and colleges. These are the official majors of the university and they are listed in the Registrar’s website
Example: 153
TRANSCRIPT_DESCR Varchar2(100) The official description of the academic plan as it will appear on the student’s transcript. Generally, academic plans with the same Plan_Group will have exactly the same Transcript_Descr as well.
Example: Chemistry
CDR_MAJOR_CODE Varchar2(5) The code assigned by UW System Administration to this major. These are the major codes in data submitted each term by UW-Madison to the UW System in a process named the Central Data Request (CDR). For discontinued or pipelined academic plans, the CDR_MAJOR_CODE may no longer be in active status, but is still reported here for possible use in trend analysis.
Example: 19051
CDR_MAJOR_LEVEL Varchar2(1) The degree level assigned by UW System Administration to this academic plan. Different academic plans may share the same major code, but have different degree levels.
B = Bachelor’s
M = Masters
D = Doctoral
P = Professional
Y = Clinical Professional
REPORT_PLAN_CODE Varchar2(10) For plans that have been discontinued or pipelined (see PLAN_STATUS above) is it often helpful to report those obsolete plans using currently active plan codes, especially when summarizing trends over time. For example, when the major of Agricultural Engineering, was renamed Biological Systems Engineering in 2002-03, Agricultural Engineering continued for a limited period of time as a pipelined major, while a new major code was created for Biological Systems Engineering. By using REPORT_PLAN_CODE, both of these majors can be reported together under the current code for Biological Systems Engineering, thereby simplifying an analysis of enrollment or degree trends for this renamed major.

For active majors, the REPORT_PLAN_CODE is exactly the same as the PLAN_CODE.

REPORT_PLAN_GROUP Varchar2(3) Recommended current Plan Group code (major code) if this is discontinued or pipelined plan code. For active majors, the REPORT_PLAN_GROUP is exactly the same as the PLAN_GROUP.
REPORT_TRANSCRIPT_DESCR Varchar2(100) For plans that have been discontinued or pipelined (see PLAN_STATUS above) is it often helpful to report those obsolete plans using currently active transcript descriptions, especially when summarizing trends over time. Report_Transcript_Descr is the recommended current Transcript_Descr if this is a discontinued or pipelined plan code. For active majors, the REPORT_ TRANSCRIPT_DESCR is exactly the same as the TRANSCRIPT_DESCR.
REPORT_ACAD_PROG Varchar2(5) For plans that have been discontinued or pipelined (see PLAN_STATUS above) is it often helpful to report those obsolete plans using currently active program codes, especially when summarizing trends over time. Report_Acad_Prog is the recommended current code for the student’s academic program.
REPORT_ACAD_PROG_DESCR Varchar2(30) For plans that have been discontinued or pipelined (see PLAN_STATUS above) is it often helpful to report those obsolete plans using currently active program descriptions, especially when summarizing trends over time. Report_Acad_Prog_Descr is the recommended current description of the student’s academic program.
AWARD_LEVEL Varchar2(1) This is a code for the level of the degree associated with this academic plan.
B = Bachelor’s
M = Masters
D = Doctoral
P = Professional
O = Other (Additional Major)
ACADEMIC_GROUP Varchar2(3) This is a code for the UW-Madison school or college that awards the degree associated with this academic plan.
ALS College of Agricultural & Life Sciences
AMN Officer Education
BUS School of Business
CIC Committee on Inst Cooperation (Inactive)
DCS Division of Continuing Studies
EDU School of Education
EGR College of Engineering
HEC School of Human Ecology
IES Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies
L&S College of Letters and Science
LAW Law School
MED School of Medicine and Public Health
MSN University of Wisconsin – Madison (Admin only)
NUR School of Nursing
PHM School of Pharmacy
RGE Research and Graduate Education
VET School of Veterinary Medicine
FIELD_OF_STUDY Varchar2(3) This is a code for the broad disciplinary division to which this academic plan has been assigned.

BIO Biological Sciences
HUM Arts and Humanities
N/A Other
PHY Physical Sciences
SOC Social Studies

GRADUATE_RESEARCH_SCHOLARS Varchar2(15) The Graduate Research Scholars programs were created by schools and colleges using, in part, Advanced Opportunity Fellowship (AOF) funding to establish a diverse community that extends across the departments. The Graduate Research Scholar (GRS) communities augment the standard curriculum with academic, social and professional development programming.

This column contains values only for majors at the Masters and Doctoral award levels, excluding Professional programs. Also, values are not available for academic plans that were discontinued prior to August 2011.

Valid values in this column include the following codes:

Business Graduate Research Scholars
School of Education Graduate Research Scholars
EnviroGRS =
Environmental Graduate Research Scholars
Graduate Engineering Research Scholars
Letters & Sciences Community of Graduate Research Scholars
NursingGRS =
Nursing Graduate Research Scholars
Science and Medicine Graduate Research Scholars Program
CIP_CODE Varchar2(6) A code assigned to this major by UW-Madison using a Federal taxonomy of academic discipline codes named the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP). Sometimes there are temporary differences between this code and the CIP code assigned by UW System Administration (see REPORT_CDR_CIP below). These differences are only temporary and are resolved as quickly as possible in negotiations with UW System Administration.
Example: 400501
CIP_CODE_DESCR Varchar2(100) The Federal name for instructional programs that have been assigned this CIP_CODE
Example: “Chemistry, General.”
UDDS Varchar2(7) The UW budget identifier of the academic unit having ownership of the academic plan. This is the academic unit that provides advising to students in the academic plan, initiates changes in the requirements of the academic plan, and controls admission to the plan (when admissions are selective).
Example: A4815
UDDS_NAME Varchar2(39) The UDDS name of the academic unit having ownership of the academic plan.
Example: Chemistry
REPORT_CDR_MAJOR_CODE Varchar2(5) Current CDR Major Code for this Report_Plan_Code
REPORT_CDR_MAJOR_LEVEL Varchar2(1) Current CDR Major Level for this Report_Plan_Code
REPORT_CDR_MAJOR_NAME Varchar2(100) Current CDR Major Name for this Report_Plan_Code
REPORT_CDR_CIP Varchar2(6) A code used by UW System Administration using a Federal taxonomy of academic discipline codes named the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP). This is the CIP code used by UW System to prepare UW-Madison’s IPEDS Fall Enrollment and Degree Completions surveys, submitted each year to the U.S. Department of Education.
AWARD_CATEGORY Varchar2(4) The type of award granted to a student who graduates in a given plan code.
Valid Values:
10 – Bachelor’s
30 – Master’s
40 – Research Doctorate
50 – Clinical Doctorate
60 – Other Doctorate
70 – Undergraduate Certificate
80 – Capstone
ENROLLMENT_CATERGORY Varchar2(4) 100 – Undergraduate
300 – Master’s
310 – Master’s of Public Health
320 – Master’s of Physician Assistant Studies
400 – Research Doctorate
510 – Law
520 – MD
530 – Pharmacy
540 – Veterinary Medicine
550 – Other Clinical Doctorate
700 – Undergraduate Certificate Special
710 – Other Special Student (Non-certificate)
800 – Capstone Special.
DISTANCE_EDUCATION_PROGRAM Varchar2(1) For plans where the mode of delivery is online/distance education.
UW-Madison uses definitions for online/distance-delivered programs that are set by the Higher Learning Commission.
As of March 2015, the definition of online/distance-delivered programs is:

  • Distance-delivered programs are those certificate or degree programs in which 50% or more of the required courses may be taken as distance-delivered courses.
  • Distance-delivered courses are those in which all or the vast majority (typically 75% or more) of the instruction and interaction occurs via electronic communication, correspondence or equivalent mechanisms, with the faculty and students physically separated from each other
    (NOTE: Programs that are predominately student-directed are considered “correspondence programs” and UW-Madison is not approved to offer such programs.)

Valid values:
P=Plan is a distance education plan.
O= One or more options associated with this plan is a distance education program.

SPECIAL_PLAN_TYPE Varchar2(3) For administrative use to track specific types of plans and options for budget/fiscal considerations.
Valid Values:
NPP = The entire plan is a Non-pooled plan.
NPO = One or more options associated with this plan are Non-Pooled options.
EDUCATIONAL_INNOVATION_PROGRAM Varchar2(1) Starting in Fall 2011, UW-Madison launched the Educational Innovation initiative and under that initiative approved a series of academic programs that meet the following criteria:

  • The program brings in new and additional students and does not compete with existing programs for enrollment; overall enrollment in all other school/college programs remains steady.
  • The program is specifically designed to meet the needs of non-traditional audiences; has an applied, practice-oriented curriculum that is self-contained with a clear pathway with few electives or options; is offered in a modality that allows non-traditional audiences to attend (evening, weekend, distance, intensive, or some combination thereof); has a market demand and learning goals that are oriented to market considerations.
  • The program is distinctly identifiable in the student record system, either as a degree/major or as an option of a degree/major, or as a Capstone certificate.

Valid Values:
P = Plan is an Educational Innovations Plan
O = One or more options associated with this plan is an Educational Innovations program, connect to the Subplan table in order to find out which options are Educational Innovations.

NON_TRADITIONAL_PROGRAM Varchar2(1) Program designed to meet the needs of non-traditional student audiences; has an applied, practice-oriented curriculum that is self-contained with a clear pathway with few electives or options; is offered in a modality that allows non-traditional audiences to attend (evening, weekend, distance, intensive, or some combination thereof); has a market demand and learning goals that are oriented to market considerations. Most are offered as master’s level programs, named options in master’s level programs, or as Capstone certificate programs. (Frequently but not always are also distance-delivered, EI, or non-pooled tuition programs.)
Valid Values:
P = Plan is a Non-Traditional plan
O = One or more options associated with this plan is a non-traditional option.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE DATE The date and time the data was last updated by APIR.