This view contains data from the university’s Advisor Notes System (ANS). Records in the data view represent documented student advising contacts only. The anecdotal note/data element associated with each record is not included/available in this data view.
Data will be refreshed nightly.
Registrar’s Office
Contact: Phil Hull
You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to the InfoAccess Home Page
The ANS went live on June 1, 2010. While the number and diversity of users and the resulting size and completeness of the dataset continues to grow, it is not yet comprehensive and may not be for some time. Caution must be used when interpreting these data at multiple scales – particularly if attempting to conduct campus level or inter-division level analyses. Currently, the impact of differential use/adoption of the ANS at those scales of analysis could be significant.
When obtaining counts of documented advising contacts it is important to consider whether or not to include those records having a “Contact_Reason_1_Name” value of “No Show.” In most cases it will probably be best to exclude those records in order to obtain actual counts (or counts distinct) of documented contacts (rather than documented contacts plus intended contacts that did not occur).
Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357)
08/2011 – New view created.
02/2012 – Custodian Change.
03/2013 – Unit Specific Contact Reason Codes and Names were added.
Primary Key Columns are identified with an asterisk(*)
Alphanumeric Data
VARCHAR2( N) (N) = maximum length. Field contains letters and/or numbers. Trailing blanks are eliminated.
Example: VARCHAR2 (5) could contain ‘ABC12’ or ‘ABC’ or ‘A’
Numeric Data
NUMBER (N) (N) = length. Field contains only numbers.
NUMBER (X,Y) = format for numbers with decimal positions.
X = total number of digits
Y = the number of digits after the decimal
Examples: NUMBER (6) represents 250012 NUMBER (6,2) represents 2500.12
DATE – Date can be in various formats. Date functions available with your query tool can be used to format the date.
Column Name Format Description
Advisor_ID Varchar2(11) ISIS personal identifier of the advisor. It will never be changed throughout the individual’s relationship with the University. Only 10 characters are in use.
Advisor_Name Varchar2(50) Advisor’s primary name (last, first, middle with no space between last and first names).
Advising_Unit_ID Number Advising Unit code indicating the advising unit associated with the advisor who creates the contact record.
Advising_Unit_Name Varchar2(32) Descriptive name of the advising unit.
Advising_Division Varchar2(30) Academic group (College, School or Division) associated to an advisors’ advising unit. Each advising unit is associated to an academic group.
ID Varchar2(11) ISIS personal identifier of the student advisee. It will never be changed throughout the individual’s relationship with the University. This is not the same as Campus_ID. Only 10 characters are in use.
Campus_ID Varchar2(16) ID number assigned to ISIS to be used by student. Only ten characters are used. Advisee’s personal identifier. Contains the ISIS Campus_ID of the advisee who had interaction with an advisor.
Note_Create_Date Date Date the contact record was first created.
Note_Created_By Varchar2(50) Netid for the person who created the advisor contact record.
Note_Update_Date Date Date the contact record was last updated.
Note_Updated_By Varchar2(50) Netid fo the person who last updated the contact record.
Contact_Type_ID Number Contact type code indicating the type of contact that took place between the advisor-advisee.
Contact_Type_Name Varchar2(100) Descriptive name of the type of contact between advisor-advisee.
Contact_Term Varchar2(4) This is the Term in which the interaction with the student occurred. It is determined from the Contact_Date.
Contact_Date Date Date the advisor-advisee interaction took place.
Contact_Reason1_ ID Number The contact reason ID contains a code indicating what the specific advisor-advisee interaction was about. At least one contact reason is required. There can be up to 4 reasons.
Contact_Reason1_ Name Varchar2(50) Descriptive name associated with the first reason for contact.
Contact_Reason2_ ID Number The contact reason ID contains a code indicating what the specific advisor-advisee interaction was about. At least one contact reason is required. There can be up to 4 reasons.
Contact_Reason2_ Name Varchar2(50) Descriptive name associated with the second reason for contact.
Contact_Reason3_ID Number The contact reason ID contains a code indicating what the specific advisor-advisee interaction was about. At least one contact reason is required. There can be up to 4 reasons.
Contact_Reason3_ Name Varchar2(50) Descriptive name associated with the third reason for contact.
Contact_Reason4_ ID Number The contact reason ID contains a code indicating what the specific advisor-advisee interaction was about. At least one contact reason is required. There can be up to 4 reasons.
Contact_Reason4_ Name Varchar2(50) Descriptive name associated with the fourth reason for contact.
Unitspec_Contact_Reason1_ ID Number The unit specific contact reason ID contains a code indicating what the specific advisor-advisee interaction was about. Unit specific contact reason are not required – they are optional. There can be up to 4 reasons.
Unitspec_Contact_Reason1_ Name Varchar2(50) Descriptive name associated with the first unit specific reason for contact.
Unitspec_Contact_Reason2_ ID Number The unit specific contact reason ID contains a code indicating what the specific advisor-advisee interaction was about. Unit specific contact reason are not required – they are optional. There can be up to 4 reasons.
Unitspec_Contact_Reason2_ Name Varchar2(50) Descriptive name associated with the second reason for contact.
Unitspec_Contact_Reason3_ID Number The unit specific contact reason ID contains a code indicating what the specific advisor-advisee interaction was about. Unit specific contact reason are not required – they are optional. There can be up to 4 reasons.
Unitspec_Contact_Reason3_ Name Varchar2(50) Descriptive name associated with the third reason for contact.
Unitspec_Contact_Reason4_ ID Number The unit specific contact reason ID contains a code indicating what the specific advisor-advisee interaction was about. Unit specific contact reason are not required – they are optional. There can be up to 4 reasons.
Unitspec_Contact_Reason4_ Name Varchar2(50) Descriptive name associated with the fourth reason for contact.
Extract_Date_Time Date The date and time these data were extracted.