This view contains directory information for each individual flagged as a potential instructor or advisor found in the SIS Student Information System. This view should have one row per ID. Some contact information such as e-mail address will only be present if an instructor/advisor has an active or future appointment in the University’s Human Resource System. The ISIS Student Information System on the other hand keeps instructors/advisors active historically – for about three years, even if they have not taught a course or do not have student advisees. Therefore, there will be instances of instructor/advisor rows in this view without email, work address, or work phone.
This view is refreshed each week day morning.
Registrar’s Office
Data Custodian: Phil Hull
You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to the InfoAccess Home Page
It is advised that you use this data view in conjunction with term specific data views such as Stdnt_Timetable_Multiterm or Stdnt_Course_Roster_Multiterm to get contact information on instructors currently teaching.

The population of instructors and advisors comes from the ISIS student information system, which keeps records active for a three year. Currently, if an instructor has not taught in the past three years, that instructor record is inactivated in ISIS and eliminated from this data view upon refresh. See data definition for Academic_Org for additional special considerations.

Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357)
09/2004 – New view created.
06/2008 – Data custodian change.
1/2010 – Data Custodian Change c4j
09/2012 – Data Custodian Contact changed from Karen Hanson to Kim Alling
12/2014 – Preferred name policy s8w.
Primary Key Columns are identified with an asterisk(*)
Alphanumeric Data
VARCHAR2( N) (N) = maximum length. Field contains letters and/or numbers. Trailing blanks are eliminated.
Example: VARCHAR2 (5) could contain ‘ABC12’ or ‘ABC’ or ‘A’
Numeric Data
NUMBER (N) (N) = length. Field contains only numbers.
NUMBER (X,Y) = format for numbers with decimal positions.
X = total number of digits
Y = the number of digits after the decimal
Examples: NUMBER (6) represents 250012 NUMBER (6,2) represents 2500.12
DATE – Date can be in various formats. Date functions available with your query tool can be used to format the date.
Column Name Format Description
*Instructor_Id varchar2 (11) ISIS emplid. This never changes throughout the individual’s relationship with the University. This is not the same as Campus_ID. Only 10 characters are in use.
Name varchar2 (50) ISIS preferred name in the format preferred Last, preferred First preferred Middle or preferred Middle Initial. This may be case sensitive with some query tools.
Name_Last varchar2 (30) ISIS Instructor/Advisor preferred last name.
Name_First varchar2 (30) ISIS Instructor/Advisor preferred first name.
Name_Middle varchar2 (30) ISIS Instructor/Advisor preferred middle name or preferred middle initial.
Academic_Org varchar2 (10) An ISIS code that identifies the academic organization where the instructor/advisor works. This information comes from an ISIS crosswalk table that matches the IADS major appointment UDDS to an ISIS subject or ‘timetable department’. Note: When a match cannot be made, the academic org of ‘UWMSN’ is used. Additionally, when a UDDS matches more than one ISIS subject, the first subject’s academic org is used.
Academic_Org_Descr varchar2 (30) Description of the Academic_Org code from ISIS.
Advisor_Ind varchar2 (1) Indicates whether or not the person is identified as a potential advisor on the ISIS Ps_Instr_Advisor table.
Valid values:
Y = potential advisor
Null = not flagged as potential advisor
Email_Address varchar2 (70) Instructor/Advisor email address from the HR system.
Work_Address_Line1 varchar2 (50) First line of work address from the HR system.
Work_Address_Line2 varchar2 (50) Second line of work address from the HR system.
Work,_Address_Line3 varchar2 (50) Third line of work address from the HR system.
Work_Address_Line4 varchar2 (50) Fourth line of work address from the HR system.
Work_Zip_Code varchar2 (12) Zip code of work address from the HR system.
Work_Phone varchar2 (24) The telephone number for the principal phone associated with the work address from the HR system.
PVI_Number varchar2 (9) Publicly Visible Identifier from the HR system.
Extract_Date_Time Date The date and time these data were extracted from ISIS. Format : YYYYMMDD HH24:MI:SS