Provides the curricular data submitted by UW-Madison for purposes of the CDR (Central Data Request) requested by UW System Administration. The dataview contains data for each of the four (4) most recent terms (since Fall 1999). For many of the data elements, UW-Madison data has been re-coded and/or re-defined to conform to the CDR specifications.
This view is updated on request by the Registrar’s Office. Fall and Spring terms would typically be added at the end of the eighth week of the term. Summer terms would typically be added the last week of August. Sometimes, preliminary versions may be loaded prior to the “official” run.
Register’s Office
Contact: Phil Hull
You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to the InfoAccess Home Page
Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357)
05/00 New view created.
06/2008 – Data Custodian change. C4j
01/2010 – Data Custodian Change C4j
09/2012 – Data Custodian Contact changed from Karen Hanon to Kim Alling
Primary Key Columns are identified with an asterisk(*)
Alphanumeric Data
VARCHAR2( N) (N) = maximum length. Field contains letters and/or numbers. Trailing blanks are eliminated.
Example: VARCHAR2 (5) could contain ‘ABC12’ or ‘ABC’ or ‘A’
Numeric Data
NUMBER (N) (N) = length. Field contains only numbers.
NUMBER (X,Y) = format for numbers with decimal positions.
X = total number of digits
Y = the number of digits after the decimal
Examples: NUMBER (6) represents 250012 NUMBER (6,2) represents 2500.12
DATE – Date can be in various formats. Date functions available with your query tool can be used to format the date.
Column Name Format Description
*CDR_YEAR_SEM VARCHAR2(4) The starting year, ending year and semester a student is enrolled at UW-Madison. The first 2 digit ‘YY’ is the starting year the third ‘Y’ is the ending year the semester values are:
1 = Fall semester
2 = Spring semester
S = Summer session
Examples: Summer 1999-2000 value is ‘990S’
Fall 2000-2001 value is ‘0011’
UNIT VARCHAR2(1) A one-character code indicating one of the fourteen possible institutions. “A” always submitted for Madison campus.
DIVISION VARCHAR2(2) The level of organization immediately under that of Unit for the UW-centers. Blank for Madison Campus as this is for UW-centers only.
* CAC VARCHAR2(4) A 4-digit discipline code assigned by UW System Administration.
Example: Disciplinary area is English, General; This element is “1501”
* COURSE_NBR VARCHAR2(4) The campus number used to identify a specific course within a campus department’s offerings.
Example: The course number for computer science 838 would be “838”
* SECTION_NBR VARCHAR2(5) A five character unique identification for each section taught within each course. This identification must appear in the campus timetable file. A section is defined as a group of students meeting at the same time and in the same place for the same type of instruction with the same faculty.
* SUBSECTION VARCHAR2(2) A two character identification to distinguish between multiple instructors and/or multiple meeting times /locations with the same section.
CREDIT_MIN VARCHAR2(3) The minimum per student credit for which the course is being offered.
CREDIT_MAX VARCHAR2(3) The maximum per student credit for which the course is being offered.
TYPE_OF_INSTRUCTION VARCHAR2(1) A one-character code indicating the primary type of instruction used in this section:
Valid values include:
C = Lecture
L = Laboratory / Studio
D = Discussion
F = Field Experience
I = Independent / Individualized
S = Seminar / Colloquia
SECTION_LEVEL VARCHAR2(1) A code indicating the intended degree of complexity or expected level of comprehension of the course section. Valid values include:
1 = Remedial
2 = Undergraduate, basic
3 = Undergraduate, advanced
4 = Graduate, basic
5 = Graduate, advanced
6 = preponderant enrollment is
WEEKS_OF_INSTRUCTION VARCHAR2(2) The number of weeks that this section meets, including final exam period.
SAC VARCHAR2(3) Section Allocation coefficient.
INSTRUCTOR_SSN VARCHAR2(9) SSN or 1st nine-digits of Campus Id.
UW_PERCENT_EFFORT VARCHAR2(3) Average percent effort each instructor expends on this section on a full-term basis.
UW_WKLY_CNCT_HRS VARCHAR2(3) Number of actual hours per week an instructor spends teaching in director contact.
UW_MULTI_CRD_ENRL VARCHAR2(4) The effort an instructor expends relative to that of the other instructors of this section.
UW_MULTI_EFF_CNCT VARCHAR2(4) The classroom contact an instructor provides relative to the other section instructors.
DOW VARCHAR2(7) Indicates the days of the week on which a regularly scheduled section meets.
START_TIME VARCHAR2(4) Begin time of regularly schedules section in terms of the 2400 Universal clock.
END_TIME VARCHAR2(4) End time of regularly schedules section in terms of the 2400 Universal clock.
BUILD_CODE VARCHAR2(5) A code to uniquely identify each building where the section meets.
ROOM VARCHAR2(6) A code to uniquely identify each room where the section meets.
PRIMARY_UNIT VARCHAR2(1) A one-character code indicating UW institution providing this distance education course.
PRIMARY_DIVISION VARCHAR2(2) A two-character code indicating UW College providing this distance education course.
PRIMARY_CAC VARCHAR2(4) A one-character code indicating CAC providing this distance education course.
PRIMARY_CRS_NBR VARCHAR2(4) A one-character code indicating source course providing this distance education.
PRIMARY_SECT_NBR VARCHAR2(5) A one-character code indicating source section providing this distance education.
EXTENSION_IND VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether or not the course section is a UW-Extension funded section.
CAPP_IND VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether or not the course section is a Coop Adv Placement Prog section.
STUDY_ABROAD_IND VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether or not the course section is a Study Abroad Program section.
EXT_DEG_IND VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether or not the course section is an Extended Degree Program section.
REM_IND VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether or not the course section is a Remedial Education course section.
DIST_ED_IND VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether or not the course section is a Distance Education course section.
PRIMARY_FUND_SOURCE VARCHAR2(3) A three-digit numeric code designating a course-section’s primary funding source. The most probable values for this field are the following:
101 = General Program Operations
104 = University Extension
128 = Auxiliary Enterprises
136 = Other Operating ReceiptsIf, and only if, the Extension_Ind for the course_section equals “Y”, then the Primary_Fund_Source must equal “104”. If the Study_Abroad_Ind equals “Y”, then the Primary_Fund_Source must equal “128”.Sections in remedial courses may, in some cases, be funded from fund 136. However, the most common value for this data field is “101”.
EXTRACT_DATE_TIME DATE The date and time the data was last extracted from the source system.
LOAD_DATE DATE System generated date representing when the data was lasts loaded into the data warehouse.