Provides the student demographic data submitted by UW-Madison for purposes of the CDR (Central Data Request) requested by UW System Administration. The dataview contains data for each of the four (4) most recent terms (since Fall 1999). For many of the data elements, UW-Madison data has been re-coded and/or re-defined to conform to the CDR specifications.
This view is updated on request by the Registrar’s Office. Fall and Spring terms would typically be added at the end of the eighth week of the term. Summer terms would typically be added the last week of August. Sometimes, preliminary versions may be loaded prior to the “official” run.
Contact: Phillip Hull, Registrar’s Office
You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to the InfoAccess Home Page
A new Citizen_Status (PS_CITIZENSHIP) code of 7 has recently been implemented to identify undocumented student. The impact of this addition on existing data views varies by data view. Until a policy decision is made about whether or not these applicants/students should be counted as citizens or non-citizens, fields that aggregate Citizen_Status and/or are derived from Citizen_Status should be used cautiously. These fields include, but may not be limited to: Citizenship, Citizen_Ind, Diversity, Targeted_Minority, Country_Citizenship_Code, Ethnic_Group, Home_Country, and Minority. Note that not all of these fields exist on all data views.
Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357)
5/2000 – New View Created
5/2002 – Added Extract_Date_Time field.
3/2004 – Added a warning about Citizen Status to the Special Considerations section.
12/2024 – Updated legal sex values
Primary Key Columns are identified with an asterisk(*)
Alphanumeric Data
VARCHAR2( N) (N) = maximum length. Field contains letters and/or numbers. Trailing blanks are eliminated.
Example: VARCHAR2 (5) could contain ‘ABC12’ or ‘ABC’ or ‘A’
Numeric Data
NUMBER (N) (N) = length. Field contains only numbers.
NUMBER (X,Y) = format for numbers with decimal positions.
X = total number of digits
Y = the number of digits after the decimal
Examples: NUMBER (6) represents 250012 NUMBER (6,2) represents 2500.12
DATE – Date can be in various formats. Date functions available with your query tool can be used to format the date.
Column Name Format Description
* CDR_YEAR_SEM VARCHAR2(4) The starting year, ending year and semester a student is enrolled at UW-Madsion. First 2 digit ‘YY’ is the starting year. The third ‘Y’ is the ending year.
The semester value are:
1 = Fall Semester
2 = Spring Semester
3 = Summer Session
Example: Summer 1999-2000 value is ‘990S’
Fall 2000-2001 value is ‘0011’
UNIT VARCHAR2(1) A one-character code indicating one of the fourteen possible institutions. “A” always submitted for Madison campus.
DIVISION VARCHAR2(2) The level of organization immediately under that of Unit for the UW-centers. Blank for Madison Campus as this is for UW-centers only.
* EMPLID VARCHAR2(11) Emplid for this student
SSN VARCHAR2(9) A nine-digit unique number assigned by the Social Security Administration or other proper authorities. Contains the first 9 digits of the CampusID in the event a student does not have a valid Social Security Number.
GENDER VARCHAR2(1) Indication of the legal sex of a student.
“M” = Male
“F” = Female
“X” = Another Legal sex
“U” = Unknown
ETHNIC VARCHAR2(1) Indicate the ancestry and/or racial heritage of the student.
“B” = Black, not of Hispanic origin
“A” = Asian or Pacific Islander
“I” = American Indian or Alaskan Native
“S” = Hispanic
“W” = White, not or Hispanic origin
“U” = Race Unknown
CLASSIFIED VARCHAR2(1) Indicates the current class level or year of a student (based upon institutionally defined credit levels and/or institution, school or college acceptance actions).
“A” = Freshman
“B” = Sophomore
“C” = Junior, or Pharmacy 1
“D” = Senior, or Pharmacy 2 and 3
“E” = Masters
“F” = Education Specialist
“G” = PhD (Pre-prelim)
“H” = PhD (Post=prelim)
“J” = Special (non-matriculated student
assessed undergraduate fees,
use only)
“K” = Special (non-matriculated student
assessed graduate fees)
“L” = Law
“M” = Medical
“N” = High School
“P” = Pharmacy Professional
“S” = Wis Resident Age 62 and over,
audit only
“T” = Wis Resident receiving OASDI,
audit only
“V” = Veterinary Medicine
RESIDENT_STATUS VARCHAR2(1) Resident status based upon determination by the office of the Registrar.
“R” = resident
“M” = nonresident, Michigan compact
“S” = nonresident, Minnesota compact
“N” = nonresident, other
CURRENT_ENTRANCE VARCHAR2(1) The entrance (or continuing) status of the student excluding Senior Citizens when they entered the institution this term.
“N” = New, Undergraduate student
“R” = Re-entry student
“S” = Combination Re-entry Transfer
“C” = Continuing
“T” = Transfer
ADDRESS_AT_ENTRY VARCHAR2(8) An eight VARCHAR(2)acter code designating the Wisconsin county +D141 (and Zipcode), or the state(or U.S. territory) other than Wisconsin (and Zip code), or the foreign country as the home address of a student at the time of application.
Example: Student’s permanent address is in Zip area 54701 in Eau Claire County (Wis.); This element is “1854701”
ETHNIC_SUB_CODE VARCHAR2(1) Identifies more specifically the ancestry and/or racial VARCHAR(2)acteristics of the student.
“S” = Southeast Asian
” ” = All others
BIRTHDATE VARCHAR2(6) The year and month in which a student was born.
Example: Birthdate is January 1933;this element is “193301” CCYYMM
CITIZEN_CODE VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether the student is a U.W. citizen, a permanent resident to the U.S., or a non-resident alien.
“C” = U.S. citizen
“P” = Permanent resident to the
U.S.Resident Alien, I.e., someone
holding a permanent U.S. visa
“A” = Non-resident Alien, I.e., someone
holding a temporary U.S. Visa
“R” = Refugee or political asylee
VETERAN_CODE VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether the student has 181 days or more of continuous active duty, any part of which occurred after Jan. 31,1955, or was released from active duty after Jan. 31, 1955, for a service-connected disability.
“Y” = Yes
“N” = No
HIGH_SCHOOL_SIZE NUMBER 4 Actual number in graduating class – for new freshman.
HIGH_SCHOOL_RANK NUMBER 4 Numeric rank in high school graduating class – the best is ranked 1.
HS_RANK_PERCENTILE NUMBER 2 The High School rank percentile – for new freshman.
HIGH_SCHOOL_CODE VARCHAR2(6) Indicates the high school from which a resident new freshman student was graduated. Code is from the CDR high school code table of the CDR Specifications.
HS_GRAD_YEAR VARCHAR2(4) The year of graduation from high school.
LAST_INSTITUTION VARCHAR2(4) A four-digit code from the CDR college code structure indicating the institution that the student last attended.
YEAR_ABROAD_IND VARCHAR2(1) Indicates that the student is engaged in an academic program abroad this term.
“Y” = Year Abroad
“N” = Neither Year Abroad Nor Exchange
“E” = Outgoing Exchange Student
“I” = Incoming Exchange Student
MAJOR_CODE_FIRST VARCHAR2(5) Indicates the degree program in which a student intends to major at this institution. This is an adaptation of the HEGIS code.
MAJOR_CODE_SECOND VARCHAR2(5) Indicates the degree program in which a student intends to major at this institution. This is an adaptation of the HEGIS code.
DEGREE_SOUGHT_1ST VARCHAR2(5) Signifies the graduate degree type (MA,MS,MST,MAT,etc.) sought – Graduate degrees only Example: Degree sought is MA. This element is “MA “.
DEGREE_SOUGHT_2ND VARCHAR2(5) Signifies the graduate degree type (MA,MS,MST,MAT, etc.) sought- Gaduate degrees only

Example: Degree sought is MA. This element is “MA”.

CUM_GPA NUMBER 1.2 The cumulative grade point average the student has earned at your institution as the “date of record” for the term or session.
CUM_GRADE_POINT NUMBER 3 The cumulative grade point credits the student has earned at your institution.
TRANSFER_GPA NUMBER 1.2 This is the cumulative grade point average that a transfer student earned at the last institution attended prior to transferring.
ADMISSION_CATEGORY VARCHAR2(1) Indicates one of four admissions categories to which a new freshman is assigned by the Admission office upon being admitted to an institution.
“S” = Standard Admission Category
“D” = Waitlisted Admission Category
“O” = Older Admission Category
“E” = Exception Admission Category
ACT_SAT_TEST_TYPE VARCHAR2(1) Indicates which standardized test score(s) – ACT assessment, ACTenhanced assessment, or SAT, if any, were submitted by a new freshman.
Valid values include:
“C” = ACT Enhanced assessment composite score
“S” = SAT combined score
“D” = Both ACT enhanced & SAT combined score
“W” = Waiver of standardized test score
ACT_SCORE VARCHAR2(2) A numeric code that is the composite ACT scores submitted by a new freshman. The 2 digit numeric value between1 and 36.
SAT_SCORE VARCHAR2(4) A numeric code that is combined Math and Verbal SAT scores submitted by a new freshman. A 4 digit numeric value between 0400 and 1600.
ACT_ENGL_SCORE NUMBER 2 The numeric score earned by the student on the English test of the Enhanced ACT Assessment submitted by a new freshman. A two digit numeric value between 1 and 36.
ACT_MATH_SCORE NUMBER 2 The numeric score earned by the student on the Mathmetics test of the Enhanced ACT Assessment submitted by a new freshman. A two digit numeric value between 1 and 36.
ACT_READ_SCORE NUMBER 2 The numeric score earned by the student on the Reading test of the Enhanced ACT Assessment submitted by a new freshman. A two digit numeric value between 1 and 36.
ACT_SCI_SCORE NUMBER 2 The numeric score earned by the student on the Science Reasoning test of the Enhanced ACT assessment submitted by a new freshman. A two digit numeric value between 1 and 36.
REMEDIAL_MATH VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether or not a student has been identified by the institution at which the student is currently enrolled as needing remediation in the math area.
“Y” = Student evaluated for remediation and
identified as needing math remediation
“N” = Student evaluated for remediation and
identified as not needing remediation
“E” = Student exempted from testing for
math remediation
” ” = Student has not been evaluated
REMEDIAL_ENGLISH VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether or not a student has been identified by the institution at which the student is currently enrolled as needing remediation in the English area.

Valid value are same as for REMEDIAL_MATH
“Y” = Student evaluated for remediation
and identified as needing math
“N” = Student evaluated for remediation
and identified as not needing
“E” = Student exempted from testing for
math remediation
” ” = Student has not been evaluated

CBA_PROFICIENCIES NUMBER 1 Number of academic areas in which a new freshman applicant has competency based evaluations
CBA_INDICATOR VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether competency-based evaluations were a factor in final admission decision.
“Y” = yes
“N” = no
EXTRACT_DATE_TIME DATE The date and time the data was last extracted from the source system.
LOAD_DATE DATE System generated date representing when the data was lasts loaded into the data warehouse.