This data view summarizes student enrollments and credit hours by course as of the official census date (the 10th day) of the term. Within each course, student enrollments and credit hours are totaled by academic level, and separately for auditors, SSDI quests, type of exchange student, and IIA sections. Pseudo courses for year abroad and exchange students are included.
Data will be refreshed on November 15th (adding Fall data) and April 15 (adding Spring data) of each year. The past term data is not refreshed once added.
Office of the Registrar
Contact: Phil Hull
You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to the InfoAccess Home Page
Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357)
01/2001 – New view created.
Primary Key Columns are identified with an asterisk (*)

Field Formats describe the field type and length:
CHAR (N) – Alphanumeric field. (N) is the length of the field. Field contains letters and/or numbers.
Example: CHAR (5) could contain ‘ABC12’ or ‘12345’ or ‘ABCDEF’

NUM (N) – Numeric field. (N) is the length of the field. Field contains only numbers. Numbers with decimal points are represented as NUM (X.Y). (X= number of digits before the decimal, Y = the number of decimals after the decimal)
Examples: NUM (6,2) could contain 2500.12 NUM (6) could contain 000005 or 550000

DATE (XXXX) – Date field. (XXXX) is the format of the field. Date can be in various formats and date functions available based on your query tool can be used against the field.

Column Name Format Description
TERM CHAR 4 Term student registered for. The term code is derived as follows:
First number is the century, 0=1900 and 1=2000
Second and third numbers are the year
Last number is the term, 2=Fall, 4=Spring and 6=Summer.For Example:
1004 = Spring 1999-00
1006 = Summer 1999-00
1012 = Fall 2000-01
SESSION_CODE CHAR 3 Defines the session or weeks that a course meets.

A1 session code identifies Fall and Spring full term offerings, All Summer offerings and Fall and Spring modular offerings have a 3 character code.

Each letter in a 3 character code corresponds to a number (A=1, B=2, C=3, etc.). The first letter indicates the week the session begins; the second letter indicates how many weeks the class spans; the third letter indicates the number of weeks of actual instruction.

COURSE_ID CHAR 6 A course identification number assigned by the ISIS system and is used by the ISIS system internally. All the members of a cross listed course have the same COURSE_ID.
CRSE_OFFER_NBR NUMBER (2) Each course has a Course Offering Number. Each member of a cross listed course has a unique Course Offering Number.
SESS_START_DATE DATE The date the session starts.
SESS_END_DATE DATE The date the session ends.
UDDS CHAR 7 The budgetary unit implementing the courses offered in this subject.

In most cases, the budgetary unit is identified with a 5-character (department) UDDS code. However, in some cases, the budgetary unit is a school or college (3-character UDDS code) or the budgetary unit may be a sub-department (7-character UDDS code). The Office of Budget, Planning & Analysis, assigns the UDDS link for each Subject.

SUBJECT CHAR 8 Identifies the timetable department number of the course.
SUBJECT_DESC CHAR 10 Short department name corresponding to the subject code.
CATALOG_NUMBER CHAR 3 The 3-character course number printed in UW-Madison course catalogs and the course timetable.
COURSE_TITLE CHAR 30 The short or abbreviated course title.
REMEDIAL CHAR 1 Indicates if this is a remedial course:
Y = this course is a remedial course
[Blank] = this course is not a remedial course
ACAD_LEVEL CHAR 2 Academic standing.
Valid values are:
05 = Special
10 = Freshman
20 = Sophomore
30 = Junior
40 = Senior
MS = Masters
PH = Doctoral
P1 = Professional Year 1
P2 = Professional Year 2
P3 = Professional Year 3
P4 = Professional Year 4
CAREER CHAR 4 UGRD = Undergraduate
GRAD = Graduate
VMED = Veterinary Medicine Professional
LAW = Law Professional
MEDS = Medical Professional
PHAR = Pharmacy Professional
USPC = University Special Students
UGST = University Guest Students (discontinued Fall 1999)
AUDITOR CHAR 1 Y = student enrolled as auditor.
S = student is senior citizen quest student enrolled for audit credits only. (academic program “UGSR
[Blank] = non-auditor
SSDI CHAR 1 SSDI is Social Security Disability:
Y = students enrolled as SSI / SSDI Guests
[Blank] = non-SSI / SSDI Guests
COMM_A CHAR 1 Comm_A is a general education Communications Part A course or section.
Y= Student enrolled as COMM A (GENED = “COM A”)
[Blank] = non-Comm A
COMM_B CHAR 1 Comm_B is a general education Communications Part B course or section.
Y= Student enrolled as COMM B (GENED = “COM B”)
[Blank] = non-Comm B
QR_A CHAR 1 QR_A is a general education Quantitative Reasoning Part A course or section
Y= Student enrolled in QR-A (GENED = “QR-A”)
[Blank] = non QR-A
QR_B CHAR 1 QR_B is in a general education Quantitative Reasoning Part B course or section
Y= Student enrolled QR-B (GENED = “QR-B”)
[Blank] = non QR-B
ETHNIC_STUDIES CHAR 1 Courses and/or sections that satisfy the campus ethnic studies requirement.
Y=Student enrolled in Ethnic_Studies (ETHN = “ETHNIC ST”)
Y = Student enrolled in an IIA section
[Blank] = non-IIA sections
EXCHANGE_TYPE CHAR 1 E = Outgoing Exchange Student
I = Incoming Exchange Student
Y=Outgoing Year Abroad Student
Z=Incoming Year Abroad Student
[Blank] = Non-Exchange students
GENDER CHAR 1 Student’s gender, if indicated.
F = Female
M = Male
U = Unknown
HONORS CHAR 1 Y = Student enrolled for honors credits
[Blank] = non honors-credits
WITHDRAWAL CHAR 1 Y = Student withdrew during the first two weeks of instruction
[Blank] = non-withdrawal student
DISTANCE_EDUCATION CHAR 1 Y = Student is enrolled in a distance education course section.
[Blank] = non-distance education section
This is a valid field starting with term 1012 (Fall 2000)
ENROLLMENT NUMBER (4) The number of students enrolled in this course as of the date and time of this data extract.
CREDITS NUMBER (9,2) The number of student credit hours for all students enrolled in this course as of the date and time of this data extract. (Extract_Date_Time)
EXTRACT_DATE_TIME DATE The System generated date when the data was last refreshed. Format: mm/dd/ccyy.