- This view contains information on all the Plans (majors) associated with every award in the Awards_Main view. Join this view to the UW.RETENTION_AWARDS_MAIN view using ID and AWARD_NUMBER.
- Data is completely replaced each weekend.
- Office of the Registrar – Phil Hull
- You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to the InfoAccess Home Page
- Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357) - LAST UPDATED
- 04/2001 – New view created.
11/2002 – Changed Load Frequency
2/2012 – Custodian Change - COLUMN DEFINITIONS
- Primary Key columns are identified with an asterisk(*)
Column Formats describe the data type and length.VARCHAR2( N) – Alphanumeric data. (N) = length. Contains letters and/or numbers.
Example: VARCHAR2 (5) could contain ‘ABC12’ or ‘12345’ or ‘ABCDEF’NUMBER (N) – Numeric data. (N) = length. Contains only numbers. Numbers with decimal points are represented as NUM (X,Y) X = total number of digits Y = the number of digits after the decimal Examples: NUMBER (6,2) could contain 2500.12 NUMBER (6) could contain 000005 or 550000DATE (XXXX) – Date can be in various formats and date functions available based on your query tool can be used against the date.
Column Name | Format | Description |
*ID | Varchar2 (11) | ISIS personal Identifier. The ID will never be changed throughout the individual’s relationship with the University. This is not the same as Campus_ID. Only 10 characters are in use.
Note: Some Award recipients in this view may not appear in the other Retention data views if they have not enrolled in a course at UW-Madison since 1985. |
*AWARD_NUMBER | Varchar2 (2) | A number indicating the particular award in sequence of UW-Madison awards conferred on the student. |
*AWARD_PLAN_CODE | Varchar2 (10) | The Academic Plan associated to the award. For Plans of type MAJ this represents the student’s Major field of study. Some awards between 1985 and 2000 have no plan associated to them in ISIS. |
AWARD_PLAN_GROUP | Varchar2 (3) | AWARD_PLAN_GROUP aggregates Plans of type MAJ and MIN into similar academic groups. For Plans of type MAJ it is called the Major code. For awards of Plan type MAJ or MIN, this field consists of characters 5, 6, and 7 from the field AWARD_PLAN_CODE. For Plans of type other than MAJ and MIN the field is not populated. |
AWARD_PLAN_TYPE | Varchar2 (3) | Plan_Type classifies different types of award Plans. For example, all degrees (awards of type DEG) will have a plan type of MAJ or MIN. Values are: CAP = Capstone CRT = Certificate MAJ = Major MIN = Minor NON = No Plan Associated SP = Specialization Certificate TCH = Teaching CertificationThere are 6 plan types currently used. The other values listed are active in ISIS, but not currently used. Some Award Plans are not populated prior to Fall Semester 1998-99 (term 0992). |
AWARD_PLAN_DESCR | Varchar2 (100) | The description of the Plan as it appears on the transcript. |
CIP_CODE | Varchar2 (8) | Classification of Instructional Programs code. Only for Plans of type MAJ. Most Plans are given a code based on a national taxonomy of instructional programs. The value may not be populated for some Plans of type MAJ. |
DEGREE_MAJOR_FTE | Number (5,3) | The number of majors granted within the degree. Populated only for Plans of type MAJ.
Note: Plans of type MAJ are associated with Award types of DEG or MAJ. When calculating FTE degree majors be sure to include both Award types. |
DEGREE_PLAN_HONORS_SUFFIX | Varchar2 (3) | Students may be awarded an honor associated to their major. The only populated value is HNR. The Degree Plan Honors Suffix is distinct from the DEGREE_HONORS_SUFFIX found in the AWARDS_MAIN view. |
Varchar2 (10) | Some Departments (and hence majors) are grouped into Divisions by their field of study. For Plans of type MAJ the values are: BIO = Biological Sciences PHY = Physical Sciences HUM = Arts & Humanities SOC = Social StudiesPlans of type MAJ with Plan_Codes of either 560 (Individual Major), or 942 (Special Graduate Committee) have blank values for Degree Major Field of Study. |
FIELD_OF_STUDY_DESCR | Varchar2 (30) | Description of the field of study. |
EXTRACT_DATE_TIME | Date | The date and time these data were extracted from ISIS. Format : YYYYMMDD HH24:MI:SS |