- This view contains information for each UW-Madison course that a student completed. Included are all students in all UW-Madison courses, in all terms since the summer term of the 1984-85 academic year. (Term 0856).
- All information for the prior three terms is replaced each night (Monday through Saturday early am).
- Office of the Registrar
Contact: Phil Hull - AUTHORIZATION
- You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to the InfoAccess Home Page
CONSIDERATIONS - Only grade changes that occur within 3 terms after the term in which the original grade was received will be recorded in this view.
- Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357) - LAST UPDATED
- 04/2001 – New view created.
11/2002 – Load Frequency changed.
01/2005 – Changed load frequency to load on the 15th of each month in addition to the 3rd of each month.
09/2012 – Data Custodian Contact changed
11/2014 – Preferred name policy s8w.
06/2020 – Changed load frequency to load 6 days a week (Monday through Saturday early am).
DATA FORMATSPrimary Key Columns are identified with an asterisk(*)Alphanumeric DataVARCHAR2( N) (N) = maximum length. Field contains letters and/or numbers. Trailing blanks are eliminated.
Example: VARCHAR2 (5) could contain ‘ABC12’ or ‘ABC’ or ‘A’Numeric DataNUMBER (N) (N) = length. Field contains only numbers.
NUMBER (X,Y) = format for numbers with decimal positions.
X = total number of digits
Y = the number of digits after the decimal
Examples: NUMBER (6) represents 250012 NUMBER (6,2) represents 2500.12DateDATE – Date can be in various formats. Date functions available with your query tool can be used to format the date.
Column Name | Format | Description |
*TERM | varchar2 (4) | The code for the academic year and semester. |
TERM_DESCR | varchar2 (30) | Description of the code for the academic year and semester |
*ID | varchar2 (11) | A personal Identifier. The ID will never be changed throughout the individual’s relationship with the University. This is not the same as Campus_ID. Only 10 characters are in use. |
CAMPUS_ID | varchar2 (16) | A unique student identifier (10 digits). Campus_ID may change occasionally at the student’s request. |
NAME | varchar2 (50) | The student’s preferred name, starting in term 1142. Prior to the fall of 2014 it shows the primary/legal name. |
PRIMARY_ACADEMIC_PROGRAM | varchar2 (5) | The code for the student’s primary academic program. Formerly known as the student’s Classification. For students with dual programs this is the program with the earliest start date. |
ACADEMIC_LEVEL | varchar2 (3) | The student’s academic level at the beginning of the given term. This Academic Level pertains to the student’s enrollment career. Values are: 05 = Spcl, Guest 10 = Freshman 20 = Sophomore 30 = Junior 40 = Senior CRT = Certification Special GR = Graduate NDG = Non-Degree Student (discontinued Fall 1999) P1 = Professional Year 1 P2 = Professional Year 2 P3 = Professional Year 3 P4 = Professional Year 4 SH = High School Specials (discontinued Fall 1999) |
COURSE_ACADEMIC_GROUP | varchar2 (5) | The Academic Group (College or School) associated with the department offering the course.
Use Academic_Group_Codes data view for Course_Academic_Group descriptions. |
COURSE_ID | varchar2 (6) | A unique identifier for each course offered in a given semester. The COURSE_ID is the same for cross-listed courses. |
*COURSE_OFFER_NUMBER | varchar2 (2) | Uniquely identifies the course in the particular session. |
SUBJECT_DESCR | varchar2 (30) | The name of the department offering the course. |
*SUBJECT_CODE | varchar2 (8) | The code for the department offering the course. |
COURSE_TITLE | varchar2 (30) | The title of the course. |
*CATALOG_NUMBER | varchar2 (10) | The number assigned to the course in the course catalog. Also known as the Course number. |
ENROLL_ADD_DATE | Date | The date the student enrolled in the course. |
ENROLLED_ON_10TH_DAY_IND | varchar2 (1) | Indicates if the student was enrolled in the course as of the 10th day of classes. values are: Y = Yes; otherwise not populated. |
BREADTH_VALUE | varchar2 (1) | The code for the breadth requirement that a course fulfills. Some degrees require a minimum number of credits in specific breadth categories. Values are: B = Biological Science H = Humanities X = Humanities or Natural Science Z = Humanities or Social Science I = Interdivisional L = Literature N = Natural Science P = Physical Science W = Social Science or Natural Science S = Social Science |
LS_DEGREE_CREDIT | varchar2 (1) | Indicates whether a course offered outside L&S counts for L&S credit. As a general rule the field is not populated for most courses offered within L&S. Values are: C = Counts for L&S degree credit (for courses outside L&S) T = Counts for up to 20 L&S degree credits (for courses outside L&S) X = counts for no L&S degree credit (for courses outside L&S) (Note: X is not printed in the Timetable) |
ETHNIC_STUDIES_IND | varchar2 (1) | Beginning with term 0902, indicates if the course counts towards ethnic studies requirements. Y = Yes otherwise not populated. |
GEN_ED_CODE | varchar2 (5) | Beginning with term 0966, code of the general education requirements the course fulfills. Values are: QR-A = fulfills Quantitative Reasoning skills requirement A QR-B = fulfills Quantitative Reasoning skills requirement B COM A = fulfills Communication skills requirement A COM B = fulfills Communication skills requirement B Note: If the General Education Communication Part B designation is assigned only at the section-level (and not the course-level) it will not appear on a student’s transcript. Please consult the student’s degree audit. |
COURSE_LEVEL_IND | varchar2 (1) | The code of the level assigned to the course. Some degrees require a minimum number of credits at certain levels. Values are: E = Elementary I = Intermediate D = Intermediate or Advanced A = Advanced |
REMEDIAL_COURSE_IND | varchar2 (1) | Beginning with term 1004, indicates if the course section is classified as remedial. Values are: Y = Yes, otherwise not populated. |
DISTANCE_ED_IND | varchar2 (1) | Beginning with term 1002, indicates if the course is taught through Distance Education. Values are: Y = Yes otherwise not populated. |
*SESSION_CODE | varchar2 (3) | The code for the type of session. Examples: A1= Regular session, 6W1= The first 6 week session of a term. |
SESSION_DESCR | varchar2 (30) | Description of the Session Code. |
SESSION_START_DATE | Date | The date the session started. |
SESSION_END_DATE | Date | The date the session ended. |
CREDITS_TAKEN | number (8,3) | The number of credits the student receives for the course. |
GRADE_POINTS | number (9,3) | Grade Points are calculated by multiplying the CREDITS_TAKEN times the numerical equivalent of the grade for the course. Example: A = 4.0, AB = 3.5, B = 3.0, etc. |
GRADING_BASIS | varchar2 (3) | The code for the basis used to grade the student in this course. Values are: GRD = Regular letter grade A, AB, B etc. GRN = Graded/no GPA calculated PF = Pass/Fail AUD = Audit CNC = Credit/No Credit SUS = Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory ADM = Administrative grading NCA = No Credit Associated NOG = No Grade Associated NON = Non-Graded Component NUM = Numeric Grading TRN = Transfer Grading WDR = Withdrawal-Retroactive OPT = Student Option. |
INCLUDE_IN_GPA_IND | varchar2 (1) | Indicates if the grade points are included in the student’s GPA. Values are: Y = Yes, otherwise not populated. |
OFFICIAL_GRADE | varchar2 (3) | The official letter grade the student received for the course. Values are: A = 4.0 grade points AB = 3.5 B = 3.0 BC = 2.5 C = 2.0 D = 1.0 F = 0.0 I = Incomplete EI = Extended Incomplete PI = Permanent Incomplete 0 = 100 (Law) 00 through 99 (Law) IF = Med grad only. Can be changed to C, F or M on SGRC. Zero grpts. P = Progress S = Satisfactory (for Pass/Fail grading basis and some others) U = Unsatisfactory (for Pass/Fail grading basis and some others) CR = Credit N = No Credit IN = Incomplete (for Credit/No Credit grading basis only) NR = Grade list received from department, but no grade for this student. NR becomes an F, if no grade is forthcoming by the final grade run (i.e., early next term). M = Departmental grade list not received by final grade run (early next term). This value will be overwritten once the department submits its grades. R = Registered Q = Credit Problem DE = Deferred EX = Excused PE = Permanently Excused NW = No work DR = Dropped after the drop deadline (drop is recorded on student transcript) |
COURSE_REPEATABLE_IND | varchar2 (1) | Indicates if the course is repeatable for credit. Values are: Y = Yes, otherwise not populated. |
COURSE_SECTION_TYPE_RANGE1 | varchar2 (3) | Each course consists of one or more “class sections”. Each Class Section has a “section type”. Values are: LEC = Lecture LAB = Lab DIS = Discussion IND = Independent Study SEM = Seminar FLD = Field Study CON = Continuance THE = Thesis Research SUP = Supervision CLN = Clinical RG1 = Range 1 section (only for courses prior to 0996–typically, RG1 denoted the Lecture section) RG2 = Range 2 section (only for to courses prior to 0996–typically, RG2 denoted the Discussion section) RG3 = Range 3 section (only for to courses prior to 0996–typically, RG3 denoted the Lab section) |
COURSE_SECTION_RANGE1 | varchar2 (4) | The range_1 section number. |
*RANGE1_CLASS_NUMBER | varchar2 (5) | The “Class Number” for the class section listed in Course_Section_ Range1. |
COURSE_SECTION_TYPE_RANGE2 | varchar2 (3) | The type of the range2 section. Certain courses may have one or two additional types of class sections associated with them for which the student does not receive a separate grade (For example, labs and discussion sections of certain lectures). |
COURSE_SECTION_RANGE2 | varchar2 (4) | The range_2 section number. |
COURSE_SECTION_TYPE_RANGE3 | varchar2 (3) | The type of the range_3 section. |
COURSE_SECTION_RANGE3 | varchar2 (4) | The range_3 section number. |
HONORS_CREDIT_IND | varchar2 (1) | Indicates if the course credits count as Honors credit for the student. Values are: Y = Yes, otherwise not populated. |
CROSSLIST_TYPE | varchar2 (2) | Beginning with term 0974, the code for a course cross-listed and/or meeting with another course. Values are: XL = Cross-listed with another course MW = Meets with another course XM = Cross-listed and Meets with another course SL = Section Level Cross-list |
PRIMARY_SUBJECT_CODE | varchar2 (8) | The code for the primary department that is cross-listed and/or meets with the given course. |
PRIMARY_CATALOG_NUMBER | varchar2 (10) | The catalog number of the primary course that is cross-listed and/or meets with the given course. |
INSTRUCTOR_ID_RANGE1 | varchar2 (11) | The EmplID of the instructor for the Range_1 section. In the case of multiple instructors, only one of the “principle” instructors will be listed. |
INSTRUCTOR_NAME_RANGE1 | varchar2 (50) | The preferred name of the instructor for the Range_1 section, starting in term 1142. Prior to the fall of 2014 it shows the primary/legal name. |
INSTRUCTOR_ID_RANGE2 | varchar2 (11) | The EmplID of the instructor for the Range_2 section. In the case of multiple instructors, only one of the “principle” instructors will be listed. |
INSTRUCTOR_NAME_RANGE2 | varchar2 (50) | The preferred name of the instructor for the Range_2 section, starting in term 1142. Prior to the fall of 2014 it shows the primary/legal name. |
INSTRUCTOR_ID_RANGE3 | varchar2 (11) | The EmplID of the instructor for the Range_3 section. In the case of multiple instructors, only one of the “principle” instructors will be listed. |
INSTRUCTOR_NAME_RANGE3 | varchar2 (50) | The preferred name of the instructor for the Range_3 section, starting in term 1142. Prior to the fall of 2014 it shows the primary/legal name. |
EXTRACT_DATE_TIME | Date | The date and time these data were extracted from ISIS. Format : YYYYMMDD HH24:MI:SS |