This data view is a conversion of the Legacy undergraduate admissions data views. It contains information on undergraduates applying to the university. The data includes records for any applicant with an active application in the given term, and represents the status of the application as of the end of September of the application year. This data view replicates records from the Legacy applicant data view and includes applicant information for 1985 to 1999.
This historical data view was loaded in May 2004.
Undergraduate Admissions Office
Contact: David Leszczynski
You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to the InfoAccess Home Page
This view includes information for applicants for pre-ISIS years 1985 to 1999. When examining applicant data, it is critical to specify the admit term of interest. Also, be aware that this view includes information on ALL undergraduate applicants. Therefore, it is important to note the ISIS Program Action or the Legacy decision codes to understand the applicant decisions. To identify applicants who subsequently enrolled, join this data view with Retention_Semester_History.
Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357)
7/04 The initial load took place. C4j
Primary Key Columns are identified with an asterisk(*)
Alphanumeric Data
VARCHAR2( N) (N) = maximum length. Field contains letters and/or numbers. Trailing blanks are eliminated.
Example: VARCHAR2 (5) could contain ‘ABC12’ or ‘ABC’ or ‘A’
Numeric Data
NUMBER (N) (N) = length. Field contains only numbers.
NUMBER (X,Y) = format for numbers with decimal positions.
X = total number of digits
Y = the number of digits after the decimal
Examples: NUMBER (6) represents 250012 NUMBER (6,2) represents 2500.12
DATE – Date can be in various formats. Date functions available with your query tool can be used to format the date.
Column Name Format Description
ID Varchar2(11) ID number assigned by ISIS to be used internally. This is a unique ID for each student. For about 4% of applicants there is no ID assigned. The lack of an ID match occurred for some applicants who did not enroll (either because they were admitted and did not enroll or because they were denied admission). The most likely reason for a lack of a match is due to the fact that legacy information that was saved was a snapshot of known applicants each October.
Campus ID Varchar2(16) This is simply a unique student identifier (10 digits). It may change occasionally at the student’s request.
Applic Admit Term Varchar2(4) The term in four-digit ISIS format, for which the applicant has applied for admission.
Name Varchar2(50) Name of the Applicant in the format LAST, FIRST MIDDLE.
Gender Varchar2(1) Applicant’s gender classification.
F = Female
M = Male
Birthdate Date Applicant’s date of birth.
App Code Type Varchar2(2) This field gives the Legacy application code and it divides the entrance codes for undergraduates into finer breakdowns.
12 = FRESH-FRGN-FIN, Freshman Foreign Final
14 = FRESH-FRGN-FIN, Freshman Foreign
15 = FRESH-ACA AD P, Academic Advancement
16 = FRESH-ATHL-FIN, Athlete Final
20 = ADVANCED-STAND, Advanced Standing
25 = ADVSTD-AC AV P, Academic Advancement
26 = ADVSTD-ATH-FIN, Adv Stand Athlete Final
2T = ADVSTAND-TRIO, Advanced standing – TRIO
50 = RE-ENTRY, Reentry
52 = R-NTRY-FOR-FIN, Re-Entry Foreign Final
54 = R-NTRY-FOR-FIN, Re-Entry Foreign
55 = R-NTRY-AC AV P, Academic Advancement Program
56 = R-NTRY-ATH-FIN, Re-Entry Athlete Final
58 = R-NTRY-SA US, Re-Entry Student Abroad US Citizen
59 = R-NTRY-SA INT, Re-Entry Student Abroad International
App Code Type Descr Varchar2(30) Description of App Code Type
Applic Admit Type Varchar2(3) ISIS code for the type of admission (admit type). These values were derived from the Legacy App_Code_Type.
Valid Values:
FYR = First-Time First-Year Student
RAD = Readmit
RET = Reentry Transfer
TRF = Transfer
Admit Type Descr Varchar2(30) Full description of admit type
Applic Create Date Date Date that application was entered into the computer system. Format: YYYYMMDD
Primary Academic Group Varchar2(5) School or College Code.
Valid values:
AH = School of Allied Health
ALS = College of Agricultural and Life
BUS = School of Business
DCS = Division of Continuing Studies
EDU = School of Education
EGR = College of Engineering
HEC = School of Human Ecology
IES = Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies
L&S = College of Letters and Science
MED = Medical School
NUR = School of Nursing
PHM = School of Pharmacy
Applic Academic Program Varchar2(5) The academic program applied for. Formerly know in the Legacy system as “classification”.
Examples of valid values are:
ART = Art
CHE = Chemical Engineering
NUR = Nursing Undergraduate
Academic Program Descr Varchar2(30) The description of the Academic Program
Acad Plan Group Varchar2(3) Acad Plan Group corresponds to the “major code” and this field consists of characters 5, 6, and 7 from the ISIS field academic plan code.
Academic Plan Group Descr Varchar2(30) The description of the Acad Plan Group. Also known as the transcript description corresponding to the plan group or major code.
Applic Academic Level Varchar2(3) Academic standing as of the application for admission.
Valid values are:
10 = Freshman
20 = Sophomore
30 = Junior
40 = Senior
NDG = Special.
Perm Home Address Code Varchar2(3) This is the permanent home address code of the very first home address put on system. This code indicates the home county for Wisconsin residents, home state for US citizens who are non-residents and home country for foreign students.
Valid values are:
‘101-199’ = Wisconsin counties
‘201-299’ = US States (Non-WI)
‘301-399’ = US territories
‘401-850’ = foreign countries
Perm Home Address Descr Varchar2(30) This is a description of the Permanent Home Address Code.
Visa Code Varchar2(3) This is the Visa Code of a foreign student applying for admission.
Country Citizenship Code Varchar2(3) The code for the applicant’s country of citizenship.
Country Citizenship Descr Varchar2(30) The description of the country of citizenship.
Tuition Residency Code Varchar2(1) Residency code for tuition purposes.
N = Non Resident of WI
R = Wisconsin Resident
S = Minnesota Compact
NULL = Unknown
Adm Decision Code Varchar2(2) This is the last recorded admission action leading to acceptance, denial, or withdrawal of an application for the recorded application in the given term.
Valid values are:
‘00 – 09’ = no action
‘10 – 19’ = accepted
‘20 – 29’ = hold eligible
‘30 – 39’ = waiting list
‘40 – 49’ = refuse
‘50 – 59’ = cancelled
’60 – 69’ = deferred
‘70 – 79’ = review academic problem
‘80 – 89’ = review non-academic problem
‘90 – 99’ = missing information
Adm Decision Descr Varchar2(30) This is the description of the Adm Decision Code
Adm Decision Date Date This field is the computer date of the admission decision code. Format : YYYYMMDD
Program Action Varchar2(4) Translation of the Legacy values of the Adm Decision Code to corresponding ISIS values.
Valid Values:
ADMT = admitted applicants
ADVR = application cancelled by student
APPL = application, no decision, not
DDEF = application decision deferred, not
DENY = denied applicant
WADM = administrative withdrawal (no
deposit, appln not complete, Adm
Decision Codes 45 and 47)
Intent Enroll Code Varchar2(1) This is the applicant’s response to acceptance. This is blank until the applicant is accepted.
Valid values are:
‘0’ = possibly coming (set when accepted
‘1’ = coming SOAR
‘2’ = coming no SOAR
‘5’ = coming participated SOAR
‘6’ = not coming
‘8’ = did not respond to acceptance
‘9’ = joint admission – app type 17
NULL = unknown
Admiss Status Code Varchar2(1) This is the admission status code.
Valid values are:
‘S’ = strict probation
‘3’ = probation
NULL = unknown
Came to Soar Ind Varchar2(1) This is a switch used to indicate applicants who attended the SOAR (Summer Orientation and Advising for Registration) program. The field will be marked with an ‘X’ if the applicant did participate; otherwise NULL.
App Week Number Varchar2(2) This is computed for all applicants from the APP_FEE_RECVD_DATE field. A week is considered to be the time from Monday to Sunday inclusive. The first week is from October 1 to the first Sunday thereafter. If October first is a Saturday or Sunday, the following Monday is the first day of the first week. Processing done on Sunday is part of the previous week, and processing done on Monday is part of the following week.
Adm Decision Week Varchar2(2) This is the permit week number computed from the ADM_DECISION_DATE as APP_WEEK_NUMBER is computed from the APP_FEE_RECVD_DATE.
Ethnic Group Varchar2(1) An applicant’s self-reported race/ethnicity. Valid values are:
1 = White (not Hispanic)
2 = Black/African American (not Hispanic)
3 = Hispanic/Latino
4 = Asian/Pacific Islander
5 = American Indian/Alaskan Native
6 = Unknown
Ethnic Subgroup Varchar2(1) Ethnic subgroup is used to identify Southeast Asian applicants (from Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia after 1975, or their descendants) as a subgroup of Asian’s.
Valid values:
A = Southeast Asian
NULL = all others
Citizen Status Varchar2(1) The applicant’s citizenship status this semester.
Valid values are:
1 = Native, US Citizen
3 = Alien Permanent
5 = Alien
6 = Refugee
7 = Unknown
Targeted Minority Varchar2(1) This field is used to define students who are targeted minorities for campus diversity initiatives and programs such as Plan 2008. A student (or applicant) who is a US Citizen, permanent resident, or refugee AND who is Black, Hispanic, American Indian or Southeast Asian (of Laotian, Cambodian, or Vietnamese heritage and came to the US after the Vietnam war or is descended from such a person) are considered targeted minorities. Valid values:
Y = Targeted minority
NULL = Not a targeted minority
Parent Alumni Varchar2(1) This indicates if a parent is an alumnus. Valid values are:
‘F’ = Father
‘M’ = Mother
‘B’ = Both
NULL = unknown
HS Code Varchar2(11) The code for the high school from which the applicant graduated.
HS Name Varcahr2(50) The name of the high school from which the applicant graduated.
HS Rank Number(5) The applicant’s high school rank.
HS Class Size Number(5) The total number of students in the applicant’s high school class.
HS Percentile Number(3) The applicant’s percentile rank based on the high school GPA.
SAT Verbal Number (6) Applicant’s test score for the VERBAL portion of SAT test.
SAT Math Number (6) Applicant’s test score for MATH portion of SAT test.
ACT Comp Score Number (6,2) The applicant’s highest ACT composite score.
English Speak Lang Varchar2(1) This indicates if the admitted international applicant will have an English 118 action code assigned when enrolling.
Valid values are:
‘Y’ = action code required
‘N’ = no action code required
‘NULL’ = unknown
HS English Units Number (5,2) The number of high school units of English the applicant completed.
HS For Lang1 Units Number (5,2) The number of high school units of a foreign language the applicant completed.
HS For Lang2 Units Number (5,2) The number of high school units of a second foreign language the applicant completed.
HS For Lang3 Units Number (5,2) The number of high school units of a third foreign language the applicant completed.
HS Algebra Units Number (5,2) The number of high school units of algebra the applicant completed.
HS Geometry Units Number (5,2) The number of high school units of geometry the applicant completed.
HS Other Math Units Number (5,2) The number of high school math units other than algebra and geometry the applicant completed.
HS Biology Units Number (5,2) The number of high school units of biology the applicant completed.
HS Chemistry Units Number (5,2) The number of high school units of chemistry the applicant completed.
HS Physics Units Number (5,2) The number of high school units of physics the applicant completed.
HS Other Science Units Number (5,2) The number in this field indicates the units of high school science courses (not including biology, chemistry or physics) that were completed. All units are coded for freshmen. A high school unit is 2 semesters of work in a subject area.
HS Other Acad Units Number (6,2) The number of high school academic units the applicant completed not included in any other category.
HS Total Acad Units Number (6,2) The total number of high school academic units the applicant completed.
HS Total Nonacad Units Number (6,2) The total number of high school non-academic units the applicant completed.
HS Total Units Number (6,2) The total number of high school units the applicant completed.
UNS Credits Number (3) This is the number of credits earned at the University of Wisconsin – Madison as a non-degree student (special student). (UNS = University Special Classification)
Coll Adm From Varchar2(11) This is the college from which an advanced standing/transfer student was admitted and is coded for advanced standing undergraduates.
Coll Adm From GPA Number (5,4) This is the applicant’s GPA from the college from which the applicant was admitted. This is coded for accepted advanced standing and some reentry applicants from the credit evaluation form. In all other cases this field should be null.
Cum Coll Trans GPA Number (5,4) This is the cumulative college GPA calculated on transferable prior college work. It is coded for accepted advanced standing and some reentry applicants on the credit evaluation form. In all other cases this field should be null.
Cum Degr Crd Trans Number (8,3) This is the cumulative degree credits that transferred. It is coded for accepted advanced standing and some reentry applicants from the credit evaluation form. In all other cases this field is filled with nulls.
EXTRACT DATE TIME Date The date and time these data were extracted.