This view contains semester summary information for each term and career a student is enrolled on the UW-Madison campus since the summer term of the 1984-85 academic year (term 0856). The view includes both semester and cumulative GPAs, grade points, credits, etc.
Data is completely replaced for the prior three terms on the 3rd of each month.

Only changes to GPAs and grade points, etc., that occur within 3 terms after the original term in which they were posted are available in this view.

Office of the Registrar
Contact: Phil Hull
You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to the InfoAccess Home Page
There are no special considerations.
Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357)
12/2001 – New view created.
11/2002 – Load Frequency changed.
12/2011 – Three study abroad related fields have been removed. Stdnt_Study_Abroad data view should be used if the information is needed.
02/2012 – Custodian Change (c4j)
11/2014 – Preferred name policy (s8w)
10/2022 – Changed precision on Term_Credit_Total from Number(9) to Number (8,3) to accommodate business practice change to allow decimal places on transfer credits.
03/2024 – Corrected DECEASED_IND to flag student as deceased in term of death and after.
Primary Key Columns are identified with an asterisk(*)
Alphanumeric Data
VARCHAR2( N) (N) = maximum length. Field contains letters and/or numbers. Trailing blanks are eliminated.
Example: VARCHAR2 (5) could contain ‘ABC12’ or ‘ABC’ or ‘A’
Numeric Data
NUMBER (N) (N) = length. Field contains only numbers.
NUMBER (X,Y) = format for numbers with decimal positions.
X = total number of digits
Y = the number of digits after the decimal
Examples: NUMBER (6) represents 250012 NUMBER (6,2) represents 2500.12
DATE – Date can be in various formats. Date functions available with your query tool can be used to format the date.
Column Name Format Description
*TERM varchar2 (4) The code for the academic year and semester.
TERM_DESCR varchar2 (30) Description of the code for the academic year and semester.
*ID varchar2 (11) A personal Identifier. The ID will never be changed throughout the individual’s relationship with the University. This is not the same as Campus_ID. Only 10 characters are in use.
CAMPUS_ID varchar2 (16) A unique student identifier (10 digits). Campus_ID may change at the student’s request.
NAME varchar2 (50) The student’s preferred name startinng in term 1142. Prior to the fall of 2014 it shows the primary/legal name.
*CAREER varchar2 (4) The academic career in which the student is currently enrolled.
Values are:
UGRD = Undergraduate
GRAD = Graduate
VMED = Veterinary Medicine Professional
LAW = Law Professional
MEDS = Medical Professional
PHAR = Pharmacy Professional
USPC = University Special Students
UGST = University Guest Students (discontinued Fall 1999)
CAREER_ENROLL_IND varchar2 (1) Indicates if all the courses in which a student is enrolled in the term pertain to one and only one career
Values are:
Y = Enrolled courses pertain to the given career; otherwise not populated
varchar2 (5) The code for the student’s primary academic program. Formerly known as the Classification of the student’s program. For students with one program the value is the code for that program. For students with dual programs the code is the program with the earliest start date.
varchar2 (30) Description of the code for the primary academic program.
varchar2 (2) The program number of the student’s primary academic program. Join this column to Program_Number in the Plan History view to retrieve the Plans pertaining to the student’s Primary Program.
varchar2 (5) Academic group (College or School) associated with the student’s Primary Academic Program for the term. Each Program is associated with a unique Academic Group. Join to the data view ACADEMIC_GROUP_CODES to retrieve the descriptions below.
Values are:
ALS = Agricultural and Life Sciences
BUS = School of Business
DCS = Division of Continuing Studies
EDU = School of Education
EGR = College of Engineering
IES = Institute for Environmental Studies
L&S = College of Letters & Science
LAW = School of Law
MED = School of Medicine
NUR = School of Nursing
PHM = School of Pharmacy
VET = School of Veterinary Medicine
CIC = Committee on Institutional Cooperation
HEC = School of Human Ecology
MSN = UW-Madison (indicates that the student’s Plan is linked to a career rather than a program. Most Certificates, Additional Majors, and Minors have MSN for Academic Group.)
CAREER_MATRICULATION_IND varchar2 (1) Indicates if the term is the first term the student enrolled in any career of the same type as the given career.
Values are:
Y = Yes ; otherwise not populated.
varchar2 (1) Indicates if the student matriculated in the term. Matriculated means enrolled for the first time in an award-seeking (non-special) career at UW-Madison. A student matriculates in only one term. Useful for defining cohorts such as all matriculated freshman in a particular semester.
Values are:
Y = Yes; otherwise not populated.
ADMIT_TYPE varchar2 (4) The code for the admissions status of the student in the term.
Values are:
CON = Continuing
EOR = Engineering Outreach Student (applies to UGRD careers only)
FYR = First Year Student (applies to UGRD careers only)
NEW = New to career (does not apply to UGRD careers)
RAD = Readmitted to career
RET = Re-admitted with transfer work (applies to UGRD careers only)
TRF = Transfer (does not apply to Grad and Special students)
CAREER_TYPE varchar2 (1) The type of career.
Values are:
U = Undergraduate
G = Graduate (excluding students jointly enrolled in professional programs)
P = Professional (includes students jointly enrolled in graduate programs) including Law, Pharmacy, Med, and Vet Med
S = Special (not enrolled in any degree program)
ACADEMIC_LEVEL varchar2 (3) The student’s academic level at the end of the given term for the Career.
Values are:
05 = Spcl, Guest
10 = Freshman
20 = Sophomore
30 = Junior
40 = Senior
GR = Graduate
P1 = Professional Year 1
P2 = Professional Year 2
P3 = Professional Year 3
P4 = Professional Year 4
DROP_ACTION_CODE varchar2 (4) The code for the most recent “Drop” action against a student in the term. Students who receive a drop action must obtain permission to enroll in subsequent terms.
DROP_ACTION_DESCR varchar2 (30) A description of the drop code.
varchar2 (4) A code for the most recent “Probation” action in the term.
varchar2 (30) A description of the probation action code.
varchar2 (4) A code for the most recent “Must obtain permission to continue” action in the term.
varchar2 (30) A description of the permission action code.
CLEARING_ACTION_CODE varchar2 (4) A code for the most recent “Clearing” of a prior action in the term. Clearing actions are listed in the same term as the action that was cleared, even though the clearing action usually occurs at a later date.
CLEARING_ACTION_DESCR varchar2 (30) A description of the clearing action code.
CLEARING_ACTION_DATE Date The date the Clearing action was issued.
SEMESTER_HONORS1 varchar2 (6) Dean’s Honors action as it stands at the end of a term. The first two actions for the term are included.
Examples of Deans’ Action Codes include:
DNHHL = Dean’s High Honors
DNHL = Dean’s Honor List
DNLST = Dean’s List
GOOD = Congratulations-Good Semester
HHNRL = High Honor Roll
HNRRL = Honor Roll
SOHHNR = Sophomore High Honors
SOHNHR = Sophomore Honors-Honors Program
SOPHNR = Sophomore Honors
SEMESTER_HONORS2 varchar2 (6) The second Dean’s Honors action for the term.
TERM_CREDITS_TOTAL number (8,3) The total of all credits awarded in the term plus “In Progress” credits. Term_Credits_Total includes credits that are: Passed, In Progress, Transfer, Test and Other credits. GPA Credits that are “Taken” but not “Passed” are not included unless they are “In Progress” credits. Non-GPA, In Progress credits that are “Taken” are always considered “Passed”.
number (9) The credits taken on the Madison campus in the term that count toward the degree program if completed successfully, i.e., “passed”. Passed credits include those completed with a letter grade (other than F or NW), a Pass, or a Credit.
number (8,3) The credits taken on the Madison campus in the term that count toward the degree program and were “passed,” as in completed with a letter grade (A, AB, B, BC, C, or D), a Pass, or a Credit.
number (8,3) The total credits taken on the Madison campus for which the student is enrolled to the end of the term.
Audit credits are excluded, but credits for which the student received a grade of NW (No Work) may be included. This will include “In Progress” credits.
number (8,3) The credits taken on the Madison campus in the term used to calculate the term GPA. Excludes courses taken pass/fail, credit/no-credit. Does not include course credits for Pass/Fail courses, Audit Credit courses, or courses with grades other than A, AB, B, BC, C, D, F, NW (no work). Includes “In Progress” credits. Transfer credits are excluded.
number (8,3) The total credits taken on the Madison campus in the term completed with a letter grade (other than F or NW), a Pass, or a Credit.
number (8,3) The total credits taken on the Madison campus in the term completed with a letter grade (other than F or NW), a Pass, or a Credit used to compute term GPA
number (8,3) The total credits for courses that involve work over a period of more than one term. Students may not receive a grade for such courses in a term prior to completion of the course work.
number (8,3) The “In Progress” credits that count towards the GPA.
number (8,3) The total credits awarded in the term from courses taken off the UW-Madison campus.
TERM_TEST_CREDITS number (8,3) The total credits awarded in the term from tests such as Advanced Placement (AP) Credits.
TERM_OTHER_CREDITS number (8,3) The total credits awarded in the term for sources other than Madison campus, transfer, or test credits. For example, retroactive foreign language credits are often counted in this category.
TERM_CREDITS_AUDIT number (8,3) The total credits taken for Audit in the term.
TERM_GRADE_POINTS number (9,3) The total Grade Points earned on the UW-Madison campus in the term that are used to compute the grade point average for the term
The Grade Points earned for a given course are the credits for the course multiplied by the numerical grade:
A = 4.0;
AB = 3.5;
B = 3.0;
BC = 2.5;
C = 2.0;
D = 1.0;
F = 0.0;
CUM_CREDITS_TOTAL number (8,3) The sum of all the TERM_CREDITS_TOTAL for all terms in the career up to and including the given term. Not populated for students with incomplete electronic records.
CUM_TAKEN_ CREDITS_PROGRESS number (8,3) The sum of all the TERM_TAKEN_CREDITS_PROGRESS for all terms in the career up to and including the given term.
CUM_PASSED_ CREDITS_PROGRESS number (8,3) The sum of all the TERM_PASSED_CREDITS_PROGRESS for all terms in the career up to and including the given term.
number (8,3) The sum of all the TERM_TAKEN_CREDITS_TOTAL for all terms in the career up to and including the given term.
number (8,3) The sum of all the TERM_CAMPUS_TAKEN_CREDITS_GPA for all terms in the career up to and including the given term.
number (8,3) The sum of all the TERM_PASSED_CREDITS_TOTAL for all terms in the career up to and including the given term.
number (8,3) The sum of all the TERM_PASSED_CREDITS_GPA for all terms in the career up to and including the given term.
number (8,3) The sum of all the TERM_INPROG_CREDITS_TOTAL for all terms in the career up to and including the given term.
number (8,3) The sum of all the TERM_INPROG_CREDITS_GPA for all terms in the career up to and including the given term.
CUM_TRANSFER_CREDITS number (8,3) The sum of all the TERM_TRANSFER_CREDITS for all terms in the career up to and including the given term.
CUM_TEST_CREDITS number (8,3) The sum of all the TERM_TEST_CREDITS for all terms in the career up to and including the given term.
CUM_OTHER_CREDITS number (8,3) The sum of all the TERM_OTHER_CREDITS for all terms in the career up to and including the given term.
CUM_GRADE_POINTS number (9,3) The sum of all the TERM_GRADE_POINTS for all terms in the career up to and including the given term.
CUM_GPA varchar2 (8,3) The Grade Point Average for all work completed at UW-Madison. CUM_GPA is equal to the CUM_GRADE_POINTS divided by CUM_TAKEN_CREDITS_GPA.
ACADEMIC_LOAD varchar2 (1) The code for a student’s full time or part time academic load.
Values are:
F = Full Time Student
P = Part Time StudentFor Fall and Spring terms:
Undergrad: Total credits 12 or more
Special: Total credits 12 or more
Grad non-dissertators: Total credits 8 or more;
Grad dissertators: Total credits 3
Law: Total credits 12 or more
Pharm: Total credits 12 or more
Med: Total credits 9 or more
Vet Med: Total credits 12 or moreFor Summer sessions:
Undergrad: Total credits 6 or more
Special: Total credits 6 or more
Grad non-dissertators: Total credits 4 or more;
Grad dissertators: Total credits 3
Law: Total credits 6 or more
Pharm: Total credits 6 or more
Med: Total credits 4 or more
Vet Med: Total credits 6 or moreIn this view Full/Part time status is computed only on the basis of credit load. However, graduate students employed by the University may be considered full-time for other purposes. Not populated for graduate students prior to ISIS.
RESIDENCY varchar2 (1) Indicates if the student is a Wisconsin resident in the term.
Values are:
R = Student is a resident
N = Student is not a resident
TUITION_RESIDENCY varchar2 (1) The residency status of a student for tuition purposes. A tuition reciprocity agreement exists between Minnesota and Wisconsin. Some non-resident students from Minnesota pay fees comparable to the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities campus, based on a designated formula.
Values are:
N = non-Wisconsin resident
R = Wisconsin resident
S = Minnesota compact student
WITHDREW_IND varchar2 (4) Indicates if a student withdrew in the term.
Y = Student withdrew
otherwise not populated.
WITHDREW_REASON varchar2 (1) The reason a student withdrew, as reported by the student or determined administratively.
Values are:
BADC = Bad Check
CANC = Course Cancelled
DECD = Deceased
DROP = Student Dropped Courses
MEDI = Medical
MILT = Military Service
MISC = Miscellaneous
NPAY = Non-Payment of Fees
PERS = Personal
RESI = Residency Denied
RETR = Retroactive
SCHC = Scholastic
WBTT = Withdraw by Touchtone
DISSERTATOR_IND varchar2 (1) Indicates if the student is a dissertator in the term.
Y = Yes
otherwise not populated.
ATHLETE_CODE1 varchar2 (5)) The code for the first team sport listed for a participating student athlete.
ATHLETE_CODE1_DESCR varchar2 (30) Description of the first Athlete code.
ATHLETE_CODE2 varchar2 (5) The code for the second team sport listed for a participating student athlete.
ATHLETE_CODE2_DESCR varchar2 (30) Description of the second Athlete code.
STUDENT_AGE Number (2) The difference between the date of the first day of classes for the term and the student’s birth date rounded down to the nearest year. For summer sessions the first day of classes of the 8-week session is used.
VETERAN_STATUS varchar2 (1) The student’s self-reported veteran status. (Anyone who receives Federal orders).
Values are:
Y = veteran;
otherwise null
DECEASED_IND varchar2 (1) Indicates a student is deceased. Flagged the term they died and any term after (if enrolled).
Y = Yes;
otherwise not populated.
EXTRACT_DATE_TIME Date The date and time these data were extracted.