This view contains transfer credit information, by record type, for each term a student received transfer credit. Internal transfer credits are not included in this view (See Retention_Course_History). Transfer credits are reported as of three record types: external course work (course), credit awarded based on testing (test), or credit given based on other sources (other). The data view contains one record for every unit of transfer credit awarded to an enrolled student. Transfer credits are included for students who were enrolled since Summer 1985 (0846).
Entire view is completely refreshed Monday through Saturday mornings.
Office of the Registrar
Contact: Phil Hull
You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to the InfoAccess Home Page
Transfer credits are never counted towards a student’s UW-Madison Grade Point Average. Some records of transfer credits transfer to exactly one course at UW-Madison. Such records are likely to show 1-5 credits granted. It is also possible for a record of transfer credit to correspond to several courses. These records may show more than 5 credits granted.
Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357)
05/2002 – New view created.
11/2002 – Changed Load Frequency
06/2003 – Change in Data Custodian
11/2014 – Added Post_Date s8w.
Primary Key Columns are identified with an asterisk(*)
Alphanumeric Data
VARCHAR2( N) (N) = maximum length. Field contains letters and/or numbers. Trailing blanks are eliminated.
Example: VARCHAR2 (5) could contain ‘ABC12’ or ‘ABC’ or ‘A’
Numeric Data
NUMBER (N) (N) = length. Field contains only numbers.
NUMBER (X,Y) = format for numbers with decimal positions.
X = total number of digits
Y = the number of digits after the decimal
Examples: NUMBER (6) represents 250012 NUMBER (6,2) represents 2500.12
DATE – Date can be in various formats. Date functions available with your query tool can be used to format the date.
Column Name Format Description
*Record_Type Varchar2 (1) Indicates the source of the transfer credit.
Values are:
C = Course
O = Other
T = Test
*Articulation_Term Varchar2 (4) The code for the academic year and semester when the credits were transferred.
Term_Descr Varchar2 (30) Description of the term.
*ID Varchar2 (11) A personal Identifier. The ID will never be changed throughout the individual’s relationship with the University. This is not the same as Campus_ID. Only 10 characters are in use.
*Transfer_Sequence Varchar2 (3) A sequence number necessary to uniquely identify the transfer credit.
Ext_Org_ID Varchar2 (11) Identifier of the school where the credits were taken. Not populated for test and other credits.
*Course_ID Varchar2 (6) An identifier that links each course offered in a given semester to an entry in the UW-Madison course catalog. The COURSE_ID is the same for cross-listed courses.
Subject_Descr Varchar2 (30) The name of the UW-Madison department offering the course.
Subject_Descrshort Varchar2 (10) Short-description of the UW-Madison department. This is the name as it appears in the Timetable.
*Subject_Code Varchar2 (8) The code for the UW-Madison department offering the course. For cross-listed courses, the Primary Subject is the default value, but other subject codes may appear.
Course_Title Varchar2 (30) The title of the UW-Madison course equivalent if such exists. The Course title, Electives, indicates the lack of a UW-Madison course equivalent.
*Catalog_Number Varchar2 (10) The number assigned to the course in the UW-Madison course catalog. Also known as the Course number. Catalog numbers that begin with X indicate the lack of an equivalent course at UW-Madison.
*Course_Offer_Number Varchar2 (2) This column is added to the other primary keys to uniquely identify the course in the particular session.
Credits_Granted Number (8,3) The number of credits the student received for the transfer course, test, or other credit source. Note: some credits granted may not count towards the student’s degree. Often a single record corresponds to credits granted for a group of courses where the detail is not required, thus, resulting in a large number of credits granted for a single “transfer course.”
Post_Date Date This is the date the transfer credits are entered by the admission office OR the last date the courses/credits were updated. All the transfer courses/credits from one school are posted in a block. If at any point, one of the courses or credit amounts are changed, then the entire block would get a news posted date. There is no way to know whether the date is the original posting date or the date of the last revision to the block of courses/credits from that particular school.
Test_ID Varchar2 (5) The test ID of the test. Populated only for transfer credits that are from a test.
Values are:
ACT = American College Testing
ADVPL = UW-Madison Advanced Placement (legacy conversion)
AP = Advanced Placement
CEEB =Advanced Placement (legacy conversion)
CLEP = College Level Examination Program
IB = International Baccalaureate
INTBC = International Baccalaureate (legacy conversion)
RCMND = Departmental Recommendation
UWMAP = UW-Madison Advanced Placement
Test_Component Varchar2 (5) The component of the test taken by the student. Populated only for transfer credits that are from a test. Not all tests have components.
Component_Descr Varchar2 (30) The description of the component of the test taken by the student. Populated only for transfer credits that are from a test.
Test_Score Number (6,2) The score the student received on the test. Populated only for transfer credits that are from a test.
Test_Percentile Number (3) The percentile-score the student received on the test. Populated only for transfer credits that are from a test.
Test_Date Date Date the test was taken by the student. Populated only for transfer credits that are from a test.
Other_Credit_Descr Varchar2 (30) A Free-form description of the transfer credits. Populated only for transfer credits that are of type other.
Other_Credit_Type Varchar2 (4) The type of other credit. Populated only for transfer credits that are of type other.
Values are:
5 = No Course or Degree Credit
D = Credit by Dept. Recommendation
E = Year Abroad Engineering
F = Farm & Industry
LIFE = Life Experience Credit
N = North South Exchange
R = Retroactive credit
WORK = Work Experience Credit
X = Correspondence Course
Y = Credit by Examination
Z = UW-Extension Classroom Course
Extract_Date_Time Date The date and time these data were extracted from the source system(s).