This data view contains information on the immediate post-graduation plans of undergraduate degree recipients. Undergraduates who plan to graduate receive an email invitation to complete a web-based questionnaire providing information on their post-graduation plans. The questionnaire is delivered through the portal and responses are voluntary.

The questionnaire was first fielded to undergraduates expected to graduate in Fall 2008 (1092) and Spring 2009 (1094) as a pilot experiment. Starting in Fall 2009 (1102), the questionnaire is fielded each fall and spring term. The questionnaire goes live on the Tuesday of the last week of classes and collection remains open for a few weeks beyond the end of the term.

This data will be refreshed nightly during the collection period. The survey will be given twice a year, in Dec/Jan for December graduates and in May/June for May graduates.
Academic Planning & Institutional Research, Office of the Provost
Contact: Sara Lazenby
You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to the InfoAccess Home Page

This data view should be used in conjunction with Retention_Awards_Main in order to limit the responses to those who actually received a degree in the term the questionnaire was filled out. The join should be done using Term and ID.

Note: The 36 Outcome and Valid_Passport fields were added the the survey for Fall 2010-11 graduates. This means survey results prior to Term 1112 will have Nulls in these fields.

Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357)
09/2010 – New view created.
12/2010 – Added 36 Outcome fields and Valid_Passport field
Emp_In_Wisc_Ind: Added value ‘U’ Undecided/Unknown
02/2012 – Custodian Change (c4j)
05/2015 – Added 3 new field related to employment org:
Fields added for up to 3 employment offers (12 fields):
Two fields capturing interest/intention to live/work internationally:
Emp_Org_Name had field length changed from a length of 500 to 100
Primary Key Columns are identified with an asterisk(*)
Alphanumeric Data
VARCHAR2( N) (N) = maximum length. Field contains letters and/or numbers. Trailing blanks are eliminated.
Example: VARCHAR2 (5) could contain ‘ABC12’ or ‘ABC’ or ‘A’
Numeric Data
NUMBER (N) (N) = length. Field contains only numbers.
NUMBER (X,Y) = format for numbers with decimal positions.
X = total number of digits
Y = the number of digits after the decimal
Examples: NUMBER (6) represents 250012 NUMBER (6,2) represents 2500.12
DATE – Date can be in various formats. Date functions available with your query tool can be used to format the date.
Column Name Format Description
*Survey_ID Number  
Term Varchar2 (4) Academic term in which student responded to the questionnaire. Valid values are Fall and Spring terms beginning with Fall term of 2008-09 (Value: 1092).
ID Varchar2 (11) ISIS personal Identifier. The ID will never be changed throughout the individual’s relationship with the University. This is not the same as Campus_ID. Only 10 characters are in use.
There may be duplicate questionnaire responses for one individual.
Note: some Award recipients that appear in this view may not appear in the other Retention data views if they have not been enrolled in a course at UW-Madison since 1985.
PVI Varchar2(9) Publicly Visible Identifier; IAA data added in the questionnaire process.
Survey_Complete_Ind Varchar2(1) Indicates whether the student pressed the submit button on the final page of the questionnaire.
Valid values:
Y – Yes
N – No
Act_Work_FT_Ind Varchar2(1) Response to question, does student plan to work full time after graduating.
Valid values:
Null – question not answered
Y – Yes
N – No
Act_Work_PT_Ind Varchar2(1) Response to question, does student plan to work part time after graduating.
Valid values:
Null – question not answered
Y – Yes
N – No
Act_Grad_FT_Ind Varchar2(1) Response to question, does student plan to attend graduate school full time after graduating.
Valid values:
Null – question not answered
Y – Yes
N – No
Act_Grad_PT_Ind Varchar2(1) Response to question, does student plan to attend graduate school part time after graduating.
Valid values:
Null – question not answered
Y – Yes
N – No
Act_Addl_Crsewrk_Ind Varchar2(1) Response to question, does student plan to do additional coursework after graduating.
Valid values:
Null – question not answered
Y – Yes
N – No
Act_Military_Ind Varchar2(1) Response to question, does student plan to serve in the military after graduating.
Valid values:
Null – question not answered
Y – Yes
N – No
Act_Volunteer_Ind Varchar2(1) Response to question, does student plan to volunteer after graduating.
Valid values:
Null – question not answered
Y – Yes
N – No
Act_Family_Ind Varchar2(1) Response to question, does student plan to start or raise a family after graduation.
Valid values:
Null – question not answered
Y – Yes
N – No
Note: field will be Null for Terms 1092 & 1094
Act_Other_Ind Varchar2(1) Response to question, does student plan to do an activity not already listed after graduating.
Valid values:
Null – question not answered
Y – Yes
N – No
Act_Other_Text Varchar2(500) Text describing the “other” activity the student plans to participate in after graduation. Free-form text entered by student. Will only be entered if they have ‘Y’ in Act_Other_Ind.
Emp_Plans Varchar2(500)

Response to question about the employment plans of graduates who are pursing full or part time employment. Values are selected from a pick list.

Valid values for terms 1092, 1094, 1102 & 1104:

Null = no answer selected
Have accepted a position
Currently searching or considering one or more offers
Will begin searching for a position after graduation

Valid values fom 1112 on:

Null = no answer selected
Have accepted a position
Currently searching for a position
Considering one or more offers
Will begin searching for a position after graduation
Emp_Org_Type Varchar2(500)

The type of organization or sector the graduate plans to work for.

Valid values selected from pick list:

Null = no answer selected
Private for-profit corporation/ company/ group-practice for wages, salary or commission
Not-for-profit tax exempt or charitable organization
Public or private K-12 education
Public or post secondary education
Local government employee (city, county, etc), excluding public education
State government employee, excluding public education
Federal government employee
Self-employed in own business, professional practice or farm
Working without pay in family business or farm
Working with pay in family business or farm
Emp_Occupation_Category Varchar2(500)

Category of organization graduate is employed at.

Valid values selected from pick list:

Null = no answer selected
Architecture (including Landscape Architecture)
Artist and related occupations
Entertainer or performer, sports and related workers
Media and communication
Business, finance and accounting
Community and social services (including social workers, counselors, other community workers)
Computer and mathematical (including actuaries, analysts and statisticians)
Construction worker or extraction/ mining worker
Educator, preschool, K-12
Educator, post-secondary
Educator, other
Librarian, Curator, Archivist
Farming, fishing/fisheries, and forestry
Food Preparation/cook/chef and food-serving (waiter) related
Healthcare practice: Dietician/ Nutritionist
Healthcare practice: Physician Assistant
Healthcare practice: Nursing
Healthcare practice: Athletic Training
Healthcare practice: Other
Law enforcement and other protective services
Legal Occupations
Life Scientists/Researchers (e.g., agriculture, food, biological, conservation, forestry, medical scientists)
Physical Scientists/ Researchers (e.g. chemists, physicists, atmospheric scientists, astronomers)
Social Scientists/Researchers (e.g. economists, market/survey researchers, psychologists, urban and regional planners)
Marketing and sales (e.g. retail sales, real estate)
Office and administrative support
Personal care and service (child care, fitness training, tour guides, gaming workers, personal appearance)
Transportation and people/material moving occupations
Emp_Org_Name Varchar2(100) The name of the employer. Before Term 1144 this field was free-form entry by student. From 1144 and beyond, students are allowed to use free-form, but are prompted to fill in the company name based on employer names already in the database and other career-related databases, like BuckyNet. For instance, if a student types in “Epic” then Epic in Verona, WI will be one of the options. Responses to this field are still case sensitive, however, and distinct names for the same company will all show up as individual results. For instance, “Epic Systems”, “Epic systems”, and “Epic” would all show up as single entries, even when students will work for the same organization.
Emp_Org_City Varchar2(100) City of the place of employment for an accepted offer. This data field allows for free form entry, but is populated automatically if a student selects a place of employment from the prompts in Emp_Org_Name. Only populated for terms 1144 and beyond.
Emp_Org_State Varchar2(100) The state of the place of employment for an accepted offer. This data field allows for free form entry, but it is populated automatically if a student selects a place of employment from the prompts in Emp_Org_Name. Only populated for terms 1144 and beyond.
Emp_Org_Country Varchar2(100) The country of the place of employment for an accepted offer. This data field allows for free form entry, but it is populated automatically if a student selects a place of employment from the prompts in Emp_Org_Name. Only populated for terms 1144 and beyond.
Emp_Offer1_Name Varchar2(100) Name of the employer for first offer received for students who selected “Have received offers but not accepted yet.” This data field allows for free form entry, but is populated automatically if a student selects from a lists of prompts based on their typing. Only populated for terms 1144 and beyond.
Emp_Offer1_City Varchar2(100) City of the place of employment for an accepted offer. This data field allows for free form entry, but is populated automatically if a student selects a place of employment from the prompts in Emp_Offer1_Name. Only populated for terms 1144 and beyond.
Emp_Offer1_State Varchar2(100) State of the place of employment for an accepted offer. This data field allows for free form entry, but is populated automatically if a student selects a place of employment from the prompts in Emp_Offer1_Name. Only populated for terms 1144 and beyond.
Emp_Offer1_Country Varchar2(100) Country of the place of employment for an accepted offer. This data field allows for free form entry, but is populated automatically if a student selects a place of employment from the prompts in Emp_Offer1_Name. Only populated for terms 1144 and beyond.
Emp_Offer2_Name Varchar2(100) Name of the employer for second offer received for students who selected “Have received offers but not accepted yet.” This data field allows for free form entry, but is populated automatically if a student selects from a lists of prompts based on their typing. Only populated for terms 1144 and beyond.
Emp_Offer2_City Varchar2(100) City of the place of employment for an accepted offer. This data field allows for free form entry, but is populated automatically if a student selects a place of employment from the prompts in Emp_Offer2_Name. Only populated for terms 1144 and beyond.
Emp_Offer2_State Varchar2(100) State of the place of employment for an accepted offer. This data field allows for free form entry, but is populated automatically if a student selects a place of employment from the prompts in Emp_Offer2_Name. Only populated for terms 1144 and beyond.
Emp_Offer2_Country Varchar2(100) Country of the place of employment for an accepted offer. This data field allows for free form entry, but is populated automatically if a student selects a place of employment from the prompts in Emp_Offer2_Name. Only populated for terms 1144 and beyond.
Emp_Offer3_Name Varchar2(100) Name of the employer for third offer received for students who selected “Have received offers but not accepted yet.” This data field allows for free form entry, but is populated automatically if a student selects from a lists of prompts based on their typing. Only populated for terms 1144 and beyond.
Emp_Offer3_City Varchar2(100) City of the place of employment for an accepted offer. This data field allows for free form entry, but is populated automatically if a student selects a place of employment from the prompts in Emp_Offer3_Name. Only populated for terms 1144 and beyond.
Emp_Offer3_State Varchar2(100) State of the place of employment for an accepted offer. This data field allows for free form entry, but is populated automatically if a student selects a place of employment from the prompts in Emp_Offer3_Name. Only populated for terms 1144 and beyond.
Emp_Offer3_Country Varchar2(100) Country of the place of employment for an accepted offer. This data field allows for free form entry, but is populated automatically if a student selects a place of employment from the prompts in Emp_Offer3_Name. Only populated for terms 1144 and beyond.
Emp_in_Wisc_Ind Varchar2(1) Response to question if position is located in the state of Wisconsin.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
U Undecided/Unknown

Note: field will be Null for Terms 1092 & 1094

Emp_Salary Number Salary student will earn in dollars. Free-form entry by student. (ex. for $40,000 enter 40000)
Emp_Job_Title Varchar2(140) The job title of the position that the graduating student has accepted.
Edu_University_Name Varchar2(500)

University the student will attend for graduate school or additional undergraduate coursework.

Valid values selected from a pick list:

Null = No answer selected
American University
Argosy University
Arizona State University
Boston University
Brandeis University
Brown University
California Institute of Technology
Cardinal Stritch University
Carnegie Mellon University
Case Western Reserve University
Columbia University
Concordia University- Wisconsin
Cornell University
CUNY Hunter College
DePaul University
Duke University
Edgewood College
Emory University
Fordham University
George Washington
Hamline University
Harvard University
Illinois Institute of Technology
Indiana University
Iowa State University
Johns Hopkins University
John Marshall Law School
Loyola University Chicago
Marquette University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
McGill University
Michigan State University
National Louis University
New York University
Northern Illinois University
Northwestern University
Ohio State University
Pennsylvania State University
Princeton University
Purdue University
Rice University
San Francisco State University
Stanford University
Stony Brook University
Syracuse University
Texas A&M University
Tulane University
University of Arizona
University at Buffalo
University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Davis
University of California, Irvine
University of California, Los Angeles
University of California, San Diego
University of California, Santa Barbara
University of Chicago
University of Colorado at Boulder
University of Denver
University of Florida
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Iowa
University of Kansas
University of Maryland, College Park
University of Michigan
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
University of Missouri-Columbia
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
University of Oregon
University of Pennsylvania
University of Phoenix
University of Pittsburgh
University of Rochester
University of Southern California
University of St. Thomas
University of Texas at Austin
University of Toronto
University of Virginia
University of Washington
University of Wisconsin – La Crosse
University of Wisconsin – Madison
University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
University of Wisconsin – Oshkosh
University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point
University of Wisconsin – Whitewater
Vanderbilt University
Washington University in St. Louis
William Mitchell College of Law
Yale University
Not Relevant (Only populated in terms 1102 & 1104)
Edu_Degree_Pursued Varchar2(500)

Graduate or undergraduate degree student intends to pursue.

Valid values selected from a pick list:

Null = No answer selected
Bachelor’s level
Audiology, Doctor of
Business Administration, Master of (MBA)
Dentistry (DDS or DMD)
Fine Arts, Master of (MFA)
Library and Information Studies, Master of
Juris Doctor – J.D. (Only populated in terms 1112 and beyond)
Master of Arts (MA)
Master of Science (MS)
Medicine, Doctor of (MD)
Pharmacy, Doctor of (PharmD)
Social Work, Master of
Veterinary Medicine, Doctor of (DVM)
Physical Therapy, Doctor of (DPT)
Other graduate or professional program
Not Degree Seeking
None (Only populated in terms 1102 and 1104)
Edu_Field_of_Study Varchar2(500)

Field of study

Valid values selected from a pick list:

Null = No answer selected
Agriculture, Agricultural Sciences
Area, Ethnic and Cultural Studies
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Business Management
Communication, Journalism and Related Programs
Communications Technologies
Computer and Information Sciences
English and Literature
Family and Consumer Sciences
Foreign Languages and Literatures
Health Professions (Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, Public Health, OT, PT, etc.)
Home Economics
Law, Legal Studies
Library Science
Marketing, Operations
Mathematics and Statistics
Military Technologies
Natural Resources
Philosophy and Religious Studies
Physical Sciences, including physics, chemistry, geology
Public Administration
Social Sciences (Anthropology, Economics, International Relations, Political Science, Sociology, Urban Studies)
Theology and Religious Studies
Visual and Performing Arts
Other (Only populated in terms 1112 and beyond)
None (Only populated in terms 1102 and 1104)
E-mail Varchar2(100) Students e-mail address
Additional_Comments Varchar2(4000) Additional comments about students post graduation plans
Outcome_Write1 Number Response to: “When you first started taking classes at UW-Madison, how able were you to write effectively?”
Valid Values:

1 Not at All
2 A Little
3 Somewhat
4 Very
5 Extremely
Outcome_Write2 Number Response to: “As you are graduating from UW-Madison, how able are you to write effectively?”
Valid Values:

1 Not at All
2 A Little
3 Somewhat
4 Very
5 Extremely
Outcome_Speak1 Number Response to: “When you first started taking classes at UW-Madison, how able were you to speak effectively?”
Valid Values:

1 Not at All
2 A Little
3 Somewhat
4 Very
5 Extremely
Outcome_Speak2 Number Response to: “As you are graduating from UW-Madison, how able are you to speak effectively?”
Valid Values:

1 Not at All
2 A Little
3 Somewhat
4 Very
5 Extremely
Outcome_Conclusions1 Number Response to: “When you first started taking classes at UW-Madison, how able were you to draw conclusions after weighing evidence, facts, and ideas?”
Valid Values:

1 Not at All
2 A Little
3 Somewhat
4 Very
5 Extremely
Outcome_Conclusions2 Number Response to: “As you are graduating from UW-Madison, how able are you to draw conclusions after weighing evidence, facts, and ideas?”
Valid Values:

1 Not at All
2 A Little
3 Somewhat
4 Very
5 Extremely
Outcome_Multisource1 Number Response to: “When you first started taking classes at UW-Madison, how able were you to find, organize and evaluate information from multiple sources?”
Valid Values:

1 Not at All
2 A Little
3 Somewhat
4 Very
5 Extremely
Outcome_Multisource2 Number Response to: “As you are graduating from UW-Madison, how able are you to find, organize, and evaluate information from multiple sources?”
Valid Values:

1 Not at All
2 A Little
3 Somewhat
4 Very
5 Extremely
Outcome_Real_World1 Number Response to: “When you first started taking classes at UW-Madison, how able were you to apply knowledge and skills in real-world settings such as internships, jobs, practicum, or volunteering?”
Valid Values:

1 Not at All
2 A Little
3 Somewhat
4 Very
5 Extremely
Outcome_Real_World2 Number Response to: “As you are graduating from UW-Madison, how able are you to apply knowledge and skills in real-world settings such as internships, jobs, practicum, or volunteering?”
Valid Values:

1 Not at All
2 A Little
3 Somewhat
4 Very
5 Extremely
Outcome_Technology1 Number Response to: “When you first started taking classes at UW-Madison, how able were you to use computers and electronic technology?”
Valid Values:

1 Not at All
2 A Little
3 Somewhat
4 Very
5 Extremely
Outcome_Technology2 Number Response to: “As you are graduating from UW-Madison, how able are you to use computers and electronic technology?”
Valid Values:

1 Not at All
2 A Little
3 Somewhat
4 Very
5 Extremely
Outcome_Non_English1 Number Response to: “When you first started taking classes at UW-Madison, how able were you to communicate in a language other than English?”
Valid Values:

1 Not at All
2 A Little
3 Somewhat
4 Very
5 Extremely
Outcome_Non_English2 Number

Response to: “As you are graduating from UW-Madison, how able are you to communicate in a language other than English?”

1 Not at All
2 A Little
3 Somewhat
4 Very
5 Extremely
Outcome_Arts1 Number Response to: “When you first started taking classes at UW-Madison, how able were you to appreciate the arts such as literature, music, and fine arts?”
Valid Values:

1 Not at All
2 A Little
3 Somewhat
4 Very
5 Extremely
Outcome_Arts2 Number Response to: “As you are graduating from UW-Madison, how able are you to appreciate the arts such as literature, music, and fine arts?”
Valid Values:

1 Not at All
2 A Little
3 Somewhat
4 Very
5 Extremely
Outcome_Science1 Number Response to: “When you first started taking classes at UW-Madison, how able were you to understand that science is relevant to everyday life?”
Valid Values:

1 Not at All
2 A Little
3 Somewhat
4 Very
5 Extremely
Outcome_Science2 Number Response to: “As you are graduating from UW-Madison, how able are you to understand that science is relevant to everyday life?”
Valid Values:

1 Not at All
2 A Little
3 Somewhat
4 Very
5 Extremely
Outcome_Ethics1 Number Response to: “When you first started taking classes at UW-Madison, how able were you to develop a personal code of ethics and values?”
Valid Values:

1 Not at All
2 A Little
3 Somewhat
4 Very
5 Extremely
Outcome_Ethics2 Number Response to: “As you are graduating from UW-Madison, how able are you to develop a personal code of ethics and values?”
Valid Values:

1 Not at All
2 A Little
3 Somewhat
4 Very
5 Extremely
Outcome_Empathy1 Number Response to: “When you first started taking classes at UW-Madison, how able were you to empathize with individual differences based on culture, ethnicity, disability, or sexual orientation?”
Valid Values:

1 Not at All
2 A Little
3 Somewhat
4 Very
5 Extremely
Outcome_Empathy2 Number Response to: “As you are graduating from UW-Madison, how able are you to empathize with individual differences based on culture, ethnicity, disability, or sexual orientation?”
Valid Values:

1 Not at All
2 A Little
3 Somewhat
4 Very
5 Extremely
Outcome_Groups1 Number Response to: “When you first started taking classes at UW-Madison, how able were you to work collaboratively in groups?”
Valid Values:

1 Not at All
2 A Little
3 Somewhat
4 Very
5 Extremely
Outcome_Groups2 Number Response to: “As you are graduating from UW-Madison, how able are you to work collaboratively in groups?”
Valid Values:

1 Not at All
2 A Little
3 Somewhat
4 Very
5 Extremely
Outcome_Learn1 Number Response to: “When you first started taking classes at UW-Madison, how able were you to learn on your own?”
Valid Values:

1 Not at All
2 A Little
3 Somewhat
4 Very
5 Extremely
Outcome_Learn2 Number Response to: “As you are graduating from UW-Madison, how able are you to learn on your own?”
Valid Values:

1 Not at All
2 A Little
3 Somewhat
4 Very
5 Extremely
Outcome_Welfare1 Number Response to: “When you first started taking classes at UW-Madison, how able were you to contribute to the welfare of others?”
Valid Values:

1 Not at All
2 A Little
3 Somewhat
4 Very
5 Extremely
Outcome_Welfare2 Number Response to: “As you are graduating from UW-Madison, how able are you to contribute to the welfare of others?”
Valid Values:

1 Not at All
2 A Little
3 Somewhat
4 Very
5 Extremely
Outcome_Lead1 Number Response to: “When you first started taking classes at UW-Madison, how able were you to lead others effectively?”
Valid Values:

1 Not at All
2 A Little
3 Somewhat
4 Very
5 Extremely
Outcome_Lead2 Number Response to: “As you are graduating from UW-Madison, how able are you to lead others effectively?”
Valid Values:

1 Not at All
2 A Little
3 Somewhat
4 Very
5 Extremely
Outcome_Culture_Us1 Number Response to: “When you first started taking classes at UW-Madison, how able were you to understand culture and society within the United States?”
Valid Values:

1 Not at All
2 A Little
3 Somewhat
4 Very
5 Extremely
Outcome_Culture_Us2 Number Response to: “As you are graduating from UW-Madison, how able are you to understand culture and society within the United States?”
Valid Values:

1 Not at All
2 A Little
3 Somewhat
4 Very
5 Extremely
Outcome_Culture_Intl1 Number Response to: “When you first started taking classes at UW-Madison, how able were you to understand cultures and societies outside the United States?”
Valid Values:

1 Not at All
2 A Little
3 Somewhat
4 Very
5 Extremely
Outcome_Culture_Intl2 Number Response to: “As you are graduating from UW-Madison, how able are you to understand cultures and societies outside the United States?”
Valid Values:

1 Not at All
2 A Little
3 Somewhat
4 Very
5 Extremely
Outcome_Major1 Number Response to: “When you first started taking classes at UW-Madison, how able were you to apply skills and knowledge of your chosen major(s)?”
Valid Values:

1 Not at All
2 A Little
3 Somewhat
4 Very
5 Extremely
Outcome_Major2 Number Response to: “As you are graduating from UW-Madison, how able are you to apply skills and knowledge of your chosen major(s)?”
Valid Values:

1 Not at All
2 A Little
3 Somewhat
4 Very
5 Extremely
Valid_Passport Varchar2(100) Response to: “Do you hold a valid passport?”
Valid Values:

Yes, from the United States
Yes, from a country other than the United States
International_Live_Work Varchar2(1) Response to: “Do you intend to live/work outside your country of citizenship in the future?” Only populated for terms 1144 and beyond.
Valid Values:
N – No
Y – Yes
International_Engage Varchar2(100) Response to “Regardless of location, do you have a goal of engaging internationally in your career? Only populated for terms 1144 and beyond.
Valid Values:

Absolutely, this is a top priority
Yes, I hope to do so
I am open to it, if required.
Not at all interested.
Created_Date Date Date questionnaire was first opened.
Last_Modified_Date Date Date questionnaire was last modified .
Extract_Date_Time Date Date the data was extracted.