The source of this information is from ISDS and includes Fall 1994-1995 through Spring 1998-1999 data.
Each new semester of data will be added to this historical view when the planning process for the next like semester is about to begin. For example, when the Timetable planning begins for the future Fall semester (around Nov 1) the current Fall semester Timetable data (from UA_TIMETABLE_SEM1) will be added to this historical view. The addition of spring and summer will occur similarly.
Registrar’s Office
Contact: Phil Hull
You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to the InfoAccess Home Page
Be sure to limit your query to the appropriate academic semester and year.

Some sections may have multiple records (subsections) if they take place at more than one time, take place in more than one location, or have more than one instructor.

The field COURSE_LEVEL_IND will be used in combination with other fields to do course counts. For example, this field could be selected with CROSSLIST_MEETWITH or BREADTH_VALUE to answer the following questions: How many courses are crosslisted? How many natural science courses are being offered this semester?

The field SECTION_LEVEL_IND will be used in combination with other fields to do section counts. For example, it could be selected along with SECTION_TYPE to determine how many ‘field’ sections are being taught. If this indicator is not used in your selection criteria, you could get duplicate counts due to the possibility of multiple records per section.

The fields BEGIN_TIME and END_TIME should only be used for display purposes, not in selection criteria. The fields BEGIN_TIME_24HR and END_TIME_24HR should be used for selection.

Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357)
08/12/96 data view initial created – RZS.
06/2008 – Data Custodian change. C4j
1/2010 – Data Custodian Change C4j
09/2012 – Data Custodian Contact changed from Karen Hanon to Kim Alling
Primary Key Columns are identified with an asterisk(*)
The codes following the field names in this document define the field. The different types are:
A – Alphanumeric field. This indicates the field may contain
letters and/or numbers. The number following is the field
length. For example: a field defined as A5 could contain
PS – Packed-Signed field. This indicates the field may
contain only numbers. The number following is the field
length. If two digits with a decimal point in between are
present the first indicates the number of positions before
the decimal point and the second the number of digits after
the decimal point. For example: a field defined as PS4.2
would be in the format 9999.99 whereas PS6 would be in the
format 999999.
Column Name Format Description
DEPT_NAME A8 This is the 8-character short department name corresponding to the department number
COLLEGE_CODE A1 This identifies the school or college associated with the department.
Valid values are:
? = Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies (formerly Intercollege)
A = College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
B = School of Business
D = School of Education
E = College of Engineering
H = School of Human Ecology (formerly School of Family Resources and Consumer Sciences)
K = School of Law
L = College of Letters and Science
M = School of Medicine and Public Health (formerly Medical School)
N = School of Nursing
P = School of Pharmacy
R = Officer Education (formerly Air, Military and Naval Sciences)
V = School of Veterinary Medicine
COLLEGE_NAME A70 This is the name of the college for a given college code.
COURSE_LEVEL_IND A1 This is a field to indicate the first record for a course, and it can be used to do course counts. The first record for each course should have the value ‘Y’ and all additional section/subsection records should have a blank in this field.
ACADEMIC_YEAR A4 This is the academic year that the course is offered. For example, in the fall semester of the 1995-96 school year, the academic year will be 1996
ACADEMIC_SEMESTER A1 This is the semester that the course is offered. The semester can be fall (1), spring (2), or summer (3).
COURSE_SESSION A2 This is the session that the course is offered. It will be blank for fall and spring semesters and contain a 2-character code for summer
DEPT_NUMBER A3 This is the department number of the course.
COURSE_NUMBER A3 This is the 3-character course number. Each position in the number usually has some meaning. The first position generally indicates the rank of the student who can take this course. Courses ranging from 001-299 are usually open to all undergraduates. Courses ranging from 300-699 are generally available to undergraduates and graduate students. Courses ranging from 700-999 are generally available to graduate students only. The second digit is used to indicate honors courses. An ‘8’ in this position for courses numbered below 700 indicates a Honors course
COURSE_CHECK_DIGIT A1 An extra digit added to the end of the course number to help uniquely identify a course within a department.
COURSE_TITLE A27 This is the 27-character short course title which may be an abbreviated version of the long course title.
COURSE_STATUS A2 This field indicates the current course status.
Valid Status:
A = course with active sessions
V = for conference courses without sections
CONF_SECT_ACTIVATN A1 This field identifies courses for which sections will be added automatically as students register. In these courses, students are taught individually by instructors. This field indicates type of instruction given.
Valid entries:
C = conference type of instruction
F = field type of instruction
Blank = courses not individually taught
MINIMUM_CREDITS A2 This is the fixed or minimum credits for a course. If the maximum credits field is blank, then students should enroll for exactly this for exactly this number of credits because the course is a ‘fixed credit’ course.
MAXIMUM_CREDITS A2 This is the maximum credits for a course. It indicates a variable credit course. This field is blank if course has a fixed credit.
OPEN_TO_FRESH_IND A1 This indicates if the course is open to freshmen registration.
Valid values:
Y = yes, open to freshmen
Blank = no, not open to freshmen
CREDIT_NO_CREDIT A1 This indicator identifies courses which will be taken on a credit/no credit basis.
Valid entries:
Y = graded on a credit/no credit basis
N = graded on a lettered basis(default)
ETHNIC_IND A1 This field indicates whether the course meets ethnic studies requirements.
Valid values:
Y = yes
Blank = no
REPEATABLE_IND A1 This field identifies courses for which a student may receive credit multiple times. For example, a course which offers different topics semester is often repeatable.
Valid values:
Y = yes
Blank = no
BREADTH_VALUE A1 The value in this field shows how courses count in meeting the breadth requirements for the Letters and Science BA/BS degrees.
Valid values:
B = Biological Science
H = Humanities
I = Interdivisional. Does not satisfy any breadth requirement.
L = Literature
N = Natural Science. Satisfies Natural Science requirement but not the Biological or Physical Science requirements
P = Physical Science
S = Social Studies
W = Either Social Studies or Natural Science
X = Either Humanities or Natural Science
Y = Either Biological Sciences or Social Studies
Z = Either Humanities or Social Studies
COURSE_LEVEL A1 Values in this field show the course level. Sixty credits of advanced and intermediate level courses are required for Letters and Science BA/BS degrees.
Valid values are:
E = Elementary
I = Intermediate
A = Advanced
D = Intermediate or Advanced
LS_DEGREE_CREDIT A1 This field indicates if the course counts towards credit in or out of Letters and Science.
Valid values are:
C = Courses outside L&S which count for degree credit in L&S and which count as part of the 100 credits in L&S.
T = Courses outside L&S which count for degree credit in L&S and which count as part of the 20 credits outside L&S.
Blank = Courses outside L&S which have neither a C or T do NOT count for credit in L&S.
FOOTNOTE_BEF_CRED A1 This is a footnote symbol, which would appear after the credits in the timetable. Valid values are all alphabetic characters except H, and special characters ‘+’,’%’ and ‘!’. Alphabetic characters have associated text not displayed in this data view.
FOOTNOTE_BEF_TITLE A1 This is a footnote symbol, which would appear before the title in the timetable. Valid values are all alphabetic characters except H, and special characters ‘+’,’%’ and ‘!’. Alphabetic characters have associated text not displayed in this data view
OPTION_RANGE2 A1 This is an indicator of allowable registration and optional attendance for range 2 sections in a multiple range course.
Valid entries:
N = either registration is required or no range2 section exists (default)
A = always optional, registration is not allowed
P = partially optional, registration and attendance are dependent on other variables .
OPTION_RANGE3 A1 This is an indicator of allowable registration and optional attendance for range 3 sections in a multiple range course.
Valid entries:
N = either registration is required or no range 3 section exists (default)
A = always optional, registration is not allowed
P = partially optional, registration and attandence are dependent on other variables
NUMBER_OF_RANGES A1 This field should contain the values 1, 2, or 3 representing the number of ranges associated with the course. This field can be used to select those courses that only have one range of instruction or those courses that have more than one range of instruction.
SECTION_LEVEL_IND A1 This field indicates the first record for a section. It can be used to do section counts. The first record for each section should have the value ‘Y’ and all additional section/subsection records should have a blank in this field.
SECTION_NUMBER A3 Lab or a seminar. Section numbers are divided into three ranges of numbers to separate different types of instruction. Range 1 sections are considered the primary type of instruction. Exception: Conference activation courses which are available for registration but have no sections active will appear with blanks in the section number.
Valid values are:
001-299 = Range 1
301-599 = Range 2
601-999 = Range 3
Blank = Conference activation course without sections
SECTION_TYPE A1 This is a code to indicate the mode of instruction for a particular section. For one course, all range 1 sections should have the same type of instruction. The same for ranges 2 and 3.
Valid values are:
A = Lecture
C = Conference
D = Discussion
F = Field
L = Laboratory
S = Seminar
SECTION_TYPE_NAME A4 This is a 3 or 4-character name associated with the section type code
SECTION_ADD_WEEK A2 This field is a indicator that distinguishes sections that were active with timetable publication and those sections that were added after the timetable was published.
EXTENDED_DAY_IND A1 This field indicates if a section is extended day which means it is offered after 4:00 on weekdays or on the weekend.
Valid values are:
Y = yes
N = no
blank = no
EXAM_CODE A2 This is a code number identifying the time and date of the section’s two-hour summary instructional period. It is found in the ‘EXAM’ column of the timetable, and the schedule of codes are printed in the timetable.
Valid values:
50 = last class period
99 = to be announced
REGISTRATION_LIMIT PS4 This indicates the number of student registrations allowed as of the load date. It is often changed by departments during registration to control enrollment throughout all their sections
SECTION_COUNT PS4 This indicates the number of student registrations for this section for one department as of the load date.
AGGREGATE_COUNT PS4 This indicates the total number of student registrations for all sections as of the load date that are in the cross-list/meet-with group. The value in this field will be zero if the section is not cross-listed or meets-with.
FOOTNOTE_BEF_SECT A1 This is a footnote symbol, which would appear before the section number in the timetable. Valid values are all alphabetic characters except H, and special characters ‘+’,’%’ and ‘!’. Alphabetic characters have associated text not displayed in this data view
HONORS_SYMBOL A1 This is a symbol to indicate the Honors status of a course or section.
Valid values are: ‘H’ = A course or section for Honors students only which offers more intensive, in-depth study. A Honors course is also identified by an ‘8’ as the middle digit of a 3-digit course number under 700.
‘!’ = A course or section which is open to all qualified students and is recommended for those students planning a Honors program. Honors candidates should register for Honors credit.
‘%’ = Honors credit is available for this course or section, consult the instructor. Independent work or Honors sections are organized after classes begin.
Blank = Not a Honors course or section.
CROSSLIST_MEETWITH A2 This identifies a course as a member of a crosslist group or meets-with.
Valid values are:
XL = crosslisted
MW = meets-with
SL = meets-with at the section level
XM = crosslisted and meets-with
PRIMARY_SECONDARY A1 This identifies the status of a course in a crosslist or meets-with bond.
Valid values are:
P = primary
S = secondary
PRIMARY_COURSE7 A7 For a secondary course in a crosslist or meets-with bond, this field identifies the 7-character course number (dept number, course number and course check digit) of the primary course. – definition of table description – view will have 6 digits only and no check-digit
PRIMARY_SECTION A3 For a secondary course in a section level meets-with bond, this field identifies the section number of the primary course.
SUBSECTION_NUMBER A2 This identifies the time, day, room, building and/or instructor information for a section.
DURATION_IN_WEEKS PS2 This is a code indicating the number of weeks a subsection will last.
Valid values are:
PRINT_ON_TIMETABLE A1 This field, if an ‘N’, indicates that the subsection does NOT appear in the timetable. A blank indicates that it does print.
Valid Codes:
‘N’ = does not print
Blank = does print
NUMBER_OF_DAYS PS1 This is a number (1-6) showing the number of days the subsection meets per week.
DAY_PATTERN A7 This is a 7-character field indicating which days of the week the section meets. Each position in the field corresponds to one day of the week. If any position is non-blank, the section meets on that day.
Valid values are:
position 1 = M
position 2 = T
position 3 = W
position 4 = R
position 5 = F
position 6 = S
position 7 = N (currently not used)
MEETS_MON_IND A1 A field to indicate if the subsection meets on Mondays.
Valid values are:
Y = yes
N = no
MEETS_TUES_IND A1 A field to indicate if the subsection meets on Tuesdays.
Valid values are:
Y = yes
N = no
MEETS_WED_IND A1 A field to indicate if the subsection meets on Wednesdays.
Valid values are:
Y = yes
N = no
MEETS_THURS_IND A1 A field to indicate if the subsection meets on Thursdays.
Valid values are:
Y = yes
N = no
MEETS_FRI_IND A1 A field to indicate if the subsection meets on Fridays.
Valid values are:
Y = yes
N = no
MEETS_SAT_IND A1 A field to indicate if the subsection meets on Saturdays.
Valid values are:
Y = yes
N = no
MEETS_SUN_IND A1 A field to indicate if the section meets on Sundays.
Valid values are:
Y = yes
N = no
BEGIN_TIME_24HR A4 This is the time the subsection begins on a 24 hour clock. It is a 4-character field, for example, 0850 or 1425. This field should be used for search criteria.
BEGIN_TIME A6 This is the time that the subsection begins. It is in the format HH:MMp, for example 08:50a or 02:25p. This field should be used for display purposes. For search criteria, use ‘BEGIN_TIME_24HR’
END_TIME_24HR A4 This is the time the subsection ends on a 24 hour clock. It is a 4-character field, for example, 0940 or 1515. This field should be used for search criteria.
END_TIME A6 This is the time that the subsection ends. It is in the format HH:MMp, for example 09:40a or 03:15p. This field should be used for display purposes. For search criteria, use ‘END_TIME_24HR’
CLASS_LENGTH PS4 This is the length of the subsection in minutes, for example 0050
CONTACT_PERIODS PS3.1 Weekly contact periods have been calculated by: Class Length * number of class meeting per week / 50 where 50 minutes equals one contact period. The value is reported to one decimal place.
START_DATE A8 The date that a subsection starts in the format YYYYMMDD.
END_DATE A8 The date that a subsection ends in the format YYYYMMDD.
BUILDING_WING A5 This field identifies a specific building code and a sometime specific section of that building where instruction takes place.
ROOM_NUMBER A6 This field identifies a specific room number in the building where instruction takes place for a section
BUILDING_NAME A10 This is the 10-character name of the building where instruction takes place for a section.
INSTRUCTOR_ID A10 This is the instructor’s identification number which is their Social Security number plus a check digit. If more than one instructor teaches a section, this information will be found in a separate subsection record for each instructor for the section
INSTRUCTOR_NAME A30 This is the name of the instructor assigned to teach a particular section. If two or more instructors are teaching the same class, additional names may be present on separate subsection records for the section.
INSTRUCTOR_TITLE A5 This is a code to indicate the position held by the instructor.
INSTRUCTOR_CATEGRY A1 This is a code to indicate the appointment type of the instructor.
Valid values are:
1 = Faculty
2 = Emerita/Emeritus
3 = Clinical/CHS Faculty
4 = Visiting/Adjunct Faculty
5 = Lecturer/Faculty Assistant
6 = Other Academic Staff
7 = Graduate Assistant
8 = Combination of two or more of the appointment types listed above.
PROJECTED_ENROLLMT PS4 This is the projected enrollment for a section and is used to determine classroom capacity.
FOOTNOTE_BEF_TIME A1 This is a footnote symbol, which would appear before the time/day pattern in the timetable. Valid values are all alphabetic characters except H, and special characters ‘+’,’%’ and ‘!’. Alphabetic characters have associated text not displayed in this data view
FOOTNOTE_BEF_ROOM A1 This is a footnote symbol, which would appear before the room/building number in the timetable. Valid values are all alphabetic characters except H, and special characters ‘+’,’%’ and ‘!’. Alphabetic characters have associated text not displayed in this data view.
LOADDATE This field indicates when the data was extracted and loaded into the database. It is in the format YYYYMMDD.
COMM_A A1 This field indicates whether the course meets the Communication Part A requirements.
Valid Values:
‘A’ = Campus Wide
‘L’ = Not Campus wide but accepted as Communication Part A by some schools/Colleges.
‘ ‘ = NOT a Communication Part A course.
COMM_B A1 This field indicates whether the course meets the Communication Part B requirements.
Valid Values:
‘A’ = Campus Wide
‘L’ = Not Campus wide but accepted as Communication Part B by some schools/Colleges.
‘ = NOT a Communication Part B course.
QR_A A1 This field indicates whether the course meets the Quantitative Reasoning Part A requirements.
Valid Values:
‘A’ = Campus Wide
‘L’ = Not Campus wide but accepted as QuantitativeReasoning Part A by some schools/Colleges.
‘ ‘ = NOT a Quantitative Reasoning course.
QR_B A1 This field indicates whether the course meets the Quantitative Reasoning Part B requirements.
Valid Values:
‘A’ = Campus Wide
‘L’ = Not Campus wide but accepted as QuantitativeReasoning
Part B by some schools/Colleges.
‘ ‘ = NOT a Quantitative Reasoning course.
LAB_COURSE A1 This field indicates a Natural Science course with a Laboratory Component.
Valid Values:
‘Y’ = Yes
‘ ‘ = No
EXTRACT_DATE_TIME DATE The date and time these data were extracted.