- A group or organization of people within the UW Housing Assignment Billing System
- The data is replaced every night.
- University Housing
Contact: Brian Ward - AUTHORIZATION
- You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to the InfoAccess Home Page
- Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357) - LAST UPDATED
- 3/2001 – New view created.
1/2004 – View modified to include historical and hierarchal data.
5/2010 – Added fields Group_active_ind and group_involvement_id. c4j
02/2012 – Custodian Change c4j
07/2014 – Added field Academic_Year s8w
01/2015 – Updated preferred name description s8w. - DATA FORMATS
- Key fields are identified with an asterisk(*)
The codes following the field names in this document define the field. The different types are:
Char: Character data
Number: Numeric fields will be null if no data is available.
Date: This data type allows the date to be represented in various formats and date related functions to be used against the field. The formats (i.e. 19980203, 10-jun-98) and functions available vary based on your query tool.
Column Name | Format | Description |
*PERSON_GROUP_ID | NUMBER 10 | Unique identifier for a person group. |
PERSON_ID | NUMBER 10 | Identifier for a person. |
CAMPUS_ID | VARCHAR2 10 | A person’s campus id. |
PERSON_NAME | VARCHAR2 50 | Full preferred name in following format: last, first middle. |
GROUP_NAME | VARCHAR2 50 | Name of the Group the person is involved with. |
GROUP_ACTIVE_IND | VARCHAR2 1 | Indicates whether the person group is currently being used. Valid values: Y- Yes N – No |
ACADEMIC_YEAR | VARCHAR2 50 | Term/academic year description. Empty for groups that are not term dependent. |
INVOLVEMENT_BEGIN_DATE | DATE | Date this person’s association with this Group began. |
INVOLVEMENT_END_DATE | DATE | Last date of this person’s association with this Group. |
GROUP_CONTACT_PERSON | VARCHAR2 30 | Name of the contact person for this group. |
GROUP_INVOLVEMENT_ID | NUMBER 10 | Unique identifier for a person involvement in a person group. |
EXTRACT_DATE_TIME | DATE | The system-generated date when the data was last refreshed. |