- Person who has some relationship with UW Housing regarding single student housing. This includes, but is not restricted to, applicants, contract holders and residents.
- The data is replaced every night.
- University Housing
Contact: Brian Ward - AUTHORIZATION
- You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to the InfoAccess Home Page
- Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357) - LAST UPDATED
- 3/2001 – New view created.
1/2003 – Added Current_Amount_Due.
7/2004 – Removed Current_Amount_Due.
5/2010 – Added Campus_email_address, Cell_phone_number. c4j
02/2012 – Custodian Change c4j
05/2014 – Added three fields, Preferred Name, Preferred first name and Preferred middle name to the view s8w
11/2014 – Added Random_ID s8w. - DATA FORMATS
- Key fields are identified with an asterisk(*)
The codes following the field names in this document define the field. The different types are:Char: Character data
Number: Numeric fields will be null if no data is available.
Date: This data type allows the date to be represented in various formats and date related functions to be used against the field. The formats (i.e. 19980203, 10-jun-98) and functions available vary based on your query tool.
Column Name | Format | Description |
*PERSON_ID | NUMBER 10 | Unique identifier for a person. |
CAMPUS_ID | VARCHAR2 10 | Campus ID on the Integrated Student Information System. |
NAME | VARCHAR2 50 | Full name in following format: last, first middle |
FIRST_NAME | VARCHAR2 30 | First name of person. |
MIDDLE_NAME | VARCHAR2 30 | Middle name of person. |
LAST_NAME | VARCHAR2 30 | Last name of person. |
PREFERRED_NAME | VARCHAR2 30 | Preferred full name in following format: last, preferred first preferred middle |
PREFERRED_FIRST_NAME | VARCHAR2 30 | Preferred first name of person. |
PERFEERED_MIDDLE_NAME | VARCHAR2 30 | Preferred middle name of person. |
GENDER | VARCHAR2 1 | Gender of the person.
Values are |
BIRTHDATE | DATE | Date of birth. Data comes from either ISIS or from the Housing Assignment Billing System, whichever source was added most recently. |
FERPA | VARCHAR2 1 | Do not release information about this person “Y” = Do not release Information |
RANDOM_ID | VARCHAR2 5 | A unique 5 letter code that students use for roommate pairing and Room Sync. It is also the sort key for the mass assignment process. |
HOME_PHONE_NUMBER | VARCHAR2 24 | Current Home Telephone number. Format varies depending if campus, local, US, international or other category. Data comes from either ISIS or from the Housing Assignment Billing System, whichever source was added most recently. |
MAIL_PHONE_NUMBER | VARCHAR2 24 | Current Mail Telephone number. Format varies depending if campus, local, US, international or other category. Data comes from either ISIS or from the Housing Assignment Billing System, whichever source was added most recently. |
CELL_PHONE_NUMBER | VARCHAR2 24 | The cell phone number that the University has on file for this student. Format varies depending if campus, local, US, international or other category. Data comes from either ISIS or from the Housing Assignment Billing System, whichever source was added most recently. |
PRIMARY_EMAIL_ADDRESS | VARCHAR2 100 | Current Campus Email Address. Data comes from either ISIS or from the Housing Assignment Billing System, whichever source was added most recently. |
CAMPUS_EMAIL_ADDRESS | VARCHAR2 100 | The ISIS campus address for this person. |
HALL_HOUSE_ASSIGNMENT | VARCHAR2 35 | First line of current assignment address. Free format. |
ASSIGN_ADDRESS_LINE_2 | VARCHAR2 35 | Second line of assignment address. Free format. |
ASSIGN_ADDRESS_LINE_3 | VARCHAR2 35 | Third line of assignment address. Free format. |
MAIL_ADDRESS_LINE_1 | VARCHAR2 55 | First line of mailing address. Free format. Data comes from either ISIS or from the Housing Assignment Billing System, whichever source was added most recently. |
MAIL_ADDRESS_LINE_2 | VARCHAR2 55 | Second line of mailing address. Free format. Data comes from either ISIS or from the Housing Assignment Billing System, whichever source was added most recently. |
MAIL_ADDRESS_LINE_3 | VARCHAR2 55 | Third line of mailing address. Free format. Data comes from either ISIS or from the Housing Assignment Billing System, whichever source was added most recently. |
MAIL_CITY | VARCHAR2 30 | Mailing city portion of address. Domestic addresses only. Data comes from either ISIS or from the Housing Assignment Billing System, whichever source was added most recently. |
MAIL_STATE | VARCHAR2 6 | Mailing state code portion of address. Domestic addresses only. Data comes from either ISIS or from the Housing Assignment Billing System, whichever source was added most recently. |
MAIL_ZIPCODE | VARCHAR2 12 | Mailing postal code portion of address. Domestic addresses only. Data comes from either ISIS or from the Housing Assignment Billing System, whichever source was added most recently. |
MAIL_COUNTRY | VARCHAR2 30 | Mailing country portion of address. International addresses only. Data comes from either ISIS or from the Housing Assignment Billing System, whichever source was added most recently. |
HOME_ADDRESS_LINE_1 | VARCHAR2 55 | First line of home address. Free format. Data comes from ISIS. |
HOME_ADDRESS_LINE_2 | VARCHAR2 55 | Second line of home address. Free format. Data comes from ISIS. |
HOME_ADDRESS_LINE_3 | VARCHAR2 55 | Third line of home address. Free format. Data comes from ISIS. |
HOME_CITY | VARCHAR2 30 | Home city portion of address. Domestic addresses only. Data comes from ISIS. Data comes from ISIS. |
HOME_STATE | VARCHAR2 6 | Home state code portion of address. Domestic addresses only. Data comes from ISIS. Data comes from ISIS. |
HOME_ZIPCODE | VARCHAR2 12 | Home postal code portion of address. Domestic addresses only. Data comes from ISIS. Data comes from ISIS. |
HOME_COUNTRY | VARCHAR2 30 | Home country portion of address. International addresses only. Data comes from ISIS. |
BILL_ADDRESS_LINE_1 | VARCHAR2 55 | First line of billing address. Free format. Data comes from ISIS. |
BILL_ADDRESS_LINE_2 | VARCHAR2 55 | Second line of billing address. Free format. Data comes from ISIS. |
BILL_ADDRESS_LINE_3 | VARCHAR2 55 | Third line of billing address. Free format. Data comes from ISIS. |
BILL_CITY | VARCHAR2 30 | Billing city portion of address. Domestic addresses only. Data comes from ISIS. |
BILL_STATE | VARCHAR2 6 | Billing state code portion of address. Domestic addresses only. Data comes from ISIS. |
BILL_ZIPCODE | VARCHAR2 12 | Billing postal code portion of address. Domestic addresses only. Data comes from ISIS. |
BILL_COUNTRY | VARCHAR2 30 | Billing country portion of address. International addresses only. Data comes from ISIS. |
EXTRACT_DATE_TIME | DATE | The system-generated date when the data was last refreshed. |