September 2021 Release Notes

BI Releases

Title Description/Details
17 institutional data products Publication and modification review and processing
15 new institutional data definitions Review and processing, BICoE approved, led by ODMAS

Data Warehouse Updates

Title Description/Details
COVID-related communications Created two new views for University Communications. Helped identify populations for on-going off-campus (students not living in dorms) COVID-19-related communications
LUMEN fixes and enhancements 1. LUMEN_WF_ROLES_DIM: rename Workflow_Role to Role_Type and fix the Role_Type values for Guide rows.
2. Eliminate Roles that are no longer valid (e.g., L&S OrgName Approver).
3. Show Academic Division for school/college approvers on LUMEN_WF_ROLES_DIM
4. Eliminated the LUMEN role playing views for academic structure (instead link directly to Academic Structure star schema).
5. Retain role member name on Lumen_Memb_User_Dim when approver is no longer employed.
6. Show correct division/department for subjects on LUMEN_WF_ORG_ROLE_FACT.
Bursar Assessed Tuition Eliminate use of Chartfield from source table PS_U_SFBP011_RPT. Changed the Informatica mapping to use the individual fields recently added to the source for DEPTID/UDDS, Fund, Project, Account fields rather than Chartfield. No changes to the view.
Archived Badger Analytics version of People & Stuff At the request of the Budget Office and Business Services, the People & Stuff Tableau Workbook was retired. Privileges were revoked, and the BI and data warehouse code have been archived in case the project is resurrected.
Academic Structure date fields in Snowflake The date fields in the Academic Structure views in Badger Analytics (16 fields on 11 views) are now working as dates rather than character fields.
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