APTPROBATION displays a listing of the most current probation type and dates for a given appointment. It represents currently active appointments as of the LOADDATE.
The data in this view is refreshed every weekend.
Human Resources Office
Contact: Catharine Derubeis
You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to the InfoAccess Home Page
If you want to see the probation for a specific appointment, just use appointment_id in the selection criteria.

The fields UNIT, DIVISION, DEPARTMENT and SUBDEPT contain the same information as APPT_MAJOR_DEPT except they just contain the values for the specific sub field. For example someone with APPT_MAJOR_DEPT = A060520: UNIT = A, DIVISION = 06, DEPARTMENT = 05 and SUBDEPT = 20. The field is broken apart for ease of writing selection criteria.

Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357)
9/22/95 Changed base table of view – rzs
1/24/96 Added fields – prior service, prob_chg_reason
appr_date_of_extn, lngth_of_extn, verif_indic
and federal_appt_type. Deleted ec_prsnl_office,
recruitment_system – (rzs)
10/97 Div_Affiliation field no longer use – spaced out
5/98 Removed three fields; erif_indic,appr_date_of_extn,
lngth_of_extn, these fields are being removed
from the operational database
10/07 Data Custodian change.
11/11 Data Custodian Change c4j .
The codes following the field names in this document define the field. The different types are:

A – Alphanumeric field. This indicates the field may contain letters and/or numbers. The number following is the field length.
Example: a field defined as A5 could contain ‘E10LN’.

PS – Packed-Signed field. This indicates the field may contain only numbers. The number following is the field length. If two digits with a decimal point in between are present the first indicates the number of positions before the decimal point and the second the number of digits after the decimal point.
Example: a field that is defined as PS4.2 would be in the format 9999.99 whereas PS6 would be in the format 999999.

Column Name Format Description
PERSON_NAME A30 The name currently used by the person.
*APPT_ID A8 A unique number assigned to each appointment.
APPOINTMENT_TYPE A2 This identifies the major personnel category for this appointment.  Each type is governed by specific statutes and/or personnel regulations, policies, or procedures.  Appointment type can change from classified permanent to academic staff and vice versa. This is called a conversion.

Valid values are:
‘FA’ = faculty
‘LI’ = limited appointee
‘AS’ = academic staff
‘ET’ = employees-in-training
‘SA’ = student assistants
‘CP’ = classified permanent
‘CL’ = classified LTE
‘CJ’ = classified project
‘SH’ = student help
‘OT’ = other

APPT_DEPT A11 The basic unit of personnel administration.  Each employee belongs to one or more appointment departments.
APPT_MAJOR_DEPT A11 This department is the one that coordinates the appointment.  It is the department which assumes responsibility for coordinating the personnel decisions.
APPT_MAJOR_UNIT A1 This is the first character of the Appt_major_dept field
APPT_MAJOR_DIV A2 This is the second and third characters of the Appt_major_dept field
APPT_MAJOR_DEP A2 This is the fourth and fifth characters of the Appt_major_dept field
APPT_MAJOR_SUBDEPT A2 This is the sixth and seventh characters of the Appt_major_dept Field
DEPT_PERCENT v Description:
The percentage of full-time for an appointment within an appointment department.  This represents the proportion of full-time appointment for which this department is responsible on an on-going basis.  It provides the payroll/accounting edit for ensuring that all funding amounts have been entered.  Supports budget calculations, and may be used to determine eligibility fringe benefits.  This percentage remains constant through           temporary changes in funding sources or temporary leaves without pay.  Departments which provide short-term funding but assume no personnel responsibility (e.g., graduate school research committee) need not be linked to an appointment as an appointment department with a percent appointment department.  If hours authorized entered, percent appointment department is computed:percent = hours authorized / 80.0
percent = hours authorized / 176.0
0 to 1.0UW-Madison:  For initial appointments, edit against the PVL or CERT
INIT_APPT_PERCENT PS1.6 The percentage of full-time for an appointment at the time of the appointment add.  Do not use this element for reporting appointment FTE. Use summary or appointment department percent at a point in time.
INIT_APPT_HOURS PS3.2 This is the number of hours of full time employment for an appointment at the time of appointment add. Do not use this element for reporting appointment FTE.
APPT_EFF_DATE A8 This is the start date of the appointment.  The format is YYYYMMDD.
END_APPT_CODE A2 The official action that took place upon the ending of this appointment.

Valid values are:
’01’ = resignation
’02’ = retirement
’03’ = non-renewal
’04’ = layoff
’05’ = death
’06’ = fixed term termination, limited
term project appointment ended
’07’ = dismissal
’99’ = cancelled

END_APPT_REASON A2 The reason why the appointment ended.  Note that some reasons are specific to certain official actions.

Valid values are:
’01’ = voluntary – use with classified layoff only
’02’ = involuntary – use with classified layoff only
’03’ = probationary or evaluation period failure
’04’ = program redirection/reorganization (for unclassified only)
’05’ = funding reduction (for unclassified only)
’06’ = in lieu of dismissal for cause
’07’ = abandonment
’08’ = no reason supplied by employee
’09’ = health
Blank – does not apply

APPT_END_DATE A8 This is the date that the appointment ends.  This is the last date the appointment is in active pay status.  The format is YYYYMMDD and it must be the same or later than the begin date for this appointment.
GUARANTEED_LENGTH PS1.1 The specific period of time stated for the length of the appointment
SOC_SEC_NUMBER A9 The social security number is a nine-digit identifier number assigned by the social security administration.  It is required for all paid individuals with the exception of foreign employees working overseas.
PRIOR_APPT_LOC A1 The location of the prior appointment that qualified the employee for fringe benefits that may be transferred to his appointment
RECRUITMENT_NMBR A7 The number that had been assigned to the vacancy listing or recruitment record that was used when this appointment was established.
PROBATION_TYPE A2 The type of probation training or evaluation period served by the employee holding this appointment.  During this period, the employee may have different eligibility for certain rate increases, benefits etc.  During the probation evaluation or classified trainee period, the employee may be dismissed without appeal rights.  A review of progress is required for classified employees before allowing period to end.

CO = Classified Original
A required probation period for employees in an “original appointment” as defined in Wisconsin administrative code.  The probation period starts when the appointment does, or after a training probation period.  The probation period is six months for non-supervisory appointments (can be extended up to three more months), twelve months for supervisory appointments (all or a portion of the last six months can be waived).  A rate     increase is granted after six months; the rate increase is either to psicm or a step, whichever is greater, not to exceed the maximum of the range.  Due to transfer or reinstatement, the required period may be served in more than one appointment.

CP = Classified Promotional
A required probation period for classified employees promoted to a new appointment as defined in Wisconsin administrative code.  The probation period starts when the appointment does, or after a training probation period.  The probation period is six months for non-supervisory appointments (can be extended up to three more months), twelve months for supervisory appointments (all or a portion of the last six months can be waived).  A rate increase is granted after six months; the rate increase is either to psicm or a step, whichever is greater, not to exceed the maximum of the range.  Due to transfer or reinstatement, the required period may be served in more than appointment.

CS = Classified Permissive
An optional probation period for classified employees transferring, demoting, or reinstating to a new appointment. The probation period can be any length of time, up to a maximum of six months.  If the action occurs within the same employing unit, no permissive probation is allowed.

TR = Trainee or Apprentice
For classified employees, a required probationary period of up to three years spent in a trainee role or apprenticeship.

TT = Tenure-Track
A probationary period for a faculty member preceding a decision on a tenure appointment.  May not exceed 7 consecutive academic years (excluding leaves of absence) in a full-time position in an institution.  Rules concerning required review and notice of non-retention or dismissal may be found in UWS 3.09.

PI = Probationary leading to indefinite academic staff.  May not exceed 7 consecutive academic years (excluding leaves of absence) for a full-time position.

HS = CHS (clinical health sciences collateral faculty)

EV = Unclassified Evaluation Period
Optional for academic staff; a period of three months or less.

Supervisor, Principal Investigator, Dean/Director, etc.

PROB_BEGIN_DATE A8 The date that the probation or training period began for this appointment.  Used for tenure-track faculty leading to tenure,          probationary academic staff leading to indefinite, probationary classified prior to permanent classified or assistant professor

(CHS) leading to associate professor (CHS).  Prior approval by academic personnel office is required for probationary leading to indefinite.

Format YYYYMMDD.  Must be same as or later than the appointment begin date.

PROB_END_DATE A8 The date that the probation, training, or evaluation period ends for this appointment.    This date may be changed to a later date than originally assigned because of a leave of absence, or because the probation period is     extended.  In some cases, the date may be changed to an earlier date than originally assigned because evaluation warrants granting
of tenure to faculty, indefinite to academic staff, permanent status to a classified employee or promotion from asst prof. (CHS)           to associate prof. (CHS).  (Currently probation monitoring reports for classified appointments are produced the three months and one month before the probation period ends.)
Format YYYYMMDD.  Must be later than the probation period begin date.
PROB_CHG_REASON A2  Explains why a probationary end date is changed.  This element is not used in the original probationary entity, but only when a new version is created with the same appointment ID and appt type.

Explains why a probationary end date is changed.  This element is not used in the original probationary entity, but only when a new version is created with the same appointment ID and appt type.

Explains why a probationary end date is changed.  This element is not used in the original probationary entity, but only when a new version is created with the same appointment ID and appt type.

Valid Values:
01 = Re-evaluated prior service
02 = Error correction
03 = Leave of absence
04 = Extension (original or promotional classified)
05 = Change in guaranteed percent
06 = Probation ended (permanent/tenure/indefinite status granted)
07 = Extended in order to give proper notice
08 = Childbirth or adoption
09 = Elder/dependent care
10 = Disability or chronic illness
11 = Circumstances beyond the control of the individual
Blank for original entity.

Valid Values:
01 = Re-evaluated prior service
02 = Error correction
03 = Leave of absence
04 = Extension (original or promotional classified)
05 = Change in guaranteed percent
06 = Probation ended (permanent/tenure/indefinite status granted)
07 = Extended in order to give proper notice
08 = Childbirth or adoption
09 = Elder/dependent care
10 = Disability or chronic illness
11 = Circumstances beyond the control of the individual
Blank for original entity.

Valid values:
01 = Re-evaluated prior service
02 = Error correction
03 = Leave of absence
04 = Extension (original or
romotional classified)
05 = Change in guaranteed percent
06 = Probation ended (permanent/tenure/indefinite status granted)
07 = Extended in order to give proper notice
08 = Childbirth or adoption
09 = Elder/dependent care
10 = Disability or chronic illness
11 = Circumstances beyond the control of the individual
Blank for original entity.

PRIOR_SERVICE PS2.1 The total academic years of prior service which are to be counted in calculating the probationary end date. The determination of what prior experience will be considered is made by the Dean and the personnel office at the time of the initial appointment.  One semester of service = 0.5 years of prior service credit.

Total academic years to one decimal place.  May be used for probation types tenure-track faculty, CHS, probationary leading to indefinite academic staff.   For UW-Madison faculty, prior service counted cannot exceed 3 years; cannot exceed 5 years for UW-Milwaukee academic staff.

TITLE_CODE A5 Used to identify the official University System title, or Wisconsin Civil Service title for the appointment.
TITLE_NAME A21 This is the name of the title for an appointment.
APPT_BASE_RATE PS8.3 For each appointment, the salary base rate is the amount of money the University agrees to pay the employee for the work done in the      appointment expressed in a standardized form.
SALARY_BASIS A1 This contains the pay basis for this appointment.  It is determined by the following:

‘C’ – academic year:  directly tied to the academic year calendar.
‘A’ – annual year: continues whether or not there are classes.
‘B’ – ten month: a ten-month appointment used only with intercollegiate athletics.
‘H’ – hourly: all classified employees are normal paid using this basis.
‘L’ – lump: for “piece work”, paid as one amount.

CONTINUITY_STATUS A2 Describes the continuity of the appointment.  Valid codes are:
01  on-going
02  fixed terminal
03  fixed renewable
04  limited
05  acting/provisional
06  rolling horizon
07  interim
SENIORITY_DATE A8 The adjusted date of civil service employment with the State of Wisconsin
Format: yyyymmdd
DIV_AFFILIATION A1 For the time being this field is no longer be used.  It will be spaces.
FAC_RELATION A1 Describes the type of relationship this appointment has with the faculty as a governing body of the University.

Valid values are:

1 – Tenure.  Tenure has been granted by the board of regents.  Used by tenure-home departments when the total UW-Madison faculty appointment is 1/2 time or more.

2 – Tenure-Track.  Used by tenure-home departments when total UW-Madison probationary faculty appointment is 1/2 time or more.

3 – Joint Executive.  Limited to tenured faculty. Has been granted voting membership in this department and its executive committee but has no continuing commitment or tenure relationship.  Requires positive action of the departmental executive committee and Dean.  Maximum term of 3 years.

4 – Joint Departmental.  Limited to tenured.  Tenure-track or collateral faculty.  Has been granted voting membership in the      department, not in the executive committee; has no continuing commitment or tenure relationship.  Requires positive action of the departmental executive committee and Dean.  Maximum tenure of 3 years.

5 – Affiliate.  Limited to tenured and tenure-track faculty for a fixed term.  Has an affiliation with this department, granted by its executive committee or equivalent, without governance rights or a continuing departmental commitment.

6 – Faculty Status.  (Terminates when the appointment ends)  Granted by the Chancellor, on recommendation of the University committee to members of the academic staff whose responsibilities are directly related to the instructional or research mission of the University and whose qualifications with respect to their assigned duties are comparable to those of faculty members.

FAC_REL_EFF_DATE A8 Date that the current faculty relationship became effective.
Format: yyyymmdd
CONTRACT_EFF_DATE A8 The data the contract begins.
Format yyyymmdd
CONTRACT_END_DATE A8 The data the contract ends.
Format yyyymmdd
LOADDATE A8 Last date data was extracted from operational files




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