Badger Data & Analytics Platform

The Badger Data & Analytics Platform is UW-Madison’s new cloud analytics environment using the platform Snowflake. The new data warehouse will eventually replace the InfoAccess Data Warehouse.

Documentation for the data currently in Badger Data Warehouse can be found below. Academic Structure is also available through the InfoAccess Data Warehouse and will continue to be. Existing InfoAccess users will be notified with a transition plan when any developments have been built in Badger Data that will eventually replace data they access from InfoAccess today.

Data Warehouse Access

At UW-Madison, our data warehouses are often the source for many delivered institutional data products. Before requesting access to the data warehouse, please try the following first:

  • RADAR: Browse an existing solution that may meet your needs.
  • Data Glossary: Search by keyword to see products linked to available solutions.
  • Consult with a data steward to discuss options.

Developers seeking to use data in the warehouse to develop new data products may start by getting in touch with our team.

Currently Available Through Badger Data & Analytics Platform

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

Academic Structure

UW-Madison’s academic structure includes data about academic divisions (schools/colleges), departments, plans, subplans, and curricular subjects as well as a visual overview of UW-Madison’s academic structure.

Domain: Academic Planning

Classification: Public

Refresh schedule: Daily

ACAD_CAR_TERM_DIM Combined with other views in the academic structure allows users to view data related to one or more selected terms.
ACAD_CAREER_DIM Fields related to the SIS career; a broad grouping of students related to their degree objectives and admitting office. Used for tuition charges, awarding financial aid, grading scales and other operational functions.
ACAD_COURSE_ATTRIBUTE_DIM Course attribute information for UW-Madison all course records including Transfer and Study Abroad.
ACAD_COURSE_DIM Catalog information for all course records.
ACAD_DEGREE_DIM Fields related to the SIS degree; the official name of the credential that is awarded upon completion of the plan.
ACAD_DEPARTMENT_DIM Fields related to the SIS academic organization (department); an entity approved by academic governance to serve at least one of three academic purposes: serve as the academic home for a plan, serve as the academic home of a subject, or serve as a faculty tenure home.
ACAD_DIVISION_DIM Fields related to the SIS academic group (school/college or division); an academic group of the University, defined in Faculty Policies & Procedures Chapter 3 and led by a dean or director who reports to the provost, that serves as a school, college or like unit.
ACAD_PLAN_DIM Fields related to the SIS plan; an approved academic offering such as a major, minor, or certificate within an academic career and program.
ACAD_PROGRAM_DIM Fields related to the SIS program; a grouping of one or more academic plans that share characteristics within a school/college/division.
ACAD_STRUCTURE_PLAN_FACT Fact table for Academic Structure Plan dimensional views.
ACAD_STRUCTURE_SUBJECT_FACT Fact table for Academic Structure Subject/Course dimensional views.
ACAD_SUBJECT_DIM Academic Structure subjects and attributes
ACAD_SUBPLAN_DIM Academic Structure subplans and attributes
ACADEMIC_DEPARTMENT Academic Structure departments and attributes
ACADEMIC_PLAN Academic Structure plans and attributes
ACADEMIC_SUBJECT Fields related to the SIS subject; a way of organizing a group of courses used to organize groups of courses in a related area.
ACADEMIC_SUBPLAN Fields related to the SIS subplan; an approved curricular path option within an academic plan.

Lumen (Course, Course Forms, Program, Guide)

Lumen is the university’s online gateway system for faculty and governance bodies to update, track, and approve functions related to courses, curriculum, and programs.

Domain: Academic Planning

Classification: Public

Refresh schedule: Daily

LUMEN_APPROVE_USER_DIM For each workflow step identifying information about the member of the approval role who approved the proposal.
LUMEN_COURSE_FACT Fact table for Lumen Courses dimensional views.
LUMEN_COURSE_PROPOSALS Key form data for all course proposals initiated through Lumen Courses. For proposals in progress workflow status is included. User-friendly view.
LUMEN_CRSE_ADMIN_DIM Form data for all fields in the Administrative Use section of the Lumen Courses form.
LUMEN_CRSE_BASIC_INFO_DIM Form data for all fields in the Basic Catalog Information section of the Lumen Courses form.
LUMEN_CRSE_CONTENT_DIM Form data for all fields in the Course Content Information section of the Lumen Courses form.
LUMEN_CRSE_CROSSLIST_SUBJ_DIM Subjects that are cross-list partners with the proposing subject on a Lumen Courses form.  Unconcatenated, one subject per row.
LUMEN_CRSE_DESIGNATION_DIM Form data for all fields in the Course Designations section of the Lumen Courses form.
LUMEN_CRSE_DIM Master list of courses available in Lumen Courses by CourseID and Subject/Course Number.
LUMEN_CRSE_FORM_FACT Fact table for Lumen Course Form dimensional views.
LUMEN_CRSE_INTERESTED_SUBJ_DIM Subjects entered in response to “What subjects (if any) outside your department might be interested in this course?”. Unconcatenated, one subject per row.
LUMEN_CRSE_LEARNING_OUTCOMES Course learning outcomes as entered on a Lumen Course proposal form. User-friendly view.
LUMEN_CRSE_LO_DIM Course learning outcomes as entered on the Lumen Courses form, one outcome per row.
LUMEN_CRSE_PROG_CROSSREF A list of courses mentioned in one of the integration points on the current version of Lumen Programs form. This view is not effective dated
LUMEN_CRSE_PROPOSAL_DIM Form data for all fields in the first section of the Lumen Courses form.
LUMEN_CRSE_RATIONALE_DIM Form data for all fields in the Rationale for the Course section of the Lumen Courses form.
LUMEN_CRSE_TSO_STATUS_DIM For proposals in progress, information related to when proposal was edited, workflow status and approval date/times.
LUMEN_GUIDE_FACT Fact table for Guide dimensional views.
LUMEN_GUIDE_PAGES_DIM All pages in Guide that represent a career, school/college, plan or subplan.
LUMEN_GUIDE_TSO_STATUS_DIM For pages in progress, information related to when the page was edited, workflow status and approval date/times.
LUMEN_MEMB_USER_DIM For each workflow step identifying information about the all of the members of the approval role who could potentially approve the proposal.
LUMEN_PROG_ADMIN_DIM Form data for all fields in the For Administrative Use section of the Lumen Programs form.
LUMEN_PROG_APPROVALS_DIM Form data for all fields in the Approvals section of the Lumen Programs form.
LUMEN_PROG_BASIC_INFO_DIM Form data for all fields in the Basic Information section of the Lumen Programs form.
LUMEN_PROG_COMMIT_DIM Form data for all fields in the Committments section of the Lumen Programs form.
LUMEN_PROG_CURRI_REQS_DIM Form data for all fields in the Curriculum and Requirements section of the Lumen Programs form.
LUMEN_PROG_DIM Master list of programs entered in Lumen Programs by SIS plan/subplan code and CIM key.
LUMEN_PROG_FACSTAF_RESRC_DIM Form data for all fields in the Faculty and Staff Resources section of the Lumen Programs form.
LUMEN_PROG_INTERESTED_DEPT_DIM Departments entered in response to “List the departments that have a vested interest in this proposal.”. Unconcatenated, one department formal descr per row.
LUMEN_PROG_LEARNING_OUTCOMES Program learning outcomes as entered in a Lumen Program proposal form. User-friendly view.
LUMEN_PROG_LO_DIM Program learning outcomes as entered on the Lumen Programs form, one outcome per row.
LUMEN_PROG_PLO_ASSESS_DIM Form data for all fields in the Program Learning Outcomes and Assessment section of the Lumen Programs form.
LUMEN_PROG_PROPOSAL_DIM Form data for all fields in the first section of the Lumen Programs form.
LUMEN_PROG_RATION_JUSTIFY_DIM Form data for all fields in the Rationale and Justifications section of the Lumen Programs form.
LUMEN_PROG_RELATED_DIM Form data for all fields in the Related Programs section of the Lumen Programs form.
LUMEN_PROG_RSRC_BDGT_FIN_DIM Form data for all fields in the Resources, Budget, and Finance section of the Lumen Programs form.
LUMEN_PROG_SUPPORT_INFO_DIM Form data for all fields in the Supporting Information section of the Lumen Programs form.
LUMEN_PROG_SUSP_DISC_DIM Form data for all fields in the Suspension and Discontinuation section of the Lumen Programs form.
LUMEN_PROG_TSO_STATUS_DIM For proposals in progress, information related to when proposal was edited, workflow status and approval date/times.
LUMEN_PROGRAM_FACT Fact table for Lumen Programs dimensional views.
LUMEN_PROGRAM_PROPOSALS Key form data for all program proposals initiated through Lumen Programs. For proposals in progress workflow status is included.
LUMEN_WF_ORG_ROLE_FACT Fact table for workflow dimensional views.
LUMEN_WF_ROLES_DIM Workflow role types categorized according to their general function or place in the approval process
LUMEN_WORKFLOWS_DIM Each workflow role available in Lumen with a concatenated list of role members by netID.

Space Analytics

Facility-, floor-, and space-level data including facility and room square footage, organizational assignments, space use, and function.

Domain: Facilities

Classification: Internal

Refresh schedule: Daily

SA_FACILITY_DIM Informational dimension that provides details about each facility.
SA_FLOOR_DIM Informational dimension that provides details about each floor within each facility.
SA_FTE_PAYROLL_FACT Details of historical (monthly) allocations of staff to UDDS departments including Staff Type, Appointment Type, Employee Headcounts, and Employee FTE Sums.  This information is used in determining amounts of square footage allocated per person for a UDDS.
SA_FUNCTION_DIM Informational dimension that describes functions that can be assigned to spaces / rooms.  Function is a child of Major Function.
SA_MAJOR_FUNCTION_DIM Informational dimension that describes major functions (a parent category for assigned Functions) that can be assigned to spaces / rooms.
SA_MAJOR_USE_DIM Informational dimension that describes major uses (a parent category for assigned Uses) that can be assigned to spaces / rooms.
SA_ORG_DIM Informational dimension that describes Organizations / Departments that can be assigned to spaces / rooms.
SA_SITE_DIM Informational dimension that describes functions that can be assigned to spaces / rooms.
SA_SPACE_ALLOC_FACT Details of historical (monthly) allocations of space by Organization, by Major Use and Use and Sub Use, and by Major Function and Function.
SA_SPACE_DIM Informational dimension that describes spaces / rooms that are assigned to a floor.
SA_SUB_USE_DIM Informational dimension that describes Sub Uses that can be assigned to spaces / rooms.  Sub Use is a child of Use.
SA_USE_DIM Informational dimension that describes Uses that can be assigned to spaces / rooms.  Uses are a child of Major Uses.


If you have additional questions about access, please contact the appropriate data steward.

For developers with questions about how warehouse data is structured (e.g., linkages, data dictionaries, ER diagrams, etc.), please contact the warehouse team.

Badger Data User Preparedness Recommendations

Our team has gathered resources that may be helpful for future users of the Badger Data Warehouse/Snowflake.

Those interested in getting started may benefit from the following trainings:

Introduction to Snowflake

The following courses provided by Snowflake should serve as a good introduction to the Snowflake environment and interface:

  1. LVLUP-101, Level Up: First Concepts
  2. LVLUP-102, Snowflake Key Concepts
  3. LVLUP-103, Level Up: Snowflake Ecosystem
  4. LVLUP-105, Container Hierarchy
  5. LVLUP-201, Query History and Caching
  6. LVLUP-202, Context

Additionally, the following YouTube videos provide additional information about the Snowflake environment:

  1. Getting Started – Introduction to Snowflake
    1. Documentation
  2. Getting Started – Architecture and Key Concepts
  3. Accelerating BI Queries with caching in Snowflake

LinkedIn Learning SQL Courses

  1. Learning SQL Programming
  2. SQL: Data Reporting and Analysis