Data@UW – Data Governance and Responsible Use
Data is a valuable asset. At UW–Madison, we use institutional data to make decisions that improve student experiences, open the door to new discoveries, and increase operational effectiveness. This interactive online course is designed to introduce all UW–Madison employees to institutional data governance and your individual responsibilities.
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Data Literacy Track
Finding and Evaluating Data
Use critical skills to find, access, and evaluate data for your need.
Using data ethically
Data use responsibilities include file organization, documentation, analysis, and ethically conveying information.
Data Management Track
Intro to the Data Lifecycle
Identify the actions taken at different stages of the data lifecycle, drawing from data management, data curation, and data literacy.
Data Management 101
Learn to key data management concepts and best practices when collecting data.
Planning for Data Management
Plan how data will be managed throughout the lifecycle.
Data RegulationsData management must consider all laws, rules, or regulations that may apply.
Five ways to document your data
Consider how understandable will your data be to others, including your future self?
Additional Training
- FERPA Training – Office of the Registrar offers a canvas course on handling student records
- HIPAA Privacy and Security Training – Office of Compliance oversees training (required for some staff) for protecting health information
- Records Management Training – University Archives manage the the UW Madison records retention program
- Introduction to Data Management – University Libraries support research data literacy with tools and training
Contact Us
Feedback? Data related training missing from this list? Contact us at c/o Lisa Johnston, Director of Data Governance.