This data view contains self reported information from the ACT exam. Students may update/modify this data with each ACT exam they take.
The data in this view is refreshed daily.
Undergraduate Admissions Office
Contact: David Leszczynski
You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to the InfoAccess Home Page
Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357)
04/2005 – New view created.
Primary Key Columns are identified with an asterisk(*)
Alphanumeric Data
VARCHAR2( N) (N) = maximum length. Field contains letters and/or numbers. Trailing blanks are eliminated.
Example: VARCHAR2 (5) could contain ‘ABC12’ or ‘ABC’ or ‘A’
Numeric Data
NUMBER (N) (N) = length. Field contains only numbers.
NUMBER (X,Y) = format for numbers with decimal positions.
X = total number of digits
Y = the number of digits after the decimal
Examples: NUMBER (6) represents 250012 NUMBER (6,2) represents 2500.12
DATE – Date can be in various formats. Date functions available with your query tool can be used to format the date.
Column Name Format Description
*ACT_SELF_REPORT_DATA_KEY NUMBER(15) A unique identifier that is system generated. A surrogate key. It is based on ID and Test_Date.
PROSPECT_KEY NUMBER(15) Surrogate key of prospect table. Match this key on this table to same key on Ugrd_Prospect view.
ID VARCHAR2(11) ISIS personal Identifier. It will never be changed throughout the individual’s relationship with the University. This is not the same as Campus_ID. Only 10 characters are in use.
TEST_DATE DATE Date of the ACT exam
SELF_REPORTED_HS_RANK_CODE VARCHAR2(1) Self reported class rank code. Valid values 1 through 4.
SELF_REPORTED_HS_RANK_DESCR VARCHAR2(50) Description of the self reported class rank code.
Valid values:

1 Top quarter
2 Second quarter
3 Third quarter
4 Fourth quarter
SELF_REPORTED_GPA_CODE VARCHAR2(1) Self reported GPA code. Valid values 1 through 7.
SELF_REPORTED_GPA_DESCR VARCHAR2(50) Description of the self reported GPA code.
Valid values:

1 0.5 – 0.9
2 1.0 – 1.4
3 1.5 – 1.9
4 2.0 – 2.4
5 2.5 – 2.9
6 3.0 – 3.4
7 3.5 – 4.0
ENROLLMENT_PREFERENCE VARCHAR2(1) Indicates enrollment preference.
Valid values:

1 Full-time student
2 Part-time student
CLASS_TIME_DAY_PREFERENCE VARCHAR2(1) Indicates class time day preference.
Valid values:

1 Day
2 Evening
PLANNED_HOUSING VARCHAR2(1) Indicates the type of housing the student plans to choose.
Valid values:

1 Residence Hall
2 Off-campus room, apartment, or own home
3 Parents’ or relative’s home
4 Married student housing
5 Fraternity or sorority
DISABILITY_DISCLOSURE VARCHAR2(1) Indicates disability disclosure to ACT.
Valid values:

1 Blind or low -vision
2 Hearing impairment
3 Learning disability
4 Attention deficit disorder
5 Other neurological impairment
6 Require wheelchair access
7 Other orthopedic impairment
8 Multiple disabilities
9 Other disability
ACTIVE_MILITARY_DUTY_IND VARCHAR2(1) Participated in Active Military Duty.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
EARNED_COLLEGE_CREDIT_IND VARCHAR2(1) Student has earned college credit.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
EXPECTED_HIGHEST_LVL_EDUCATION VARCHAR2(1) Indicates the highest level of education expected to be obtained.
Valid values:

1 Vocational/technical program
2 Two-year college degree
3 Bachelor’s degree
4 One or 2 years of graduate study
5 Professional level degree
6 Other
Valid values:

1 0.5-0.9
2 1.0-1.4
3 1.5-1.9
4 2.0-2.4
5 2.5-2.9
6 3.0-3.4
7 3.5-4.0
ROTC_INTEREST_IND VARCHAR2(1) Interest in ROTC indicated.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
RELIGIOUS_AFFILIATION VARCHAR2(1) Self-reported religious affiliation.
Valid values:

A Assemblies of God
B Baptist
C Southern Baptist
D Christian (Disc. of Christ)
E Christian Reformed/Reformed
F Church of the Brethren
G Church of Christ
H Church of God
I Church of the Nazarene
J Episcopal
K Friends
L Jewish
M Latter-Day Saints
N Lutheran
O Lutheran-Mo. Synod
P Methodist
Q African Meth Epis/AME
R Presbyterian
S Roman Catholic
T Seventh Day Adventist
U United Church of Christ
V Other
W None
X Prefer not to respond
Y Eastern Christian Orthodox
ENGLISH_SPOKEN_AT_HOME_IND VARCHAR2(1) English spoken at home indicator.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
CC_DISTANCE_FROM_COLLEGE VARCHAR2(1) Preferred distance from home.
Valid values:

1 Less than 10 miles
2 10-25 Miles
3 26-100 Miles
4 More than 100 Miles
5 I have no particular college in mind yet
CC_COLLEGE_TYPE VARCHAR2(1) Preferred type of Institution.
Valid values:

1 Public college or university
2 Private college or university
3 Public community or junior college
4 Private junior college
5 Vocational-technical school
6 School of nursing
CC_GENDER_COMPOSITION VARCHAR2(1) Preferred gender composition.
Valid values:

1 Coeducational
2 All male
3 All female
4 No preference
CC_COLLEGE_STATE_1st_CHOICE VARCHAR2(2) Code representing the state.
Valid values:

01 Alabama
02 Alaska
03 Arizona
04 Arkansas
05 California
06 Colorado
07 Connecticut
08 Delaware
09 D.C.
10 Florida
11 Georgia
12 Hawaii
13 Idaho
14 Illinois
15 Indiana
16 Iowa
17 Kansas
18 Kentucky
19 Louisiana
20 Maine
21 Maryland
22 Massachusetts
23 Michigan
24 Minnesota
25 Mississippi
26 Missouri
27 Montana
28 Nebraska
29 Nevada
30 New Hampshire
31 New Jersey
32 New Mexico
33 New York
34 North Carolina
35 North Dakota
36 Ohio
37 Oklahoma
38 Oregon
39 Pennsylvania
40 Rhode Island
41 South Carolina
42 South Dakota
43 Tennessee
44 Texas
45 Utah
46 Vermont
47 Virginia
48 Washington
49 West Virginia
50 Wisconsin
51 Wyoming
53 Canada
55 All Other
CC_COLLEGE_STATE_2nd_CHOICE VARCHAR2(2) See valid values listed under CC_College_State_1st_Choice.
CC_COLLEGE_STATE_3rd_CHOICE VARCHAR2(2) See valid values listed under CC_College_State_1st_Choice.
CC_COLLEGE_STATE_4th_CHOICE VARCHAR2(2) See valid values listed under CC_College_State_1st_Choice.
CC_COLLEGE_STATE_5th_CHOICE VARCHAR2(2) See valid values listed under CC_College_State_1st_Choice.
CC_STUDENT_BODY_SIZE VARCHAR2(1) Preferred student body size.
Valid values:

1 under 1,000
2 1,000 – 5,000
3 5,000 – 10,000
4 10,000 – 20,000
5 20,000 and over
RANK_COLLEGE_TYPE VARCHAR2(1) Students rank the importance of the seven items giving the most important characteristic a 1 and the least important characteristic a 7.
RANK_COLLEGE_GENDER_COMP VARCHAR2(1) Students rank the importance of the seven items giving the most important characteristic a 1 and the least important characteristic a 7.
RANK_COLLEGE_LOCATION VARCHAR2(1) Students rank the importance of the seven items giving the most important characteristic a 1 and the least important characteristic a 7.
RANK_TUITION VARCHAR2(1) Students rank the importance of the seven items giving the most important characteristic a 1 and the least important characteristic a 7.
RANK_COLLEGE_SIZE VARCHAR2(1) Students rank the importance of the seven items giving the most important characteristic a 1 and the least important characteristic a 7.
RANK_FIELD_STUDY VARCHAR2(1) Students rank the importance of the seven items giving the most important characteristic a 1 and the least important characteristic a 7.
RANK_OTHER_FACTORS VARCHAR2(1) Students rank the importance of the seven items giving the most important characteristic a 1 and the least important characteristic a 7.
EXPECT_TO_APPLY_FOR_FA_IND VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether the student plans to apply for financial aid.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
EXPECT_TO_WORK_IND VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether the student expects to work.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
HRS_EXPECTED_TO_WORK_1ST_YEAR VARCHAR2(1) Number of hours the student plans to work.
Valid values:

C None
2 1-10
3 11-20
4 21-30
5 31 or more
PARENTS_INCOME VARCHAR2(1) Student reported parent income range.
Valid values:

0 Less than $18,000
1 $18,000-24,000
2 $24,000-30,000
3 $30,000-36,000
4 $36,000-42,000
5 $42,000-50,000
6 $50,000-60,000
7 $60,000-80,000
8 $80,000-100,000
9 More than $100,000
ADVANCE_HS_ENGLISH_IND VARCHAR2(1) Indicating advanced study in high school English.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
ADVANCE_HS_MATH_IND VARCHAR2(1) Indicating advanced study in high school Math.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
ADVANCE_HS_SOCIAL_STUDIES_IND VARCHAR2(1) Indicating advanced study in high school Social Studies.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
ADVANCE_HS_NATURAL_SCIENCE_IND VARCHAR2(1) Indicating advanced study in high school Natural Sciences.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
ADVANCE_HS_FOREIGN_LANG_IND VARCHAR2(1) Indicating advanced study in high school Foreign Language.
Valid values:

Y Yes
N No
COLLEGE_CHOICE_NBR VARCHAR2(1) Rank of UW-Madison among students college choices. Valid values: 1 through 6
EXTRACT_DATE_TIME DATE The date and time these data were extracted.