- This view contains all governance approved degree/major, certificate, capstone certificate, minor, educator certification, honors, and non-degree offerings.
The view is term-based meaning there is a row for each plan code (active and inactive) that existed at the start of the term selected.
This data view may be connected to UW.ACADEMIC_SUBPLAN via the plan code to retrieve attributes about subplans associated with academic plans. Not all plans have subplans.
- Updated nightly.
- Academic Planning and Institutional Research
Contact: Michelle Young - AUTHORIZATION
- No approval signature is required by the Data Custodian to receive authorization to access this data view. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to InfoAccess Home Page
CONSIDERATIONS - There are no special considerations.
- Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357) - LAST UPDATED
- 06/2019 – New view created.
- Primary Key Columns are identified with an asterisk(*)
- Alphanumeric Data
- VARCHAR2( N) (N) = maximum length. Field contains letters and/or numbers. Trailing blanks are eliminated.
Example: VARCHAR2 (5) could contain ‘ABC12’ or ‘ABC’ or ‘A’ - Numeric Data
- NUMBER (N) (N) = length. Field contains only numbers.
NUMBER (X,Y) = format for numbers with decimal positions.
X = total number of digits
Y = the number of digits after the decimal
Examples: NUMBER (6) represents 250012 NUMBER (6,2) represents 2500.12 - Date
- DATE – Date can be in various formats. Date functions available with your query tool can be used to format the date.
Column Name | Format | Description |
TERM | VARCHAR2 (4 Char) | A four-digit Student Information System (SIS) numeric representation for the academic term. It is derived as follows: Character 1 = Century (0 = 1900 and 1 = 2000) Character 2 & 3 = Academic Year (i.e. 2018-19 would be ’19’) Character 4 = Term ( 2=Fall, 4=Spring and 6=Summer) |
PLAN | VARCHAR2 (10 Char) | A code representing an approved academic offering such as a major, minor, or certificate within an academic career and program. |
PLAN_STATUS | VARCHAR2 (1 Char) | The status of the plan as of the effective date. An active value means the plan is available for students to be assigned to, as of the effective date. A = Active I = Inactive |
TERM_DESCR | VARCHAR2 (30 Char) | Description of the Term (i.e. Fall 2018-2019) |
TERM_BEGIN_DATE | DATE | Date the term started (non-medical calendar dates). |
CAREER | Varchar2(4 Char) | A broad grouping of students related to their degree objectives and admitting office. Used for tuition charges, awarding financial aid, grading scales and other operational functions. In some cases a student may be active in more than one career at the same time, but a student may only be enrolled for classes in one career in a given term. |
PLAN_EFFDT | DATE | For new academic plans, the date when the academic plan first became active. For subsequent actions, the effective date is when changes from the previous version became effective. Dates of 01/01/1900 indicate migration from the legacy system to PeopleSoft. Dates of 05/14/2017 indicate changes made during the academic structure review process. Effective dates are limited to first day of the relevant fall, spring, or summer term. |
PLAN_DESCR | Varchar2(30 Char) | The officially approved description of the academic plan. |
PLAN_SHORT_DESCR | Varchar2(10 Char) | The officially approved short description of the academic plan. |
PLAN_TRANSCRIPT_DESCR | VARCHAR2 (100 Char) | The official description of the academic plan as it appears on the student’s transcript. |
PLAN_TYPE | VARCHAR2 (3 Char) | A code indicating the type of academic plan, related to to the degree or credential awarded to students who complete it. CAP = Capstone CRT = Certificate MAJ = Major MIN = Minor (Graduate School or Education) TCH = Educator Certification NON = Non-degree HON = Honors SP = Specialization PRP = Pre College Program |
PLAN_ACAD_PROGRAM | VARCHAR2 (5 Char) | One or more academic plans that share characteristics within a school/college/division. Academic program code controls administrative functions such as min credits, max credits, tuition rates, academic standing, grading schemes, full-time/part-time standing, financial aid primacy number. All plans other than graduate minors have an academic program code. |
PLAN_DEGREE | VARCHAR2 (8 Char) | A code corresponding to the name of the credential that is awared upon completion of the plan. See DEGREE_TBL for list of values and descriptions. |
PLAN_CIP_CODE | Varchar2(13 Char) | A six-digit code assigned to plans using the federal Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) taxonomy. The code assignment is coordinated during the governance process. Codes are in the XX.YYZZ format where XX denotes the broadest disciplinary area (i.e. Biological Sciences), YY indicates a diciplinary area within the XX (i.e. Botany) and ZZ indicates a specialty within the XX.YY area (i.e. Plant Pathology). |
PLAN_FIELDOFSTUDY | VARCHAR2 (10 Char) | The UW-Madison broad disciplinary division to which each plan with a type of MAJ, MIN, CAP, CERT has been assigned for analytic purposes by APIR. Values are: BIO = Biological Sciences HUM = Arts and Humanities PHY = Physical Sciences SOC = Social Sciences Assignments are based on divisional assignment of the majority of faculty in the department (academic organization) that serves as the academic owner of the plan. |
PLAN_LAST_ADMIT_TERM | VARCHAR2 (4 Char) | For plans that have had a governance action to suspend or discontinue, this is the last term a student may be newly declared in the plan. |
PLAN_STATE | VARCHAR2 (1 Char) | The status of active plans that are not open to new declarations. S = Suspended. For plans that have a UAPC-approved formal action to suspend admission. No new students are allowed to declare but currently enrolled students are allowed to continue in the plan. A subsequent proposal will required to be submitted to the UAPC for the plan to be discontinued (a D action) or for the S state to be removed so that new students will be allowed to enroll. SD = Suspended and Discontinued. For plans that have formal UAPC-approved action suspending admission and also discontinuing the program at a future date. D = Plans that have a formal action approved to be discontinued at a future date; a plan may carry both future or current dated S row and a future dated D row. When the effective date of the D entry is reached, the plan will be checked to confirm no students remain enrolled, and the plan status will be changed from A (active) to I (inactive), and the plan state will be cleared of any values. |
PLAN_GROUP | VARCHAR2 (10 Char) | Characters 5,6, and 7 of the plan. Useful for analytic purposes and grouping plans together. |
PLAN_SCHOOLCOLLEGE | VARCHAR2 (3 Char) | A three character code for the school/college with governance responsibility for the plan. Uses the same codes as the ACAD_GROUP_TBL |
PLAN_AWARD_CATEGORY | VARCHAR2 (2 Char) | An easily sortable numeric indicator of the level and type of award granted to a student who completes a given plan code. Values are: 10 – Bachelors 30 – Masters 35 – Specialist 40 – Research Doctorate 50 – Clinical Doctorate 60 – Other Doctorate 70 – Undergraduate Certificate 80 – Capstone Certificate 90 – Graduate/professional certificate. |
PLAN_ENROLLMENT_CATEGORY | VARCHAR2 (3 Char) | An easily sortable numeric indicator of the level, career, and program of enrollment for students enrolled in the plan code useful for analytic and reporting purposes. Values are: 100 – Undergraduate 300 – Master’s 310 – Master’s of Public Health 320 – Master’s of Physician Assistant Studies 350 – Specialist 400 – Research Doctorate 510 – Law 520 – Medicine 530 – Pharmacy 540 – Veterinary Medicine 550 – Other Clinical Doctorate 600 – Undergraduate certificate 700 – Certificate for Non-Degree-seeking students 710 – Other Special Student (Non-certificate) 800 – Capstone Certificate 900 – Graduate Certificate |
PLAN_DISTANCE_PROGRAM | VARCHAR2 (1 Char) | An indicator of whether the plan or any of its subplans is approved for distance delivery as defined by the Higher Learning Commission where 50% or more of the required courses may be taken as distance-delivered courses where the vast majority of instruction and interaction occurs via electronic communication where instructors and students are physically separated from each other. P = entire plan is a distance education plan O = one or more of the subplans associated with this plan are approved for distance delivery |
PLAN_SPECIAL_PLAN_TYPE | VARCHAR2 (10 Char) | For administrative use to track specific types of plans and options for budget/fiscal considerations. Valid Values: NPP = Non-pooled, entire plan NPO = Plan has one or more options that are non-pooled tuition |
PLAN_EI_PROGRAM | VARCHAR2 (1 Char) | An indicator, assigned between 2011 and 2017, of whether the plan or any of its subplans is considered to meet the goals of Educational Innovation initiative. P = entire plan is considered part of the Educational Innovation initiative O = one or more of the subplans associated with this plan is considered part of the Educational Innovation initiative |
PLAN_NONTRAD_PROGRAM | VARCHAR2 (1 Char) | An indicator of whether the plan or any of its subplans meets the institutional criteria for consideration as a non-traditional program, including having an applied, practice-oriented curriculum that is self-contained with a clear pathway with few electives or options; being offered in a modality that allows non-traditional audiences to attend (evening, weekend, distance, intensive, or some combination thereof); having a market demand and learning goals that are oriented to market considerations. P = entire plan is considered a non-traditional plan O = one or more of the subplans associated with this plan meet the criteria for consideration as non-traditional |
PLAN_STEM_INDICATOR | VARCHAR2 (1 Char) | Plan codes with a value of Y in this field are institutionally defined as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) for analytic purposes. Plan codes that are not considered STEM have a null value in this field. The STEM assignment is made when the curriculum is focused on math, statistics, physical science, biological science, natural science, technology, and/or engineering principles. In almost all cases, the CIP code associated with plans that have a value of 1 will be in the following areas: 01, 03, 11, 14, 15, 26, 27, and 40. Assigned by APIR. |
PLAN_STEMOPT_INDICATOR | VARCHAR2 (1 Char) | Plan codes of type MAJ are assigned a Y if they meet the US Department of Homeland Security criteria of STEM for the purposes of the Optional Practical Training Program. |
PLAN_HEALTH_INDICATOR | VARCHAR2 (1 Char) | Indicates whether the plan is institutionally defined as a Health program for analytic purposes in that its focus is on preparing students for work or research in health-related fields. In almost all cases, the CIP code associated with these plans will be in CIP Area 51. Y = Plan is considered a health program. Assigned by APIR |
PLAN_GRADUATE_SCHOOL_INDICATOR | VARCHAR2 (1 Char) | An indicator used for analytic and operational purposes showing whether the Graduate School has governance responsibility for the plan. Y = Graduate School has governance responsibility |
PLAN_GRS_GROUP | VARCHAR2 (25 Char) | A code assigned by The Graduate School to plans (Plan Type=MAJ) under its purview to indicate with which Graduate Research Scholars group the plan is associated. The Graduate Research Scholar (GRS) communities augment the standard curriculum with academic, social and professional development programming. BUS = Business Graduate Research Scholars EDGRS = School of Education Graduate Research Scholars EnviroGRS = Environmental Graduate Research Scholars GERS = Graduate Engineering Research Scholars L&SCGRS = Letters & Sciences Community of Graduate Research Scholars NursingGRS =Nursing Graduate Research Scholars SCIMED = Science and Medicine Graduate Research Scholars Program SOHEGRS = School of Human Ecology Graduate Research Scholars |
PLAN_NONADMIT_INDICATOR | VARCHAR2 (1 Char) | An indicator of master’s degree plans (MA or MS only) that do not directly admit students and are used for awarding of masters degrees to students admitted to research doctorate plans who complete significant requirements but will not complete the intended doctorate requirements. Y = Non admitting masters level plan Null = Master’s degree plan that does admit directly OR the field is not relevant to the plan type and level |
PLAN_MINOR_REQUIRED_INDICATOR | VARCHAR2 (1 Char) | An indicator that a PhD granting plan requires a minor. Y = PhD minor is required Null = PhD plan does not require a minor OR that the field is not relevant based on plan type and level |
PLAN_CDR_CERT_LEVEL | VARCHAR2 (3 Char) | The level of the certificate as reported to UW System Administration through the CDR. 1 = certificates < 1 year or 30 semester credit hours 6 = post bachelors certificate 8 = post master’s certificate |
PLAN_FIRST_TERM_VALID | VARCHAR2 (4 Char) | The first term the plan code can be assigned to applicants or matriculated students. |
PLAN_NSC_LEVEL | VARCHAR2 (1 Char) | The code under which each plan is reported to the National Student Clearinghouse. This code is only populated for plan codes when plan type = CAP, CERT and for plans of type MAJ if the plan leads to a degree. Values include: B = Bachelors D =Doctoral G = Unspecified L = Prof M = Masters T = Post bacc cert. |
PLAN_PROG_LENGTH | NUMBER (6,3) | The length of time that it is expected a student will take to complete the program, expressed in years. This field is primarily used in the processing of financial aid. |
PLAN_OWNER | VARCHAR2 (10 Char) | The SIS code of the department that owns the plan code. |
PLAN_OWNER_UDDS | VARCHAR2 (10 Char) | The budgetary code (UDD or UD) representing the academic owner of the plan. |
PLAN_OWNER_DESCR | VARCHAR2 (30 Char) | The officially approved description of the owner of the plan. |
PLAN_OWNER_FORMAL_DESCR | VARCHAR2 (50 Char) | An abbreviated name for the owner of the plan used in data systems where space is limited. |
ETL_UPDATE_DT | DATE | The date the record in the warehouse was last updated. |