APIR is pleased to offer a series of webinars, curated based on the needs of the campus community, ranging from the how-tos of program review to data resources for departments to the credit hour policy. Webinars will be presented via WebEx and will be available live and on-demand. Registration is required.
Upcoming Live Webinars
There are not any additional webinars scheduled for the Fall 2021 term. Check back in January for Spring 2022 offerings.
Past Webinars
Course Grade Analytics, Grade Distributions, and Grade Gaps
This webinar is designed for faculty and staff who need course outcome data for program review, student learning assessment, enrollment planning, and curricular design. We will provide an overview of resources available to assess student course outcomes, including course grade distributions and D/F/Drop rates for undergraduate courses with key demographic comparisons for evaluation of equity and inclusion efforts. These resources can support student learning and success by identifying potential problem areas for further focus and attention.
Presentation Slides >>
Watch Now >> (Password: Hnh5qRSV) (8 December 2021)
Scholar Profiles and Research Insight
Learn about Research at UW-Madison, a public searchable website that highlights the achievements of UW-Madison scholars. We will provide an overview of this website, provide additional tools for the UW-Madison community, and demonstrate how scholars can make edits to their profiles. This set of tools increases visibility of UW-Madison’s research enterprise and can help foster research collaborations. A recording is not available for this session.
Post-Graduation and Employment Outcomes: Resources and Recent Findings
Where are your alumni? In what types of jobs are they working? What skills do they possess? Questions around alumni outcomes are frequent, and being able to answer these questions for stakeholders is necessary. This webinar will guide you through the resources available around alumni outcomes and when to use each resource to answer the questions you may get about alumni outcomes.
Presentation Slides >>
Watch Now >> (Password: AtUYw2dJ) (27 October 2021)
Program Review: A Workshop for Departments and Programs
This webinar is designed for faculty and staff in departments and programs who have responsibilities for program review and student learning assessment. It includes the context for program review, program review guidelines and resources, and importantly the institutional data and reports that are available to inform program review. Information on the elements of assessment and annual assessment reporting will also be presented, with an emphasis on how these assessment reports can and should be incorporated into the program review self-study.
Presentation Slides >>
Watch Now >> (Password: nEE5YcQF) (29 September 2021)
Data Resources for Graduate Outcomes and Alumni
Where are our graduates? This webinar introduces you to tools that can be used by schools/colleges, departments, and programs to track alumni outcomes, along with examples of how you can use these tools to summarize graduate outcomes for your unit. Demos are provided for tools such as Steppingblocks, a source of alumni placement and location data, as well as the First Destination Survey, a survey given to undergraduates as they graduate from UW-Madison.
Presentation Slides >>
Watch Now >> (2 December 2020)
Watch Now >> (15 December 2020)
Note on Recordings: The content presented during the December 2 and 15 webinars is identical. The questions throughout and at the end vary slightly.
Program Review and Assessment: A Workshop for Departments and Programs
This webinar is designed for faculty and staff in departments and programs who have responsibilities for program review and student learning assessment. It includes the context for program review and assessment, program review guidelines and resources, the elements of assessment and annual assessment reporting, and importantly the institutional data and reports that are available to inform both program review and student learning assessment.
Presentation Slides >>
Watch Now >> (8 December 2020)
Course Outcome Metrics and Student Success
Every course has learning outcomes that formally state what students are expected to learn in the course, but what resources exist to help faculty evaluate student success? This webinar highlights existing course metric data, including completion rates, grading patterns, grade gaps, D/F/Drop rates, and more. It also helps faculty consider how these metrics can inform course revisions to enhance student learning and success.
Presentation Slides >>
Watch Now >> (20 January 2021)
Supporting Timely Progress to Degree in Undergraduate Programs
Understanding and improving student progress and degree completion is more important than ever. This session takes a data- and analysis-focused approach to improving timely degree completion in undergraduate programs. We feature analytical and data resources that support program and curriculum delivery, such as trends in enrollment and degrees, common courses, grade and D/F/Drop rate analysis, and data on alumni outcomes. We introduce concepts related to the student path through the curriculum (i.e., curricular analytics), including the longest path, number of long paths, bottleneck courses, pinch-point courses, the role of requisites, and overall curricular complexity. We discuss hidden or unintended “speed bumps,” such as complex admissions requirements, time of declaration, and enrollment holds. And finally, we discuss ways to “smooth the path,” such as credit-by-exam and the use of Guide content.
Presentation Slides>>
Watch Now>> (24 February 2021)
What is a Credit?
We all know that courses carry credit, but the details and policies behind that course credit unit are a mystery to many. In this webinar, we detail the university’s credit hour policy and its relation to the federal credit hour definition. Additional focus is placed on providing guidance for the application of the credit hour policy to courses, both in-person and online, the concept of “credit-is-credit”, types of credit, and counting credit methods.
Presentation Slides >>
Watch Now >> (17 March 2021)