Course Analysis

DAPIR, in addition to the Office of the Registrar, provides official analyses and reports related to instruction and the curriculum. Variables include credits and student credit hours, sections, and courses as they relate to course subjects, departments, faculty and instructors, enrollments, and student characteristics.

Enrollment by Course

100 courses with the largest enrollments: 2023-24, 2022-23, 2021-22, 2020-21, 2019-20, 2018-19, 2017-18, 2016-17, 2015-16, 2014-15, 2013-14, 2012-13, 2011-12, 2010-11

Courses Completed by Bachelor’s Degree Recipients

This Tableau visualization provides information about the UW-Madison courses completed by bachelor’s degree recipients in the last five years and the percentage of graduates who completed each course.

screenshot of Courses Completed by Bachelor's Degree Recipients Tableau visualization; Table of percentage of graduates completing courses, by academic year

Faculty Educational Workload Analysis and Related Data

UW-Madison’s Faculty Educational Workload Policy states that on a campus-wide basis, workload is expected to average two group classroom instruction sections and two individual instruction sections each semester for each full-time equivalent instructional position. DAPIR annually calculates these averages, and reports data on credit hours and undergraduate course section size, in the Data Digest:

  • Average Course Sections per Instructor: pages 53-54
  • Average Student Credit Hours per Instructor: page 55
  • Average Undergraduate Section Size (Enrollment): page 104

Course Demographics Profile

This Tableau visualization shows common demographic variables of interest to instructors.

screenshot of the Course Demographics Profile Tableau visualization

Instructional Activity, by Department

Additional reports that describe instructional activity by department are under development. These reports will include faculty counts, enrollments, and other dimensions of analysis.

See also the Department Planning Profiles.