Department Planning Profiles Retrofit Project

The DPP data warehouse structures and dashboards are being updated to use the new academic structure data built in InfoAccess in 2019. This will impact the identification of academic units as well as the dimensional data models related to academic degrees, enrollments, and credits. Prior to the implementation of the new academic structure information in InfoAccess, Academic Planning and Institutional Research (APIR) maintained tables manually.

The Department Planning Profiles (DPP) is a by-department tabulation of more than 300 department-level metrics including faculty and staff data, enrollments, credits, degrees, research, budget, and expenditures.

The academic structure is a representation of academic actions approved through governance. Having a single, codified source for information about the academic structure:

  • Makes it clear how schools and colleges are related to departments, how departments are related to academic plans and subplans, and how departments are related to curricular subjects
  • Defines how elements of the academic structure are related to budgetary units
  • Enables the electronic connection between data systems that consume the academic structure and saves the time and resources needed to maintain separate systems
  • Ensures consistency in reporting about the academic structure by maintaining a single source of attributes of departments, plans, subplans, and curricular subjects

This scope of this project includes only the elimination of the need for manual maintenance. There will be a complete redesign of the DPP as part of the UW–Madison Data Warehouse Cloud Migration project.

Read the DPP project charter here.