Facilities Data Domain

Data Domain Scope and Subdomains

The Facilities data domain comprises of subdomains, whose criteria for inclusion of institutional data are defined as follows:

Space Management and Real Estate Sub-domain

Institutional data created or stored by UW-Madison students, faculty, staff, or contracted service providers as a result of space allocation, analysis of usage data to promote optimal usage of campus spaces, managing real estate and lease transactions, and supporting multimedia classroom technology conducted by any means, including (but not limited to) through the use of information technology systems.

Transportation Sub-domain

Transportation subdomain includes institutional data created or stored as a result of managing the coordination and administration of all parking and transportation-related services for the campus community, including parking permits, lot operations and enforcement, fleet services, transportation planning, and the development of multimodal transportation options.

Data Trustee

Data Trustees are university officials with authority over institutional data, as designated by Data Governance Council. Data trustees are accountable for managing, protecting, and ensuring the integrity and usefulness of institutional data and for upholding UW-Madison policies, UW System policies, state laws, and federal laws applicable to the institutional data.

The Data Trustee for the Facilities data domain, as assigned by Data Governance Council, is the Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Planning & Management.

Institutional Data Stewards

Institutional data stewards, who are assigned by and accountable to Data Trustees, help define, implement, and enforce data management policies and procedures within their specific data domain. Institutional data stewards have delegated responsibility for all aspects of how data is acquired, used, stored, and protected throughout its entire lifecycle from acquisition through disposition.

The Institutional Data Steward(s) for the Facilities data subdomains, as assigned by the Data Trustee, are

  • Space Management and Real Estate: Jesse Winters, Space Management Office
  • Transportation: Gabe Mendez, Transportation Services

Major Data Systems

UW System Administrative Procedure 1031.A requires Institutional Data Stewards to identify and classify the major systems where data from their data domain resides. The name and classification of the major systems where Facilities data resides are:

Major System Classification Sub-Domain
INSITE Internal Space Management and Real Estate
T2 Flex Sensitive Transportation

Data Classification Rationale

UW System Administrative Policy 1031 and UW-Madison policy UW-504 require that data be classified according to its risk. Within the Facilities data domain, the classification rationale is:

Space Management and Real Estate Sub-domain

Classification Classification Rationale Example(s)
Restricted Not applicable None
Sensitive Not applicable None
Internal All Space Management and Real Estate data are classified as Internal  Facility-, floor-, and space-level data including facility and room square footage, organizational assignments, space use, and function
Public Not Applicable None


Transportation Sub-Domain

Classification Classification Rationale Example(s)
Restricted Not applicable None
Sensitive Not applicable Identifiable customer information
Internal All Transportation Services data are classified as Internal Non-identifiable or aggregate customer, vehicle, permits, facility, citation, appeals data as well as visitor, permit and financial transaction data.
Public Not applicable None