Faculty Compensation

DAPIR is UW-Madison’s resource for faculty salary and compensation information. The office:

  • produces reports (see below) that include faculty salaries by department (scatterplots and related data) and faculty salary peer comparisons at the institutional and department levels
  • consults with senior university leaders, including the provost, chancellor, vice chancellor for finance and administration, faculty governance groups, the chief human resources officer, the vice provost for faculty and staff affairs, and others, to contextualize data
  • performs analyses to inform decision making and to support policy development and policy review.

Faculty Salaries at UW-Madison

DAPIR provides faculty salary information to UW-Madison departments to assist in salary setting.  Analyses are also conducted to support discussions among campus leaders and governance groups associated with policy development or review.

Faculty Salary Peer Comparisons

  • 2023-24 Comparison of Average Faculty Salaries at UW-Madison and Peer Universities – These comparisons are based on the Association of American University Professors (AAUP) annual Faculty Compensation Survey. The attached tables provide 2023-24 average salary figures and percentage increases in average salaries for UW-Madison and the universities in our official faculty salary peer group.
  • 2023-24 Average Faculty Salaries at Peer Universities, by Department is confidential and only available for limited use by deans, department chairs, and their designees. 2024-25 data will be available in the summer of 2025. Contact dapir@provost.wisc.edu for more information.

Faculty Pay Equity

Starting in the early 1990’s UW-Madison established policies related to equity in relation to faculty salaries, first as it related to gender and more recently for all individuals. Visit the Office of the Provost web site for information about current policies and activities related to faculty salary equity, and other salary initiatives.

An analysis of Faculty Pay was completed in Spring 2021: Faculty Pay Analysis 2021

For historical context see also, 1997 Study of Gender Equity in Faculty Salaries and Report on the 2000-01 Faculty Gender Pay Equity Exercise at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.