Grades and Grading Patterns

Grade Distribution Reports

There are several sources of grade distribution reports available:

A Tableau workbook shows course and section grade distributions over the last five academic years. This workbook combines crosslisted sections and displays courses under each of its subjects.

The Office of the Registrar compiles two reports with information on grades and grading patterns:

  • undergraduate grade-point average reports contain grade-point averages by gender, school/college, academic level, and academic program within the school/college
  • course grade-distribution reports contain final grades given in each course and section and contain department, college, and university totals

Undergraduate Course D/F/Drop Reports

Course grades of D, F, or drop (after the add/drop deadline) represent an unsuccessful course outcome. DAPIR provides tabulations of D/F/Drop rates by course to help departments understand undergraduate course outcomes and identify bottlenecks to degree progression. An interactive Tableau visualization of undergraduate course D/F/Drop rates over time, by several demographic characteristics, and compared to other departments, is available here:

screenshot of Tableau visualization of undergraduate course D/F/Drop rates over time