- This view contains comment data from the budget tape that is generated nightly. It contains only new year (or future year) data.
The Budget data views have been modified for the HRS implementation that went into production in April of this year. The budget data was converted in May. Views that use the following fields from the budget system were modified:
– The ‘BUDGET_ID’ is no longer the appointment ID. Instead it consists of the last 6 digits of the empl ID and the last 2 digits of the Employee record number associated with the job. If a person has more than one concurrent job that is budgeted, they will have more than one budget ID in the budget system. Most people who have one active job at a time will just have one active emplyeee record and that is typically record 00.
– The empl ID is the same as the legacy person ID for any employee who was active in both legacy IADS and HRS.
– The ‘BACKUP_APPT_ID’ field has been re-purposed to hold the HRS position number and is now called ‘POSITION_NUMBER’. A job can be associated with one position at any given time, however over time, a job could be associated with several different positions as they accept other jobs throughout their university career. There are also some jobs that may not be associated with any position (student help, LTEs)
– Starting in fiscal year 2012, the social security number is no longer stored in the budget system database. - LOAD FREQUENCY
- The view will be refreshed nightly during the budget cycle. Once the budget is ‘locked’ the data will not be refreshed until the next budget cycle.
- UW-System Budget Planning Office
Contact: Sara Voigts - AUTHORIZATION
- You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to the InfoAccess Home Page
CONSIDERATIONS - The information in this view is for active appointment records only. There is one record for each budget split, therefore there may be more than one record per budget ID.
There are two types of comments: Position and Unit. Position comments DO NOT have a UDDS associated with them. A Unit comment will have a Udds associated. The comments types are described in the documentation.
- Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357) - LAST UPDATED
- 06/20/96 – New view
08/11 HRS changes c4j - DATA FORMATS
- The codes following the field names in this document define the field. The different types are:
- Alphanumeric Data
- A – Alphanumeric field. This indicates the field may contain letters and/or numbers. The number following is the field length.
Example: a field defined as A5 could contain ‘E10LN’. - Numeric Data
- PS – Packed-Signed field. This indicates the field may contain only numbers. The number following is the field length. If two digits with a decimal point in between are present the first indicates the number of positions before the decimal point and the second the number of digits after the decimal point.
Example: a field defined as PS4.2 would be in the format 9999.99 whereas PS6 would be in the format 999999. - Date
- DATE – Date can be in various formats. Date functions available with your query tool can be used to format the date.
Column Name | Format | Description |
BUDGET_ID | A11 | The budget ID is the identification number for the record.
For filled positions, this field is 8 digits. For fiscal years 1994-2011, this field contains the legacy appointment_id. Starting with fiscal year 2012, this field contains the empl ID(last 6 digits) followed by the 2 digit Empl Record associated with this person’s job. For vacant position, group position, negative position, lump sum, and deduction record, this field contains a dummy ID number assigned by the budget office. Budget ID (pos 1) Record Type & Description For other than filled positions, the budget ID must begin with alphabetic codes enumerated above and the last eight positions must be unsigned numeric and less than ‘99999999’. If it is a group position, staff-type must = ‘A'(group positions only valid for academic staff). If it is a header record, the first five characters of the budget ID are low values followed by ‘UHL1’. If it is a trailer record, the first five characters of the budget ID are high values followed by ‘UTL1’. |
PERSON_ID | A8 | A assigned to each person. The number is always the same for the same person.unique number |
SOURCE | The next available number will be stored in an online database. A subr outine will be used to: 1) obtain the next available numberwhen one is needed and, 2) update the next available number by adding one to it.
EDIT: Validate against the APPTPRSN table |
SOC_SEC_NUMBER | A9 | This is the social security number assigned to a person by the social security administration. This field contains data for budget years 1996 through 2011. |
UDDS | A7 | Seven character code identifying the organizational unit in which the split is budgeted. The code consists of the following: Campus (unit) Division Dept Sub-DeptThe campus codes are as follows: A = Madison K = Stevens Point B = Milwaukee L = Stout C = Eau Claire M = Superior D = Green Bay N = Whitewater E = La Crosse R = Center System F = Oshkosh T = Extension G = Parkside W = System Administration H = Platteville Y = Systemwide J = River FallsValidity for relevant budget year is checked against UDDS name file (use ‘R140100A’ as entry point to ACUD1401) in pre-file maintenance transaction edit. |
UNIT | A1 | |
BUDGET_YEAR | A4 | This is a four digit year which represents the budget year of July through June. For example, the year for 1993-94 budget year would be 1994. |
NAME | A30 | For Group Positions, Vacant positions, Negative positions, Lump sums, and Deducts, the name field contains the following :record type Name Field
B *vacant position For Filled Positions: The name currently used by a person. For system display and reporting. If there is not enough room for the full name, enough information in the proper format must be provided to best identify the individual. The name is taken from the APPTPRSN table using the person ID in the budget record. The Peterson Payroll Processing center is responsible for monitoring names for employees paid through that center. WARF Processing Center provides information monthly to maintain the information for employees paid through that center. For system display and reporting. If there is not enough room for the full name, enough information in the proper format must be provided to best identify the individual. EDIT SUPPLIED NAME SYSTEM NAME The name will be truncated to 21 characters in programs where the entire 30-character name will not fit. SOURCE |
TITLE_CODE | A5 | Used to identify the official University System title for the position. The unclassified title code is composed of three parts: Function (also known as rank), prefix, and scope. Titles are used to describe the nature of the work performed.
TITLE_LITERAL | A21 | If filled, vacant, or group position, literal describing the position’s current year title. For lump sums and deducts, it contains a description of the lump sum or deduction. |
COMMENT_TYPE | A2 | Identifies the type of comments split. The valid codes are:
‘CP’ ‘Position’ comment. This type of comment relates to the entire position (all cross-references). It prints in “The Red Book” in each organizational unit in which the position appears. Only one ‘CP’ comment is allowed per position, but it may be a multi-lined comment. Note: Position comments (CP/CA/SPA) do not have UDDS attached |
COMMENT_TYPE_DESC | A25 | This field gives a description of the comment type. ‘CP’ = Position ‘CU’ = Unit ‘CV’ = Unit ‘CW’ = Unit ‘CT’ = Unit ‘CA’ = County Agent ‘SP’ = Special Professorship (position) |
COMMENT_DESCRIP | A39 | This field contains explanatory information relative to the positionor individual filling the position. The information may apply to the position as a whole or only to a particular organizational unit in which the position is budgeted.
The following statements assume that comment type and Id-Code have been verified. The comment may be one split or it may consist of several splits up to a maximum of 9. |
RECORD_TYPE | A1 | Indicates the type of position described in the record. The value is based on the first position of the budget id Valid values: “A” = filled individual position (budget id numeric) “B” = * Vacant Position (budget id ‘R’) “G” = * Group position (budget id ‘G’) “J” = * * * Less (right justified) negative position (budget id ‘J’) “L” = * Provision Amount for (Lump sum record) (budget id ‘L’) “M” = * * * Less (right justified) deduction Record (budget id ‘D’) |
STAFF_TYPE | A1 | Indicates the staff to which a position belongs. Valid Values “A” = Unclassified “C” = Classified |
APPT_TYPE | A2 | This identifies the major personnel category for this appointment. Each type is governed by specific statutes and/or personnel regulations, policies, or procedures. Appointment type can change from classified permanent to academic staff and vice versa. This is called a conversion. Valid values are: ‘FA’ = faculty ‘LI’ = limited appointee ‘AS’ = academic staff ‘ET’ = employees-in-training ‘SA’ = student assistants ‘CP’ = classified permanent ‘CL’ = classified LTE ‘CJ’ = classified project ‘SH’ = student help ‘OT’ = other |
COMMENT_LINE_NUM | A1 | The field contains a number from 0 – 9. This field is used to determine if the comment is part of a multiple line comment for a particular Appointment or Position. If number is greater than zero – than the first line is always 1 and the last line is always 9. Example a two line comment would consist of two comment records with the first line comment having a line number of 1and the second comment record having a line number of 9 |
LOADDATE | A8 | This field is used to indicate when the data was last refreshed. In the format YYYYMMDD |
EXTRACT_DATE_TIME | DATE | The date and time these data were extracted. Format : YYYYMMDD HH24:MI:SS |